Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1914-1919
By Ralph Hodder-Williams, formerly Lieutenant, P.P.C.L.I. with a
foreword by The Lady Patricia Ramsay, Colonel-In-Chief of the
Regiment and an Introduction by Lieutenant-Colonel A. Hamilton Gault,
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel, P.P.C.L.I. in two volumes (1923)
Princess Patricia's
Canadian Light Infantry Regiment Returns to Canada] (1919)
On March 19, 1919, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light
Infantry (PPCLI) detrain in Ottawa after 4 years 6 months and 16
days of service overseas in the First World War. The film opens with
a wreath honouring the dead and a portrait of Princess Patricia. The
troop ship Carmania, loaded with the PPCLI, docks. Colonel Hamilton
Gault watches his men disembark. The troops then board trains for
Ottawa. The Mayor of Ottawa and other city officials welcome the
regiment at the train station. The men then leave the station and
parade through the downtown streets. The Governor General (the Duke
of Devonshire) reviews them and gives a speech which is cheered by
the troops. He then meets the regiment's officers. The men parade
through the streets again as thousands cheer. The PPCLI's Black
Watch and Machine Guns are seen observing Remembrance Day at the
Toronto Cenotaph. Captain Sidney Lambert of the PPCLI officiates.
Always A Patricia,
Nov 13 1989
Documentary about the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
Regiment. Following a week of solemn Remembrance Day retrospectives,
Always a Patricia is a timely celebration of comradery and
tradition." -The Calgary Herald.
Princess Patricia's
Canadian Light Infantry 100th Anniversary Celebration 2014
The record of
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry is a record of great and
heroic deeds. The first Canadian unit to take the field in the Great
War, the Regiment holds a place second to none in the annals of the
armies which came from every part of our Empire to fight for the
common cause. In this history of the Regiment we are privileged to
follow the fortunes of the brave men who enlisted in its ranks.
The story has brought out the magnificent spirit of devoted service
and self - sacrifice which has justly won for it so great a name.
One of the traditions of the Regiment, a tradition in keeping with
the noblest ideals in our history, and a tradition, moreover, which
was preserved by all ranks throughout the War, was the effacement of
the individual in securing the advancement of the unit. All those
who read the following pages will feel that they owe a debt of
gratitude to Lieutenant Hodder-Williams for the masterly manner in
which he has told the tale of those who, by their service, brought
honour to themselves and lasting glory to the memory of the
I, who have the honour to be the Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment,
find it impossible to think impersonally of its men and of its
glorious dead. I trust, therefore, that I may be forgiven if I take
this opportunity of paying a just tribute to their heroism.
It is impossible to discriminate between man and man—whether it be
Colonel Hamilton Gault, who had so much to do with the raising of
the Regiment which he afterwards led, those other gallant Commanding
Officers, Colonel Farquhar, Colonel Buller, Colonel Pelly, Colonel
Adamson and Colonel Stewart, or the last and youngest recruit. The
individual deeds of bravery were many, the individual devotion to
duty was unanimous, and, alas, the individual sacrifices were very
great indeed.
I am sure that it will be with the deepest emotion that all readers,
whether people of Canada or people of the Mother Country, will study
this record of imperishable deeds. And the book will have served a
noble purpose if it brings—as I hope and trust that it will
bring—comfort and pride to those 1 whose nearest and dearest fell
fighting in the ranks , of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light
On the
demobilization of the Service Battalion of Princess Patricia’s
Canadian Light Infantry the need of some permanent and official
record was felt by a large number of its personnel. To this end Mr.
Ralph Hodder-Williams, M.C., M.A., an ex officer of the Regiment,
and until lately Associate Professor of History at the University of
Toronto, most kindly consented, at the writer’s request, to devote
his services, and for the past three years has been engaged in his
spare time upon the compilation of all available military data
bearing upon the life of the Battalion during the European War of
1914-1918, and in the writing of the regimental history of the
The difficulties of preparing the narrative of a unit engaged
throughout the late War only become apparent when the historian is
confronted with the mass of material which he must examine before
his task can be embarked upon. Battalion records alone are
insufficient to provide the student with more than a superficial
glimpse of his subject, and it becomes necessary to collate Brigade,
Division, Corps, and even Army orders and reports, before the
relative importance of the unit in operations can be gauged.
