Page 284
Babine Lake, Babine River, Babington,
Baccalieu, Baccaro, Baccaro Point, Back Bay, Back Cove, Back Lands,
Back Lands Grand River, Back Meadows, Back River, Back or Great Fish
River, Back Shore, Back's Land, Bacon Cove (Upper and Lower),
Baddeck, Baddeck Bay, Baddeck Bridge, Baddeck River, Baddely
Page 285
Baddow, Baden, Badenoch, Badger, Badger Bay, Badger Brook,
Badgerdale, Badjeros, Bad Throat River, Baffin Bay, Baffin Island,
Baffin Islands, Baffin Land, Bagdad, Bagley, Bagnall Lake, Bagot,
Bagot South, Bagot's Bluff, Bagotbille, Bagutchewan, Bahnsen, Baie
de la Trinite
Page 286
Baie de la Trinite, Baie Des Bacons, Baie Des Chaleurs, Baie Des
Peres, Baie Des Rochers or Bay of Rocks, Baie D'Urfe, Baie Riviere,
Baie St. Claire, Baie St. Paul, Baie Verte, Baie Verte Road, Bailet,
Bailey's Brook, Bailieboro, Baillargeon, Baillie, Baillie
Settlement, Baine Harbour, Bainsville, Baird's, Bairdsville, Baker,
Baker Brook, Baker Lake
Page 287
Lake, Mount Baker, Baker's Cove, Baker Settlement, Baker's Tickle,
Bakersville, Bala, Balaclava, Bala Island, Balcarres, Balderson,
Bald Nap, Baldoon, Bald Point Island, Baldur, Baldwin, Baldwin's
Mills, Baldwin's Road, Baleine, Balena, Balfour, Mount Balfour,
Balfron, Balfron's Mills, Balgonie, Baljennie, Ballantrae,
Ballantynes, Ballantynes's Cove, Ballie Road
Page 288
Islands, Ballinafad, Ball Rock, Ball's Bridge, Ballsville, Ballycroy,
Ballyduff, Ballymote, Balmerino, Balmer's Island, Balmoral, Balmoral
Mills, Balmy Beach, Balsam, Balsam Bay, Balsam Grove, Balsam Hill,
Balsam Lake, Balsover, Baltic, Baltic Road, Baltimore, Balvenie,
Bamberg, Bamfield Creek, Banbury, Bancroft
Page 289
Bancroft, Banda, Bangor, Bankhead, Bank Head and Flat Bay, Banks,
Banks Broad Cove, Bank's Island, Bank's Land, Banks Long Point,
Bannatyne Cove, Banner, Banning, Bannister, Bannock, Bannockburn,
Bannon, Banting, Bantry, Baptist Point, Baptiste, Baptiste Lake,
Baptiste River, Barachois, Barb, Barber Dam, Barber's Creek,
Barclay, Barclay Sound
Page 290
Barclay Sound, Bardal, Bardo, Bardolph, Bardsville, Barelaw,
Bareneed, Baril Lake, Barkerville, Bark Lake, Barkway, Barnaby,
Barnaby River, Barnardo, Barnesdale, Barnesville, Barnet, Barnett,
Barney's Brook, Barney's River, Barney's River Station, Barnhart,
Barn's Lake, Barnsley, Barnston, Barnwell, Bar Point, Barrachois,
Barrachois Boisdale, Barrachois Harbour
Page 291
Barrachois, Barra Glen, Barra Head, Barrasun, Barr'd Islands, Barren
Grounds River, Barren Island, Ruisseay Barre, Barrett, Barrett's
Cross, Barrettsholme, Barretville, Bar River, Barrie, Barriefield,
Barrie Island, Barriere Lake, Barrington, Barrington Head,
Barrington Passage, Barrington West, Barrios Beach, Barron Island,
Barronsfield, Barrow, Barrow Bay, Barrow Harbour, Barrows
Page 292
Barr's Corners, Barr Settlement, Bromley, Barry's Bay, Barry's
Corner, Barryvale, Barryville, Bartholomew, Bartibog, Bartibog
Bridge, Bartibogue Station, Bartlett's Harbour, Bartlett Mills,
Barton, Bartonville, Barwick, Bas De La Baie, Bas De L'Anse, Bas De
Soie, Bas De Ste Rose, Bas Du Sault, Basin Depot, Basingstoke
Page 293
Basingstoke, Basin River Inhabitants, Basin Road, Baskatong River,
