Commissioner of Indian
described as ex tending from the eastern watershed of the watershed Lake
Winnipeg basin west to the Rocky Mountains and from the International
Boundary to the Arctic waters and the Hudson’s Bay.
This territory since
first known to white men has been inhabited by four distinct families of
aborigines: the Esquimaux, who frequent the coasts of the Arctic Ocean
and of the bays and estuaries of rivers opening thereunto; the Dene or
Athabascan, whose habitat extends from the domain of the Esquimaux south
to the Peace and Churchill Rivers and west to the Rocky Mountains; the
Algonquins, extending from Eastern Canada over the country south of the
Athabascan habitat to the International Boundary; and the Sioux or
Dakotah family, whose habitat in Canada is small portions of the
prairies south of the North Saskatchewan River.
The principal branch of
the Athabascan family are the Chipewyan, often on account of the
similarity of name confounded with the Chippewas or Ojibways who belong
to the Algonquin family. Another tribe belonging to the Athabascan
family are the Beavers of the Peace river. The Sarcees, now settled upon
a reserve near Calgary, belong to the Beaver tribe. In time long past
they left the habitat of the race, moved into the Algonquin country, and
remaining there, came to be commonly regarded as a distinct people. The
Slaves, Yellow Knives, Dog Ribs, and other small
tribes of the
Great Slave Lake and Mackenzie River country also belong to the
Athabascan family.
The main divisions of
the Algonquins in Western Canada are the Saulteaux or Chippewas, the
Crees, and the Blackfoot. tribe, which latter originally included the
Bloods and the Peigans. The Assiniboines are the Canadian branch of the
Sioux. They separated from the main group, and in time their interests
became so diverse that they came to be regarded as a separate people,
and in fact joined in alliance with the Saulteaux against the Sioux
nation. The Sioux proper in this country are refugees from the United
States, who escaped into British territory after displaying some of the
worst features of Indian warfare in Minnesota in the year 1862. They had
no claim to lands in Canada, but were allotted small reserves and given
some assistance in stock and implements to prevent them from trespassing
upon settlers’ holdings. Most of these Sioux: have become industrious
and self-supporting.
Apart from family and
tribal distinctions the Indians of Western Canada can be grouped into
two classes— those of the wooded country, and those of the open prairie.
The former made their livelihood mainly by trapping and fishing, and
moved as single families or as small family groups. They did not develop
any well-defined tribal or band organization. As a consequence there was
less conflict among them, and the country which they inhabited was free
from tribal wars. They developed, therefore, a more peaceable
disposition. Being trappers of fur-bearing animals, they first came
under the influence of fur traders.
The Indians of the
prairies formed into bands under the leadership of chiefs, and their
principal means of subsistence was the buffalo. The different tribes
came constantly into conflict.: the Crees of the plains and the
Blackfeet were continually at war, the Assiniboines usually siding with
the Crees. Sometimes tribal jealousy and often the mere desire for
bloody war and barbaric torture, led to the conflict; but the main cause
of strife among the Indians of the plains was the horse. The Blackfeet
possessed herds of horses which grew larger from year to year as a
result of raids upon Indians to the south and beyond the mountains. And
the Crees kept themselves supplied amply with horses for the buffalo
hunt by raids on the Blackfeet. The last great fight between the Crees
and the Blackfeet ended in a pact made upon the Peace Hills that rise
beyond the Battle River—the river taking its name from the fight, and
the hills their appellation from the treaty.
