As some of you may know
Billy was apprenticed in Glasgow and there learned to make furniture and
engrave glass and with those skills he came to Canada some 25 years ago
and now runs his shop and internet business from Kimberley. In fact
it is by chance that I got here just in time as in two weeks time he will
be closing the retail shop to concentrate on wholesale and internet sales
and so this will turn out to be a wee historical archive :-)

This is the outside of the shop with Billy and
Debbie at the door

And so you can see the inside of the shop
where all kinds of products are for sale and all can have clan crests,
logos and anything you want engraved or woven onto them

Billy suveying the dismantling of his shop and
a fellow trader calls in to see him. In fact Billy was also suffering a
nasty toothache this day and having to wait until tomorrow to see the
And while I was here the
19th of April came and I found it was Billy and Debbie's 20th wedding
aniversary so thought I'd take a couple of pictures to celebrate the

Billy and Deb on their 20th Wedding
Anniversary standing outside their home

Their son Donald and I went out and got them
some flowers and champagne to celebrate. And what's more Donald is
treating them to a dinner and night out at a restaurant of their choice in
We wish them both a very happy day and evening! :-)

And here is a picture of Billy in his famous
Oorwullie sweatshirt :-)

And just to confirm that Donald did indeed
take out his folks and by all accounts they had one of the best meals
they'd had in years and had a really great time. I was there to help them
drink the champagne when they got back and as you can see everyone was
enjoying themselves :-) And by the way this was me trying out the camera
timer option which is why we're all in the picture! To complete the night
we sat down with our champagne to watch the hour long video of Debbie and
Billy's wedding all those 20 years ago :-)

And here is Donald's graduation photograph
with his Mum and Dad, May 2004 |