Baskatong Village, Baskung Lake, Basque, Bassang, Bassin, Bassin Du
Livre, Bassitt's Harbour, Bass Lake, Bass River, Basswood, Basswood
Rridge, Batchewauning or Batchawana, Bates, Bateston, Bath or
Munquart, Bath, Bathgate, Bathurst
Page 294
Bathurst, Bathurst Bay, Bathurst Inlet, Bathurst Village, Batiscan,
Batiscan Station, Batoche, Batteau, Batteau Creek, Battersea,
Battery Hill, Battle, Battle Creek, Battleford, Battleford Junction,
Battle River, Bauline, Bavilaw, Bawlf, Baxter, Baxter's Harbour,
Bayard, Bay Bulls' Arm, Bay De L'Eau, Bay De L'Eau Island, Bay De
Page 295
Bay De Nord, Bay D'Est, Bay-De-Verde, Bay Du Nord, Bay Du Vin, Bay
Du Vin Mills, Bay East River, Bayer Settlement, Bayfield, Bayfield
Road, Bay Fortune, Bay Fortune River, Bayham or Richmond Village,
Bay Lake
Page 296
Bay Lake, Bay L'Argent, Baynes Lake, Bay of Bulls, Bay of Fundy, Bay
of Islands, Bay of Minas, Bay of Quinte, Bay of Seven, Bayonne, Bay
Road, Bay Road Valley, Bay Roberts, Bay St. George, Bay St.
Lawrence, Bayside, Baysville
Page 297
Baysville, Bayswater, Bay Verte, Bay View, Bayview, Beachburgh,
Beach Hill, Beach Meadows, Beach Point, Beach Road, Beachville,
Beachy Cove, Beacon Hill, Beaconsfield, Bealton, Beamsville, Bear
Brook, Bearsbrook, Bear Cave
Page 298
Bear Cave, Bear Cove, Bear Cove Cheticamp, Bear Creek, Bear Island
or McPherson's Ferry, Bear Lake, Great Bear Lake, Bear Line, Bear
Point, Bear River, Bear's Hill, Bears Pass, Beasley, Beaton
Page 299
Beaton, Beaton's Mills, Beatonville, Beatrice, Beatty, Beatty's,
Beau or Beux Feves, Beaubear, Beau Bois, Beaucage, Beauce, Beauce
Junction or L'Enfant Jesus, Beauceville, Beauchene, Beaudet,
Beaudette River, Beaudette, Beaudoin, Beaufort, Beauharnois,
Beaujour, Beaulac, Beau Lac, Beaulieu
Page 300
Beauly, Beaumaris, Beaumont, Beaufort, Beaufort Church, Beaufort
East, Beaupre, Beauregard Isles, Beaurepaire, Beau Rivage,
Beaurivage, Beaurivage River, Beausejour, Beauvoir, Beaver, Beaver
Bank, Beaver Brook or Germantown
Page 301
Beaver Cove, Beaver Creek, Beaverdale, Beaver Dale, Beaver Dam,
Beaverdell, Beaver Harbour, Beaver Hills, Beaver Island, Beaver
Lake, Beaver Meadow, Beaver Mines, Beavermouth, Beaver Point, Beaver
Rapids, Beaver River
Page 302
Beaver River, Beaverton, Beaver Valley, Beazer, Becaguimec,
Becancour, Becancour Station, Becher, Beckenham, Beckett, Beckett's
Bridge, Beckford, Beckim Settlement, Beckley's, Beckstead, Beckwith,
Beckwith Flag Station, Beckwiths, Becscies, Beddington, Bedell,
Bedeque, Bedford
Page 303
Bedford, Bedford Basin, Bedford Bay, Bedford's Mills, Bedford Park,
Beebe Plain, Beechy Lake, Beech Grove, Beech Hill, Beech Lake,
Beechmont, Beech Ridge, Beechville, Beechwood, Beersville, Beeston,
Beeton, Beeton Jct, Bumfrau, Beggsboro, Begon, Begyston River, Beith
Page 304
Bekevar, Belair, Beland, Belburss, Belcourt, Belfast, Belford,
Belfountain, Belfry, Belgrave, Belhaven, Belisles's Mills, Belize
Inlet, Bell, Bella Bella, Bella Coola, Bella Coola River, Bella
Lake, Bellamy, Belle Anse, Belleau, Bellechasse, Belle Cote, Belle
Creek, Belledune, Belledune River, Bellefleur, Belle Fleur
Page 305
Bellefontaine, Bellegarde, Belleisle, Belle Isle, Belleisle Bay,
