Review in Lansdowne
Park—Princess Patricia presents the Colours—South African veterans and
reservists—Princess Patricias in the trenches—St. Eloi—Major Hamilton
Gault —A dangerous reconnaissance—Attack on a sap—A German
onslaught—Lessons from the enemy—A march to battle—Voormezeele—Death of
Colonel Farquhar— Polygone Wood—Regiment’s work admired—A move towards
Ypres—Heavily shelled—A new line—Arrival of Major Gault—Regiment sadly
reduced—Gas shells—A German rush—Major Gault wounded—Lieut. Niven in
command—A critical position—Corporal Dover’s heroism —A terrible
day—Shortage of small arms ammunition— Germans’ third attack—Enemy
repulsed—Regiment reduced to 150 rifles—Relieved—A service for the
dead—In bivouac—A trench line at Armenti&res—Regiment at full strength
again—Moved to the south—Back in billets—Princess Patricias instruct new
troops—Rejoin Canadians—A glorious record.
“Fair lord, whose name I
know not—noble it is,
I well believe, the noblest—will you wear
My favour at this tourney?”
On Sunday, August 23rd,
1914, on a grey and gloomy day, immense numbers of people assembled in
Lansdowne Park, in the City of Ottawa, to attend divine service with the
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, and to witness the
presentation to the Battalion of the Colours which she had worked with
her own hand. The Regiment, composed very largely of South African
Veterans and Reservists, paraded with bands and pipers, and then formed
three sides of a square in front of the grand stand. Between the
Regiment and the stand were the Duchess of Connaught, Princess Patricia,
and their Ladies-in-Waiting. The Princess Patricia, on presenting the
Colours to Colonel Farquhar, the Commanding Officer of the Regiment,
said: “I have great pleasure in presenting you with these Colours which
I have worked myself; I hope they will be associated with what I believe
will be a distinguished corps; I shall follow the fortunes of you all
with the deepest interest, and I heartily wish every man good luck and a
safe return."
Not even the good
wishes of this beautiful and gracious Princess have availed to safeguard
the lives of the splendid Battalion which carried her Colours to the
battlefields of Flanders; but every member of the Battalion resolved, as
simply and as finely as the knights of mediaeval days, that he would
justify the belief in its future so proudly expressed by the lady whose
name he was honoured to bear.
It is now intended to
give some account of the fortunes of the Battalion since the day, which
seems so long ago, when with all the pride and circumstance of military
display, it received the regimental colours amid the cheers of the
citizens of Ottawa.
The Princess Patricias,
containing a far larger proportion of experienced soldiers than any
other unit in the Canadian Division, was not called upon to endure so
long a period of preparation as the rest of the Canadian Expeditionary
Force; and at the close of the year 1914 they sailed from England at a
moment when reinforcements were greatly needed in France, to strengthen
the 8oth Brigade of the 27th Division, and to take their part in a line
thinly held and very fiercely assailed. For the months of January and
February the Regiment took its turn in the trenches, learning the hard
lessons of the unpitying winter war. A considerable length of trenches
in front of the village of St. Eloi was committed to its charge. Its
machine-guns were planted upon a mound which rose abruptly from the
centre of the trenches.
The early days were
uneventful and the casualties not more than normal, although some very
valuable officers were lost. On February 28th, 1915, the Germans
completed a sap, from which the Battalion became constantly subject to
annoyance, danger, and loss. It was therefore determined by the
Battalion Commander to dispose of the menace. Major Hamilton Gault and
Lieut. Colquhoun carried out by night a dangerous reconnaissance of the
German position, and returned with much information. Lieut. Colquhoun
went out a second time, alone, to supplement it, but never returned. He
is to-day a prisoner of war in Germany.
