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The Eagle
Rupert's Land College Magazine

Bishop's Court,
Winnipeg, May, 1929.

I am very much pleased to learn that the School Magazine is to be revived this year and I am taking the opportunity through the medium of the issue to send a message to the pupils and friends of the College. Rupert's Land College has now been in existence for tiventy-seven years and during that period it has made a very rich contribution to the calibre of the womanhood of North-West Canada. For some years after it started it was known as Havergal College, but, true to the characteristics of its sex, tv hen it attained the years of discretion it changed, its name to that of Rupert's Land College. While it has always been a Church School, originally it tvas owned by a joint stock company, but later on it ivas taken over by the corporation of St. John’s College and noiv is owned and controlled by that institution, so that, if possible, it is more than ever a distinctly Church School and for that reason should have a very special claim to the support and patronage of Anglican Church people, throughout the West.

A year ago the institution lost through death Miss Eva L. Jones, the most esteemed and very able Principal ivho had guided its destinies for twenty years. 'Through her fine personality and tvide erudition she had left the impact of her influence upon the character and culture of hundreds of girls and it is well nigh impossible to measure what she did for the girlhood and womanhood of the country during her long guidance of the College. Miss Millard, the new Principal appointed to succeed Miss Jones, has been a member of the staff of the College for several years and is therefore no stranger to the traditions of the place. Having had experience of her efficiency and her qualities of leadership, the authorities felt that they needed not to go outside of our own staff for a ivorthy successor to the late Principal. Her able management during the past academic year has amply justified the wisdom of the choice. It will be most gratifying to all friends of the College to learn that both in the matter of attendance and in other important respects the session of 1928-29 has been a record one. Arrangements are being made for a thorotigh renovation of the building and surroundings of the College during the vacation, so that we may look forward with confidence to even better prospects for the future.


Volume 1 June 1929
Volume 2 May 1930

Volume 3 June 1931 (now including the Old Girl's Bulletin)
Volume 5 October 1933

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