Belleisle Creek, Belle Isle River, Belleisle Station, Belleisle
Straits, Belle Marche, Belle Mount, Bellenden, Belle Plain, Belle
Prairie, Bellerive, Belle River, Belle Rivier, Belles Amours Bay,
Belle Vallee, Belleview, Belleville
Page 306
Belleville, Belleville Station, Bellevue, Bell Ewart, Bellingham,
Belliveau Cove, Belliveau Village, Bell Mount, Bellneck, Belloni
(formerly Milton), Bellorum, Bell Rapids, Bell River, Bellrock,
Bell's Corners, Bellview, Belmeade, Belmina, Belmont
Page 307
Belmont, Belmore, Belœil Mountain, Belœil River, Belœil Station,
Belœil Village, Belton, Bellvedere, Belwood, Belyeas Cove, Benacadie,
Ben Acadie Pond, Ben Allen, Benbecula, Benchonzie, Bend, Bendale,
Ben Eoin, Benito, Benjamin's Mills, Benjamin River, Ben Lomond
Page 308
Benmiller, Bennett, Benett Lake, Bennett's, Bennett's Cove, Bennie's
Corners, Bennington, Bennoit Lake, Benoit's Cove, Benoit's Mills,
Bensfort, Benson, Benson Lake, Benson's Mill, Bentley, Benton,
Benton Station, Bentpath, Bent River, Beranger, Berens River,
Beresford, Beresina, Bergen, Les Bergeronnes, Bergerville, Berkeley,
Berlin, Bernadette, Bernard's Lake
Page 309
Bernier, Berriedale, Berry Hill, Berry's Mill, Berryton, Bersimis or
Betsiamites, Bersimis River, Bertdale, Bertha, Berthaville,
Bertrand, Berthier, Berthier En Bas, Berthier Junction,
Berthierville, Bertie, Berton, Bertrand, Bervie, Berwick, Berwick or
Finch, Berwick West, Bessemer, Bests, Bethany
Page 310
Bethany, Bethel, Bethel Grove, Bethesda, Bethune, Betsiamites or
Bersimis, Bett's Cove, Beulah, Beverley Lake, Beverly Lake (Upper
and Lower), Bewdley, Bexley, Bic, Biche, Lac La, Bic Island,
Bickford, Bicquette Island, Biddeford, Biddle Mount, Bienfait,
Bienville, Big Athabasca
Page 311
Big Athabasca, Big Baddeck, Big Bank, Big Barachois, Big Bar Creek,
Big Bay, Big Bear River, Big Bend, Big Bras D'Or, Big Brook, Big
Brook, Big Chance Harbour, Big Cove, Big Fork, Biggar Ridge, Big
Glace Bay, Big Glen, Big Grass River, Big Gull Lake, Big Harbour
Island, Big Harbour, Big Head River, Big Hill, Big Hole, Big Humqui
Lake, Big Intervale, Big Island, Big Lake
Page 312
Big Lake, Big Loraine, Big Marsh, Big Opeonga, Big Otter Creek, Big
Point, Big Pond, Big Port L'Herbert, Big Ridge, Big Ridge South, Big
River, Big Salmon River, Bigsby, Big Shagomock Lake, Big Shiktehawk,
Big Springs, Big Tancook, Big Tracadie, Billdown's Point, Billerica,
Billingsbridge, Billtown, Billy's Point, Binbrook or Hall's Corners,
Binden, Bingham Road, Binkham, Binscarth, Biota, Birch Brook, Birch
Cove, Birch Grove, Birch Hills, Birch Island
Page 313
Birch Lake, Birch Ridge, Birch River, Birch River Bridge, Birchton,
Birchtown, Birchtown River, Birchwood, Birchy Bay, Birchy Cove,
Birchy Head, Birchy Island Tickle, Bird Cove, Birdell, Bird Island,
Bird Rocks, Birdsall's, Bird's Creek, Bird's Hill, Birdton,
Birkendale, Birling, Birmingham, Birnam, Birnie, Birr, Birson,
Page 314
Birtle, Birtle River, (Bird Tail Creek), Biscay Bay and Portugal
Cove, Biscotasing, Biscuits, Bishop Mountain, Bishop Roggan River,
Bishop's Cove, Bishop's Crossing, Bishop's Falls, Bishop's Gate,
Bishop's Harbour, Bishop's Mills, Bishopville, Bismarck, Bissett
