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Scots in Canada

Electric Scotland
The site about the history of Scotland and the Scots at home and abroad.

The Scot in British North America
By R J Rattray
The Scottish Tradition in Canada
Edited by W. Stanford Reid
Early Scottish Influence in North America
By Farquhar Stuart MacLennan (pdf)
An Account of the Highland Society of Canada

Reports on the Scottish Crofter Emigration to Canada
Address of the Canadian Campbells to the Marquess of Lorne
Brian S. Campbell
Scottish Canadians (External Link)
The Mission of the Scot in Canada
By Alexander Fraser (1903) (pdf)
Scottish Nationality and other papers
By the Late Rev. John Kerr, D.D. (1887) (pdf)
The Scot at Home and Abroad
Being the substance of a Lecture delivered by The Scottish Canadian Poet, John Imrie of Toronto (1898) (pdf)
Scot of the Year Award
This is an annual award which comes from the Scottish Studies Foundation in Toronto.
Driv'n by Fortune
Sam Allison
Paul Harper
DJ from Scotland and now in Toronto.
Canada's Debt to Scotch Pioneers
From The MacLeod Times Newspaper

NBSH Lecture 2 - William Davidson – The First Scots on the Miramichi
The Second Annual NB Scottish History Lecture is presented by Neil Godsman from Scotland, who has family ties to pioneer Scot, William Davidson. Recorded November 30, 2015 at the Feast of Saint Andrew hosted by the Highland Society of New Brunswick at Miramichi, New Brunwick, Canada.

New Brunswick Scottish History [External link]
An Account of the Highland Society of Canada
A Branch of the Highland Society of London, compiled by John MacDonell (pdf) (1844)
The Kilties souvenir album
Songs and marches of "Auld Scotia"

Finding Your Scottish Ancestors in Canada

The Scots who built Canada
David Farrel travels across the Atlantic to find the true story of the first Scots who settled in Canada, their experiences and the effect they had on the landscape. I directed this documentary over the course of a week in New Brunswick and Ottawa for STV.

Surveying Scottish Studies in Canada
By Elizabeth L. Ewan and Heather Parker (pdf)
The International Review of Scottish Studies
Volume 46: 2021 (pdf)
Clans and Scottish Societies of Canada
A Kingdom of the Mind
How the Scots Helped Make Canada, Edited by Peter E. Rider and Heather McNabb (2006)

During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Scots dominated Montreal and, by extension, the rest of Canada. Their habits and attitudes tartanized the country, influencing business, education, science and medicine, the military, and even the way Canadians imagined themselves. Many Canadians with a Scottish background still feel the pull of their Gaelic origins.

In A Kingdom of the Mind contributors from a wide variety of disciplines explore the impact of the Scots on Canadian life, showing how the Scots image of their homeland and themselves played an important role in the emerging definition of what it meant to be Canadian.

“A compelling work not only for scholars on both sides of the Atlantic but for general readers interested in Scotland and Canada.”

Sketches of Highlanders
With an account of the early arrival in North America; their advancement in agriculture and some of their distinguished military service in the war of 1812, &c., &c. with letters containing useful information for emigrants from the Highlands of Scotland to the British Provinces by R. C. MacDonald, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Castle Tioram Regiment of Highlanders, Price Edward Island; Chief of the Highland Society of Nova Scotia and Paymaster of the 30th Regiment (1843) (pdf)

The Scottish Highlander
By J. L. Morison, Professor of History, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (pdf)

The Ontario Fergus Scottish Festival & Highland Games Aug 10 2024

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