AROUND the pageant
enacted at Sault Ste. Marie by Sieur de St. Lusson in 1(570 gathered the
interest of the French nation in the Canadian West, when, in the name of
Louis XIV., the Commissioner took possession of “Sainte Marie de Saut,”
as also of Lakes Huron and Superior, the island of Manitoulin, and all
countries, rivers, lakes and streams contiguous and adjacent there unto.
A cedar cross was raised, and upon it the royal arm of France were
fixed. Seventeen Indian tribes were invited to the spectacle, even the
far distant Crees and Assiniboines. None of these tribes disputed the
French claim.
In the same year
Charles II, King of Great Britain and Ireland, gave to the Hudson’s Bay
Company “all the lands, countries and territories upon the coasts and
confines of the seas, streights, bays, lakes, rivers, creeks and sounds
lying within the entrance of the streights commonly called Hudson’s
streights,” with one limit ation, viz., except those “which are not now
actually possessed by any of our subjects, or by the subjects of any
other Christian prince or state.” Here then came in the French claim
that their occupation of the Canadian West was first, and here, in after
days, arose the claim of Canada for the territory held by the Hudson's
Bay Company.
From 1762, shortly
after the conquest of Canada, the Fur Traders of Montreal began to
extend their trade and build forts throughout the wide region from Lake
Superior and Lake of the Woods westward to the distant Saskatchewan.
In 1772 the Hudson’s
Bay Company left the shore of the Bay, which it had tenaciously hugged
for a century, and erected ii.. the Saskatchewan district its first
inland post at Cumberland House, within a few hundreds of yards of
Sturgeon Lake Fort, which Joseph Frobisher, one of the Canadian traders,
had built. From this time forward the conflict of the Companies
continued, until, when once a fort of the one Company was established,
soon beside it appeared a fort of the other. At one time, about the year
1800, an offshoot of the North-West Company of Montreal added a third
fort at all the chief points of competition through the Western country,
while there were also a few independent or ' free’ ’ traders who joined
in the fray. Competition led to waste, and ruin stared all in the face..
The North-West Company
of Montreal was chiefly led by a number of vigorous Scottish merchants,
who after the capture of Quebec had remained behind from Amherst’s army
or had been drawn over from the American colonies to Montreal. They
became the “Lords of the North.” Their vovageurs and servants were
chiefly French Canadians. Through the intermarriages of both the leaders
and the laborers, with the Indian women in the West, by the end of the
century there had grown up a stalwart race of Bois-brules, Metis, or
Half-breeds, as they were (‘ailed. Among these occur the names of Grant,
McKenzie, Sinclair, McGillivray, McLeod and Fraser, as well as of Saver,
Nolin. Falcon, Delorme, Lepine, Goulet and many others.
Bound together by the
common bond of Indian blood, they began to feel their power in the
country, and called themselves “The New Nation.” The employees of the
Hudson’s Bay Company were largely of Orkney origin, and the children of
their Indian wives were known as Engli&h speaking or
About the year 1800 the
competition of the fur traders became so fierce that the strife at times
reached the point of bloodshed, and the companies began to feel that
ruin would soon overtake them. At this juncture a young Scottish
nobleman, the Earl of Selkirk, as early as 1802 was planning to bring a
colony of his Highland countrymen to settle at the south end of Lake
Winnipeg. The British Government, fearing that his plan of bringing
colonists to Hudson Bay,and then by rapid and portage to the Red R’ver,
would fail, refused to his Lordship their countenance in the
Having planted some
eight hundred Highlanders on Prince Edward Island and a small colony at
Balcoon in Upper Canada, Lord Selkirk took advantage of the low price of
Hudson’s Bay Company stock and, w’ith his friends, bought heavily and
gained control of the Hud son’s Bay Company. He was bitterly opposed in
this by Sir Alexander Mackenzie, the most prominent man of the Canadian
company. For better or worse, Lord Selkirk’s first Colonists to the Far
West left the Scottish Hebrides by ship in 1811 and reached York Factory
on Hudson Bay. After a miserable winter they ascended the stream from
the fort in heavy boats, and the first party reached the site, on the
banks of the Red River, where the city of Winnipeg now stands, on the
25th of August, 1812.
