The NATO Veterans
Organization of Canada was started by Tom Joordens in Fredericton,
New Brunswick around the year 2007. Originally Tom for the first
year called the organization the “NATO and NORAD Veterans
Organization”. After a year he realized that NORAD was a non-starter
for number of people to join and dropped the NORAD in the title.
He enlisted local members and suggested they become “Life Members”
for $100. This way he could finance ordering NATO Vet badges,
berets, mailing. Actually, Tom did everything himself from his
office in his home – everything from application processing,
purchasing NATO badges and pins, even a flag and office equipment
and stationary. He did everything himself right down to packaging
and mailing out the package at the local post office to new members.
Tom passed away in 2008 shortly after his visit to Ottawa. He was
having a routine hip replacement and passed away on the operating
table. His 2 !C in Fredericton wife was in the hospital seriously
ill and he was not in a position to take over. Neither were other
members of his small board in F’ton.
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