There have been few
political speeches in Canada which have been more justly famous, and
which have exerted a wider influence on Canadian popular opinion, than
Edward Blake’s “Aurora Speech” of October 3, 1874. The speech was
delivered at a time when Edward Blake had taken up a somewhat
independent attitude toward the Liberal party under Alexander Mackenzie
and George Brown, and was leaning toward the doctrines of the new
nationalist or “Canada First” party. It was, indeed, little more than an
elaboration of the platform of the Canadian National Association; but it
served to give the ideas of the Canadian nationalists a currency which
they had not gained before, and 'n its bold and daring originality it
gave a real stimulus to Canadian political thought. A speech which,
nearly half a century ago, advocated such advanced ideas as the
necessity for the growth of a national feeling in Canada, the
reorganization of the Empire on a federal basis, the reform of the
Senate, compulsory voting, and proportional representation, can only be
described as a landmark in Canadian politics.
The “Aurora speech” was
reproduced—though very grudgingly and in piecemeal instalments - in the
Toronto Globe a few days after it was delivered. This report of the
speech was afterwards reprinted in pamphlet form, together with copious
extracts of newspaper comment, under the title, “A National Sentiment!”
Speech of Hon. Edward, Blake, M.P., at Aurora (Ottawa, 1874). But this
pamphlet is now very rarely seen, and the back fyles of the Globe for
1874 are to be found in very few places. It has, therefore, seemed worth
while to reprint the speech in full here, and more particularly since,
as the re.sult of Edward Blake’s own wishes, it appears that there is to
be no official biography of him, or official publication of his letters
and speeches.
W. S. Wallace
Mr. Chairman, Ladies
and Gentlemen,—You will allow me to add my congratulations to those of
the previous speakers upon the happy circumstances under which you are
to-day assembled, and to express my own feeling of rejoicing that the
first occasion upon which 1 have been permitted to address the electors
of this historic riding, should be that of the celebration of an event
not unimportant in your own annals or in those of Canada at large -the
victory which has brought back to the standard around which it had
rallied for so many years the united Liberal party of this riding. I
recollect the political history of this constituency for a good many
years. Up to the year 1871, when we made our calculations as to the
probable results of a general election there was never any doubt or
hesitation as to what might be the verdict of North York, but from 1871
to the late election all this was changed, and I am very glad indeed
that a riding which had in the past played the part North York has
played, should have by a very decisive majority restored its fair name
and fame, and brought itself once more into good standing amongst the
Liberal constituencies of Canada. (Cheers.) My friend, Mr Mowat, who has
spoken, has given you a very interesting account of the finances, and a
terse but clear statement of the general course of legislation of the
Province since the accession to office of the Liberal party. I do not
propose to touch upon those topics at all. I desire simply to say that,
having been for the last two years an observer, though not so close an
observer as before, of the course, administrative and legislative, of
the Provincial Government- without pretending to be able to form an
accurate judgment as to all the petty details in respect of which my
friends have been accused, being obliged infact to confess to you
frankly that I have never had the time to enter into the calculations
necessary to come to a conclusion whether or not they' paid too much for
the fence around the Parliament Buildings—(laughter and applause)—yet,
speaking of larger matters, which are fit to occupy the attention of an
intelligent people, the general course of administration and legislation
has been such as to commend itself to my poor judgment, and in my belief
to entitle that Government to the confidence, the respect, the
affection, and the continued support of the people of this Province.
(Cheers.) With reference to the questions which are likely to come
before the country at no distant time, some of these, as my friend Mr.
Dymond remarked to you, are in such a position that they may not, to the
public advantage, be at this instant discussed. There is, for example, a
question which is of extreme importance to the people of this country. I
refer to the negotiations for a Reciprocity Treaty now pending. (Hear,
hear.) Without, in the slightest degree, pressuring to set up my
judgment against that of those who have thought it to the public
advantage to discuss the draft Treaty at this time, I confess I never
have been able to agree in that view, and for this reason— You are aware
that the question, whether this draft shall be agreed to or rejected, is
to be discussed and disposed of by the Senate of the United States next
December, and it seems to me that every argument that may be used just
now in Canada in favour of that Treaty, by those who do favour it, is an
argument calculated more or less to damage the chances of its approval
by the Senate, who will, I fancy, look at it Irom the exactly opposite
point of view. On the other hand, with reference to those Canadians
whose opinion is against the Treaty, all the arguments they use, all the
meetings they convene, all the resolutions they pass, seem to me to be
so many invitations to the Senate of the United States to pass the
Treaty and take that step at any rate towards the consummation which
they are deprecating all the time. (Hear, hear.) Therefore it appears to
me inexpedient for either side to discuss it now, but I quite agree that
it is a question which will at the proper time demand at the hands of
the representatives of the people the fullest consideration and the most
exhaustive discussions. I think the general principle upon which out
judgment is to be formed are not far to seek. We shall have to consider,
in ca^e we be given the opportunity of passing judgment upon the
question, whether the document is one which will, as a whole, without
doing gross injustice to any important interest, tend to the general
advantage of this country. We are to take, not indeed an
undistinguishing, but at the same time a broad, view of that question,
and we are to decide it freely for ourselves. I entirely demurred to the
line of action taken outside and in Parliament with reference to the
Treaty of Washington. I insisted that Parliament ought to be perfectly
free, since the question was remitted to it, to determine whether the
acceptance or the rejection of its terms was in the interest of the
country. What I said then I now repeat, and I am sure it will be found
when Parliament does meet, should this question be brought before us,
that the large majority which sustains the Government will be disposed
to deal with it upon that basis only. 1 regret under these circumstances
that at a recent assemblage of the Liberal-Conservative party, so
called, of this Province, a party platform was enunciated, a party line
taken with reference to this Treaty, and it surprised roe not a little
to see that while the Press earnestly denounced the supposition that it
was to be made a party measure on the Ministerial side, they should have
been first, in solemn convention assembled, to take a party line on the
other. Those who have preceded me have referred at some length to the
act ions of the past. I desire to say something of the present and the
future, illustrated, it may be, by the reference to the past; and I Turn
to another question of very great practical importance—the present
position of the Pacific Railway matter. You will have observed that when
the Government of which I was then a member undertook to deal with that
question, their policy was enunciated in distinct terms to the electors
before the late appeal, and that policy was most unequivocally approved,
first at the polls and subsequently in Parliament, (Hear, hear.) I see
that a deputation has been sent to England; that the people of British
Columbia—no, not the people of British Columbia, for I do not believe
they as a body sympathize with these extreme views—that the Government
of British Columbia has sent a deputation to England urging that some
measure should be taken to force the Government and people of this
country to do more than has been proposed with reference to that
railway. We last session took the unpleasanl step of very largely
increasing the rate of your taxation in order to provide funds towards
the fulfilment, so far as practicable, of this and other obligations
imposed on you by the late Government. Every man among us is now paying
one-sixth more taxes than before in order to this end. Parliament has
agreed that the work shall be done just as fast as it can be done
without further burdening the people of this country, and I believe,
that the step just taken is a very long step on the part of the people
of this country :n redemption of the pledge given to British Columbia.