Creek, Bisson, Bissonnette, Bittern Lake, Black, Black Avon, Black
Bank, Blackberry Lake, Blackberry Mountain, Black Branch, Black
Brook, Blackburn, Blackbush, Black Cape, Black Creek
Page 315
Black Creek, Black Donald, Black Duck, Black Duck Brook, Black Duck
Cove, Black Duck Pond, Blacketts Lake, Blackfalds, Blackfoot,
Blackfoot Hills, Black Hawk, Black Head, Blackhead Bay, Black Head
Cove, Black Heath, Black Island, Black Lake, Blackland or Merland,
Black Land, Black Mountain, Black Pines, Black Point, Black River
Page 316
Black River, Black River Bridge, Black River Depot, Black River
Station, Black Rock, Blacks, Black's Corners, Black's Creek, Black's
Harbour, Blackstock, Blackstone
Page 317
Blackstone, Black Sturgeon Lake, Black Sturgeon, Blackville,
Blackwater, Blackwater Creek, Blackwater River, Blackwell Station,
Blackwood, Blackwoods Lake, Blackworth, Blagdon, Blainey's Blair,
Blair Athol, Blairhampton, Blairmore, Blair's Landing, Blairton,
Blais, Blake, Blakely, Blakenay
Page 318
Blakenay, Blakes, Blaketown, Blanc, Blanchard Road, Blanchard
Settlement, Blanche, Blanch Lake, Blanc Sablon, Blandford, Blaney
Ridge, Blantyre, Blayney, Bleakmore, Blenheim, Blenheim Jct,
Blessington, Bleu, Bleurie River, Blezards, Blezard River, Blind
Bay, Blind Lake, Blind River
Page 319
Blind River, Blissfield, Blissville, Block House, Blomidon or Lower
Preaux, Blondelle River, Bloodvein River, Bloomfield, Bloomfield
Ridge, Bloomfield Station, Bloomingdale, Blooming Point, Bloomington
Bloomsberry, Bloomsburg, Blouin, Blount, Blow-Me-Down, Bleucher
Hall, Bluebell, Blueberry, Blueberry Bay
Page 320
Blueberry Hills, Blueberry River, Blue Bonnets, Blue Church Road,
Blue Cove, Blue Lake, Bluemenort, Blue Mountain, Blue Mountain Bend,
Blue Sea, Blue Sea Lake, Blue Sea Corner, Blue Shank, Blue's Mill,
Blue Springs, Bluevale, Bluff Centre, Bluff Head Cove, Blyth,
Blytheswood, Blythfield, Boas Lake, Boat Harbour, Bobby's Cove,
Bobcaygeon, Bocabec, Bocabec Cove, Bocabec Lake, Bocabec River,
Bogart, Bognor, Boharm
Page 321
Boharm, Boiestown, Boileau, Bois Blanc, Bois Blanc Island,
Boisbriand, Boisclerc River, Boisdale, Barrachois, Bois De Filion,
Bois Franc, Boisseneau's or Klock, Boissevain, Boissonneault,
Boisvert, Boivin, Bolduc, Bolduc Siding, Bolingbroke, Bolsover,
Bolton, Bolton Bay, Bolton Centre, Bolton Forrest, Bolton Glen,
Bolton Springs, Bomanton, Bonacadie River, Bon Accord
Page 322
Bon Accord, Bonanza, Bonaparte River, Bonaventure, Bonaventure
Island, Bonavista, Bon Conseil, Bon Desir, Bond Head, Bond's Lake,
Bondsville, Bon Echo, Bonfield, Bongard's Corners, Bonheur,
Boninville, Bon Lac, Bonne Bay
Page 323
Bonne Bay, Bonnechere, Bonne Esperance, Bonnet Lake, Bonne Madonne,
Bonnie Doon, Bonnie Glen, Bonnington, Bonnington Falls, Bonny River
Station, Bon Secours, Bonshaw, Bonville, Bonwell, Bookton, Boom,
Boom Road, Boonvale Mills, Boot Harbour, Booth, Boothville, Boot
Lake, Bord A Plouffe, Bordeaux, Bord De L'eau, Borden, Bornholm,
Page 324
Bornish, Borradails, Borradaile, Borromee, Boscobel, Boscurvis,
Boskung, Boston, Boston Creek, Boston Mills, Bostonnais, Bos Warlas,
Bosworth, Botany, Bothwell, Bothwell Corners. Botreaux, Botsford