The attack was
organised under Lieut. Crabbe; the bomb-throwers were commanded by
Lieut. Papineau. The last-named officer, a very brave soldier, is a
lineal descendant of the rebel of 1837. He is himself loyal to his
family traditions except when dangers and wars menace the Empire. At
such moments, in spite of himself, his hand flies to the sword. The
snipers were under Corporal Ross. Troops were organised in support with
shovels ready to demolish the parapet of the enemy trench.
The ground to be
traversed was short enough, for the sappers’ nearest point was only
fifteen yards from the Canadian trench. The attacking party rushed this
space and threw themselves into the sap. Corporal Ross, who was first in
the race, was killed immediately. Lieut. Crabbe then led the detachment
down the trench while Lieut. Papineau ran down the outside of the
parapet throwing bombs into the trench. Lieut. Crabbe made his way
through the trench, followed by his men, until his progress was arrested
by a barrier which the Germans had constructed.
In the meantime, troops
had occupied the rear face of the sap to guard against a counter-attack.
A platoon under Sergeant-Major Lloyd, who was killed, attacked and
demolished the enemy parapet for a considerable distance. The trench was
occupied long enough to complete the work of demolishing the parapet.
With dawn, orders were given for the attackers to withdraw, and as the
grey morning light began to break, they made their way to their own
trenches, with a difficult task well and successfully performed. Major
Gault was wounded in the course of the engagement, in which all ranks
behaved with dash and gallantry, although the men had been for six weeks
employed in trench warfare under the most depressing conditions of cold
and damp.
On March ist the enemy
made a vigorous attack on the Princess Patricias with bombs and shell
fire. Between the ist and the 6th, a fierce contest was continually
waged for the site of the sap which the Battalion had destroyed.
Sometimes the Princess Patricias defended it; sometimes the British
battalions, with whom they were brigaded and whose staunch and faithful
comrades they had become.
On March 6th, carrying
out a carefully concerted plan, our men withdrew from the trench lines,
which were still only twenty or thirty yards from the German trenches;
and our artillery, making very successful practice, obliterated the sap
and the trench which the enemy had used for the purpose of creating it.
The enemy were blown out of the forward trenches, and fragments of dead
Germans were thrown into the air, in some cases as high as sixty feet.
The bombardment was carried out with high explosive shells.
The Canadian soldier is
always adaptable, and the Battalion learned, when they captured the sap
on February 28th, that the German trenches were five feet deep with
parapets two feet high, and yet that every day they were pumped and kept
dry. This knowledge resulted in a considerable improvement in the
trenches occupied by the Regiment. The experience was welcome, for the
men had been standing in water all through the winter months and the
Regiment had suffered much from frostbite.
On March 13th, while
the Princess Patricias were in billets, the Germans, perhaps in reply to
our offensive at Neuve Chapelle, made a vigorous attack in overwhelming
numbers upon the trenches and mound at St. Eloi. The attack, which was
preceded by a heavy artillery bombardment, was successful, and it became
necessary to attempt by a counterattack to arrest any further
The Battalion was
billeted in Westoutre, where, at 5.30 on March 14th, peremptory orders
were received to prepare for departure. At 7 p.m. the march was begun.
At Zevecoten the Princess Patricias met a battalion of the King’s Royal
Rifle Corps, and marched to Dickebush. At 9.30 it reached the cross
roads of Kruistraathoek. Here a short halt was made, after which the
Battalion reached Voormezeele, where it was drawn up on the roadside.
While it was in this position reports were brought in that the Germans
were advancing in large numbers towards the eastern end of Voormezeele.
The Battalion Commander, therefore, as a precaution against surprise,
detailed Number 4 Company of the Battalion to occupy the position on the
east. Soon after 2 a.m. orders were received to co-operate with a
battalion of the Rifle Brigade in an attack on the St. Eloi mound, which
had been lost early in the day. The zone of the operations of the
Battalion was to the east of the Voormezeele-Warneton road.