At the period when terms were proposed to British Columbia which her
rulers did not see fit to accept, I had ceased to be a member of the
Canadian Government. Those terms in my opinion went to the
extreme-verge, and demonstrated the existence of an earnest desire to do
everything Which could be—with any show of reason—demanded, and I should
very much regret if any attempt were made to entangle the country
further, or arrange for the commencement and prosecution of the work
more rapidly than is involved by the term so offered, and the large
provision which we made by the increase of taxation last session. We are
called upon to commence the work immediately. I do not know that I can
point out to you more strikingly the rashness—the insanity of the
bargain thrust upon you by your late rulers, than by telling you that
the abandoned line of the Fraser—abandoned early because it was thought
by the engineers to be so expensive and difficult as to be
impracticable—has been returned to, as affording the prospect of a
better line than those upon the exploration of which such large sums
have been expended. And this is the state of things long after the
railway should, under the bargain, have been begun. We are asked to
begin at once, though we cannot yet find a route, and while a mistake in
the choice may involve an extra expenditure not only of many millions in
the first cost, but of annual millions more in the running of the road.
(Hear, hear.) Until these surveys are thoroughly completed, and until we
have found the least impracticable route through that inhospitable
country, that “sea of mountains,” it is folly to talk of commencing the
work of construction. Speaking conjecturedly, I am of the opinion that
the British Columbia section of the railway, even if it turns out to be
practicable as an engineering work, will involve an enormous
expenditure, approximating to $36,000,000, and after its completion will
involve an enormous annual charge on the revenues of the country for its
running expenses; and I doubt much if that section can be kept open
after it is built. I think the chief advantage the British Columbians
will derive from the enterprise will consist in the circulation of
money, and the profits of mercantile operations attendant on the
construction, and that Canada will be a frightful loser by the affair.
Now, even under these circumstances the fact that the population of
British Columbia is only some 10,000 altogether, representing, perhaps,
not so many householders as the audience I now see before me, ought not
to disentitle them to say—“You shall fulfil your bargain, or release us
from our bonds.” It is their right to take such a course, if they think
fit, but I deny that this is any reason why we should plunge this
country into ruin by the attempt. I have some reason to believe that
these people are sufficiently sensible and reasonable to recognize and
act on the truth of the matter, unless, indeed, they are sustained by
agitators in this country, who are willing for the sake of creating an
embarrassment to the Government, to excite false and delusive hopes
among them. The temper of Parliament you may judge from the fact that
during last session an amendment was moved by one of the British
Columbia members insisting upon an early prosecution of the work in that
Province, but he was sustained by five members only—two or three from
his own Province, and a couple of those who my friend Mr. Mowat delights
to call Ontario Tories. (Laughter.) If under all the circumstances the
Columbians were to say—“You must go on and finish this railway according
to the terms or take the alternative of releasing us from the
I would—take the
alternative! (Cheers.) I believe that is the view of the people of this
country , and it may as well be plainly stated, because such a plain
statement is the very thing which will prevent the British Columbians
from making such extravagant demands. If these 2,000 men understand that
the people of Canada are prepared, in preference to the compliance with
their ruinous demands to let them go and to leave them to build the
Columbia section with their 10,000 people, their tone will be more
moderate, and we shall hear no talk about secession. The principal
person who has spoken of it hitherto is Sir John A. Macdonald, who
almost invited it in his election speech during the late contest. They
won’t secede, they know better. Should they leave the Confederation, the
Confederation would survive, and they would lose their money.
(Laughter.) With regard to those sections of the railway which involve
the communication between our interior seaboard and the great Northwest,
the utmost diligence is being used to put them under contract. I go
heart and soul for the construction of these lines as rapidly as the
resources of the country will permit, in conjunction with an extensive
scheme of immigration and colonization. The work of construction in
itself will afford very great facilities for the rapid colonization of
those territories: the annual cash expenditure in labour will produce
attractions enabling us to a considerable extent to people the land. The
interests of Canada at large point very prominently to a speedy
settlement of that country. In my own humble belief the future of Canada
as a distinct State, the representative of British power on this
continent, largely depends upon our success in colonizing that region,
and what is equally important, and perhaps more difficult on our success
in retaining its sympathies, its trade, its commerce afterwards. Fertile
as is the soil, great as are the resources, glorious as are the
prospects with reference to production, it is certain that the distance
from the great markets of the world of the inland portions of that
country will form one great difficulty to be overcome. You have read of
the war which is going on between the farmers and the railways on the
Western States, the attempt which :s being made to cut down freights by
legislation. But I do not find that those railways are very rich. The
fact is the war is a war against distance; it is a war against time and
space; and that is t.he war the farmers of the North-west will have to
encounter. We ought to help as far as possible the successful
prosecution of that war, and to that end we must do what was so much
ridiculed during the late campaign—we must improve the water
communication of the North-west ; you can carry by water for one-fifth
the cost by rail, and you may be able to carry at a profit if you can
get water communication when it would not pay you to grow wheat to be
shipped by rail. (Hear, hear.) This is the more important because new
sources of supply are opening now in England, and it is likely that the
price of breadstuffs will rather fall than rise. I look on the success
of our enterprises in the settlement of the North-west as practically
dependent on the improvement of the water ways. Of course, there must be
railways at once to connect the sheets of water, and eventually a
through line; but I am confident that a bushel of wheat will never go to
England over an all-rail route from the Saskatchewan to the seaboard,
because it would never pay to send it. We must take it in the speediest
and cheapest way to the head of Lake Superior, where our splendid St.
