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Our Treaty History
Bkejwanong Territory, Walpole Island First Nation

I did have a copy of a booklet that gave an excellent wee history of this territory but had to take it down due to copyright issues.  However I have found two old publications that are out of copyright which I include below in pdf format.

The Memorial of the Chippeway Tribe of Indians
Some of whom reside on their Reserve near Sarnia and others on Walpole Island

Memorial of the Chippeway, Pottawatomy and Ottawa Indians of Walpole Island
Including their claims of the Huron Reserve, Fighting, Bois Blane, Turkey, and Point an Pelee Islands.

Youth Centre coming to Walpole Island


Enbridge Donations Helps Walpole Island Land Trust Preserve Natural Heritage

Rep. Miller Tours Walpole Island First Nation

PowWow Walpole Island May 2015

Walpole Duck Hunt 2014

Tour Of Walpole Island Health Centre

Language Revitalization on Walpole Island

Walpole Island First Nations Drum Ceremony


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