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Canadian Curmudgeon
Megan & Prince Harry

So Megan wants her voice to get the freedom to use her voice to protest against any and all things and people she dislikes. That is a role for the second tier Suits actress: not for a member of “the Firm”. The firm understands that in a xx monarchy, the royal family stays out of the political fray and supports the policies of the government of the day. Charities and causes are scrutinized and all members of the family have faced criticism for their interests . . . whether it was Charles with his xx farming or Anne with her horses.

Megan auditioned for roles for years . . . and when you get the part you play it: not some other role that you wanted to play. Or you don’t take the part. You don’t audition for the maid and then expect to descent the grand staircase decked out by Cartier.

But when Megan met Prince Harry she decided she could change the rules. Auditioning for the part of a support player: support to the Prince, to the Crown, to the nation . . . she decided she liked the pay and the perks . . . lavish lifestyle, grand residences, your picture on the front pages, adoring fans and a work load of her choosing. She could be a stay-at-home Mum or gad about the globe with endless banquets and photo-ops with good causes, heads of state and the occasional celeb.

Hers was the little girls’ dream come true: being found by the handsome prince and the glass slipper fitting and living happily ever after in his castle.

So it all came together.

But Megan didn’t want the support role. She wanted to be the star. She wanted the casting director to give her the role she deemed deserved. The freedom to do as she pleased, say what she wanted and treat the Queen as an interfering in-law.

Doing good the royal way was boring so she left behind damp old England with its protocols and what can and cannot be done and, dragging behind Harry, she returned to the freedom of California with its adoration of the rebel.

Pity Harry didn’t take the time to let her do the rehearsals and learn the role . . . before deciding to welcome the viper into the nest. Megan did for Harry what she did with her own family. Reject them and cut them off: although Harry’s family did get to go to her wedding.

How shameful second-rate that Harry chose to abandon a lifetime of training and public service to play the supporting role to her ego.

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