Lawrence route commences; and we must use every effort to avert the
threatened danger of a diversion to the States of the trade relations of
that country. Let me turn to another question which has been adverted to
on several occasions, as one looming in the not very distant future. I
refer to the relations of Canada to the Empire. Upon this topic I took,
three or four years ago, an opportunity of speaking, and ventured to
suggest that an effort should be made to reorganize the Empire upon a
Federal basis. 1 repeat what I then said, that the time may be at hand
when the people of Canada shall be called upon to discuss the question.
Matters cannot drift much longer as they have drifted hitherto. The
Treaty of Washington produced a very profound impression throughout this
country. It produced, a feeling that at no distant period the people of
Canada would desire that I they should have some greater share of
control than they now have in I the management of foreign affairs; that
our Government should not present the anomaly which it now presents —a
Government the freest, perhaps the most democratic in the world with
reference to local and domestic matters, in which you rule yourselves as
fully as any people in the world, while in your foreign affairs, your
relations with other countries, whether peaceful or warlike, commercial
or financial, or otherwise, you may have no more voice than the people
of Japan. This, however, is a state of things of which you have no right
to complain, because so long as you do not choose to undertake the
responsibilities and burdens which attach to some share of control in
these affairs, you cannot fully claim the rights and privileges of
free-born Britons in such matters. But how long is this talk in the
newspapers and elsewhere, this talk which I find in very high places, of
the desirability, aye, of the necessity of fostering a national spirit
among the — people of Canada, to be mere talk.'1 It is impossible to
foster a national spirit unless you have national interests to attend
to, or among people who do not choose to undertake1- the
responsibilities and to devote themselves to the duties to which
national attributes belong. We have been invited by Mr. Gladstone ami
other English statesmen—notably by Mr. Gladstone, in the House of
Commons, very shortly before his Government fell, to come forward. Mr.
Gladstone, speaking as Prime Minister of England, expressed the hope he
cherished, that the Colonies would some day come forward and express
their readiness and desire to accept their full share in the privileges
and responsibilities of Britons.
It is for us to
determine—not now, not this year, not perhaps during this Parliamentary
term, but yet, at no distant day—what our iine shall be. For my part I
believe that while it was not unnatural, not unreasonable, pending that
process of development which has been going on in our new and sparsely
settled country, that we should have been quite willing—we so few in
numbers, so busied in our local concerns, so engaged in subduing the
earth and settling up the country—to leave the cares and privileges to
which I have referred in the hands of the parent State} the time will
come when that national spirit which has been spoken of will be truly
felt among us, when we shall realize that we are four millions of
Britons who are not free, when we shall be ready to take up that
freedom, and to ask what the late Prime Minister of England assured us
we should not be denied—our share of national rights. Tomorrow, by the
policy of England, in which you have no voice or control, this country
might be plunged into the horrors of a war. It is but the other day,
that without your knowledge or consent, the navigation of the St.
Lawrence was ceded forever to the United States. That is a state of
things of which you may have no right to complain, as long as you can
choose to say: “We prefer to avoid the cares, the expenses and charges,
and we are unequal in point of ability to discharge the duties which
appertain to us as free-born Britons;” but while you say this, you may
not yet assume the lofty air, or speak in the high pitched tones, which
belong to a people wholly free. The future of Canada, I believe, depends
very largely upon the cultivation of a national spirit. We are engaged
in a very difficult task—the task of wielding together seven Provinces
which have been accustomed to regard themselves as isolated from each
other, which are full of petty jealousies, their Provincial questions,
their local interests. How are we to accomplish our work? How are we to
effect a real union between these Provinces? Can we do it by giving a
sop now to one, now to another, after the manner of the late Government?
By giving British Columbia the extravagant terms which have been
referred to; by giving New Brunswick $150,000 a year for an export duty
which cannot be made out as worth more than §65,00(1 a year? Do you hope
to create or to preserve harmony and good feeling upon such a false and
sordid and mercenary basis as that? Not so! That day I hope is done for
ever, and we must find some other and truer ground for Union than that
by which the late Government sought to buy love and purchase peace. We
must find some common ground on which to unite, some common aspiration
to be shared, and I think it can be found alone in the cultivation of
that national spirit to which I have referred. (Cheers.) I observe that
those who say a word on this subject are generally struck at by the cry
that they are practically advocating annexation. I believe that the
feeling in the neighbouring Republic has materially changed on this
subject, and that the notions which were widely spread there some years
ago, and the desire to possess, as one Republic, under one Government,
the whole of this continent, from north to south, have died away. A
better and a wiser spirit, I believe, now prevails—largely due, perhaps,
to the struggles which are unhappily occurring in that country. The
attempt to reorganize the South has been going on for some years, and
owing, I think, to a very great error in judgment as to the way in which
it should be effected, it has been largely a failure. There is great
difficulty, and there are frequent disorders in the South. Then there
are the conflicts of interest between the Eastern and Western States,
very great conflicts and heartburnings. Then there are the alarming
difficulties and complications arising from the inordinate political
power which has been grasped by great corporations. And I think that the
best and wisest minds in the United States have settled down to the
conviction that the management Gf the United States with its present
territory is just as difficult a task as their best men can accomplish,
and that it would not be wise to add to their existing complications and
difficulties by any such unwieldy accession or unmanageable increase as
this great domain, the larger half of the whole continent, would be. I
think that among those circles in the United States which are to be
looked to as influencing the future, there is a great modification of
view on this point, and there would be, even were we disposed,, as I
hope we shall never be disposed, to offer to join them, a great
reluctance to take us. But I believe we have a future of our own here.
