“In the country places,
Where the old plain men have rosy feces,
And the young, fair maidens Quiet eyes!”
Robert Louis Stevenson.
THIRTY years ago there
lingered about Woodstock, in Oxford County, traditions of English
gentlemen, “fine” and otherwise, who had “come out "with more or less
money, and had attempted to transplant into the wilderness—tracked here
and there with “blazed” paths - the luxurious habits and customs of
their class. They were remembered as “holding their heads high,”
thinking much of “family,” superciliously tolerant of “the lower
orders,” keeping numerous servants, making rash experiments in farming,
building roomy dwelling-places, devoting their time largely to sport and
amusement., spending freely on wine, horses, and imported luxuries.
Elderly ladies recalled with indulgent smiles the gay doings—the balls,
the sleighing parties — of their girlhood, when the Imperial garrison at
London furnished for a large area of country a supply of military
gallants always ready to take part in any accessible diversion.
Woodstock was in those days, it was said, “a very English place,” but
even thirty years ago these early glories were but a memory.
Scarlet-coated officers had long disappeared from the scene; the gay
butterflies of family and fashion had given place to more sober,
hard-working folks—in some instances, it was whispered with bated
breath, to the men and women who had tended their horses and cooked
their luxurious feasts. Some were ruined, some were dead; others, after
playing for a few years at pioneering, had returned to more congenial
surroundings, but meanwhile the rank and file of “less fortunate”
settlers had plodded on, year after year, clearing the bush, gathering
out the stones, making at once their own farms and the county, which is
to-day notable fur its prosperity and fur its quiet beauty of low,
rolling hills, well-cultivated fields, and gentle streams.
The county gained its
name of Oxford in 1798, when the old township of Oxford on the Thames,
with other municipalities formerly belonging to the then huge counties
of Norfolk and York, was formed into a new county and made part of
London district. The townships of Zorra and Nissouri were added in 1821,
and sixteen years later steps were taken tor the erection of a jail and
court-house at Woodstock, where the first court was held for the new
“District of Brock” in April, 1840. The survey of the first three
concessions of Blenheim Township was ordered in 1793 for the benefit of
an American, Watson, to whom Governor Simcoe, in reward for some
services rendered during the Revolutionary War, had promised a township.
This man’s nephew, Thomas Horner, built the first mill in the county,
bringing the material from Albany, New York State, in two small boats by
lakes and rivers and portages to Burlington Bay, from which he carried
them inland to Blenheim on ox-sleds. The mill was built and fitted up by
the end of 1795, but before a plank was sawn the dam burst and could not
be repaired, for lack of workmen, till 1797. This accomplished, Horner
claimed the township, but Simcoe had left the country, and the new
Governor refused to honour his promise. Worse still, in the troublous
times that succeeded doubts were cast upon Horner’s loyalty. Though
Deputy-Lieutenant of the county, General Brock would not trust him with
a command during the War of 1812. But, not to be deterred. from taking
part in the defence of the country, Horner. at his own expense, raised a
corps of seventy-live Indian warriors, and afterwards served in the
ranks as a volunteer.
When Oxford County
became entitled to a representative for itself in the Assembly, Horner
was its first member. He was also a Justice of the Peace, performing
many marriages, under the rule that a magistrate might officiate where
no Church of England clergyman liked within eighteen miles. A
brother-magistrate is said to have married between four and five hundred
A few years after
Horner’s death in 1834 Francis Hincks (afterwards knighted) represented
the county. Still later, George Brown, founder of “The Globe, sat for
Oxford.” Several early elections for the constituency were held at
“Martin’s Old Stand,” in the village of Beachville, whose importance has
been long outstripped by its younger rivals, Woodstock and Ingersoll.