This is accordingly the
natal day of the Selkirk Colony, and other parties followed. In 1815
some one or two hundred of the colonists were induced by one Duncan
Cameron, an officer of the North-West Company, who wore a flaring red
coat and acted “le grand Seigneur,” to leave the country. The fugitives
settled again in Upper Canada. After their departure the strongest band
of the colonists arrived. Jealousy, assaults, and in some cases fatal
violence, prevailed. Lord Selkirk’s first Governor, Miles Macdonell,
having been arrested by the Nor’-Westers, the founder sent out a
military officer, Robert Semple, to be Governor. The new military
Governor seized Fort Gibraltar, demolished it, and floated the material
down the Red River to Point Douglas.
Hostilities now
commenced in earnest; the Nor’-Westers were roused. They stirred up the
Bois-brules on the Western prairies, and sent an expedition westward
from Fort William. The mounted Western hunters came down to the Red
River, and crossed the prairie in sight of Fort Douglas. A parley
between them and the Governor took place, and seemingly, by the
accidental discharge of a gun, a fusilade began, and Governor Semple,
his staff and a few others, numbering in all twenty-one persons, were
killed. This took place at Seven Oaks on June 22nd, 1816, and the spot
is marked by a monument on Main Street a little north of the city of
Winnipeg. Fort Douglas was then seized by the Bois-brules.
In the following year
Lord Selkirk arrived on the banks of the Red River with a band of
several hundreds of discharged soldiers and voyageurs, whom he had hired
as settlers in Canada. Fort Douglas was retaken, and the founder, after
settling many things, including a treaty with the Indians, took his
departure on the arrival of Commissioner Coltman, by whom the matter was
concluded. In a few years the conflicts ceased, so that after much
negotiation the two companies united in 1821, under the name of the
Hudson’s Bay Company. The new Governor was George, afterwards Sir George
Simp son, of Scottish origin, a man of the greatest ability who
succeeded in thoroughly consolidating the new organization.
While this fierce
contest was raging on the east side of the Rocky Mountains, the
North-West Company was vigorously pushing westward its posts, and fixed
its eye upon Oregon and New Caledonia, as the regions on the west side
of the Rocky Mountains were called. No doubt this movement was
stimulated by the fact that an American vessel had in 1792 entered the
mouth of the Columbia River from the Pacific Ocean. After this event,
two American explorers, Captains Lewis anil Clark, ascended m 1805 the
Missouri River and crossed the Rocky Mountains, as described in
Washington Irving’s rather inaccurate work known as “Astoria.” John
Jacob Astor, a New York merchant,.shortly afterwards planned a
fur-trading expedition to the Pacific Coast, visited Montreal, induced a
number of Nor’-Wester traders to enter his services, and sent them by
ship around Cape Horn to enter from the Pacific Ocean into the mouth of
the Columbia River and found his trading post of Astoria.
An expedition of the
North-West Company, under the leadership of Astronomer Thompson of that
company, hurriedly crossed the Rocky Mountains and sought to forestall
Astor’s expedition. The Canadian expedition was too late to prevent the
founding of the American post, but this incident happening at the time
of the war with the United States in 1812, the post was seized by the
Nor’-Westers ; it was afterwards purchased from Astor, and his employees
were taken back into the North-West Company. The northern part of the
coast was known as New Caledonia, the majority of its traders being of
Scotch descent. After the union of the Northr West and Hudson’s Bay
Companies under the name of the latter, the trade was carried on in the
Pacific department with more energy than ever. The boundary question
between the British and American possessions long continued a matter of
dispute. At length bv the adoption of the Ashburton Treaty of 1842,
which was ratified in 1846, the territory south of the Columbia River up
to 49° N. lat. was given to the United States, though the Hudson’s Bay
Company had large posts and much trade in this district. This decision
led to the transfer of Chief Factor James Douglas, afterwards Sir James
Douglas, from the Columbia River to Vancouver Island, and here he
founded the fort around which grew up the city of Victoria.
The mainland of the
Pacific Coast and the island of Vancouver belonging to Britain, were
both controlled for many years by the Hudson’s Bay Company, till after
various changes they were united in 1866 into British Columbia, which
remained a British Crown colony for several years. It was an autonomous
province until its entrance in 1871 into the Dominion of Canada.