My opinion coincides with those to which I have been referring in the
United States. I believe that that country is even larger than it ought
to be in order to be well governed, and that an extension of its
territory would be very unfortunate in the Interests of civilization.
“Cribbed, cabined, and confined” as we ourselves are to the South by the
unfortunate acts of English diplomatists in the past, giving up to the
United States territory which, if we had it to-day, would make our
future absolutely assured, but still retaining as we do the great
North-west, I believe we can show that there is room and verge enough in
North America for the maintenance of two distinct governments, and that
there is nothing to be said in favour, but on the contrary everything to
be said against, the notion of annexation. These are the material
reasons, independent altogether of the very strong and justly adverse
feeling arising from our affection for and our association with England,
and the well settled conviction which, I believe, exists among the
people of this country that a Constitutional Monarchy is preferable to a
Republican Government. The Monarchical Government of England is a truer
application of real Republican principles than that of the United
States, and I have no hesitation in saying that the Government of Canada
is far in advance, in the application of real Republican principles, of
the Government of either England or the United States. (Cheers.) But,
with the very great advantages which we enjoy over that portion of our
fellow-subjects living in England, by reason of our having come into a
new country, having settled it for ourselves, and adapted our
institutions to modern notions, by reason of our not being cumbered by
the constitution of a legislative chamber on the hereditary principle,
by reason of our not being cumbered with an aristocracy, or with the
unfortunate principle of primogeniture and the aggregation of the land
in very few hands, by reason of our not being cumbered with the
difficulties which must always exist where a community is composed of
classes differing from one another in worldly circumstances so widely as
the classes in England differ, where you can go into one street of the
City of London and find the extreme of wealth, and a mile or two away
the very extreme of poverty; living, as we do, in a country where these
difficulties do not exist, where we early freed ourselves from the
incubus of a State Church, where we early provided for the educational
needs of our people, under these happy circumstances, with these great
privileges, there are corresponding responsibilities. Much remains to be
done even here before we can say that the ideal of true popular
Government has been reached; and some mistakes have been made, in my
poor judgment, in the course already taken. I do not believe it is
consistent with the true notion of popular Government that we should
have a Senate selected by the Administration of the day, and holding
their seats for life. (Cheers.) .1 am not of those who would be disposed
to abolish the Senate at this time. The Senate was supposed by those who
framed the Constitution of the United States—to which we are bound to
look as the framers of our Constitution looked—to be the representative
of the various States as States, in which, being as .States equal and
co-ordinate sovereignties, they had, however unequal in their population
and wealth, equal representation. That was the notion upon which, in the
framing of that Constitution and in the framing of ours, a Senate was
introduced. I am not prepared at this time to take the step of
dispensing with the Senate. I desire to see a Senate selected upon truly
popular principles, and in a way consistent with popular government, and
I am inclined to believe that a Senate so selected would be a useful and
influential body, and might perhaps accomplish an important object by
removing from the House of Commons the notion that the delegation ;n
that body from each Province is to act as an isolated band in defence of
Provincial rights and in assertion of Provincial interests. Is it
consistent with the notion that the Senators should represent the
several Provinces that they should be selected by one Government? We
know that under our form of Government the Governor-General has no
controlling voice in the selection of these gentlemen, that the Cabinet
recommend A or B to him and he appoints him, or, if he does not, his
Ministers go out of office. The practical result is that the Ministry of
the day name the Senators. They name them for life. They may possibly be
very good and efficient men when they are placed in the Senate. But even
so they may become, as, I suppose, most of us will become some day,
utterly effete, utterly incapable of discharging the duty for which they
were selected, but so long as they can drag their weary limbs to
Parliament once every second session, so long as they can be supported
there, as I have seen them supported to the halls of Parliament to save
their position, and sit for an hour or so as to register their names,
they hold their seats as Senators, and are supposed to represent the.
special interests of the Province for which they were selected. That is
one evil, supposing the selections to have been such as ought to have
been made in the first instance, but we all know they have not been such
as a rule. If the members of the Senate are to be the guardians of the
interests of the Provinces, it is the provincial mind which should be
referred to as to their appointment, and my own opinion is that the
Senate, besides being very largely reduced in number, should be composed
of men selected either immediately or immediately by the Provinces from
which they come. I believe ir the mediate mode of selection; I think
that the selection by the Legislature of the Province and the
appointment for moderate terms, not going out all together, but at
different periods, would be a system under which that body would obtain
an importance and a value hardly dreamed of under the present system.
You want that body not to change as rapidly as the popular body, not to
be composed exactly of the same class of men, but to change from time to
time. You do not want a set of old gentlemen there with notions of the
time when they were appointed perhaps, but which have not advanced with
the age, to be dreaming in the Senate, blocking improvements in
legislation as far as they dare, and only conceding them under an
extreme pressure of public opinion. (Hear, hear.) You want a body to
which it would be an honour to send any of the principal men of a
Province, and which would have an importance which the United States
Senate once had, and, though the lustre has perhaps diminished, still to
some extent retains. (Cheers.) I think also that something may still be
done towards securing freedom and purity of election. I am amongst those
members of the Liberal party who are prepared to express their very
great regret at the disclosures which have recently taken place in the
Election Courts. From the earliest moment of my entrance into public
life, I have taken a very earnest part in the effort to bring about
freedom and purity of election. In these struggles I did not say that my
friends of the Liberal party had never resorted to improper means of
securing their elections—I said you must not expect a different result
when you enacted sham laws, professing to prohibit bribery and
corruption, while you refused to provide proper means of enforcing those
laws. I said that as long as it was seen that there were no means of
carrying out these laws, the situation was worse than if there was no
law, and both parties would go on disregarding the law, until it ended
in the retirement of honest men as candidates for public life, and in
the retirement from any participation in politics of those citizens
whose notions of propriety, morality, and respect for the laws
prohibited them from using such unlawful means. We were resisted both in
the Local anil Federal Legislatures as long as resistance was feasible,
but fortunately for the Province, we were able to obtain a stringent law
in Ontario before the elections of 1871, and the result was that these
elections were infinitely purer than before. Though some of the
elections were voided by illegal practices, the sums spent were not
large, the corruption was by no means widespread, and the election may
be said to have been comparatively fair. We were unable to get the law
in the Dominion for the elections of 1872. The country in that contest
was flooded with money, and I suppose it was the most corrupt election
which ever took place in Canada. But public opinion was so strong on the
subject that the Government which had refused to pass the law brought it
in during the next session, and that law was in force, when the
elections of 1874 took place. I rejoice that it was so. and I repeat
what I have said before, that I would not, as a member of the
Government, have taken the responsibility of concurring in the
dissolution of 1874, it that law had not been on the Statute Book. The
result of the elections, as you are aware, was a very extraordinary
victory of the Liberal party. A number of petitions have been presented,
some on each side, and it has been found that no single election which
was brought, before the judges was conducted properly according to the.