Sometimes these reports, written in the heat of an action and
emanating from the various sections of the battlefield involved, are
inevitably contradictory, and so upon the historian is imposed the
added responsibility of disentangling the truth from a maze of
conflicting data and the personal recollections of those who were
engaged. Where reminiscence and documentary evidence clash, it is
nearly always necessary to jettison the former, since, while
frequently invaluable, it is, as all soldiers know, apt at times to
throw the picture as a whole out of focus.
Through the courtesy and kindness of the Historical Sections of the
War Office and the Department of National Defence at Ottawa, Mr.
Hodder-Williams has had access to all the orders and records dealing
with the operations in which the Battalion was engaged, both while
brigaded in the 27th Division B.E.F. (1914-1915) and in the 3rd
Canadian Division C.E.F. (1915-1919). To these departments I desire
to convey the Regiment’s grateful appreciation for all the help and
encouragement so generously extended to its historian, and in
particular I should like to take this opportunity of thanking
Major-General J. H. MacBrien, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Chief of Staff,
Department of National Defence, Canada, for kindly permitting Mr.
Hodder-Williams to seek information and assistance from the
departments under his control.
To Colonel A. Fortescue Duguid, D.S.O., with his staff at the
Historical Section at Ottawa, and to Colonel J. S. Brown, C.M.G.,
D.S.O., Major J. B. Cochrane, and the staff of the Military Surveys
Branch at Ottawa we are especially indebted; to the former for the
meticulous care with which he has reviewed the manuscript, as well
as for his practical suggestions and help on occasions too numerous
to mention ; to the latter, for producing and printing the maps
which illustrate the operations described in the succeeding pages.
The originals of these maps were specially prepared for Mr. Hodder-Williams
under the expert supervision of his friend Mr. Alan Coventry of the
University of Toronto, and should be carefully studied by the reader
in connection with each operation as it is reviewed, in order that
the sequence of events described may be the more clearly understood.
Mr. Coventry’s work has been literally “a labour of love,” and I
cannot say too much in grateful appreciation of the service he has
rendered towards the publication of this book.
In preparing the records of individual service, Mr. Hodder-Williams
has been able to check and supplement the information contained in
the nominal rolls of the Regiment from lists specially made by the
Records Office of the Department of National Defence, Ottawa. When
it is realized that the staff of the Records Office gathered this
information from among thousands of individual dockets before the
automatic Hollerith system for searching them was completed, it will
readily be understood how great is our obligation to their labours.
To Colonel F. L. Armstrong, O.B.E., Director of Records, and his
staff, I wish to offer sincere thanks, not only for this, but for
much valuable information relating to Battalion records with which
the Regiment has been supplied in years gone by.
Our deep gratitude is due to Mr. W. H. Blake of Toronto for his
valued suggestions and literary criticisms, by which the author has
been greatly aided in the successive stages of his work. Mr. Blake
was closely connected with the Service Battalion by family ties, and
so it is perhaps not strange that he should have taken so generous
and active an interest in the writing of its history.
I also wish to express my grateful thanks to the publishers, Messrs.
Hodder & Stoughton, who in undertaking the publication of this work
have declined to accept any share in profits which may accrue, in
order to benefit the Regimental Fund. Their interest, like that of
Mr. Blake, is not entirely impersonal, and no words can adequately
describe my sense of sincere appreciation of their generosity and
kindness in this respect.
Throughout the work Mr. Hodder-Williams’ aim has been to give an
impersonal, balanced, and authentic account of the story of Princess
Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry from the day of its formation in
August 1914, to the day of the demobilization of the Service
Battalion in March 1919. Each section of the narrative has been
submitted to, and approved by, the senior surviving officer of the
period under review, and it is believed that no important statement
of fact is without its corroborative evidence in official records.
In it he has endeavoured to tell the tale of the joys and sorrows,
the successes and trials of but one battalion of His Majesty’s
Forces, purposely leaving to other historians the right and
privilege of chronicling the magnificent feats of arms of their own
Regiments. In this Introduction, however, I cannot refrain from
mentioning the names of the sister battalions with which the
Patricias were brigaded in the early days of the war, and from which
the Regiment first learned the Army precepts of self - sacrifice,
true comradeship, and team play. These were the King’s Royal Rifle
Corps (3rd and 4th Battalions), the Rifle Brigade (4th Battalion),
and the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry (2nd Battalion), as a
brigade soon to be referred to by the Commander-in-Chief, Sir John
French, as “ The Stonewall Brigade,” after its defence of the Ypres
Salient in May 1915. Could men have had finer examples or better
friends than these with whom to enter the melting-pot of war ?