Coming back to the east
of the Rocky Mountains, we find that about this time on the banks of the
Red River the first Fort Garry was built. Lower Fort Garry being erected
in 1831. Lord Selkirk, discouraged by lawsuits: Canada and by the
troubles of his colonists, died in Prance hi 1820. The land, forts and
other establish ments belonging to the Colonizer were administered for
fifteen years after his death at great expense, and were then sold to
the Hudson’s Bay Company. In the year 183d a government was organized
for the Red River settlement, and a number of the leading settlers and
more notable persons were selected by the Hudson’s Bay Company and made
into the Council of Assiniboia, as they now called the Red River
settlement. The colony grew slowly, till in 1869 it numbered about
12,000 people, 5,000 French half-breeds, 5,000 English speaking
half-breeds, and 2,000 whites, the last including the Hudson’s Bay
officers and their descendants, the Selkirk colonists, and a few
Canadians and Americans. Outside of this settlement up to the Rocky
Mountains practically no settlers dwelt, apart from the officers of the
Hudson's Bay Company.
Agitation had at times
taken place among the people ot Red River settlement to protect their
liberties against this Council, which was still a body appointed by the
Hudson’s Ray Company, responsible for the government of the country.
About the year 1849 a number of French half-breeds rescued one of their
number from the hands of a severe judge and carried the prisoner away,
crying, “Le Commerce est libre."
Large petitions which
were numerously signed by the settlers, had been sent over to England in
1847 a brilliant lawyer and educationalist in London, A. K. Tsbister.who
wss a native of the Hudson’s Bay Territories, a man of Arcadian and
Indian descent, became the trusted advocate of the people of the Red
River settlement. This true son of Rupert’s Land afterwards left $83,000
to the University of Manitoba. Further agitation led to the appointment
of a committee of the House of Commons in 1857, and a voluminous blue
book marks the era which led to the opening up of the whole Canadian
West. Canadian public men crossed the Atlantic again and again to
England, until at length, through the good offices of Mr. Gladstone, it
was decided that Canada should come into possession of Rupert’s Land and
the Indian Territories, on the payment of a million and a half of
dollars to quiet the claim of the Hudson’s Bay Company. The better
elements of the Red River settlement were now in great hopes for the
future of their country. But a cloud overshadowed their bright visions.
So far back as 1857 the Canadian Government had despatched to Rupert’s
Laud a geological and topographical expedition under Professor Hine.
About the same time Great Britain sent the Palliser Hector expedition to
spy out the land and make a report. Even during these expeditions some
question was raised as to whether such parties should be sent at will to
explore the country. Again, in 1869, when it was thought that the
transfer of the fur trader’s land to Canada was probable, the Canadian
Government sent out surveying parties to block out the land for incoming
settlers. The surveyors chanced to begin in the rear of the Trench
parishes, which '.av to the south of Fort Garry. The surveyors showed
themselves as discourteous to the native people as their masters, the
Government at Ottawa, had shown themselves in ignoring the whole body of
Red River settlers. The action of the Ottawa Government in this matter
is almost unaccountable They failed to send a message, have a
conference, or in the slightest extent recognize the twelve thousand
people in the confines of Assiniboia. The Hudson’s Ray Company officials
resident in the country were far from enthusiastic about, the
establishment of the new regime. All trouble might have been avoided by
a small amount of tact and conciliation.
The Hon. William
McDougall of the Canadian Parlia ment, who had taken much part in the
opening up of the west, and who really had the best interests of the new
country at heart, came through the United States to the boundary of
Manitoba to take possession of the new land.
Suddenly the French
Metis, under a vainglorious but impulsive leader of their own blood,
Louis Riel, following the tactics of their race in Paris, erected, some
nine miles south of Fort Garry, a “barriere” and sent a hostile message
to the incoming Governor. With a band of French half-breeds, Riel next
seized Fort Garry, the Hudson’s Ray Company making no active opposition.
The English-speaking people were paralyzed, efforts were made to restore
peace, but the French held the Fort. Mr. Donald A. Smith, now Lord
Strathcona, a .high officer of the Hudson’s Ray Company, came post haste
over the American prairies in the dead of winter as Commissioner of the
Canadian Government. He took up his abode in Fort Garry, where Riel had
also made his headquarters, and succeeded in undermining the rebel
chieftain’s power.