law. Although no candidate has been found guilty of any impropriety, it
has been found that many men belonging to the Liberal party, and
prominent in the electoral districts, so far forgot what was due to
their country and to their party as to be engaged in the disposition of
funds in an illegal manner. My ora opinion— founded upon my knowledge of
what took place in some cases, upon what has come out before the judges,
and upon the fact that, though it was competent to each of the
petitioners to ask not only that the seat should be voided but that the
other candidate should be seated if his hands were clean, none of them
have dared to do so—is that there was an equivalent or a larger amount
of illegal expenditure on the other side.
I have no doubt that if
these gentlemen who are prosecuting ihose petitions with such energy—
and I rejoice to see that energy displayed— had dared to say not
merely—“You have been guilty of corruption,” but “our candidate has not,
and he can, therefore, take, and asks the seat,” they conceded tfyat the
verdict of the people on the new elections, will be as a rule, in favour
of the unseated member; and these people, understanding that perfectly
well, would be very glad to have their candidate seated by the decision
of the judges rather than undergo a new election to receive another
adverse verdict. I do not believe the result of the elections has been
materially affected by the expenditure, — but there is no doubt of the
gross impropriety of the acts disclosed; and the only excuse for it that
I can see is that these gentlemen could not have fully realized that we
had got the boon we had been struggling for, but thought the old corrupt
course would be followed by the other side, and that whosoever won by
any means, would keep the seat. In that case the results of these trials
will have disabused the people of this country of any such idea. They w
ill have found that we of the Liberal party who represented you in
Parliament were not so recreant to our trust as to make an appeal to the
country without a law which would be effective, and that we have got a
law which will enable the people to conduct elections purely and to
punish those who are guilty of corruption. I have a good hope that what
has taken place will produce a beneficial effect on the men of both
parties in the elections for the Local Legislature and that we may then
see an election even purer than that of 1874. I need not, I suppose,
repeat to the people of this riding the exhortation which I have
addressed to other ridings—the exhortation addressed to the country
generally by the Government through the address of Air. Mackenzie before
the late general election. I would point out to you that even a good law
by which effective machinery is provided is almost useless unless the
popular sense and feeling be committed to the support of it, and that
the main force and efficiency of any such law is dependent upon the
fund. the will, and the determination of the people to sustain the law
and frown down those who transgress it. I hope the Liberal party of this
Province will take that course. I believe they will. I have a firm
confidence that now, both sides having learned that there is a means by
which corruption can be discovered, and that the discovery of that
corruption, practised by those who have acted with ;he concurrence of
the candidate, will destroy the illusory victory which has been gained,
the axe has been laid at the root of the tree, and we shall have fair
elections for the time to come. There is another improvement on the
Statute Book of which we have not received the advantage yet. I mean the
ballot. But I think that still further improvements might be achieved. I
think every one will agree with me that one of the great difficulties in
securing freedom of election in the past has been the reluctance of
voters to go to the polls, the difficulty that was made about it, the
compliment it was supposed to involve, and the attempt—too successful in
many cases—to extort money as team-hire for going, when the voter ought
to have been proud and happy to drive or walk, and if he had a team,
while his neighbour had none, to take his neighbour as well, so as to
strike his blow for the good cause. (Cheers.) I believe it is under the
guise of hiring teams that bribery has to the greatest extent permeated
the body of the electors. 1 believe that another system of bribery w
hich has gained ground of late years is that of paying voters to abstain
from voting. That is the system which is most likely to be resorted to
under the ballot, for this reason; if you buy a man to stay at home, you
can always tell whether he has kept his bargain or not: but if you buy
him to vote for you, you cannot tell whether he has, because he may have
voted against you. I am strongly impressed with the idea that some
provision whereby voters should no longer imagine that they were to be
invited, allured, complimented, attracted to the poll, their teams paid
for, themselves solicited to go, would be a proper provision. Who are we
who vote? Is it a right only that we exercise or a trust? We are but a
very small proportion, perhaps not more than an eighth of the
population, male and female, men, women and children. Is it in our own
interests or for our own rights only that we vote? Arc1 our own fates
alone affected by our votes? Not so. The whole population of the country
, our wives, our sisters, and our children, those male adults who have
no votes, all these are affected by it. Therefore it is a trust, a
sacred trust, which the voter holds in the exercise of franchise. True,
it is a right, because the voter* in common with the rest of the
community, is affected by the laws which are passed; but he is bound to
vote in the interests of the whole community; and therefore I do not see
why the Legislature should not point out to him that it is his duty, if
he chooses to allow himself to remain on the register, to exercise the
trust which he has undertaken. I would not go against any man’s
conscience. There may be some men, even in this country, of a peculiar
persuasion, who hold it wrong to vote, but a provision permitting any
man, upon his own application to the County Judge on the revision of the
rolls, to be disfranchised, would get rid of any difficulties on the
score of conscience. But if a man chooses that his name shall be
retained on the list amongst the electoral body—which is itself a
representative body, for those tens of thousands represent the hundreds
of thousands for whom they vote and in effect legislate—then let him be
told that it is his duty to exercise the franchise. I would not force
him to vote for a particular person. He may say: “I do not like either
of the men.” A man may be so crotchety and difficult to please that he
cannot make a choice between the candidates. We cannot help that; our
ballot is secret; but let the voter, at all events, go to the booth and
deposit his ballot. Whether it be a spoilt ballot or a blank ballot we
