University of Guelph Library
Fall Colloquium September 2016
I attended this event which
was celebrating 30 years of the Scottish Studies Foundation and the work
they have done to help establish a Chair of Scottish Studies at the
University of Guelph and the building of the library.
I took some pictures and
also took a video of two talks. I would have done more but my
memory card was full by the time I tried to video a final talk.
The event was well
At the forefront of this picture is David
Hunter, the current President of the Scottish Studies Foundation
And that's me sitting beside David Hunter in
the front row
And thanks to Doug Ross,
Board member of the Scottish Studies Foundation
for sending in some pictures
Graeme Morton, the first Chair of Scottish
Studies, who is now at Dundee University in Scotland.
And here are the videos...
Katie McCullough of
Simon Fraser University giving a talk about "Scottish Studies in Canada:
Notes from the Pacific Northwest" at the Guelph University Centre for
Scottish Studies Fall Colloquium on 17th September 2016. Volume is a
little challenging.
Professor Ted Cowan
(University of Glasgow) giving the Jill McKenzie memorial lecture:
"Caledonian Canada: Building the Foundation" at the University of Guelph
on 17th September 2016.
David Hunter and
Douglas Gibson This is where my Batteries ran out so just a wee snippet.
Of course I did have a
spare set of batteries so did a quick replacement but then sad to say I
also ended up with the message "memory card full" so the final
wee snippet of David Hunters talk.