The traders made little
impression for good upon the Indians, and the mission field being vast
and the laborers therein few, it took a long time to bring the
aborigines to any extent under the influence of the Gospel, particularly
those of the prairie country, who were not readily susceptible to its
teaching. Writing as late as 1808, Archbishop Tache described the
Saulteaux as “generally fine men,” with “a very great liking for
intoxicating drink.” “War songs,” he wrote, “still exist there (the
vicinity of Winnipeg), and often in the midst of starvation and
privation they undertake journeys of several hundred miles on foot to
surprise and scalp an enemy who is generally defenceless, and return
triumphantly to perform the war dance and to shout the hideous scalping
After the Dominion of
Canada, through the British Government, obtained by purchase from the
Hudson Bay’s Company the transfer in 1870 of all the territory which now
forms Western Canada, a comprehensive policy was adopted in dealing with
the Indians of the said territory. In regard to all such portions of the
transferred country as were required for settlement, or for mining,
lumbering or railways, treaties were made with the Indians of the
districts successively needed for such purposes. Though the sovereign
right to the soil was held by the Crown, yet it was recognized that
there was an Indian title that ought to be extinguished before the land
was granted by patent to settlers or corporations. This title is simply
an admission by the Government that the Indians should not be deprived
of their possessory rights without their formal consent and
compensation. Besides the compensation, the Indians were conceded
reserves at places generally selected by themselves. These reserves set
aside for the occupation of the Indians were in most cases so extensive
as to allow one square mile to every five persons, or at the rate of one
hundred and twenty-eight acres for every man, woman, and child. Not onlv
were the Indians thus dealt with, but the Halfbreeds wherever the land
they occupied was covered by an Indian treaty, on account of their
possessing Indian blood, have been allowed lands or scrip to extinguish
the share of title which comes to them through that blood.
The Indian treaties
made under the Dominion Government since 1870 are ten in number, though
one of them, Treaty nine, does not come under the scope of this paper,
as it was undertaken in co-operation with the Provincial Government of
Ontario. Treaties one and two, which cover the Province of Manitoba,
were negotiated in 1871, and the others in different years since, the
last being in 1900. These treaties embrace all the territory in Canada
east of the Rocky Mountains and south of the 60th parallel of north
latitude, except a tract south and west of Hudson’s Bay.
In general the
compensation granted under the treaties was a payment of twelve dollars
for every man, woman, and child on the chief’s signing the instrument,
and an annuity forever of five dollars per head to the ordinary members
of the band, fifteen dollars to each of the headmen, and twenty-five
dollars to each of the chiefs. A uniform suit of clothing befitting
these two ranks is given every three years. An annual allowance of
ammunition and twine is also granted to the hunting and fishing Indians.
And where farming and grazing operations are practicable and engaged in,
a supply of agricultural implements, seed grain, cattle, and carpenter’s
tools are provided. Schools are also established on the reserves where a
reasonable attendance can be secured.
It may be considered by
some philanthropists that the terms to the Indians were not generous.
There was a difficulty on this point. It is not desirable that large
numbers of able-bodied men, Indians or others, should be maintained in
idleness. The promises in the treaties, consequently, were made
moderate. But it was foreseen that, owing at that time to the rapid
disappearance of the buffalo, the only resource of the plains Indians,
and that with the advance of settlement other large game would decrease
in number, a heavy expenditure would have to be incurred by the Dominion
Government to keep them from starvation. This anticipation was
unfortunately too soon realized. In the eighties the expenditure of the
Indian Department for destitute Indians averaged over three hundred
thousand dollars a year. Of late this expenditure has been gradually
decreasing, the report for 1907-190S showing that the cost of supplies
for the destitute in that year amounted to only $143,033. "When the
Indians become almost wholly self-supporting, large annuities would be
burdensome to the country and demoralizing to them as wards of the
Government. The averaging up, therefore, of the very large outlay that
has been incurred in provisioning and educating them during their years
of helplessness and tutelage, with the promises made to them in
the-treaties, has made the allowances to them for the extinguishment of
their title fairly liberal.
A few figures will show
that this contention is not over-stated. As the Indians of the plains
were totally ignorant of agriculture and the care of stock, farm
instructors hud to be appointed for grain and vegetable raising
reserves, and cattlemen for the stock ranges, to train them for their
new duties. These, with agents for reserves or groups of reserves, and
inspectors to report upon their work, make the administration of Indian
affairs somewhat expensive. Taking this outlay into account, along with
$271,365 for schools, for the supplies already mentioned, and for the
provisions under treaty, the expenditure on Indians in Western Canada in
1907-1908 was $792,979. This amount cannot well be decreased in the near
future, because, though the plain Indians are becoming self-supporting,
the others who live by the chase, owing to the increasing scarcity of
fur-bearing animals and large game, will require considerable assistance
from the Government. It may be set down, therefore, as almost a
certainty that the expenditure of the Indian Department will not for
many years be much less than $800,000 per annum. This sum capitalized at
three and a half per cent, amounts to about $22,800,000—-a fairly just
sum to pay for the extinguishment of the Indian title to the lands in
the western provinces and territories.