The following rough
diagram may make the position clear:—
The actual situation in
the front line was still obscure. It was known that the mound and
certain trenches to the west of it, were in German hands. It was also
known that towards the east we had lost certain trenches known to our
Intelligence Staff as P and A. It was uncertain whether the trench T was
still held by our troops. It was decided, in a matter in which certainty
was unattainable, to proceed towards a farm building which was an easily
recognised objective. This course at least promised information, for if
trench T had fallen it was certain that the Battalion would at once be
heavily attacked. If it was still intact the Battalion would, it was
hoped, cover the commencement of an assault along the German line
against trenches A and P and the mound, successively.
The alternative was to
advance southwards with the Battalion right on the Ypres-St. Eloi road.
The adoption of this plan would have meant slow progress through the
enclosures round St. Eloi, and the subsequent attack would have been
exposed to heavy flanking fire from trenches A and P.
The progress of the
Battalion was necessarily slow; the street in Voormezeele was full of
stragglers. Touch was difficult to maintain across country without
constant short halts. It was necessary always to advance with a screen
of scouts thrown out.
It was ascertained in
St. Eloi that trench A had been.retaken by British troops. This
knowledge modified the plan provisionally adopted. The Battalion altered
its objective from the farm building to a breastwork 200 yards to the
west of it. This point was reached about twenty minutes before daylight,
and an attack was immediately organised by Number 2 Company against
trench P, approaching it from the back of trench A. The attack was made
in three parties.
The advance was made
with coolness and resolution, but the attackers were met by heavy
machine-gun fire from the mound. No soldiers in the world could have
forced their way through, for the fire swept everything before it. It
was clear that no hope of a surprise existed, and to have spent another
company upon reinforcement would have been a useless and bloody
sacrifice. Three platoons were, therefore, detailed to hold the right of
the breastwork in immediate proximity to the mound, and the rest of the
Battalion was withdrawn to Voormezeele, reaching Dickebush about 8 a.m.
[Commenting on the Princess Patricias at St. Eloi, in Nelson’s “History
of the War,” Mr. John Buchan says:—“Princess Patricia’s Regiment was the
first of the overseas troops to be engaged in an action of first-rate
importance, and their deeds were a pride to the whole Empire—a pride to
be infinitely heightened by the glorious record of the Canadian Division
in the desperate battles of April. This Regiment five days later
suffered an irreparable loss in the death of its Commanding Officer,
Col, Francis Farquhar, kindest of friends, most whimsical and delightful
of comrades, and bravest of men.”]
The forces engaged
behaved with great steadiness throughout a trying and unsuccessful
night, and at daylight withdrew over open ground without Voormezeele,
reaching Dickebush about 8 a.m.
On March 20th the
Battalion sustained a severe loss in the death, by a stray bullet, of
its Commanding Officer, Colonel Farquhar. He had been Military Secretary
to the Duke of Connaught. This distinguished officer had done more for
the Battalion than it would be possible in a short chapter to record.
The Regiment, in fact, was his creation.
A strict
disciplinarian, he was nevertheless deeply beloved in an army not always
patient of discipline tactlessly asserted; he was always cheerful,
always unruffled, and always resourceful. Lieut.-Colonel H. C. Buller
succeeded him in command of the Regiment.
After the death of
Lieut.-Colonel Farquhar, the Battalion again retired to rest, and it has
not since returned to the scene of its earliest experience in trench
warfare. On April 9th it took up a line on the Polygone Wood, in the
Ypres salient, and there did its round of duty with the customary relief
in billets. By this time the men were becoming familiar with their
surroundings, and gave play to their native ingenuity. Near the trenches
they built log huts from trees in the woods, and it was a common thing
for French, Belgian, and British officers to visit the camp to admire
the work of the Regiment. Breastworks were built also behind the
trenches under cover of the woods, and the trenches themselves were
greatly improved.
