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Correspondance of an Emigrant
Letter, August 30th 1875

Dear Uncle,
Father received your letter on the 27th August and was sorry to hear that you want not well but hope to hear that you are better before long and that you will be able to make your intended visi to the coast. He also hopes that his cousin Elizabeth will have her usual health and that Mrs Morton will soon relieved of her troublesome sore.

Grandmother, Aunt Agnes and her husband, Ddph Volcar, were at our place a few weeks ago. They were all very well then. We have not heard from them since.

Father saw mr Pearson the day before he left for Scotland and requested him to call and see you and tell you that I have another sister.

We threshed over 300 bushels of fall wheat last week and have oats, peas and spring wheat to thresh yet. Harvest is nearly through here now.

The Colorado potato bug in very bad here now. They have eaten the potatoes till there is hardly a green leaf left on them.

Uncle James was at our place about two months ago. He told us he had received the likenesses and Tannahill's poem and said he intended to write a letter directly to you.

We are all in good health. Please write and let us know how you are before long. When you address letters to us again just put simply

Mr John Good
Motherwell P.O.

because if you put Fullarton it will go to another post office.

Father, mother and the rest send their loving respects to you, Elizabeth and Mrs Morton and the family. We hope that James Morton will write and tell us his mother's occupation, his occupation, his sisters and brothers (if any) names, ages, etc. etc.

No more at present but remains

Your affectionate Nephew,

Wm. T. Good
Motherwell P.O.

Please let Mr Wm. Drummond know that father is glad to hear that he is well and hope he will write and let us know how he is, how many of a family his wife has got, how they are, etc. etc. If Mr Jas. Morton would be so kind as to call upon Mr Jas. Nimmia Church Officer of the West Relief Church because Mrs Nimmia is mother's cousin and tell them that grandfather and grandmother (Taylor) have written several letters to them and received no answer and that when they do write to send Mr James Binlin's address.

Their Address:  Mr Wm Taylo, Sr., St. Mary's P.O., Ont

Mr John Good
Motherwell P.O.

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