As has been already
stated, when the buffalo disappeared, provision had to be made for
feeding the Indians of the plains who had depended upon the herds for
food, for clothing, and for lodges. Ration houses had to be established.
They met the urgent need, but incidentally did not operate for good.
Free food does not tend to the uplifting of men, and when the system was
once inaugurated, it took long and careful work to bring about its
In the Blood Agency
five years ago 450,000 pounds of beef were issued free to the Indians.
During the last fiscal year the issue was only 139,000 pounds. At this
rate it will be seen that the time is not distant when the issue will be
restricted to those who are unable, through age or physical infirmity,
to provide for themselves. In 1902 the free issue of beef to the Peigan
Indians amounted to 210,410 pounds; in 1900 it was reduced to 04,504
pounds. Last year there was a further decrease of 1,004 pounds. This
band is now practically self supporting, only the aged and infirm being
provided for. On the Sarcee reserve the free rations continue to
diminish towards the vanishing point. In the Stony Agency, where the
Indians turn their beef into an abbatoir to be held for their own use,
there were 0,142 pounds at the credit of the Indians, and to those who
had exhausted their supply there were loaned but not given gratis, some
1,000 pounds. On the Blackfoot reserve the earning power of the Indians
in the past two years is estimated to have increased fifty per cent.,
and now, outside of those incapacitated for labour, they are close to
It was thought that
because he had formerly lived by the buffalo, the Indian would take more
kindly to cattle-raising than to farming as a means of livelihood, but
the early efforts to make him a cattle-raiser were disappointing. The
Indian rather thought that, like the buffalo, the bovine should live
without trouble on the part of man, and that he should be shot
irrespective of the time or the season, whenever appetite suggested the
desirability of a meat supply. Constant effort is, however, now being
rewarded, and the Indian is coming to realize that in cattle-raising, as
in every other avocation, work is essential to success. The live stock
now held by the Indians of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta are
valued at about $1,100,000.
It was difficult to
induce the Indian to till the soil. He would put his hand to the plough
only to quickly withdraw it. When game was plentiful, he would leave the
field for the hunt. The scarcity of game, the pangs of hunger, the
constant urging and teaching of the officials of the Indian Department,
and the example of white farmers, whom the Indians saw grow rich through
agriculture, at length led them to gradually make some use of the land
set aside for them. At the beginning of their farming ventures,
occasional failures so discouraged the Indians that it was difficult to
induce many of them to resume work, and others continued reluctantly the
tillage of the soil without the will which makes labour pleasant and
profitable. Now, however, a fair proportion know the good results that
the earth, notwithstanding occasional drawbacks, will yield to
cultivation, and after failure they return to the tillage of the soil
with hopefulness and energy. There, of course, is still much to be done
before the Indians avail themselves to the full of the splendid
agricultural possibilities of most of their reservations. But the
present results are encouraging. According to the last returns, the
Indians of Manitoba have agricultural implements and vehicles to the
value of upwards of $71,500, the Indians of Saskatchewan to the value of
about $165,500, and those of Alberta to the value of some $141,300. In
the same year the Indians of Manitoba harvested some 83,000 bushels of
grain, the Indians of Saskatchewan 132,000 bushels, and those of Alberta
42,448 bushels. They raised 18,659, 18,649, and 12,353 bushels of
potatoes and other roots respectively.
The Blood Indians, one
of the groups most averse to agriculture, having a reserve in a portion
of southern Alberta, which long was regarded as unsuitable for farming,
have been moved by the success of their white neighbors to assay the
growing of fall wheat. Out of their funds a complete steam plowing
outfit has been purchased, and fifteen Indians have broken 840 acres of
land. 6U0 of which is now under wheat, not in a community farm, but in
individual holdings. They have availed themselves of insurance against
hail, and have evinced an unlooked-for interest in their farming
operations. Last fall these Indians shipped 20 car-loads of wheat, for
which they received $17,SW. The yield per acre went as, high as 45
bushels. Chief Running Antelope, who a few years ago scorned the man who
plowed and sowed and looked to the harvest for return, had from his
grain-growing a cash balance of $1,309 after every debt was paid. One
Indian had a balance of $1,203, and another of $1,200.
Fishing and hunting
still form a considerable means of support, but it grows smaller as
settlement advances. In 1907-1908 the estimated value of- the fishing
and trapping was in Manitoba $51,500 and $72,491; in Saskatchewan
$27,751 and $80,107; in Alberta $5,690 and $17,471.
