“When first I settled in
the woods
There were no neighbours nigh,
And scarce a living thing save wolves,
And Molly dear, and I.
We had our troubles, ne’er a doubt,
In those wild woods alone;
But then, sir, I was bound to haw:
A homestead of my own.”
Alexander M'Lachlan.
THE latest change in
the boundaries of Wellington County, giving it its present size and
shape, occurred in 1883, but tht name of Wellington has been on the map
since 1838, when the district containing the present county of that name
and also Waterloo, Grey, and part of Dufferin County was set apart. At
that time Galt ana Fergus contested for the honour of being the county
seat, but it fell to Guelph, the story of which begins somewhat
unusually with a deliberated dramatic scene
This was imagined and
carried out by John Galt, the popular Scotch novelist, two of whose sons
won distinction in Canadian public life. Mr. Galt at this period of a
changeful and chequered career was acting as Commissioner of the Canada
Company. Early in 1827 lie visited the village on the Grand River,
called by his name, and on April 23—a dismal, wet St. George’s
Day—walked through the woods from Galt to the site of the future “Royal
City.” In a straight line the distance is about thirteen miles, but Galt
and his companion, Dr. Dunlop, lengthened it by losing their way. Men
were waiting for them at the appointed place, and on their arriving at
what was to be the centre, or "radiant point” of the new settlement,
Galt, with solemnity, struck the first blow on a great maple. The doctor
then produced a flask of whisky, and they “drank prosperity to the City
of Guelph"—a name chosen in compliment to the Royal Family, because Galt
“thought it auspicious in itself,” and because he “could not recollect
that it had ever been used in all the King’s Dominions.” In after years
the stump of the maple was nicely levelled, and upon it was placed a
sun-dial which served as the town clock. This historic landmark, near
the River Speed, was ultimately obliterated by the throwing up of the
embankment for the Grand Trunk Railway.
Of course the first
necessary business was to erect houses. Amongst these was a log building
of an unusually imposing character, costing between £1900 and £2000. It
not only served as a dwelling for the heads of the settlement, but one
wing was used as a tavern and post-office. It overlooked the river, and
in honour of Mr. Prior, one of' Galt’s friends and assistants, was
dubbed "The Priory".
That year the King’s
birthday fell on Sunday, but it was determined to celebrate it on the
following day, August 13, and hold a kind of formal “opening” of Guelph.
A frame market-house, 40 by 50 feet in dimensions, with open sides and a
flour 18 inches above the street, was hastily finished for the occasion,
and very early in the morning the traditional “whole ox” was set to
roast before a huge bonfire. Unhappily the six hours allowed for cooking
proved insufficient, and many of the five hundred guests at Guelph’s
first civic banquet found the meat too “rare” for their taste.
Fortunately, potatoes also had been cooked on a grand scale—in two
potash kettles—and there was no lack of bread or of hemlock tea, whilst
the supply of whisky was plentiful enough to be responsible fur a few
fights before the close of the day. A band from Toronto (“Little York”
then) discoursed sweet music, arid in the evening a grand ball was held
for the aristocrats at the Priory. A special feature of the day was the
laying of the foundation-stones of Guelph’s first stone buildings, a
bank and a schoolhouse. (By the way, the provision made by Galt for
education was one of the early attractions of the place to settlers.) In
their rejoicings the pioneers showed their usual ingenuity, having
prepared for the occasion a number of wooden cannon of hollowed-out
beech and maple logs. They were bound with hoops of iron, but this did
not prevent their adding to the excitement by bursting after the second
firing or so.
Roads are always a
pressing need of a newly-opened district, and Galt did his best to meet
it; but when the way led through swamps the task of road-making was as
unhealthy as it was difficult, and on one occasion the Commissioner was
shocked by the return of forty men, who were the “colour of mummies,”
from ague. He had tried to induce the company to engage a doctor, but as
they neglected to do so, was obliged to meet the difficulty by taking on
a surgeon as clerk and “making him compensation for his skill.”
In the Historical Atlas
of Wellington County are scattered various interesting notes on its
“first things" and events and of its representative personages. For
instance, the first physician—Welsh by name—who settled in Guelph
speedily earned by his eccentricities the title of “the mad doctor.” He
built himself a log house without a door, having an aperture six feet
from the ground, through which he climbed. Only two patients trusted
themselves to his tender mercies, and both died. The first death in the
settlement was that of a “beer peddler,” killed instantly by a tree
being blown across his wagon. A house and lot was promised for the first
baby born in Guelph, but the parents of little Letitia Brown, who was
born in October 1827, never claimed it for her. Guelph’s first baker
had, it is said, a sad experience when trying to bake in an oven of
limestone. The heat crumbled down the oven, and people helped themselves
to his loaves. The first horse in the district, while it was “the only
one within a radius of fourteen miles,” was so much in request that it
became "a wreck of skin and bones,” and was only saved from becoming an
absolute "martyr to civilisation” by the arrival of a team of horses.
In 1834 the first
political contest in Guelph resulted in the ruin of both candidates and
the election (from lack of a sufficient number of votes) of neither. One
of the rivals, Captain Poore, organised a company of loyal volunteers
during the rebellion. The other, a young Englishman, Roland Wingfield,
after acquiring in Puslinch Township an estate of 800 acres, which he
stocked with imported Durham cattle, Southdown sheep, and Berkshire
hogs, was forced by that luckless election to sell out. his successor,
John Howitt, continued to improve his Durham herd, and at the first
Provincial Exhibition, in 1845, his cattle took nearly all the prizes.
This was a good showing for the district, which,, some twenty years
later, through the establishment of what is now the Ontario Agricultural
College, was to become a centre of “light and leading” for Canadian
farmers. Much more recently the Macdonald Institute and the consolidated
schools near Guelph have begun to make their valuable contribution
towards the solution of some of the country problems, especially
touching women and children.
A decade before Guelph
was founded with flourish of trumpets, the neighbouring township of
Eramosa received its first settlers in the persons of three Irish
brothers, Ramsay by name. They are credited with raising the first crop
of potatoes, and the wife of one of them grew from pips the first
apple-tree ever grown in the county. That was in days when wolves were
alarmingly plentiful, and when the whole carcase of a deer was sometimes
bought for a dollar, to salt down. During the Rebellion, seven farmers
were arrested for having attended a meeting in an Eramosa schoolhouse to
discuss public affairs, but all were acquitted.
Guelph Township was
settled in part by Scots, who came to Canada after eighteen
disappointing months in Venezuela, and Peel Township, during the days of
“Abolitionist” activity, received many escaped slaves from the United
States. The neighbouring Township of West Luther was once a kind of
“dismal swamp.” It; was said that it had only one dry spot, and that “if
you ran thirty yards on that knoll and then took a long jump, you could
feel the whole township shake and quiver beneath you." But during the
early ’seventies a dry summer with repeated fires burned oft the mud and
greatly simplified the work of clearing.
The picturesque village
of Elora had, as its first pioneers, the Matthews family of father,
mother, and nine children, who, arriving on the spot as night was
falling, built a huge fire and lay down under a rude shelter of hemlock
bows. In the night a great snowstorm came on. Their cattle wandered off,
and the father, seeking them, lost his way, but was guided back by his
son’s shouts. In due time Matthews and his boys cleared a little patch
on which they grew grain. But in order to reach a market they had to
hollow out a huge pine, and in this “dug-out,” 30 feet long, they took
down sixteen bags of wheat to Galt and sold it to Absalom Shade, who
gave them 50 cents per bushel cash. They sold the “dug-out” also for
$2.50, and marched home cheerfully on foot. |