Portage, Bottle, Bottle Cove, Bottom West Arm, Botwoodville,
Bouboucash, Bouchard, Boucher, Bouchere, Boucherville
Page 325
Boucherville, Bouchette, Bouchette Lake, Bouchette Station, Bouck's
Hill, Boudreau, Boudreau Corners, Boudreau Village, Bougainville,
Boughton Bay, Boughton Island, Boughton River, Bougie's Corners,
Boulanger, Boulardarie Back Lands, Boulardarie and Boulardarie West,
Boulardarie Centre, Boulardarie East, Bouleau Aux, Boleau Riviere,
Boulevard St Denis, Boulevard St. Paul, Bouloone, Boulter, Boundary
Creek, Boundary Falls, Boundary Lake, Boundary Presqu'isle, Bourdeau,
Bourbon Isle, Bourgeois, Bourg Louis, Bournival, Bout De L'isle,
Page 326
Bowell, Bowen Island, Bowesville, Bow Island, Bowling Green,
Bowmanton, Bowmanville, Bown, Bowood, Bowsers, Bowsman, Box Alder,
Boxall, Box Grove, Boxy, Boyce's Lake, Boyd, Boyd Lake, Boyd's,
Boyd's Cove, Boydsdale, Boyd's Harbour, Boyer, Boyer River, Boyle,
Boylston, Boyne, Boyne Lake, Boyne River
Page 327
Boynton or Libbey's Mills, Bracebridge, Bracken, Brackendale,
Brackenrig, Brackley Beach, Brackley Point, Brackley Point Road,
Bracondale, Brada, Bradalbane, Bradbourne, Bradbury's Cove,
Bradford, Bradley, Bradley Creek, Bradley's Cove, Bradore or Bras
D'or Bay, Bradore River, Bradshaw, Bradwardine, Brady's, Brae,
Braemar, Braenut, Braeside
Page 328
Braeside, Brag Island, Braie Lake, Brampton, Brancepeth, Branch,
Branch Lahave, Branch River, Branchton, Brandon, Brandon Hills,
Brandon Junction, Brandy Creek, Brandy Pots, Bransfield, Brant,
Page 329
Brantford, Brant South, Brantville, Bras Coupe, Bras D'Or, Bras D'Or
Lake, Rivierre Le Bas, Brass Hill, Bratt Lake, Brault Mill, Bray's
Crossing, Brazeau River, Brazeil, Brazil Lake, Breadalbane,
Breadalbane Lake, Breage or Vermillion, Breault Mill, Breau Village,
Breche A Manon, Brechin, Breckenridge, Brecon, Bredenbury, Breden's
Page 330
Bremner, Brennen, Brennan Harbour, Brentha, Brenton, Brenton Lake,
Brenton's, Brent's Cove, Brentwood, Breaylor, Brelau, Brewer's
Mills, Brewley, Brewster, Brewster's Lake, Brice, Brice Hill,
Brickley, Brickton, Bridgeburg, Bridge Creek, Bridgedale, Bridge
End, Bridgenorth, Bridgeport, Bridge River
Page 331
Bridge River, Bridgetown, Bridgeville, Bridgewater, Briens, Brient,
Briercrest, Brier Island, Brierly Brook, Brierwood, Brig Bay,
Brigden, Bridge Corner, Brigham, Brigham's Corners, Bright, Brighton
Page 332
Brighton, Brightside, Brigus, Brigus Cross Roads, Briges South,
Briley's Brook, Brinklow, Brinkman's Corner, Brinkworth, Brinsley,
Brinston's Corners, Brisbane, Brisco, Bristol, Bristol Mines,
Bristol Ridge, Britainville, Britannia, Britannia Bay, Britannia
Cove, Britannia Mills, Britches Lake, British America or Canadian
Page 333
British America
or Canadian Dominion, British Columbia
Page 334
British Columbia
Page 335
British Columbia, Lakes of British Columbia, Rivers of British
Page 336
Rivers of British Columbia, British Harbour, Briton Cove,
Britonville, Britton, Broad Bay, Broadbent, Broad Cove, Broad Cove
Chapel, Broad Cove Marsh, Broad Cove Mines, Broadhagen, Broadlands,
Broad River, Broads, Broadview, Broadway, Brochet, Brochets,
