THE emigration that for
a century and a half had been building up the old colonies of England
was only slightly interfered with by the change in the political status
of those colonies after the American Revolution. After 1783 as before,
every year saw the new republic enriched by thousands of settlers from
the old country, while Canada remained neglected and unknown1. The war
of 1812-14 to a certain extent changed this: in the first place, it made
a great deal of very bad blood between Britain and her former colonies:
in the second, it called attention to the existence of a British portion
of the New World. That Canada got much advertisement out of the war
among the emigrating masses is doubtful; that she got: a good deal
amongst officialdom appears fairly evident. At any rate, for several
years afterwards, the war, and considerations arising out of it,
governed official opinion on emigration to, and settlement in, Canada.
The necessity for
defending the colonies called attention to their weakness. The most
obvious thing to be done, towards strengthening them, as also the most
desirable, was to increase their population and thus in time render
British North America capable of defending itself. But if British North
America was to remain British, great care must be taken to see that only
a loyal and trustworthy population should be introduced. Whatever
consistent policy the Colonial Office thereafter had was based on these
two considerations. Problems of immigration and settlement were, without
doubt, the major problems of the day. Owing to the small number of
inhabitants and the desire of the great majority of the newcomers to go
on the land, the government had to concern itself very closely with the
immigrant and his affairs. It becomes of importance, then, to study the
attitude assumed towards these problems by those responsible for their
The first step towards
providing a population adequate to self-defence was taken as early as
1813 by Lord Bathurst, then hut newly appointed secretary of state for
the colonies. He proposed to send out a number of Scottish emigrants, to
give them free passages, free land, and other assistance, and in return
to secure a fairly large deposit from each head of family as a bond
against removal to the United Slates within two years of arrival. The
proposal, having been submitted to the Canadian authorities, was
enthusiastically approved of by Sir Gordon Drummond2. The prospective
settlers would form very valuable additions to the loyal population of
Upper Canada—a province which already contained too many aliens.
Moreover, the Scots would make good militia-men-—a fact that would
outweigh any objections to the increase ;n the number of mouths to be
fed. Naturally enough, at such a time Drummond’s interest was primarily
military; he looked on immigrants as means for ensuring the retention of
the colony by Britain. This view is representative in that most of the
colonial officials, at that time and for some years later, held it. It
was a self-evident principle to them, crowding into a very subordinate
background the question of building a strong colonial state by means of
whatever immigration would best secure such a purpose. It led to a
careful selection of immigrants on the bases of approved loyalty and
military usefulness, to attempts at the arbitrary location of settlers
for strategical purposes, to experiments in settlement (such as the
Rideau and Drummondville colonies, which were settlements of military
men run on strictly military lines), to a vigorous and narrow
anti-American policy and, generally, to an overemphasis of
considerations of defence.
This strategic motive
was so dominant in everybody’s mind that it will be in order, at this
point, to examine it more closely.
Writing while yet the
war raged, Prevost states to Bathurst (May 9, 1814) that he has desired
to settle the Glengarry Fencibles in the township of Sherrington
because, it being near the lines, they could defend the frontier in case
of future attack. In a , similar way the islands in the St. Lawrence
near lyngston were held to be particularly important sites for the
location of settlers who could be relied upon not to go over to the
enemy, either during or after the war. The adjutant-general, Baynes, was
of the opinion that these and other key-!ocalities should be settled by
ex-soldiers; other settlers would not voluntarily go near so dangerous a
frontier, and if left vacant, they would soon fill up with an American
population that would willingly sit on whichever side of the fence best
suited for the time being. Even the soldiers would not be too reliable,
for, without exception, desertion had proved a drain on every corps
employed in frontier duties; “the ideal blandishments of the United
States is so powerful an incitement that the corps of the highest
established reputation have not escaped frequent desertions.”
