“Thence I ran my first
rough survey—
Plotted sites of future
cities, trac'd the easy grades between ’em;
Watched unharnessed rapids wasting fifty thousand head an hour;
Counted leagues of water-frontage through the axe-ripe woods that screen
Saw the plant to feed a people—up and waiting for the power!”
Rudyard Kipling.
THE day of the romance
of Northern Ontario is not yet over. It has, perhaps, taken on soberer
tints than of yore, but it has its heroes still in the guise of
Government surveyors, of rail way-builders or miners, of the
lire-fighters of the forest, or the modern pioneers of the settlement,
whose courage is put sometimes, and often, to strange and unexpected
tests. A recent writer, Mr. Talbot, speaking of the toils and dangers of
the “scouts” who make the first rough surveys for the construction of a
railway, declares that more is known about the land around the North
Pole than of the northern stretches of Ontario and Quebec, excepting
where some great river makes a highway into the back country.
To some men there is no
joy like the joy of the wilderness ; but here is another view of a land
where reigns “a silence and loneliness that bludgeons the senses into
inactivity.” "On every hand is the interminable forest, a verdant sea,
except where here and there jagged splashes of black and brown betoken
that the fire fiend has been busily at work.” And the forest covers
unseen dangers. Even a slight exploration of its recesses is 3 perilous
task, and often the line of march is crossed by pile on pile of jagged
rocks, fallen trees massed in inextricable confusion ; deep gulches,
always being cut deeper by the raging torrents at the bottom. The dotted
line of a “projected railway” across a map unmarked by towns or villages
dues not give a hint to most people of the wild work which must have
been accomplished by the surveyors before even that broken line could be
traced. Often three or four preliminary lines are gone over before the
best is discovered.
But the railway
"scouts” frequently discover more than a good route on which to lay the
iron road. It was due to railway enterprise—to the building of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, in fact—that the richest known nickel deposits
on the globe were discovered in the district of Sudbury, and the story
of the find and its utilisation Is an interesting illustration of the
close relations in our modern world between persons and events that till
the denouement of the drama often appear totally disconnected. All
unconsciously, a number of men, each occupied with his own special end
and aim, worked together during the 'eighties at the “making’’ of the
Sudbury mining field, which was described in 1918 by a mining expert in
the pages of The Canadian Magazine as the most productive and most
profitable metal-mining enterprise in the British Empire.
First, as stated above,
came the builders of the “C.P.R.,” cutting their way through the vast
metalliferous deposits, just within the bounds of Sudbury District. The
presence of copper in good quantity attracted attention. Then a group of
American capitalists took a hand in the matter, and in Ohio was formed
the Canadian Copper Company, a name which future events were to prove
scarcely appropriate. In 1886 work was begun at the Copper Cliff mine,
and the crude ore was shipped for treatment to New Jersey. There the
experts in the smelting works detected the presence of nickel in the
slag. In a short time a pound of nickel proved equal in value to two
pounds of copper, but the copper company at first had great difficulty
in separating the nickel "in pure metallic form from the associated
metal,” and “also in the expansion of the market for its valuable
Meanwhile a scientist,
Dr. Ludwig Mond, unaware of the existence of the deposits at Sudbury,
“was working at his carbon monoxide method of separating copper and
nickel." Later he formed a company and acquired properties in the new
mining district, where he made a practical and commercially successful
application of his method to the ores of the Victoria mines, twenty-two
miles west of Sudbury.
It was in the year 1889
that Dr. Mond made the discovery, but there was no great demand for
nickel until (in that same year) “an historic paper was read by Mr.
James Riley before the English Iron and Steel Institute, and drew the
attention of the world to this wonderful alloy.” Soon it was being used
in the manufacture of armour-plate for the world’s navies, of heavy
ordnance, of bic3'cles, and of many other kinds of machinery. So the
annual value of Sudbury's nickel output climbed up far into the millions
(representing sixty per cent, of the world’s product of this metal),
whilst at the mining centres huge heaps of debris and tall smokestacks—
pouring forth thick clouds of ill-smelling gases and vapours from the
tremendous cauldrons, kept ever on the boil by the modern wizards of
invention and commerce—have for many a mile scarred and changed the face
of the green wilderness.
As is well known, the
actual building of the railways is done largely by foreigners of many
nationalities— Russians, Austrians, Poles, Galicians, and others. There
are thousands of these men, “most of them living in little shacks, and
doing the work by contract. As a matter of fact,” says a member of “The
Shanty Men’s Mission," “the contractors will tell you that without the
aid of these men it would be almost impossible to build railways; they
will do work that no Canadian or English speaking man would put his hand
to. In the muskeg you can see them standing in water half-way up to
their knees, shovelling the dirt into wheelbarrows to grade the road,
and doing this work at a price that often docs not bring them in Si a
day and board.”
Often they live under
most deplorable conditions. For instance, the cellars of a number of
houses near the “C.P.R.” station in Sudbury "are fitted up with two
tiers of bunks, into which the men are packed, regardless of health
considerations. The owners of these houses are themselves foreigners,
and are getting wealthy at the expense of their less fortunate
Many of these sturdy
fellows would make excellent settlers on the bush farms, and some have
taken up such farms; but they ate sorely handicapped by their little
knowledge of English, and not a few ultimately return to their native
There are still a few
Indians in the district of Sudbury, and once a year, at the Hudson’s Bay
Company’s station of Flying Post, and at Fort Metagami, a sum of $4 is
paid as "treaty money” for each member of each Ojibway family—man,
woman, or child.
The Indian agent goes
to these wilderness posts in state with “a weather-beaten Union Jack,
symbol of British might and good will,” flying from a spruce pole set up
in the bow of his canoe; and his arrival “is the big event of the year”
to the dwellers at the post, so no wonder that it is greeted with much
firing of guns and other demonstrations of delight. |