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Correspondance of an Emigrant
Letter, February 20 1873

Dear Uncle,
I write these few lines to let you know that Mother has had rather poor health sice Father died. She has come to spend the winter in my house and she is going back again in the spring to look after her orchard. I got married last April and we have had an increase of a young daughter on the 25th February. You wanted to know if Father had said anything about money that he had borrowed from you. He did not say anything about it on his deathbed but he always intended to come over to see and pay you but mother could not think to part with him but now they are parted for a short time when they will meet again to part no more. Mother remembers getting the money and she will pay it, so you will receive a P.O. order payable in Paisley, Scotland, for £5. If you cannot call personally you will require to sign your name on the order. Give our kind love to Mr and Mrs Morton and cousin Elizabeth. Please accept the same yourself. No more at present but remains
Your loving Friends
Robert Good.

Please answer and let us know how you are getting along and if you have got the money all right.

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