As always things start with
the computer design process but here is is equally important that the
correct mix of glass paste is used for the engraving.

The paste is also special as Billy has played
around with different formulas so that he gets the very best results. He
does have many years of experience so he also knows how thickly this
should be applied to get the optimum results. The glass particles get
melted into the pewter plate to form the design.

Yet again the laser is checked and if you note
that wee bit of paper at the top of the plate then that is simply a check
to ensure the engraving is going to be vertical when it is hung by the
hook at the back of the plate. Billy did admit to making the odd mistake
but like all master craftsmen he simply puts in a procedure to ensure it
doesn't happen again.

The correct height and settings being complete
the laser process begins

Here you can see the completed design and then
its off to get washed
And here we have the completed plate ready to
be packed. |