After the war was over,
the formation of a second line of communication between Montreal and
Upper Canada was proposed. This line was to run vid the Rideau and Trent
Rivers and Lake Simcoe to Lake Huron. It was pointed out that such a
line could be made in war only at great expense, but that if the country
along it could be settled, when the need arose, there would be roads
over the portages and plenty of transport available along the route.4
This was perfectly correct, of course, and undoubtedly the St. Lawrence
was a very precarious line in time of war; from Kingston to Montreal,
for example, the only settlers whose loyalty could be depended on had
been the Scots of Stormont and Glengarry.3 If people would only go where
they were told and cast their lots according to the doubtlessly sound
plans of the military chiefs, the desired settlements might have been
made. But pioneers, like other people, have a way of looking out for
themselves first and the state afterwards, so that the second li le was
slow in forming, and emigrants passed by the beautiful lakes (and barren
rocks) of the Rideau to the more fertile lands of the west. Not for over
twelve years more was the line formed, and then not by settlement, but
by the engineers of the mother country in the building of the Rideau
Opinions in the matter
of strategic settlement were indeed much more common than
accomplishments; the Scottish settlers sent out by Bathurst (to whom we
shall refer again) were, it is true, placed in the Eastern district of
Upper Canada along the frontier, but the deciding motive in their case
was the fact that in that locality they would be in touch with other
Scottish settlers who had preceded them. The most formal attempts made
to colonize on the strategical plan were the Rideau and Drummondville
military settlements. Plans for semi-socialistic communities in British
North America were, of course, legion. It was easy enough to sit in a
London club and draw a picture of a beautiful little Utopia somewhere
out in America where the citizens were the best of soldiers and the most
industrious of pioneer farmers at one and the same time, but it was
quite another matter to translate these schemes into accomplished facts.
To the credit of the Colonial Office, be it said, most of these schemes
to kill two birds with one stone died a quiet death within the confines
of the United Kingdom. The government’s own scheme, however, was
proceeded with. All disbanded soldiers were to be given land on
condition of actual settlement, and the chosen band who elected to join
their fellows on the banks of the Rideau or the St. Francis, were to be
given much more—implements, log-cabins and food. The initial expression
of opinion was voiced by Prevost in his despatch of March 18, 1815. He
takes it for granted that the settlements should be made at strategic
points. Debating the question as to the policy that should be pursued
with regard to the frontier townships of Lower Canada, he states that
the settler there would find a wilderness between himself and the St.
Lawrence. He would also find easy communications leading to the United
States: the inevitable consequence would be that the easy and evil
communications would corrupt his good manners, no matter how loyal he
had been to begin with. Moreover, the experience
[Col. David Stewart’s
“Observations on the Means of Obtaining from the Highlands of Scotland
an Efficient and Permanent Force for the Defence of Canada in the event
of Future Wars and for Promoting Cultivation and Augmenting the
Population of the Colony," April 24, 1815: “One or more effective
regiments may be raised from the Emigrants, for the double purpose of
defence, of increased population and cultivation. The Male progeny of
these emigrants would become both Cultivators and Soldiers as they
arrived at the age of Puberty, thereby not only increasing the Military
Defence of the Colony but Augmenting the Cultivation of the Soil.” “The
boon offered might be fifty acres of land to every private, seventy
acres to every Noncommissioned Officer,” etc. “Still more to attach the
people to the soil it might be politic to stipulate that the eldest son
of each Family who entered into the Army should be entitled to a
freehold grant of fifty Acres.” “These lands to be laid out as near as
possible to the different Military Depots where Log Houses should be
built by the troops for each family, the one. assisting the. other in
clearing rhe Land for u Garden and Orchard, and in cultivating when they
could be spared from Military duty. A Village would be thus formed in
the Vicinity of every Military Depot which would rapidly rise and become
of some consequence; while the Military were occupied in, the duties of
their profession, their children who were growing up would assist in the
cultivation of their little farms. Under such circumstances a Military
Force almost to any extent might be raised and ultimately supported at
very moderate expense.” (Canadian Archives, Series Q, Vol. 135, pt. 2.)