Up to this time all the
illegal acts of the rebel leader might have been pardoned, had not Riel,
with unaccountable wisdom, put to death by public execution a Grand
Trunk Pacific and their branches. The prosperous condition of these
railways now justifies the building of the Hudson Bay Rai’wav, which
will give a route, with a sea voyage from Fort Churchill to Liverpool,
shorter than from New York to any British port.
As to population,
Manitoba began with some 12,000 people fei 1870. and now is estimated to
possess about 400,000 of a population, partly made up of large numbers
of foreigners from the continent of Europe, as well as of many settlers
from the United Sates.
Two great problems
have, in the provincial history of nearly forty years, been of
transcendent importance. First came the great agitation for obtaining in
the face of the bargain with the Canadian Pacific Railway the rignt of
the province to build its own railways. This fierce and determined
struggle ended in the province gaining the same rights in this respect
as those possessed by any other province. The other question, which for
some ten years disturbed the province and even spread into an excitement
over the whole Dommion, was the introduction of a non-denominational
system of public school education. This question was also decided in
favor of the province.
The name ‘North-West
Territories’ was used in regard to the old region of Rupert’s Land,
whose rivers ran to Hudson Bay, and also in reference to the wide extent
known as the Indian Territories, occupying the slope which is drained
into the Arctic Ocean. After Manitoba had been taken from these
territories and organized into a province, the remainder was, under an
Act passed by the Mackenzie Government of Canada in 1875, placed under
the North-west Territories Act, and a Governor, with advisers, was given
to them. He resided in the Territories, first at Fort Pellv, then at
Battleford, and subsequently at Regina. The Territories were also placed
under a strict Prohibitory Liquor Law. Money grants were passed for the
various departments of the public service by the Dominion Government. In
course of time a Local Legislature was granted to the Territories, in
view of the large, influx of settlers pouring in. So great was this
increase that the Territories grew to have a population of two-thirds
that of Manitoba. In 1905 the Dominion Parliament at Ottawa passed
legislation forming two great provinces lying between Manitoba and the
Rocky Mountains and extending from 49° N. the International Boundary
line to lat. 60* N.
The first of these
autonomous provinces is Saskatchewan. It has the vast extent of 250,650
square miles, and is .possessed of the greatest agricultural
possibilities. It is in its southern half chiefly a prairie; its
northern regions are, covered with forests. The south-western part of
the prairie is chiefly adapted for ranching, some portions of it needing
irrigation, but the greater part, of the province is adapted for the
growth of cereals and for mixed farming. Its population is about
250,000. The province has a large proportion of the old settlements made
up of Canadians from the eastern provinces, but in the last decade vast
numbers of foreigners from the continent of Europe, and Americans have
become British subjects in Saskatchewan. Many of those who have come
from the United States are repatriated Canadians or their children. The
capital of Saskatchewan is the city of Regma, which in the last few
years has built up rapidly. Near by is the city of Moosejaw, a railway
centre created by the Canadian Pacific Railway, which rivals the capital
in population. The city nf Prince Albert, near the present northerly
line of settlement of the province, is beautifully situated on the
Saskatchewan River, and, being on the verge of the wooded district, may
be considered the lumber metropolis. Between Regina and Prince Albert is
the remarkable railway city of Saskatoon, made by the three great lines
of railway crossing the South Saskatchewan River at this place. The
province of Saskatchewan has attracted a most enterprising population,
and bids fair to be most influential in the counsels of the Dominion. It
has a well organized svstem of primary and secondary schools, and has
taken steps to establish a University.
The sister province of
Alberta is more broken in surface, and from being near the Rocky
Mountains is more varied in topographical features than Saskatchewan. It
has an area of 252,540 square miles, though possessing a population of
about 100,000. It contains land of every variety, forest lands and
prairie, lands for grazing and grain growing, with a large portion of
the southern part of the province demands irrigation. It has vast coal
deposits of lignite, bituminous and anthracite coal, and at points, such
as Medicine Hat, great reservoirs of natural gas. The capital of the
province is Edmonton, a city beautifully situated on the North
Saskatchewan River, and the depot of the great fur trade of the vast
Mackenzie and Peace River districts. It has grown with great rapidity,
and is recognized by the railways as the great centre of the
North-western prairies. The second city of the province is Calgary, on
the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. It has been more steady
in growth than Edmonton, is about the same size, and is an important
wholesale centre for Alberta. Railways run from Calgary to the different
parts of Southern Alberta and connect with the American system of
railways. Two places of some importance are found in Southern Alberta :
Lethbridge, a coal centre and Medicine Hat, with manufacturing
ambitions. The irrigation works of Southern Alberta are notable, and in
recent years, by the introduction of winter wheat, Southern Alberta is
becoming a wheat-growing district. The population of Alberta is very
mixed ; it has a Canadian basis, with large settlements of European
foreigners and an American population, of which considerable numbers to
the south of Lethbridge are Mormons.