With respect to the
Tndian population in the Provinces and Territories embraced within the
scope of this paper, various estimates have been formed. The first
official one, which was made in 1871, put the Indian population at
20,998. In 1880 the population was returned at 30,185, and in 1885 at
43,932, inclusive of an estimated population of 11,97S in the territory
inclusive of the Peace River basin and extending to the Arctic, an
estimate which has since been found to be excessive. The last census was
made in 1907, and with some later returns gives the following results:—

Of this number about
28,732 are receiving annuities under treaty. In regard to their tribal
character, these Indians may be approximately classified as follows:—
Crees, 12,249; Saulteaux, 10,826; Blackfeet and their kindred the Bloods
and Peigans, 2,465; Stonies or Assiniboines,924; Sarcees,203; Sioux,
1,029; Chipewyans, Beavers, Slaves, and other tribes of the Athabascan
nation, 7,430; Esquimaux, 2,500. It is practically impossible with the
figures available to form a correct conclusion as to the ratio of
increase or decrease in the Indian population in the West. It can be
safely asserted however that, all things considered, the Indian has not,
as is often stated, rapidly disappeared since coming under Government
Before the extension of
Canada’s Indian policy to the territory acquired from the Hudson’s Bay
Company, and its being policed by the splendid force of the Royal North
West Mounted Police, the Indians were often reduced by famine and
epidemics, with which they were unable to cope; tribal feuds and fights
continued; immorality was rampant, and but little account was taken of
the female portion of the bands. However much it is to be regretted that
even a greater measure of good has not been effected, credit must be
given for what has been achieved, and from what has been done the Indian
Department can with hopefulness look forward to the results which a
continuation of its policy vvill produce. Inter-tribal feuds have
ceased, polygamy •has been practically eliminated, the position of
women, and particularly of female children has been improved, and no
agencies are so potential as the efforts of the missionaries and the
work of our Industrial and Boarding Schools.
It is true that the
pushing of settlement up against many reserves, which until the marked
western development of recent years were practically isolated, has
intensified the strain which sudden contact with the settled conditions
of Canadian civilization put upon the Indian, unprepared by his
environment to readily make use of the advantages, while avoiding the
evils of the new order. The history of the progress ot civilization
shows that it often creates difficulties for those whom it is designed
to benefit before removing the evils which it is intended to cure. Where
not long ago Indian settlements could only be reached by devious trails
or through the bushlands, railways have entered, and in place of scatter
ed Indian dwellings, towns have arisen. With the towns has come the
readier access to intoxicating liquor, so tempting to the red man and so
destructive to all hope of his advancement. One of the greatest problems
has been to find means to adequately cope with drunkenness, which,
despite all effort, increases its baneful influence among many of the
bands. And with every measure of increase in the liquor traffic goes a
proportionate measure of immorality. It is consoling, however, to note
that among a goodly number of the tribes the liquor traffic is gradually
growing less, that groups are now noted for temperance, and that a
healthier moral condition has taken permanent form. It is to be
remembered, in justice to the Indian, that cases of dissoluteness
generally obtrude themselves on the public notice, while virtue quietly
practiced passes unobserved.
tuberculosis, which is the scourge of the white as well as of the red
man, continues to claim many victims among the aborigines. But the
Indian medical service, hampered though it has been, is producing
beneficial results. There is a notion that the ravages of tuberculosis
are entirely a consequence of the change from the former roving life of
the Indians under tepees to their now more sedentary conditions of
existence and to their life in unsanitary and ill-ventilated dwellings.
As a matter of fact, the Indian was previously a victim of the dire
disease. The Indians, who followed the buffalo generally wintered in
mud-plastered cabins with fiat thatched roofs, with scarcely ever more
than one door, and usually but one window. The only means of ventilation
was the open fireplace made of mud, but this passed away and stoves were
introduced, which the Indian, like the white man, preferred because of
their greater heating capacity. It is just such of those huts as remain
that continue to afford rich breeding grounds for the germs of
tuberculosis; and it cannot be too strongly insisted upon that step by
step with material progress the Indians must be led to provide
themselves with better housing. The Indian himself is beginning to
realize this, and, despite the discouraging ravages still wrought by the
dread disease of tuberculosis, there is reason to look forward to the da}'
when the Indian will be at least as free from this plague as his more
favored white brother. And the reports indicate that improvement in
health as a rule keeps pace with improvement m conditions.