The Battalion presently
moved into billets in the neighbourhood of Ypres, and on April 20th,
during the heavy bombardment of that unhappy town which preceded the
immortal stand of the Canadian Division, it was ordered to leave
billets, and on the evening of that day moved once again to the
From April 21st and
through the following days of the second battle of Ypres the Regiment
remained in trenches some distance south and west of the trenches
occupied by the Canadian Division. They were constantly shelled with
varying intensity, and all through those critical days waited, with
evergrowing impatience, for the order that never came to take part in
the battle to the north, where their kinsmen were undergoing so cruel an
On May 3rd, after the
modification of the line to the north, the Battalion was withdrawn to a
subsidiary line some distance in the rear. From eight in the evening to
midnight small parties were silently withdrawn, until the trenches were
held with a rearguard of fifteen men commanded by Lieut. Lane. Rapid
fire was maintained for more than an hour, and the rear-guard then
withdrew without casualties.
On May 4th the Regiment
occupied the new line. On the morning of that day a strong enemy attack
developed. This was repulsed with considerable loss to the assailants,
and was followed by a heavy bombardment throughout the day, which
demolished several of the trenches. At night the Regiment was relieved
by the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry and withdrawn to reserve
trenches. In this unhealthy neighbourhood no place, by this time, was
safe, and on May 5th, Lieut.-Colonel Buller was unfortunate enough to
lose an eye from the splinter of a shell which exploded 100 yards away.
Major Gault arrived during the day and took over command. The Battalion
was still in high spirits, and cheered the arrival of an officer to whom
all ranks were attached.
Just after dark on the
night of May 6th, the Battalion returned to the trenches and relieved
the 2nd King’s Shropshire Light Infantry. Throughout the night, and all
the following day, it was assailed by a constant and heavy bombardment.
The roll call on the night of the 7th showed the strength of the
Battalion as 635.
The day that followed
was at once the most critical and the most costly in the history of the
Battalion. Early in the morning, particularly heavy shelling began on
the right flank, soon enfilading the fire trenches. At 5.30 it grew in
intensity, and gas shells began to fall. At the same time a number of
Germans were observed coming at the double from the hill in front of the
trench. This movement was arrested by a heavy rifle fire.
By 6 a.m. every
telephone-wire, both to the Brigade Headquarters and also to the
trenches, had been cut. All signallers, pioneers, orderlies, and
servants at Battalion Headquarters were ordered into the support
trenches, for the needs of the moment left no place for supernumeraries.
Every single Canadian upon the strength was from that time forward in
one or other of the trenches. A short and fierce struggle decided the
issue for the time being. The advance of the Germans was checked, and
those of the enemy who were not either sheltered by buildings, dead or
wounded, crawled back over the crest of the ridge to their own trenches.
By this time the enemy had two, and perhaps three, machine-guns in
adjacent buildings, and were sweeping the parapets of both the fire and
support trenches. An orderly took a note to Brigade Headquarters
informing them exactly of the situation of the Battalion.
About 7 a.m., Major
Gault, who had sustained his men by his coolness and example, was
severely hit by a shell in the left arm and thigh. It was impossible to
move him, and he lay in the trench, as did many of his wounded
companions, in great anguish but without a murmur, for over ten hours.
The command was taken
over by Lieut. Niven, the next senior officer who was still unwounded.
Heavy Howitzers using high explosives, combined with field-guns from
this moment in a most trying bombardment both on the fire and support
trenches. The fire trench on the right was blown to pieces at several
points. [The German bombardment had been so heavy since May 4th that a
wood which the Regiment had used in part for cover was completely
At 9 o’clock the
shelling decreased in intensity; but it was the lull before the storm,
for the enemy immediately attempted a second infantry advance. This
attack was received with undiminished resolution. A storm of machine-gun
and rifle fire checked the assailants, who were forced, after a few
indecisive moments, to retire and take cover. The Battalion accounted
for large numbers of the enemy in the course of this attack, but it
suffered seriously itself. Captain Hill, Lieuts. Martin, Triggs, and De
Bay were all wounded at this time.