Mention has been made
already of the early occupation of the region beyond the Rocky Mountains
The early history of British Columbia was, outside of the fur trading
interests, of very little note.
The rush for gold
1857-8 added a few thousands of people for a time, but they chiefly left
for different parts of the world when the gold fever subsided. When the
province entered the Dominion in 1871 the population was estimated at
17,000, and these were mainly in the old centres of Victoria, New
Westminster and Nanaimo, with ranching settlements up the valleys of the
Fraser, the Thompson and the Kootenay Rivers. The increase of population
in British Columbia has not been so rapid as that of the prairie
provinces, although the growth of the city of Vancouver, the terminus of
the Canadian Pacific Railway, has been remarkable. The population.,
which gathered around the Hudson’s Bay Company establishments, was
chiefly English, mixed with a large element coming up the Coast from San
Francisco and California. Being mountainous—it has indeed been called a
sea mountain —- and lying on the sea, British Columbia has a great
variety of resources. The salmon and deep sea halibut fishing of British
Columbia, atoog, with the seal fishing up the coast has always been a
source of wealth to the coast cities. Victoria, the capital on Vancouver
Island, was the earlier and more important trade centre. New Westminster
on the Fraser River had the inland trade up the river. Nanaimo has long
been tamous as the greatest coal-producing centre on the Pacific Coast,
supplying large quantities to San Francisco. The choice of Vancouver
citv on Burrard Inlet, by the Canadian Pacific railway in 1885-6, at
once made a new trade centre. The establishment of great Pacific lines
of ships to China and Australia from the port of Vancouver has built up
the city, while the easier access to the upper country by railway has
largely given Vancouver, with its 70,000 of population, the leading
place in the province.
The mountains of
British Columbia are rich in gold, silver, copper and other minerals.
The central district of Upper British Columbia along the Kootenay River,
and the adjacent region have attracted population and brought in capital
for the mines. The most considerable place in this district is the town
of Nelson. But the greatest resource of British Columbia at present is
the forests with their enormous growth of pines and firs of different
varieties. The timber export from British Columbia to every part of the
prairie provinces, as well as to different parts of the world, by sea
from Vancouver is enormous. Being on the western coast of the continent,
the climate of British Columbia is moderated by the Pacific current,
just as that of the British Isles is by the Gulf stream. Accordingly the
valleys of British Columbia, especially on the Kootenay, Okanagan and
Shuswap Lakes are well adapted for growing fruit, as are all the valleys
of the Fraser and Thompson. In many parts, however, irrigation is
necessary for this industry. The soil of the great interior of British
Columbia is largely made from disintegrated volcanic rocks, and is said
to be specially suitable for plant growing. The fact that the prairie
provinces are not adapted for growing other than small fruits gives this
industry of British Columbia a great opportunity for development.
British Columbia had before the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway
no intercourse whatever with the prairie regions, nor with Eastern
Canada For years after the province entered the Dominion, much
discontent prevailed with the terms of Confederation. This was
practically allayed by the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway in
1886. The presence of large numbers of Chinese, Japanese and Hindoos has
given rise to great prejudice and even personal oppsition to the
Asiatics in British Columbia. Laws for the exclusion of these classes
have been passed by the British Columbia Legislature, but these have
been vetoed by the Canadian Government on account of British treaties
and interests requiring friendly relations with Asiatic nations. The
building of the Grand Trunk Railway through the northern part of British
Columbia towards its terminus, Prince Rupert, will open a new region of
country and introduce a large Canadian population. An educational system
has, with much expense and Government assistance, been maintained in the
scattered settlements in the valleys and ranching districts, and many
centres of the province. No provincial University has yet been founded
in British Columbia.