Later, when the time came for army reorganization, similarly strong
ties were formed between the Patricias and the Royal Canadian
Regiment, the 42nd Battalion Royal Highlanders of Canada and the
49th Battalion from Edmonton in the brigade subsequently to be known
in the Canadian Corps as the “ Fighting Seventh.” Nothing could have
been more magnificent than the spirit of loyalty and comradeship
which united together the battalions of these two brigades, and
these bonds, forged and proven in the fire of battle, cannot rightly
be overestimated by those entrusted with the organization of
fighting troops.
It is needless to speak in detail of a battalion’s debt to other
arms of the service, but to the Divisional and Corps Artillery,
British and Canadian, which supported these infantry brigades, ever
ready to defend the line by protective barrage or to prepare and
make possible an offensive, I should like to offer my Regiment’s
special tribute. Not always has the true importance of artillery
been understood by that branch of the service called “ cannon fodder
” by the great Napoleon, but from the first a sympathetic
understanding existed and gradually ripened into that close liaison
between infantryman and gunner which so completely demoralized the
enemy as the campaign wore on.
This Introduction would be incomplete without mention of those who,
in the early days of August 1914, contributed towards the
organization of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.
To the late Lieut.-General Sir Sam Hughes, K.C.B., my thanks are in
particular due, for it was he who as Minister of Militia and Defence
accepted and endorsed with enthusiasm the proposals which were to
culminate in the formation of a fighting unit for immediate service
To Major-General Sir Eugene Fiset, C.M.G., D.S.O. (Deputy Minister
of the Department of Militia and Defence), to Lieut.-General Sir
Willoughby Gwatkin, K.C.M.G., C.B. (Chief of the General Staff), the
late Major-General D. A. MacDonald, C.M.G., I.S.O.
(Quartermaster-General), and the late Colonel J. F. MacDonald
(Director of Ordnance) is due a deep debt of gratitude for their
distinguished and untiring services in equipping and despatching an
infantry unit at full strength in the surprisingly short space of
fourteen days, as well as to the many gentlemen throughout Canada
who voluntarily acted as recruiting officers in those early days and
arranged for the transportation of the first drafts to Ottawa.
The kind and sympathetic assistance of many personal friends cannot
be overlooked in these pages, and I should particularly like to
thank Sir Vincent Meredith, Baronet, President of the Bank of
Montreal, for the encouragement and aid which were given at a time
when all the world was beginning to think of war, and to record the
kindness of those gentlemen who, prior to the embarkation of the
Battalion for overseas, insisted upon giving their horses as
officers’ chargers to the Patricias.
Less than a year later, when the heavy toll of casualties was being
felt and the shortage of reinforcements was causing grave concern to
the senior officers of the Regiment, the new drafts raised by the
Universities of Canada, and known as the “ University Companies,”
began to come through, and were for more than a year the chief
source of reinforcement to the Patricias. The personnel of these
drafts was magnificent, and I take this opportunity of expressing
the Regiment’s gratitude to all those gentlemen throughout the
Universities of Canada who were responsible for the movement which
so largely maintained the Battalion during a very trying and
difficult period of its existence. While several of these gentlemen
became officers of the Regiment, there are many others whose very
names I unfortunately do not know; but I should like particularly to
recall those of Majors A. S. Eve and C. M. McKergow, both of McGill
University, whose untiring efforts had so much to do with the
successful raising of the earlier of these six companies.
From the outset of the campaign all ranks of the Patricias became
indebted to “The Women of Canada ” for many kindnesses and welcome
gifts, which brought material comfort from across the seas into the
front-line trenches; and, on behalf of the Regiment, Lady Evelyn
Farquhar and other ladies devotedly organized and maintained local
societies which largely contributed to the welfare of the
Battalion’s personnel. To all whose generosity and sympathy helped
to alleviate the lot of the fighting troops “ somewhere in France,”
it is my privilege here to express most grateful thanks on behalf of
every officer and enlisted man of the Regiment.
To my friend Mr. Hodder-Williams, who has so kindly undertaken the
work of writing this history at my request, is my final
acknowledgement due, and I shall always be deeply grateful to him
for making possible the idea of presenting the Regimental Record of
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry to my old comrades and
friends, as well as to the public at large.
In conclusion, I would speak of the Regiment’s pride in having
bestowed upon it the signal honour of bearing the name and carrying
the Colour of H.R.H. Princess Patricia of Connaught to the
battlefields of Europe.
