Clan T-Shirts are very
popular so I thought I'd follow Debbie around to see how she does it

Here you can see Debbie setting up the sewing

On the wall you can see all the various
threads you can use and on the right we start making a Clan Wallace

On the left picture you can see the stitch
count on the LCD display and also the progress being made with the crest

Getting there.. we are now at 7000 stitch

We've now gone over 9,000

An error code on the LCD screen shows a thread
has broken so Debbie needs to re-thread that and then off we go again over
the 11,000 mark

And the sewing is now complete

But of course there is always a wee thread
sticking out somewhere so the job is finished by hand. Debbie also told me
that there is a very slight mark on the T-Shirt where it is held in the
holder so this is also removed by hand during this final process.

And the finished product ready to go into a
bag and be shipped of to the customer
Of course what you don't
see are the hours of work to create the authentic graphics and digitize
them into the computer to make all this happen. I'm told depending on how
complex the design is it can take from between 11,000 to 26,000 stiches to
complete a design.
And just to show what else
you can get up to how about this for a T-Shirt!