shall not know, but I think it is likely that every man who goes to the
booth will deposit an effective ballot. I think those who remain on the
roll should be compelled by law to deposit their ballots, and that a law
establishing some penalty for the breach of this provision, unless they
excuse themselves by proof of illness or absence from the constituency,
would be a good law, and as far as this branch of the subject is
concerned, would tend largely to increase the virtue of our present
electoral system, besides a moderate penalty to be sued for, I would be
disposed to add a provision that the man who had failed to vote at an
election, whether general or special, and who within 30 days did not
file a solemn declaration excusing himself upon one ground or the other,
should not be entered upon the roll of voters again at any period until
after the next general election, so that he should not be counted
amongst the trustees of the popular right, for a certain period at any
rate. (Cheers.) You know how difficult it is to get men to vote at a
special election. Men are busy in their fields or about their affairs,
and they forget, I am sorry to say, how very few hours in the year they,
as self-governors, devote to the discharge, of that highest and noblest
privilege—the privilege of self-government. Let them understand, if at
an election they prefer their business, their pleasure, or their
occupations to the exercise of the franchise, that until after the next
general election at any rate, they who hav e been proved to be
unfaithful guardians, and have shown their little regard for the rights
and privileges they hold, shall have no further concern or part in these
matters, and shall leave to the faithful trustees the control which <s
theirs by right. (Hear, hear.) It may be said: “You are proposing a law
which will bring forward a number of persons who do not care about
politics, and whom if; is better not to have at the polls,” but it is my
object to prevent their being brought forward by improper means. A great
many of them are brought forward now. The corrupt man says: “I cannot
go, I cannot afford the time.” He does it to get a few dollars. The
indifferent men—and there are many of them of a highly respectable
class—-should be made to see that is part of their duty to vote. Once
they understand that it is their duty to take part in elections, I
believe they are mural enough and conscientious enough to take that
part, and I believe it will be taken generally for the good of the
country. I am sure you will agree with me that a proposal which is
calculated to poll out the popular vote to the utmost extent is a
proposal in the interest of real popular Government. There is much more
likely to be a true expression of the people's feelings in that than in
any other way. I do not intend to detain you with any remarks upon the
general abstract question of the franchise. My own opinions on that
subject I may perhaps give some other day. I may say that however little
the present character of our franchise answers the theoretical views and
principles of some, there is no doubt that as a practical measure, :n
its actual working, it does give the vote to such a large proportion of
the people of this Province, that the popular vote fully polled and
rightly counted would be a fairly accurate exposition of the popular
opinion; but I believe that even without attempting radical changes,
without attempting to lay down a principle for the franchise more
satisfactory' than that which now prevails, there may be some practical
reforms in the present system. I shall limit myself to two. You are
aware that the general franchise is based upon the ownership or tenancy
or occupation of real property of certain values. Now, it is deeply to
be regretted, on many grounds, that the rural communities of this
Province do not determine, once for all, to do away with the false and
injurious system of under-assessing property which prevails amongst
them. (Cheers.) I have said in the Legislature, and I repeat here, that
it is a disgrace to the people of Ontario that we should find the vast
mass of our property deliberately under-assessed forty, perhaps fifty,
per cent., by officers sworn to assess it up to its full value—(Hear,
hear)—-and this with the concurrence of those whom you place in power.
It is done, in fact, because your councillors sanction it, and sometimes
even so instruct the assessors. It is generally a miserable
short-sighted attempt to procure a favourable equalization of the county
rate. A township thinks if its property is under-assessed no other
township will get an advantage over it, and so you have a system which
is dishonest, which is a fraud on the face of It, and which, apart from
its moral degradation, is injurious to the Interests of the Province,
because it keeps back from the knowledge of the people of England and of
the world what our property is really worth. You tell them it is worth
so many millions when the value might be truly doubled. It is injurious
because such a system, artificial as it is, renders much more difficult
a fair and equitable adjustment. In my city we are taxed very heavily,
and we have found that the true course is to assess the property up to
its full value, as that is the way in which every man is most likely to
pay his fair share. But when you establish a fictitious basis, there are
immense facilities for fraud and enormous difficulties in the way of a
fair adjustment. More, it gives opportunities to partizan assessors
which they could not have under a proper system, because if you bring
down the assessment oO per cent, you may bring it down to the margin of
the qualification, while if you have a fair valuation there would not be
a man who would not be entitled to vote on any cottage or plot of land
on which he lives. But when you under-assess you give the opportunity
for fraud. I have seen a column of lots assessed at $100 and another
column assessed at $210. What did that mean? Why, we all know' that it
meant simply that the $190 men were all of one stripe of politics, and
the $210 men of the other stripe. (Cheers and laughter.) The thing would
have been quite out of the question if you had determined to make your
assessors assess justly and tightly. There is no use in passing laws if
the people will not support them. You have the law, but so long as you
instruct or wink at your assessor in doing this, or do not dismiss him
for doing it, so long the law will be violated. (Hear, hear.) I
mentioned in the Legislative Assembly my feeling of humiliation at this
state of things, my hope that it would be amended, and my view that if
so there would be no ground on that score for a change in the franchise.
But in the class of householders it might be well to get rid at once of
all that difficulty by prescribing that the simple occupation as a
householder should give the vote. This is, in fact, a very’ old
franchise in England, and can do no harm but would do some good here.