of the war had shown that a broad belt: of wilderness was the country’s
best defence. Therefore the best plan was to leave the frontier alone
and put the men on the St. Francis where the soil was generally good and
where communication with the rest of the country was easy. A compact
population would spell security. Prevost was also careful to point out
that under no conceivable circumstances would regular soldiers make good
*The Upper Canadian
settlement met with less intelligent criticism. Lieutenant-governor Gore
merely remarking that as it was apparently the government’s policy to
put “a consolidated loyal population” between the Ottawa and the St.
Lawrence on the Rideau, he was setting aside three hundred thousand
acres for that purpose.
At first only the corps
specially raised for service in the colony were designated as recipients
of government aid, but finally almost any discharged soldier could join
the settlements and live untier semi-military discipline. Inevitable
blunders were soon made, leading to delays in getting the men located
and consequent loss of enthusiasm. “I must apprize you that the spirit
of enterprise which appeared to actuate the de Wattevilles on their
first arrival has evaporated in consequence of their not being placed on
their lands and that some have already quitted the settlement and others
have notified their intention of following their example,” writes Supt.
McDonald to Deputy Quartermaster-General Fowler. Every despatch from
England inculcated economy and the abolition of aid as soon as possible;
less than one year after the settlements had been begun Bathurst was
expecting that soldier, settlers would be able to sustain themselves,
but instead of that most of the people at Drummondville, inexperienced
even in agriculture, let alone pioneer agriculture, were plunged in
abject misery. To make matters worse a number of Chelsea pensioners were
allowed to come to Canada: these people were destitute on their arrival
and many of them old and infirm. The governor protested, but further
consignments continued to arrive. No arrangements were made to have
their pensions forwarded to them and the spectacle was not uncommon of a
soldier, who had served his country faithfully, begging in the streets.
Bathurst stated that he had thought that these men would have made most
successful settlers as they would have ' in their pensions the means of
comfortable subsistence until their lands were cultivated and they would
not easily be led to remove into the United States”. So much for his
knowledge of the realities of colonial life.
By the end of 1819 a
total of 235 people—men, women and „ children—had been received at
Drummondville; a considerable administrative establishment continued to
be kept up. The sites of the military settlements were chosen on grounds
of military expediency, but the settlements themselves appear to have
been undertaken chiefly with a view to assisting the demobilized soldier
' —and incidentally to increasing the loyal population of the country.
Within a year or two
after the end of the war the strategic note was perceptibly softened;
officers who had fought were recalled; general peace had come and an
active policy of defence gave way to a state of mind which, while
recognizing that the Americans were no longer an imminent danger,
retained all of the ill-feeling engendered during the war. Americans to
the official class, whether in their own country or out of it, were
taboo. Hence we have a period during which anti-Americanism bulked
large. Here at least there was a clear-cut policy on immigration. It may
be put in three words: “ Keep them out!” That American immigrants were
in general more intelligent, more prosperous, and better suited to the
new country than any possible arrivals from Europe (including Great
Britain), had nothing to do with the question; the Americans were
factious democrats who brought with them their republican principles and
their presence could only be, at the best, dangerous to the British
connection, at the worst, fatal to it. Democracy was not yet popular in
But under the
circumstances the attitude was an entirely natural one. During the war
disloyalty had been found to be widespread; Americans who had come in
previously had in numerous cases gone over to the enemy. American
peaceful penetration had gone so far that “a few years would have
rendered Upper Canada a complete American colony.” “The population, with
the exception of the Eastern District, are chiefly of American
extraction; these settlers have been suffered to introduce themselves in
such numbers that in most parts they form the majority, and in many,
almost the sole, population. In some of the most populous parts of the