Brocket, Brock Road, Brocksden, Brockton
Page 337
Brockville, Brockway, Brodeur, Brodhagen, Brodie, Brokenhead,
Brokenhead River, Broken Shell, Brombury, Brome, Brome Centre, Brome
Lake, Nrome Mountain, Bromley Line, Brompton, Brompton Falls,
Brompton Lake, Bromptonville, Bronson, Bronte, Brook
Page 338
Brook, Brookbury, Brookdale, Brooke, Brookfield, Brookfield Mines,
Brookfield Station, Brookholm, Brookland, Brooklet, Brooklin,
Brooklyn, Brooklyn Corner, Brooklyn Road, Brooklyn Street,
Brooksdale, Brookside
Page 339
Brookside, Brooks Station, Brookton, Brookvale, Brook Village,
Brookville, Brook Close, Broomhill, Broom Point, Brophys, Brora,
Brosseau, Brosseau's, Brotherston, Brough, Brougham, Broughton,
Broughton Lake, Broughton Station, Brouseville, Brown, Brown Hill,
Browne, Brownleigh Place, Brown's, Brown's Brae, Brown's Brook,
Page 340
Brownsburgh, Brown's Corners, Brown's Cove, Brown's Creek, Brown's
Flat, Brown's Harbour, Brown's Mountain, Brown's Nurseries, Brown's
Point, Brownsville, Bru, Bruce, Brucefield, Bruce Mines, Bruce's
Landing, Bruchesi, Brudenell, Brudenelle, Brudenheim, Brule, Brule
Lake, Brule Shore, Brunel
Page 341
Brunet, Brunet Lake, Brunkild, Brunner, Bruno, Brunswick, Brussels,
Bruxelles, Bryan's Cross, Bryanston, Bryant's Cove, Mount Bryce,
Bryenton, Bryson, Brysons, Brysonville, Buchan, Buchanan, Buckfield,
Buckhorn, Buckhorn Lake, Buckhorn River, Buckingham, Buckingham Jct,
Buck Lake, Buckland, Bucklaw, Buckley's, Buctouche
Page 342
Buctouche, Buctouche Baie, Buctouche Big and Little, Buda, Buffalo,
Buffalo Lake, Buffalo Plains, Buford, Bulger, Bulkley River, Bull
Cove, Bull Moose Hill, Buller, Bullet River, Bullion, Bullock's
Corners, Bullocksville, Bulls Bay, Bull's Cove, Bull's Creek, Bull's
Head, Bulsrode, Bulwer, Bulyea, Bumbury, Bumfrau, Bunessan,
Bunesville, Bungay, Bunyan
Page 343
Bunyan Cove, Burbridge, Burden, Burdett, Bureau De Moulin, Burford,
Burgeo, Burgeo Placentia Bay, Burgess Mines, Burgessville, Burgoyne,
Burgoyne's Cove, Burin, Burin Bay, Burin Bay Arm, Burin North, Burk,
Burks, Burke Channel, Burketon Station, Burketown, Burks Corners,
Burke's Falls
Page 344
Burleigh, Burleigh Falls, Burleigh River, Burlington, Burlington
Bay, Burlington Centre, Burlington Crossing, Burmis, Burnaby,
Burnbank, Burnbrae, Burn Cove, Burnell, Burney's, Burnhamthorpse,
Burnhouse, Burning Springs, Burn Island, Burnley, Burns, Burnside,
Burnside River, Burnstown
Page 345
Burnstown, Burnsville, Burnt, Burnt Arm, Burnt Church, Burnt CHurch
River, Burnt Coat, Burnt Cove, Burnt Head, Burnt Islands, Burnt
Lake, Burnt Land Brook, Burnt Point, Burnt River, Burntwood River,
Burnt Woods, Burquitlam, Bure, Burrard Inlet, Burridge, Burrill's
Siding, Buritts Rapids, Burrows, Burtch, Burton
Page 346
Burton, Burton Lake, Burton's Lake, Burton's Pond, Burtt Lake,
Burtt's Corners, Burwell, Burwell Road, Bury, Bury's Green, Burying
Place, Bushglen, Bushnell, Buskin, Bustard, Busteed, Bute, Bute
Inlet, Butler, Butler Cove, Butler's, Butler's Lake, Butternut
Ridge, Butter Pots, Butterton, Button Hole Cove, Buttonville, Butts
Point, Buxton, Byng, Byng Inlet
Page 347
Byng Inlet, Byrnedale, Byron, Byron Bay, Byron Island |