Many will realize the inspiration which this meant to men who were
about to face the ordeal of fire in their country’s cause ; but few
will understand how great an incentive this became to the formation
of regimental esprit, and to all that goes to create the soul of the
fighting machine. Yet this gage was not all that was given to the
Regiment, for throughout the war this gracious lady was ever at hand
with encouragement and sympathy for all who were in need. Many there
are who will cherish the memory of her kindness in hospital and
home, and will proudly recall, as long as they live, the intimate
ties which came to bind all ranks of the Regiment to her whose name
it bears. To H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught and to the Lady Patricia
Ramsay, Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment, is the loyalty of all who
had the honour of serving with her Colour ever respectfully
These volumes are published with a threefold purpose. It is thought
that they may prove of interest to the student of military history
as a guide to some problems of infantry tactics in modern warfare ;
it is believed that they will serve as a memorial of comradeship in
the field for survivors of the Service Battalion; but most
especially is it hoped that the story of the Regiment in which so
many gallant comrades laid down their lives at the call of country
may be a source of consolation to the proudly sorrowing hearts of
their relatives and friends, and that the memory of the great deeds
in which the Regiment played its part will point the way to duty for
countless generations of Canadians yet unborn.
For nearly four years in the forefront of the battle, Princess
Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, from oldest veteran to latest
joined recruit, never faltered, never wavered; each officer and man
steadfast in his purpose, ever ready to sacrifice himself for his
Regiment’s need. Such was the undying spirit of our fallen comrades
living on in the hearts of those who came to fill the ranks ; and
such is the Regiment’s proud tradition, left as an imperishable
heritage to Canada.
The Lady Patricia
Ramsay has honoured me by accepting the dedication of this book and
by writing in a Foreword to it a moving tribute to the memory of all
who served with her Colour. My old comrades will readily appreciate
how high a value I place upon our Colonel-in-Chief’s approval of
this history of her Regiment.
My wife has given me the constant help and encouragement without
which I could never have completed such a task, undertaken out of
regular hours. Mr. W. H. Blake, placing his great critical gifts
whole-heartedly at my service, has devoted many hours of labour to
the correction of my manuscript, to its very great profit. One old
friend and colleague, Mr. Alan Coventry, has given me invaluable
assistance by superintending the preparation of maps, while another,
Mr. Ralph Flenley, has made many suggestions which have been
incorporated in the narrative. My secretary, Miss Apha I. Hodgins,
has verified my references with minute care and has spent many weeks
at the arduous routine of checking the data collected in the
Appendix dealing with individual services.
I have frequently appealed, on specific points, to members of the
Service Battalion, P.P.C.L.I. Limitations of space permit me to name
but two : Colonel Agar Adamson has passed on to me his immense store
of papers and reminiscence, with the generosity that all who served
under him know so well; Major Ten Broeke has read and corrected many
parts of the narrative upon which no man living can speak with quite
the same authority. In thanking these two, I desire to thank all; I
have not made one request that has not brought a quick and helpful
reply. I must also acknowledge for my own part the ready assistance,
to which Colonel Gault has already referred, given to me by the
authorities in several departments of the Ministry of National
Defence at Ottawa, and by their staffs. Particularly great is my
sense of obligation toward Colonel A. Fortescue Duguid, Chief of the
Historical Section, for advice and constructive criticism at all
times, and especially during the final revision. To all these
helpers, and to any others whom I have unwittingly failed to
mention, I wish to express my gratitude. Almost all suggestions, I
think, have been accepted; but since final decisions have been
placed unreservedly in my hands, I must of course assume undivided
responsibility for every mistake either of omission or commission.
I owe the greatest debt of all to Colonel Gault. My pride and
delight at being invited by him to prepare this record were tempered
by some slight foreknowledge of the difficulties of the task; and as
a condition of undertaking it I stipulated for his advice and help
at every stage of my progress. Generously indeed has he interpreted
a promise the implications of which neither of us could see in 1920.
His enthusiasm and his countless practical expressions of sympathy
have sustained me throughout the journey ; and I wish my last word
to be one of deep appreciation of all that his example has meant to
the Regiment and to its historian.
The Escape of a Princess
Being the full account of the capture and fifteen months
imprisonment of Corporal Edwards, of the Princess Patricia s
Canadian Light Infantry, and his final escape from Germany into
Holland by George Pearson (1918) (pdf)