Reference has already
been made to the large expenditure which is being incurred for the
education of the Indians in. Western Canada In Manitoba there are two
industrial, nine boarding schools, and forty-five day schools ; in
Saskatchewan three industrial, thirteen boarding, and nineteen day
schools ; and in Alberta two industrial, nineteen boarding, and nine day
schools. According to the last complete reports there were 1U,308 pupils
enrolled .n the schools, and the average attendance was 6,451. Schools
are grouped into three classes: day schools, boarding schools, and
industrial schools. The day schools are a distinct class. Between the
boarding and industrial schools it is not always easy to draw a clear
line of demarcation, for many of the larger and better equipped boarding
schools provide a measure of industrial training for the pupils. Indeed,
in every case it is insisted upon that as far as possible some manual or
industrial training be given; And in the case of the boarding schools
erected within the last few years at Fort Alexander, Fort Frances, and
Sandy Bay, it was specially arranged that means should be provided for
giving the boys such training as would enable them to take up the
tillage of the soil after they had finished their school course. Day
schools have never been regarded as very effective agencies of Indian
education, and indeed with the small salaries paid it would scarcely be
reasonable to look for any large results. There are points, however, at
which day schools are capable of doing and do effect good.
The work of the
class-room is not allowed to absorb the whole time and attention of the
Indian boys and girls. It is sought to have the hand trained as well as
the head. The girls are taught household duties by taking part in the
regular domestic work of the schools; they learn to cook meat and
vegetables and to bake bread by seeing such cooking done and by helping
thereat. They are taught to care for their clothes, and by example as
well as precept are taught the pleasures as well as the advantages of
cleanliness. They devote some time each week to sewing and mending, and
their handiwork in this direction has been praised by many competent
judges. Every industrial school takes measures to train the boys in
practical agriculture, and in some of the boarding schools there are
farming instructors who teach the rudiments of farming. No attempt is
made to teach scientific farming, for the Indian has not reached a
stage, and must not be expected to for many years, where he can grasp
the significance of the chemistry of the soil. Effort is being confined
to measures designed to make him familiar with the handling of the
plough, and with the sowing and reaping of the grain. Carpentry and
blacksmithing are also taught. It is not, however, aimed as a rule to
give such technical training in these branches as would turn out
finished artisans, but rather to make the Indian boy when he leaves
school competent to do the carpentry work which a handy white farmer
does, and to be able to make the ordinary repairs to implements, wagons,
and harness. Indian boys have in one respect an advantage over the
ordinary boy. As has been already stated, when the treaties were made,
liberal reserves were set aside for the Indians, and now every Indian
boy, when he leaves school has awaiting him an ample area of land, in
most cases very good, and in all cases cultivable, upon which he can at
once settle and make a home.
Each year seems to make
the Indian more amenable to the restrictions of school life, and more
ready to benefit by the advantages afforded. Indeed, the children were
not at any time most to blame, for, apart from scattered individual
cases, they seemed to appreciate what was being done for them. Many of
the parents, however, suspicious of the new order and preferring to have
their children grow up like unto themselves, often induced boys and
girls, who had been placed in the schools, to desert, or in their
intercourse with them so worked upon their minds as to make school life
seem irksome, and rendered the children restive of discipline.
It would be invidious
to make comparison among the several schools. The standing of each can
be pretty correctly gauged from the particular reports which are
published by the Department. An unbiased reading of these reports leads
to the conclusion that it would be difficult to find more effective
agencies for the uplifting of the Indian and the placing of him
eventually in the position of a self-supporting citizen of the country.
It is only about one-third of a century since the principal treaties
were made with the Indians of the plains. Though this term is a large
proportion of man’s allotted span, yet it is but a short period in the
evolution of a race. It is a question whether in the history of
aboriginal tribes the world over, such progress towards civilization can
be shewn in the same space of time as is indicated by the foregoing
statistics. It has taken many centuries to bring the barbarians of
Europe up to their present state of enlightenment; and though industrial
and other education, the bath-tub and the flesh brush cannot make a
red-man white, yet it has been amply proved that he is capable in a very
few centuries of becoming the equal of his pale-faced brother. |