The former, long
referred to ignominiously as the “Town Plot,” had indeed been marked out
for a town by Simcoe, but as late as 1836 it was represented by “a
paltry village”—or, rather, by “a few straggling houses at very unsocial
intervals.” Even at that date it had its (now) venerable brick Church of
St. Paul’s, one brick house among the wooden ones, a post-office, to
which came three mails a week, and a subscription library, but it had no
newspaper till 1840.
During the first half
of the nineteenth century the population of Oxford County increased very
rapidly, numbering over 32,500 by 1852. Of these nearly a third had been
born in “the old country.” At that time immigrants usually arrived in
Canada about August, a circumstance which must have added to the
hardships of the first year.
In the township of
Zorra there settled a notable colony of Scotch Highlanders. The pioneers
of this colony, Angus and William MaoKay, took up land in Zorra in 1820.
After nine years Angus, as is told by Rev, W. A. MacKay, in his Pioneer
Life in Zorra, went back to Scotland and brought out his aged mother and
a shipload of Sutherlanders, who had been heartlessly driven by their
landlords from their little holdings. Of course, much in their new life
was quite outside their former experience, and, judging from the number
of ghost stories told amongst them, the great woods must have had a
powerful effect on their lively Celtic imaginations. In the first spring
after their arrival, one party of immigrants was much alarmed one
morning by some weird, unaccustomed sounds. On this occasion, however,
they decided that the Indians, not ghosts, must be accountable for the
noise, and the men armed hastily, only to be informed by older settlers
that the disturbance was caused by nothing more dreadful than the
bull-frogs celebrating the breaking of their icy prison.
In clearing the woods
many accidents occurred through the inexperience of the choppers, and
some piteous stories could be told of women and children left alone in
the strange land to fight the battle of life. On the whole) however, the
Highlanders were of the type speedily to “ make good.” They were alike
sturdy and God-fearing, helpful to each other, ready to sacrifice much
for the education of their children, great readers of their Gaelic
Bible, regular attendants at the little log churches. Once a year people
used to gather from miles around for the great Communion in Zorra
Church—the best building in the township—and on that occasion every
householder in the neighbourhood showed that hospitality which caused
Burns to declare:
“In Heaven itself I’ll
ask no more
Than just a Highland welcome.”
Unhappily some amongst
those fine people found a terrible enemy in “the black bottle.” One
Scot, with grim irony, called his own whisky jug “Jeroboam,” because
that king “had made Israel to sin,” and at elections, weddings, and
funerals, at barn-raisings and logging bees “the black bottle” was
responsible for much that was unlovely and nut a little that was tragic
in the simple life of the times. Perhaps it had also something to do
with the ghost-seeing habit.
When a Highlander died
in Zorra his corpse lay for several days in state, his neighbours
keeping watch over it, and relieving the near relatives of the work of
house and farm. The coffin was home-made and darkened with lampblack and
white of egg. Covered by a “morte cloth” of black silk velvet, it was
borne to the grave on men’s shoulders. Later, as the roads improved,
lumber wagons were used, and the first spring wagon in a neighbourhood
did duty as a hearse far and wide. As late as 1830, however, there were
in the whole county only three carriages of the type described as
pleasure wagons.
In the thirties Oxford
County, as others, had its grievances concerning land grants and roads;
but during the Rebellion two hundred stalwart men presented themselves
at Embro to express their loyalty in a practical fashion by fighting the
rebels, if need were. As there were not guns enough to go round, the men
were put through their exercises with hop-poles. After a week there came
news of an intended attack on Woodstock so, armed with guns and clubs,
the Highlanders matched to the defence of the town, inspired by the
warlike strains of the pipes. It proved a false alarm. On their way home
some of the volunteers were so much alarmed by the cracking reports from
the trees that they fled helter-skelter; but apparently this little
lapse did not destroy the confidence of the neighbourhood in the valour
of its amateur soldiers, for during the “Fenian scare "an old Zorra lady
is reported to have said: “They may tak' Montreal, and they may tak’
Toronto, and they may tak’ Woodstock, but they’ll never tak’ Zorra." |