Settlements, two-thirds of the inhabitants have absconded, abandoning
valuable farms; even Members of the Provincial Legislature have gone
over to the enemy.” Thus the doughty patriot, Baynes.10 His views were
the views of officialdom. They were put into official form in Bathurst’s
despatch to Drumnond of January 10, 1815, iri which orders were given
that no land was to be granted to Americans, and that they were to be
prohibited as far as possible from coming into Canada. Nevertheless,
Americans kept coming and, to keep them out of Upper Canada, a rather
ingenious use of a current provincial statute was resorted to. All
persons who had not been resident six month's in the province, or who
had not taken the oath of allegiance, could be “dismissed” upon very
slight grounds. Lieutenant-governor Gore ordered the magistrates not to
administer the oath to any person “without a special authority”; no
“special authority” being likely to be extended for the administration
of the oath to Americans, they thus became automatically subject to
“dismissal”. In addition, all children of Loyalists when applying for
their land-grants were required to furnish a certificate proving their
loyalty during the war. The refusal of the oath of allegiance was
continued durng the following years, and residence In the United States
during the war became prirra-facie evidence of enemy nationality.:s On
the other hand, we have a glimpse of slowly changing public opinion in
some “Resolutions proposed to the Commons House of Assembly on the 3rd
April, 1817” and published in the Kingston Gazette of April 12. These
seek to establish by existing statutes (13 Geo. II and 30 Geo. Ill) that
Americans, despive the Revolution, still have the rights of natural-born
citizens, and claim that, as the country needs, above all else,
population to fill lipits vacarit lands, Americans should be allowed to
take the oath of allegiance. In the same year, James Buchanan, British
consul at New York, submitted a proposal for the admission of American
immigrants and argued that there was no danger of their disloyalty as
self interest would bind them to their new home. But the weight of
public opinion seems to have been against American immigration.
An interesting phase of
the immigration from the south was the movement initiated by Buchanan,
having for its aim the sending of British subjects already in America to
Canada. He got permission to issue passports to these people (strictly
excluding those who had been there during the war) and, painting in
glowing terms the prospects awaiting them in Canada, he managed to
induce several hundred to go there; he judged the hatred they had
conceived of everything American—presumably owing to their lack of
success among the Americans—would be most useful in Canada. Buchanan’s
zeal outstripped his prudence and some of his immigrants were refused
admittance by Gore on the grounds that they were seditious Baltimore
Irish and a very bad lot indeed. But the consul, elated with his
success, got permission to advance the fare of such others as were
willing to go. Finally the stream of work-hungry men began to dismay
leisurely Canadian officialdom, and Buchanan, vid London, was ordered to
restrain his enthusiasm. It is stated for he forwarded “about 3,000 poor
Irish who are chiefly located in the township of Cavan and have
Turning now to the
attitude, more particularly, of the Imperial government on emigration to
British North America, we find that, during the war it had appeared as
if a well-considered and comprehensive scheme were about to be embarked
upon. The Scottish settlers, to whom we have referred above, were
quickly got together, brought to Glasgow, looked after until embarked,
and on arrival had land allotted to them. Everything was carefully
supervised, and apparently a fair measure of success was / obtained. The
authorities were very careful to explain that their motive was the
diversion from the United States of inevitable emigration—a motive which
was as much stressed then as now. Bathurst terms it “too obvious to
require observation’’, “one of the great objects of His Majesty’s
Government” and so on. It is very explicitly stated in the official
notice of the discontinuance of free passages that it cannot be too much
impressed on the minds of applicants that the wishes and instructions of
Government are directed not to the increase of emigration from this part
of the united kingdom [i.e., Scotland] but to direct to the British
Provinces in North America, the surplus population that would otherwise
proceed to the United States”. Letters having “diversion” for their
theme rained upon the government. Typical examples are those of a Mr.