At half-past nine,
Lieut. Niven established contact with the King’s Own Yorkshire Light
Infantry on the left, and with the 4th Rifle Brigade on the right. Both
were suffering heavy casualties from enfilade fire; and neither, of
course, could afford any assistance. At this time the bombardment
recommenced with great intensity. The range of our machine-guns was
taken with extreme precision. All, without exception, were buried. Those
who served them behaved with the most admirable coolness and gallantry.
Two were dug out, mounted and used again. One was actually disinterred
three times and kept in action till a shell annihilated the whole
section. Corporal Dover stuck to his gun throughout and, although
wounded, continued to discharge his duties with as much coolness as if
on parade. In the explosion that ended his ill-fated gun, he lost a leg
and an arm, and was completely buried in the debris. Conscious or
unconscious, he lay there in that condition until dusk, when he crawled
out of all that was left of the obliterated trench, and moaned for help.
Two of his comrades sprang from the support trench—by this time the fire
trench—and succeeded in carrying in his mangled and bleeding body. But
as all that remained of this brave soldier was being lowered into the
trench a bullet put an end to his sufferings. No bullet could put an end
to his glory.
At half-past ten the
left half of the right fire trench was completely destroyed; and Lieut.
Denison ordered Lieut. Clarke to withdraw the remnant of his command
into the right communicating trench. He himself, with Lieut. Lane, was
still holding all that was tenable of the right fire trench with a few
men still available for that purpose. Lieut. Edwards had been killed.
The right half of the left fire trench suffered cruelly. The trench was
blown in and the machine-gun put out of action. Sergeant Scott, and the
few survivors who still answered the call, made their way to the
communication trench, and clung tenaciously to it, until that, too, was
blown in. Lieut. Crawford, whose spirits never failed him throughout
this terrible day, was severely wounded. Captain Adamson, who was
handing out small arms ammunition, was hit in the shoulder, but
continued to work with a single arm. Sergeant-Major Fraser, who was
similarly engaged feeding the support trenches with ammunition, was
killed instantly by a bullet in the head. At this time only four
officers were left, Lieuts. Papineau, Vandenberg, Niven, and Clark, of
whom the last two began the war in the ranks.
By 12 a.m. the supply
of small arms ammunition badly needed replenishment. In this necessity
the snipers of the Battalion were most assiduous in the dangerous task
of carrying requests to the Brigade Headquarters and to the Reserve
Battalion, which was in the rear at Belle-Waarde Lake. The work was most
dangerous, for the ground which had to be covered was continually and
most heavily shelled.
From 12 a.m. to 1.30
p.m. the Battalion held on under the most desperate difficulties until a
detachment of the 4th Rifle Brigade was sent up in reinforcement. The
battered defenders of the support trench recognised old friends coming
to their aid in their moment of extreme trial, and gave them a loud
cheer as they advanced in support. Lieut. Niven placed them on the
extreme right, in order to protect the Battalion’s flanks. They remained
in line with the Canadian support trenches, protected by trees and
hedges. They also sent a machine-gun and section, which rendered
invaluable service. ,
At 2 p.m. Lieut. Niven
went with an orderly to the Headquarters, in obedience to Brigade
orders, to telephone to the General Officer Commanding the Brigade,
complete details of the situation. He returned at 2.30 p.m. The
orderlies who accompanied him both coming and going were hit by high
explosive shells.
At 3 p.m. a detachment
of the 2nd King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, who were also old comrades
in arms of the Princess Patricias, reached the support line with twenty
boxes of small arms ammunition. These were distributed, and the party
bringing them came into line as a reinforcement, occupying the left end
of the support trench. At four o’clock the support trenches were
inspected, and it was found that contact was no longer maintained with
the regiment on the left, the gap extending for fifty yards. A few men
(as many as could be spared) were placed in the gap to do the best they
could. Shortly afterwards news was brought that the battalions on the
left had been compelled to withdraw, after a stubborn resistance, to a
line of trenches a short distance in the rear.