Then there is another thing. There is a custom in this country, which
cannot, I think, be too highly commended - there is a custom among those
farmers who have raised a family of retaining one or two of their sons
on the farm. They live there with the expectation that when the
inevitable day arrives the faithful son, who has done his duty by his
parent, has soothed his declining years, has worked for him, as he was
worked for in the days when he was a child and helpless and his father
was strong, will inherit the farm. That is a state of things which is
highly desirable and should be perpetuated. That degree of mutual
confidence, that pleasant continuance of the family life after the son
has attained to manhood, is a matter of great importance to the moral
standing and virtue of the people at large. It is my opinion that such
adult sons would make as good a class of voters as you can find in the
country. (Hear, hear.) I believe some of them leave the farms and
discontinue that state of things because they desire to wear that badge
of manhood, the franchise. I do not see why they should not wear that
badge. I do not see why they should be penalized— educated as they are
under our school system, and showing themselves to be alive to one of
the highest duties of citizenship- -by being excluded from the
privilege. It would, I think, be well, when dealing with a system of
representation which is not theoretically correct, a system which you
cannot logically defend, but which you say works practically, to extend
the franchise and give the right to vote to every adult son who is
living on the farm of his father. (Cheers.) You know that such votes
have been obtained in the past by a process which I regret. By an
evasion of the law, fathers have placed their sons on the roll, and they
have obtained votes by a side wind. That is unfortunate, because it is
against the law, and because such vote is not held freely, but to a
great extent at the pleasure of the father. I do not care that a man
should have the right to vote if I or some one else may tell him how he
must vote. Give these men the right, and their votes will, especially
under the ballot, be as free and as useful to the community as any
others in the country. Before passing from this subject I desire to
speak of one of the truest tests of the right to the franchise—I mean
the educational test. There is no doubt that our future will be largely
affected by the course we take with regard to the extension of education
throughout the land. I agree with many of the remarks of Mr. Mowat on
that subject. I commend heartily the public spirit which has led the
people of this country to expend such large sums on education; but my
information leads me to believe that the people have not done all that
they ought to have done. It is not only expenditure which is needed, but
it is equally important to take care that when you have the schools you
send your children to them for a proper portion of the >ear Then you
cannot get good work without reasonable pay. You have improved
considerably the rate of pay of your teachers in the last few years.
Three or four years ago, after investigating that subject, I spoke to my
own constituents upon it, and I say now again, that if you want to make
all this expenditure effectual, it is a prime duty to consider how much
is required in order to obtain a good teacher and to pay that sum
whatever it may be. Without that the whole system is ineffective. The
teacher is the key. To what purpose do you build brick school-houses,
elect trustees, and send your children to school, unless you have an
efficient teacher to instruct them? And you cannot get good teachers at
the present rate of pay, increased though it is. Another point is this.
In old and well settled countries where the farms are cleared and the
men have become wealthy, where there is no reason, no necessity, for the
children being kept at home, how is it that the average period of
attendance is so short? In some parts the shortness of the average
attendance is positively alarming. I exhort my fellow-countrymen to see
to these things. You have established free schools, and you have
resolved to tax every one to maintain them. We are all interested then
in this matter, and it is to the general and wide diffusion of
instruction and education that we must largely look for the great future
that we expect. But, sir, with such a hope for the future before us, I
believe we might effect immense improvements upon the present system of
popular representation. For my own part I have been for some time
dissatisfied with our present mode of popular representation, as
furnishing no fair indication of the opinions of the country. I do not
think a system under which a majority in one constituency elects a
member, the minority being hopeless, helpless, without any
representation of its own at all, is a good system. I have been
collecting some statistics on this subject, and it is extraordinary to w
hat extent the popular voice, as shown in the popular vote, differs from
the expression of that voice in the Legislature. In the State of
Maryland you can find an election lately in which parties w ere so
divided that two-thirds of the people polled on the one side, and
one-third on the other. The result of the election was that the
Republicans, who polled S. two-thirds, elected every member, and the
Democrats, who polled one-third, did not elect a single man. That was
not a fair or reasonable result. In the State of Maine something of the
same kind happened. The Democrats had polled one-third of the votes, but
only elected 43g out of 247 members. Coming nearer home, for perhaps out
Tory friends will object to my taking illustrations from across the
line, in Nova Scotia, in the year 1867, there was a bitterly fought
contest on the question of Union or anti-Union. The result was that only
Mr. Tupper was returned from the whole Province, and that by a very
narrow majority, as a representative of the Union sentiment. I have
analysed the statistics of that election, and I find that the real
strength exhibited at the polls would have given, as nearly as I can
estimate, seven to the Union side instead of one, and only twelve to the
anti-Unionists instead of 18. Take Nova Scotia again in 1874. The
returns gave 19 to the Government, one Independent and one
Opposition—Mr. Tupper again.
I will give him the
Independent man into the bargain, because I think he belongs to that
quarter. (Laughter.) The popular vote on that occasion would, as nearly
as I can judge, have given 8 out of the 21 to^ that side instead of 2,
and but 13 to the Government instead of 19. Our principle of Government
is that the majority must decide. Upon what is it founded? Well, you
cannot give a reason except this, that it is necessary. It is the only
way in which Government can be carried on at all. But if the minority
must, on this ground of necessity, bow to the voice of the majority, the
majority is all the more bound to see that the minority has its fair
share of representation, its fair weight in the councils of the country.
The majority must recollect that it may become the minority one day, and
that then it would like to have its fair share in those councils, and
such disparities as these are not likely to induce a feeling of cheerful
submission on the part of the minority.
In Ontario, in the
election of 1867—I cannot, of course, be precisely accurate in these
matters, because there were some acclamation returns, and there are
other difficulties in making an exact calculation but there were 82
members to be returned. The whole popular vote would have resulted in a
slight majority for the Liberal party over the Government, but
discarding fractions, the result would give 11 members to each. The
Government, however, carried 49 seats to 33, and so the Liberal party
did not obtain its fair share in the Government of the country. A turn
of 408 votes would have taken seventeen seats from the Government and
given them to the Liberal party. We say we have representation by
population, but we have not representation by population unless the
population has a representation in the Legislature equivalent to its
strength at the polls. In the late election of 1874 the popular voice,
although very strongly in favour of the Government, was by no means so
decided as the returns showed. And besides this 178 votes turned the
other way would have changed eight seats, making a difference of sixteen
on a division. Little more than double that number would have changed
sixteen seats, or thirty-two on a division, and this in a Province where
I over 200,000 votes would, it all the elections were contested, have
been polled. My own opinion is that it is not houses, and stocks, and
farms that are represented, but human beings, with immortal souls—these
are the true subjects of representation, the sharers in, the owners of
political power, and I think a scheme ought to be devised, as a scheme
has been devised, to give them a fairer representation. In England, in
constituencies which return three or four members, a cumbrous mode has
been adopted called the “restrictive vote,” which I do not recommend, by
which each man votes for one less than the whole number to lie elected.