Bell (June 22, 1814) from Scotland, who claims that the system of
farming in vogue is drawing men overseas daily and that free passages
will take them to Canada in preference to the United States; and of the
lieutenant-governor of Guernsey (April 21, 1816), who forwards a long
list of Channel Islanders who will go to the United States if some
inducement to go to Canada be not given them.
The Hundred Days put a
stop to government aid to emigrants; under the altered circumstances,
writes Bathurst five days before Waterloo, no government encouragement
to go to Canada is for the present to he given to anybody, and the
administrator need not expect nearly as many families as it had
previously been intended to send.18 This cessation of an active
colonizing policy, it was thougnt, was only temporary; but, as it turned
out, direct aid, insofar as free passages and other direct assumption of
expense by the Home government went, was not resumed. The need for
economy at home, and perhaps the influence of those land-holders hostile
to a policy which threatened to rob them ol their tenants, brought the
movement to a close; on March 23, 1810, official notice was given that
no more free passages would be provided. A despatch of the following
summer curtailed aid , to the land grant alone,f0 and a recommendation
of Sherbrooke’s that settlers be given subsistence for one year after
arrival met with a discouraging negative. The following spring a few
were given agricultural implements (at the province’s expense), and free
land was given to approved settlers, who, by the way, had to leave
England before June I2 but thereafter, with every outward despatch, the
need for economy is inculcated. The era of paternal colonization ends.
What followed it? If we
look for any broad and well-defined policy of emigration and settlement,
we shall be disappointed. Whatever policy there was, was a hand-to-mouth
policy, based on parsimony; of organized effort to colonize and settle
the new country, there was none. In fact, English public opinion seemed
to be quite hostile to the colonization of Canada, even when privately
undertaken. A prevailing view was that British North America must,
sooner or later, be absorbed by the United States, and that money and
men sent there would thus be wasted. Hence we find The Times (April 5,
1817) contending that North America is no proper place for British
emigration. In another war, Canada could not be defended and would be
lost outright, together with its British population. If it could be
defended the emigration of disbanded soldiers and the unemployed might
be in order, but in any case emigrants passed over to the United States
and became a net loss to the Empire. “The Western Hemisphere from
Hudson’s- Bay to the Straits of Magellan seems destined by Providence
for other nations.” Such extreme opinions were probably not
representative, but they help to explain why the authorities were
unwilling to adopt an aggressive policy.
Towards the end of
1817, the Colonial Office began to discriminate against the poor
emigrant. Persons to be favoured were now to be those “who shall be
possessed of some means to carry out and maintain a certain number of
Cultivators ”.M As securities would be required from these people, it
was hoped that the evils occasioned by the influx of needy emigrants
during the last year would be obviated. In 1817 there had been 6,800
immigrants, neatly all desperately poor; great numbers were maintained
at the colonial government’s expense and by charity.24 Insomuch as this
policy determined that the Canadas were not to be a happy hunting ground
for the Motherland’s poor, it was sound. Unfortunately, it did not last,
and in succeeding years British America again became the objective for
hordes of hungry paupers, while the well-to-do tended to go to the
United States. In 1818 the policy was reaffirmed.25 One of the first
settlers to proceed under it was a Mr. Milburn, who was recommended to
Sherbrooke by Bathurst (as all settlers of this type were supposed to
he) and noted as leaving for Canada with a number of “followers” and as
a suitable person for a grant. No further change in the official
attitude arose during 1819, the end of the period under review.
We have now reviewed
the characteristic policies and opinions of the authorities, both home
and colonial, in respect to immigration into Canada during the five
years’ post-war period. We have found little of a constructive nature,
but despite the absence of lead or encouragement, immigration steadily
grew. In 1816, there came by sea to Canada 1,250 immigrants; in 1817,
6,800; in 1818, 8,400; in 1819,12,800; and thereafter increasing
numbers. Canada had emerged somewhat from the total obscurity of prewar
days, and had begun a period of sound growth.
A. R. M. Lower |