The later development
as a field for settlement of the four provinces now described, and their
separation from Eastern Canada by the great stretch of unoccupied terri
tory has naturally led to a diversity of nterest between the
agricultural and manufacturing conditions of the West and the East of
Canada. New communities, moreover, are apt to be assertive and
dictatory. In consequence of this it has been a constant line of policy
among the better class of Western Canadians to resent the local feeling
where too exaggerated, and to plead for a United Canada. The cry
“Manitoba First” or “British Columbia First” is a dangerous and
troublesome one. No one doubts that Western Canadians are as thoroughly
loyal to the British Crown, the British Constitution and the British
Empire, as Eastern Canadians are. Well nigh forty years of Confederation
has, it is to be hoped, led the West beyond most of the dangers of young
communities The prosperity of the West and the spread of a Canadian
spirit has been largely brought out by a few causes worthy of mention.
The interests of Western Canada have been strong in the imagination of
the two great statesmen Premiers of the Dominion—Sir John A. Macdonald
(1878-1896) and Sir Wilfrid Laurier (1896-1909). They have both been
enthusiastic for the West, both have made their policy national and not
local, both have laboured and planned for the greater Canada. The
systems of public school and University education brought to the Western
provinces have been thoroughly Canadian. Besides, the flow of population
from the East formerly going to the United States because new fields of
activity were needed, has been turned to our West-err* provinces, and
the proportion of young Canadian University graduates who have come to
us has been very large. These as educated men have given a character to
our provincial life in its legislative and educational aspects.
Religious organizations have also done their share. The great
self-supporting churches of the Dominion — Roman Catholic, Episcopalian,
Presbyterian and Methodist—have lavished men and money from Canadian
sources to mould the West. In this the Canadian Western movement has
greatly exceeded that of the United States, for in the United States the
movement of the churches fell behind that of the people. In Western
Canada the Canadian missionaries of the different churches have kept
abreast of the forward line of settlement. The national, educational and
religious movements of Canada have thus been strong and uninterrupted,
and now the Canadian spirit takes hold of the newcomer, who, if he come
from the continent of Europe, is at once ambitious to learn the English
tongue and to embrace Canadian customs. These considerations constitute
an adequate reply to ardent Imperialists, who fear the results of the
admission into the country of such a large foreign element. There is
nothing in the immediate outlook to warrant anxiety, and Canada need
have no fear for the future.

Winnipeg, the capital
of Manitoba, is situated at the junction of the Assiniboine and Red
Rivers, in the middle of a wide plain. The Red River valley being of
exceptional richness, early attracted the traders, and so, in the
beginning of the nineteenth century, gained the attention of Lord
Selkirk, a benevolent Scottish nobleman, who sent out in 1811-15 several
hundreds of Highland settlers. On the site at the junction of the two
rivers where, as before said, Verandrye—the first white explorer to
visit the Red River— had three quarters of a century before this time
erected Fort Rouge, and where, a decade before, the Nor’-Westers of
Montreal had built Fort Gibraltar, the Hudson’s Bay Company added Fort
Douglas, so named after the family name of Lord Sel-ki rk. After
bloodshed between the rival fur companies and their union in 1821, Fort
Garry (1) was built as a trading post and settlers’ depot. Afterward
with a more elaborate structure, stone walls, bastions and port holes,
Fort Garry (2) was constructed at a considerable cost in 1853. A short
distance north of this fort, about the yearl860, the first house on the
plain was erected, and to the hamlet rising there was given the name of
the Lake, 45 miles north, Winnipeg (Cree: Win murky; nipiy, water). The
name referred to the contrast between its water and that of the
transparent lakes to the East. For ten years the hamlet grew, though
very slowly, since it was more than four hundred miles from St. Paul,
the nearest town in Minnesota, to the south. The fur traders did not
seek to increase its size. When the transfer of Rupert’s Land to Canada
took place in 1870 the Governor of Assiniboia had his residence at Fort
Garrv, and here was the centre of Government for the settlers in the
surrounding area. The acquisition of Manitoba bv Canada, and the influx
of settlers from Eastern Canada led to the greater importance of
Winnipeg, as the new town was now generally called. The establishment of
Dominion Government agencies, the formation of a Local Government and
the machinery required for the Government of the province, the influx of
a small army of surveyors, who mapped out and surveyed many districts of
the country, and the taking up of free lands in all directions by
Canadian settlers, all helped to build up the village of Winnipeg into a
considerable town. |