There is a substancial
collection of newspapers held at the library including old copies of
Scottish newspapers and the Scottish American Journal. Here is a wee list of
just some of their holdings...
The Scottish Canadian
Aberdeen Censor
No. 1-13, 1825
Aberdeen Journal
1747 - 1876
Dumfries and Galloway
Standard and Advertiser
1777 - 1880 (incomplete holdings). Titles vary - Dumfries Weekly Journal;
Dumfries Courier; Dumfries Times; Dumfries Standard
Caledonian Magazine and
July - Dec 1822 (title varies) - Dundee Magazine and Caledonian Review
Dundee Courier & Argus
#2825 Aug. 30, 1862
Caledonian Mercury
1745 - 1746 (title varies) - Edinburgh Courant; Edinburgh Evening Courant
Caledonian Mercury
1722 - 1799
Edinburgh Advertiser
1768 - 1769; 1789 - 1814; June 6, 1843; Dec 7, 1847; Oct 17, 1848; Nov 1,
Edinburgh Chronicle
1759 - 1760
Edinburgh Courant
#1, Feb. 14-19, 1705
Edinburgh Evening Courant
1745 - 1746 (title varies) - Caledonian Mercury; Edinburgh Courant
Edinburgh Gazette
#6455, Jan 5, 1855
Edinburgh Literary Gazette
No. 34-62, 1823 - 1824
Edinburgh Literary Journal or
weekly register of criticism and belles lettres
1829 - 1832
Edinburgh Weekly Journal
North British Advertiser
Dec 15, 1843, Jan 27, 1844
North Briton
Feb 3, 1830 - May 18, 1830
North Briton
V.1, 1763
New North Briton
May 26, 1830 - Dec. 4, 1830
Scots Courant
May 23 - May 25, 1715
The Scotsman
1817 - 1822, Jan 12, 1889
The Scotsman
1838 - 1848, 1850 - 1851, 1853 - 1854
Weekly Magazine or Edinburgh
1768 - 1778
The Bailie
1874 - 1880 (incomplete)
Chartist Circular
1839 - 1842
Glasgow Argus
1833 - 1847
Glasgow Courant
June 25 - Dec 31, 1759
Glasgow Herald
May 5 - 14, 1926, 1783 - 1812, 1830 - 1889
Glasgow Mercury
1779 - 1782, 1785 - 1788
The Mace
A weekly record of the Glasgow Parliamentary Debating Association, 1879 -
The Protestant
Weekly paper on principle points of controversy between the Church of Rome
and the Reformed, 1818 - 1822 (vol 2), 1823 (4 vols)
The Radical Reformers Gazette
1832 - 1833 (No. 5, Dec 15, 1832; No. 10-13, Jan - Feb, 1833
July 1881 - Jan 1882
Pittenweem Register
1850 - 1854
And here are some

Quite a few of the old collections are bound in

I also got a scan of one
complete copy of the Scottish American so you can read it here...

This next paper is very rare -
The North Briton - and here is an issue for you to read but I should mention
that these paper are protected by being encased in laminate so it wasn't
easy to get a really good scan.