At this moment the
Germans made their third and last attack. It was arrested by rifle fire,
although some individuals penetrated into the fire trench on the right.
At this point all the Princess Patricias had been killed, so that this
part of the trench was actually tenantless. Those who established a
footing were few in number, and they were gradually dislodged; and so
the third and last attack was routed as successfully as those which had
preceded it.
The afternoon dragged
on, the tale of casualties constantly growing; and at ten o’clock at
night, the company commanders being all dead or wounded, Lieuts. Niven
and Papineau took a roll call. It disclosed a strength of 150 rifles and
some stretcher-bearers.
At n.30 at night the
Battalion was relieved by the 3rd King’s Royal Rifle Corps. The
relieving unit helped those whom they replaced, in the last sorrowful
duty of burying those of their dead who lay in the support and
communicating trenches. Those who had fallen in the fire trenches needed
no grave, for the obliteration of their shelter had afforded a decent
burial to their bodies. Behind the damaged trenches, by the light of the
German flares and amid the unceasing rattle of musketry, relievers and
relieved combined in the last service which one soldier can render
another. Beside the open graves, with heads uncovered, all that was left
of the Regiment stood, while Lieut. Niven, holding the Colours of
Princess Patricia, battered, bloody, but still intact, tightly in his
hand, recalled all he could remember of the Church of England service
for the dead. Long after the service was over the remnant of the
Battalion stood in solemn reverie, unable it seemed to leave their
comrades, until the Colonel of the 3rd King’s Royal Rifle Corps gave
them positive orders to retire, when, led by Lieut. Papineau, they
marched back, 150 strong, to reserve trenches. On arrival they were
instructed to proceed to another part of the position, where during the
day they were shelled, and lost five killed and three wounded.
In the evening of the
ioth the Battalion furnished a carrying party of fifty men and one
officer for small arms ammunition, and delivered twenty-five boxes at
Belle-Waarde Lake. One man was killed and two wounded. It furnished also
a digging party of 100 men, under Lieut. Clarke, who constructed part of
an additional support trench.
On May 13th the
Regiment was in bivouac at the rear. The news arrived that the 4th Rifle
Brigade, their old and trusty comrades in arms, was being desperately
pressed. Asked to go to the relief, the Princess Patricias formed a
composite Battalion with the 4th King’s Royal Rifle Corps, and
successfully made the last exertion which was asked of them at this
period of the war.
On May 15th Major Pelly
arrived from England, where he had been invalided on March 15th, and
took over the command from Lieut. Niven, who, during his period of
command, had shown qualities worthy of a regimental commander of any
experience in any army in the world.
At the beginning of
June the Princess Patricias took up a trench line at Armentieres and
remained there until the end of August. In the middle of July Lieut. C.
J. T. Stewart, a brave officer who had been severely wounded in the
early days of the Spring, rejoined the Battalion. Other officers
returning after wounds, and reinforcements from Canada, brought the
Battalion up to full strength again.
Trench work and digging
then alternated with rest. About the middle of September the Battalion
moved with the 27th Division to occupy a line of trenches held by the
3rd Army in the south.
When the 27th Division
was withdrawn from this line the Princess Patricias were moved into
billets far back from the battle zone, and for a while the Battalion was
detailed to instruct troops arriving for the 3rd Army.
On November 27th, 1915,
they were once again happily reunited with the Canadian Corps after a
long separation.
Such, told purposely in
the baldest language, and without attempting any artifice in rhetoric,
is the history of Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry Regiment from the
time it reached Flanders till the present day.
Few, indeed, are left
of the men who met in Lansdowne Park to receive the regimental Colours
nearly a year ago; but those who survive, and the friends of those who
have died, may draw solace from the thought that never in the history of
arms have Soldiers more valiantly sustained the gift and trust of a
Lady. |