How General Sheaffe put
the quietus on the Yorks
THE trouble was that
under the circumstances York was indefensible and that General Sheaffe
allowed the militia and some regulars to be involved in a defense, which
was meaningless. For it is meaningless to defend a place that, after
taking, the enemy could not hold if it would and would not if it could.
A good description of what York was and how it was fortified is to be
found in Coffin’s “Chronicle of the War.”
“In April 1813, the town was a scattered collection of low-roofed
villas, embowered in apple orchards. An old French Fort or earthwork
constructed to resist the Indians, stood on the shore of the lake about
a mile from the inhabited part of the Ray. Two embrasured field works,
dignified by the name of batteries, covered the entry to the harbour.
These works were armed with three old French twenty-four pound guns,
captured in 1760; the trunions had been knocked off at the time, but,
for the nonce, they had been exhumed from the sand and clamped down upon
pine logs, extemporised as carriages. The town was entirely open in the
rear and on the flank.”
Well on the 25th of April, 1813, Commodore Chauncev, having for the time
the command of the lake, sailed from Sackett’s Harbour for York with a
fleet of some fifteen sail, having on board Generals Dearborn and Pike
and a force variously estimated by historians at from sixteen hundred to
five thousand troops.
Videttes had been long before posted in constant watch on Scarborough
Heights with orders to fire alarm guns and on sight of a hostile fleet
to ride into town. The alarm came late on the evening of April 26th.
Now according to Coffin, who was a relative of Sir Roger Sheaffe,
“Sheaffe’s first duty as a soldier and as a general looking to the
defence of his military command was to abandon a place never intended to
have been defended and to preserve his force for the protection of the
country. The capture of this detachment at this time would have been an
irretrievable loss and in its effects, fatal to the province.”
It was this duty of abandonment, which Sir Roger Sheaffe performed in a
fashion that endangered his regulars, disqualified the militia for the
rest of the campaign, caused the burning of the parliament buildings and
ruined Sheaffe’s own reputation as a soldier. Unless he purposed to
match brown-bess muskets against the guns of a fleet—he must have known
he could not prevent a landing and the capture of the ridiculous
fortifications. But as it was he frittered away what fighting chance
there was by allowing his force to be engaged and beaten in detail.
First, Major Givens with about forty Indians and a few inhabitants of
the town not enrolled for military duty, then about sixty Glengarry
Fencibles, then some two hundred and twenty militia, and fifty of the
Newfoundland Regiment, then two companies of the 8th Regiment (about two
hundred strong)— these in succession were dribbled in to withstand a
landing force upwards of one thousand strong. Meanwhile General Shaw,
with forty men and a six pounder held the line of Dundas Street and
never got into action.
The blowing up of a magazine2 killed General Pike and some two hundred
Americans along with some of the defenders. Having set fire to a ship
that was on the stocks, General Sheaffe retreated with the remains of
his force to Kingston.
The bitter part of it was that having been permitted by Sheaffe to throw
themselves into the contest with enthusiasm, the militia were allowed to
save their homes by surrendering the town to an enemy exasperated by
their stiff resistance and by the death of Pike and the destruction of
stores. As Sheaffe puts it, “Lieut.-Col. Chewett and Major Allan of the
militia were instructed to treat with the American commanders for
terms.” The negotiations were conducted largely by John Strachan
(sometime Bishop of Toronto) assisted by Lieut. John Beverley Robinson,
acting Attorney-General.
A curious statement appears in Auchinleck’s “History of the War,” as
follow's: “The defence of the town being no longer practicable, a
surrender necessarily followed by which it was stipulated that the
militia and others attached to the British military and naval service
who had been captured should be paroled; that private property of every
kind should be respected and that all public stores should be given up
to the captors. 'We have italicised the words, ‘who had been captured,’
as the Americans got possession of the militia rolls and included
amongst the list of prisoners on parole many who had never laid down
their arms and whom it was never contemplated to include in the list.”
This statement is borne out by the fact that the list printed in the
histories8 includes at least one name that does not appear in the
original orderly room copy of the terms of capitulation. And this name
is that of our famous fighting lieutenant of Selby’s Company, Reuben
Richardson lately hero of Detroit and Queenston Heights, and now in cold
blood surrendered by insertion.
Of the cavalier wnty in which General Dearborn treated his conquest and
his prisoners, and how Dr. Straehan bullied the Americans into observing
the terms of capitulation (after they had burned the public buildings)
we need say no more than that the reverend doctor and future prelate for
clear headed intrepidity carries off the chief honours on the British
Decidedly it would have been better if General Sheaffe had on sight of
the American fleet burned his stores, carried oil' all his troops,
including the York Volunteers, and left Dr. Strachan to surrender the
town without a futile contest. But being a personally brave and mentally
inconclusive man, Sheiffe could on this occasion neither fight nor
refrain from fighting but salved his conscience with a resistance the
utility of which does not appear. For the enemy having won a complete
victory and captured York on April 27th, 1813, evacuated York on May
2nd, 1813, which in legal parlance constitutes—Four clear days.

Surgeon Lieut.-Col. R. M. Hillary, Hon. Major A. Gillies, Quartermaster,
Major A. Elliott, Musketry Instructor, Hon. Major J. E. Knox, Paymaster |