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Canadian Life as I Found It
Chapter XXI November, 1905

WE have been having some terrible blizzards. The other night I went out to look to my horses, and at one moment I had to lie flat on the ground to prevent myself being blown over. Thank God we have had no damage done so far. It really seems to us that out here on the immensity of the prairie, so far from all human aid, we realize more fully His protecting power, and our hearts are more truly thankful as each danger passes us by, for each storm does constitute a danger, when you think of the force the wind must gather in its uninterrupted course over so many hundred acres of prairie, without a single tree, or any obstacle but a few wooden buildings here and there, to break its wild career.

The freeze up has set in now, so I shall get a quarter of beef, 50 lb. of dried fish, and kill the pig. I mean to have a hunt and shoot a deer ; I ought, perhaps, to add, if I can.

I am glad to say that a store has been opened six miles away, along a good trail. It will be a great convenience later on, instead of having so often the long journey into Saskatoon. We were asked to a dance to celebrate the opening of it, but we were not able to accept the invitation.

Things are humming a little round us, you see; the land agent told me the other day that the value of land here had again increased, which was cheerful hearing.

We have at last got into our new house, and it is a great joy to us after all the discomforts of the old one. There is still a good bit to do to the interior, but that can be done by degrees; the principal part was to get in, before the weather was too severe.

We have been talking a great deal about home lately, and wondering when we shall be able to afford a trip. Mabel predicts we shall manage it in 1907, but I am sceptical about it; time will prove. It would, indeed, be glorious to be able to spend a winter with you again; our visit must always be paid in the bad season, as the spring and summer time is very fully occupied. The worst feature of Canadian life is that the working seasons are so short, you have to crowd so much into such short periods.

Jack had a very happy birthday on the 12th, and fully appreciated all the pretty picture books sent him. The dear boy is a great comfort to us, and certainly his presence takes away a great deal of the monotony and loneliness of prairie life; he is growing fast and keeps as sturdy as ever.

We are getting some heavy snowstorms now, and I must hurry up to get all the wood I can collected. I have hauled a good lot I am glad to say, but not enough to last the winter if it turns out a long one. I have secured a good load of coal, to help keep the heater going well all through the nights.