That gives some representation to each side. In the School Board
elections, which have caused the greatest possible interest and
excitement, and have resulted in London in the return of an Educational
Parliament which may vie with the Parliament of the Empire in ability in
proportion to its numbers, the cumulative system has been with great
advantage adopted. By this the voter, having as many votes as there are
members, may give the whole of his votes to one candidate or divide them
as he pleases. That system has been also adopted with the most
beneficial results in the State of Illinois, where the returns under the
amended constitution of 1870 have been within one of the actual popular
voice. I say the system of representation under which we now live is
inadequate to the purposes of the age. The complicated interests of
society, the various views entertained by various sections of people,
the enormous divergencies and the minor shades of divergency which
exist, the fact that you cannot accurately or reasonably approximate the
real strength of popular opinion as evinced at the polls by the return
of members to Parliament—these considerations are sufficient to condemn
the existing system and send us on search for a better. That better can,
I believe, be found, and if it be reserved for pii^ Province or this
Dominion to set the example of finding it, a great benefit will have
been conferred by us on the cause of freedom throughout fhe world. I
believe Mr. Hare’s system or some modification of it—a system by which
each voter may vote for any one he pleases, and give his vote should it
not be required for his first choice, to second, third, or fourth
candidates, in the order of his preference- -would result in the return
by unanimous constituencies of men having the confidence of those
constituencies, and of just so many men on each side as the strength of
that side at the polls would justify. What is my position to-day? I have
a very large constituency. I represent a constituency :n which many more
votes were polled against me than sufficed to return Mr. Dymond. Within
nine of 2,000 votes were polled against me. Can I say I represent those
people? I do not. I do not represent their views. They thought T was
wrong, they wished to defeat me, they wished to condone the Pacific
Scandal and to support the late Government. I am bound to consider their
individual wants, but I cannot say I represent their views. How are they
represented? Some may say that people a long way off elected, say, Mr.
Cameron, of Cardwell, or Mr. Farrow, of North Huron, represent them.
That is a very peculiar mode of representation, by which the
unrepresented minorities of adverse views in different constituencies
are in effect told that they are to be* content because there are others
in like evil plight. Look at home. Turn to this Metropolitan district.
Take, if you please, the old County of York, including Toronto, Ontario
and Peel. You have there nine districts, and you have nine members all
on one side, and not a single one on the other. The return at the polls
gave five to four. The popular vote gave you five and your adversaries
four, and upon a proper system of representation that would have been
the proportion of the members. We shall have to settle before long the
question of the Parliamentary system of the future. As '’the late Prince
Consort said some years ago, Parliamentary systems are on their trial.
When we provide a plan by’ which every man shall be represented, by
which each side of opinion shall be represented in proportion to its
strength, we shall have avoided the difficulties which result from the
artificial divisions which we make, and which render the expression of
opinion by the returns so essentially different from that shown at the
polls. There is not time now to give you even a fair summary of the
reasons for this reform. I must bring my speech to a close. I know, Sir,
that I have made a rather disturbing speech, but I am not afraid of
that. As far as I can judge, not much good can be one without disturbing
something or somebody, and if that is the only objection to be made to
the sentiments I have uttered, I am quite ready to meet: it. I may be
said also to have made an imprudent speech— at least it might be said il
I were one of those who aspire to lead their fellow countrymen as
Ministers. It is the function of Ministers- -we know it, and I do not
quarrel with it—to say nothing that can be caught hold of—(Laughter)
—nothing in advance of the popular opinion of the day, to watch the
current of that opinion, and when it has gathered strength, to
crystallize it into Acts of Parliament. That is the function of a
Liberal Minister. The function of a Tory Minister is to wait till he is
absolutely forced to swallow his own opinions. (Laughter.) My hon.
friend, Mr. Mowat, will, I doubt not, by your suffrages, enjoy a long
time in which to perform his high duty, but it may be permitted to one
who prefers to be a private in the advanced guard of the army of
freedom, to a commanding place in the main body—(Loud cheers)—to run the
risk of promulgating what may be called a political heresy to-day, but
may perhaps become a political creed to-morrow. (Cheers.) I am sure that
whatever may be your disposition as to the opinions I have advanced, and
however disinclined you may be to accept my proposals, you will receive
then! with toleration and liberality. I believe that feeling which is
strongly existent in the ranks of our opponents, of intolerance of any
difference of opinion, that determination without argument to write and
speak down the man who advances anything new as revolutionary and
unsafe, is not shared by the Liberal party. I believe you realize the
value in the interests of true liberty of a free utterance before his
fellow countrymen, of the distinctive opinions held by a public man.
(Cheers.) I am quite sure you sympathize with the eulogy which the
poet-laureate of England conferred upon the old land, and you desire
that his words of praise should be properly applicable to the new, when
in immortal verse he sung:—
You ask me, why, tho’
ill at ease,
Within this region I subsist,
Whose spirits falter in the mist,
And languish for the purple seas?
It is the land that freemen till,
That sober-suited Freedom chose,
The land, where girt with friends or foes,
A man may speak the thing he will;
A land of settled government,
A land of just and old renown,
Where Freedom broadens slowly down
From precedent to precedent:
Where faction seldom gathers head,
But by degrees to fulness wrought,
The strength of some diffusive thought
Hath time and space to work and spread.
Should banded unions persecute
Opinion, and induce a time
When single thought is civil crime,
And individual freedom mute;
Tho’ Power should make from land to land
The name of Britain trebly great—
Tho’ every channel of the State
Should almost choke with golden sand—
Yet waft me from the harbour-mouth,
Wild wind! I seek a warmer sky,
And 1 will see before I die,
The palms and temples of the South. |