It is what is called a
storefront church in a poor neighbourhood around the Riverdale and
Leslieville areas of Toronto. It has a maximum seating capacity of only
40 so will give you an idea of the size.
Here Dame Rev. Nola
Crewe is
developing a community of local people and the food bank is an essential
part of the services the church provides.

And here is Nola with Bishop Yu
St Monica's is a unique
Anglican Church: a storefront, devoted to serving those whom our society
has disregarded and disenfranchised.
Here, all are welcome!
Here, we are committed to serve both the body and soul and the words of
Jesus Christ "what you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do
to me".
Here, a food bank meets the needs of hunger.
Here the advocacy group addresses the slum landlords and politicians who
ignore the human realities of deprivation.
Here the refugees find a home.
Here the mission of hospitality abounds: feeding, clothing, and housing.
Here, you are invited to join in the challenge of Christ . . . to love
your God, your neighbour and yourself.
Church service on
Sunday starts at 10.30 and so why not drop down one Sunday as you'd be most welcome.
Editors Note:
The landlord doubled the rent and the Bishop said, "No Way" and
eventually transferred us to the basement of St Johns (Norway), our
Mother church. We still worship at 670 Woodbine Avenue at 10:30 on
Sundays with a "Seeker Service" . . . . that is a casual service
designed for people who are not cradle Anglicans but who enjoys the
inclusiveness of the faith. All are welcome . . . and nothing I enjoy
more than a debate with those who did not agree with my sermon!
1324 Gerrard Street East, Toronto
M4L 1Z1 Tel: 416 466 3415
St Monica's is now located at: