(From the Colonial
Patriot, March 6th, 1830.)
Dr. MacGregor. It is
this week our painful duty to record the death of the Rev. James
MacGregor, D. D. Two years ago he was seized with paralysis; and on
Monday last experienced a return, which terminated in death on
Wednesday. He had completed 70 years. His funeral took place this day,
at one o’clock; and was attended by an immense assemblage from all parts
of the district. For 44 years this excellent Divine has laboured in
Pictou; and there never lived a man more universally esteemed and
beloved. He came to this country under the authority of the Associate
Synod, in Scotland. We refrain from farther remarks, assured that an
extended account of his life will be ere long prepared by abler hands.
The following extract
from a speech delivered by Jotham Blanchard, Esq., at Glasgow, at a
general meeting of the Society for advancing liberal education in the
Colonies, may not, in the meantime, be considered out of place.
“Near half a century
ago this father, (Dr. MacGregor,) actuated by ail ardent piety, and a
more than ordinary vigor of mind, put his life in his hand, and crossed
the Atlantic to preach the gospel to those who literally dwelt solitary
in the woods. lie had a field boundless in extent as in Acuities. The
Eastern part of Nova Scotia, and the adjacent Islands of Cape Breton and
Prince Edward, were all before him. The inhabitants were few and far
apart—roads in that region were an invention of a late day—the site of
the town of Pictou contained one or two houses—and it was not an easy
matter to travel to the next,—marked trees, a pocket compass, or an
Indian were the only guides through the wilderness in those early times;
and the frail barks which were used on the harbours, and rivers, and
seas, afforded a still less desirable mode of travelling. But the people
were in need of the gospel; and that to Dr. MacGregor, was sufficient to
call forth all that duty required—they were anxious for it, and that
called forth more. It would be difficult to justify his constant
exposure of person by night and by day; and his almost superhuman
exertions from week to week, and year to year. A plank was oft his bed,
and a potato his fare. Sleep was not seldom denied him for several
nights together. The people were located in little settlements, and when
he visited one of these there were they all; and his prayers and
preaching and exhortations were often continued with little interruption
for a week at a time. Nor were his labours in vain. There are yet many
in life of the best of our people, who received all their religious
knowledge and religious impressions under his ministry. Many more have
gone to their reward, and he will speedily enter upon his, for he is
worn out in the service of his Master.”
(From the Halifax
Recorder, March 6th, 1830.)
At the East River of
Pictou on Wednesday last, at an advanced age, the Rev. James MacGregor,
D. D., Minister of the Gospel. In recording the death of this worthy and
honoured father of the Church of Nova Scotia, we cannot refrain from
expressing our grief at the removal of so kind a relation from the bosom
of his family—so pious and benevolent a member from the body of society.
He was among the first Presbyterian Clergymen, who, animated by the hope
of benefitting mankind, left the comforts of a British home, to seek
toil and privation in the forest of Nova Scotia. About the year 1786 lie
landed in the district of Pictou, where his exertions for religion
cannot soon be forgotten. “Aroused to activity by the vigor of youth,
and burning with desire to promote the best interests of men. he
traversed the pathless solitudes in every direction—not to collect the
hire of the labourer from the people of the wood, but to share their
hardships, and soothe their sorrows with the tidings of salvation. When
ever a prospect of usefulness opened, he disregarded fatigue and
outbraved danger, that the lost sheep of the desert might be restored to
the fold.”
He laboured in the true
cause of pure Christianity, viewing the human family with the charitablc
eye of a brother, he raised no petty objections about form. He was
neither the narrow zealot of a particular sect, nor the paltry bigot who
wished to create distinctions where no difference existed. It' he met a
believer, he joined him as a traveller journeying on the same road to
the same country, and was happy that they had been brought together. He
found an unfortunate brother, who needed consolation, he remained not to
inquire, whether that brother were of Paul or of Apollos, but
administered to him the comforts of the gospel. He was a Trustee of the
Pictou Academy, who filled the situation with equal honour to himself,
and advantage to the institution; and he was an active co-operator in
whatever tended to promote the interests of education. To Pictou he has
ever been a father and a friend. When in its infancy he guarded the
morals of its inhabitants—communicated to them a knowledge of the
Saviour, and watched over their best interests. Now that he has been
gathered to his fathers, the virtuous and the good of all denominations
who knew him will deplore the loss that the Christian religion must
sustain in his removal; yet it is a subject of joy to know that his
spirit has been wafted to the bosom of the Master, whom he so faithfully
served while on earth. Even the individuals who embittered his latter
days by their efforts to frustrate his labours, and who endeavoured to
sow the seeds of discord where peace had formerly reigned, will now
leave him to his rest: and they will probably lament that they inflicted
a wound into the heart of one so benevolent as the Rev. Dr. MacGregor,
who never wounded any. The friends of Christianity may rejoice to learn
that a memoir of this Reverend Gentleman will be presented to the
public, from the pen of one who will not fail to make it interesting to
every religious mind.
James MacGregor was a
native of Perthshire: he was born and brought up in the vicinity of
Comrie, on the romantic banks of the Loch Earn. He not only spoke the
Gaelic with fluency, but wrote it with elegance and precision, which in
those days was a rare attainment.
After passing through
the necessary Seminaries and Halls of learning, at the early age of
about 21, he was licensed to preach by the General Associate Synod.
Nearly half a century ago, although his prospects of a charge in this
country were very encouraging; upon a requisition being received from
Nova Scotia for a minister, actuated by an ardent piety, and more than
ordinary vigor of mind, lie crossed the Atlantic to preach the gospel to
those who dwelt solitary in the woods.”
He here entered on a
field boundless in extent as in difficulties. The Eastern part of Nova
Scotia, and the Islands of Cape Breton and Prince Edward, were all
before him. The inhabitants were few and far between. Roads in that
region were an invention of a later day. The site of the town of Pictou
contained only one or two houses, and it was not an easy matter to
travel to the next hamlet,—marked trees, a pocket compass, or an Indian
were his only guides through the wilderness in those early times; but
the people were in need of the gospel, and that, to Dr. MacGregor, was
sufficient to call forth all his exertions.
It would be difficult
to justify his constant exposure of person, by night and by day, and his
almost superhuman exertions from week to week, and year to year. A plank
was often his bed, and a potato his fare. Sleep was frequently a
stranger to him for several nights together. Towards the close of his
life and ministry, we regret to say that the comfort of this man of God
was embittered, and his congregation rent by the intrusion of a stranger
into his labours; and still more to add that party spirit supplanted the
feelings of gratitude, and not a few who owed much to him, when none
other would come over to help them, deserted his ministry for that of
another, certainly not more able, or affectionate, or Evangelical.
Nothing, however could
divert his benevolence from its predominant bent. Attached to the land
of his fathers, and anxious to promote the best interests of his
countrymen at home—to edify those by his pen, whom he could no longer
reach by his voice, he conceived the design of clothing the doctrines of
the gospel in Gaelic versification, that he might unite the best
instruction with the sweetest melodies of his native land. The execution
of this purpose produced the little volume of hymns which bear his name.
MacGregor may be
regarded as the apostle of Nova Seotia, or at least of the District of
Pictou. Doubtless, others have laboured in other parts of the Colony
with laudable industry, as well as with desirable success, and deserved
their need of praise. Nay, one or two had preceded him on the scene of
the ministry; but he was best known in this western part of Scotland,
therefore most frequently mentioned there, and very highly as well as
justly esteemed.
In proof of this last
statement, one fact which is honourable to all parties concerned,
deserves to be recorded. No sooner were his character and claims
testified to the members of the University of Glasgow, than the Senate
unanimously agreed to confer upon him the title of D. D-, an honour
which he amply merited by his attainments and his services, but which,
coming from his native land, and from a literary quarter so highly
respectable, would be received by him with peculiar interest, and would
contribute, there can be no doubt, unsolicited and unexpected as it was
on his part, to shed a gleam of light upon the evening of his life, and
to cheer him amid the causes of depression which arose from the failure
of nature, and the fickleness of some of his former friends.
Besides, being a man of
ardent piety, of determined resolution, of expansive benevolence, and of
elevated spirit, he was a Divine of no small reach of thought, and a
poet of considerable genius.
His letters which he
wrote on behalf of the Church in that distant land, exhibit a charming
and touching simplicity.
Some of his essays,
published in a religious periodical in his native country, show that he
was possessed of an independent turn of thinking; and the small volume
of hymns, already noticed, is believed to be the last of his printed
works, and demonstrates, as well as the whole tenor of his life, that he
loved to conscerate the crowning and the most powerful efforts of his
mind, to the glory of God, and the good of his countrymen.
In the Spring of 1828,
he was seized with epilepsy, and at Pictou, on the first day of March,
1830, at the age of 70, he experienced a return, which terminated in his
death on the 3d. His funeral was attended by an immense assemblage from
all parts of the district.
For 46 years this
excellent Divine had laboured in Pictou, and there never lived a man
more universally esteemed and beloved.
I HAVE made these
remarks with a view to turn your attention to the lamented death of the
late Dr. MacGregor, of the Fast River, of Pictou. We are not in the
habit of preaching funeral sermons. While we consider it our duty
carefully to improve providential dispensations, we conceive that this
is better done without referring to the character of the deceased. We do
not hesitate to say, however, that from this rule there are some
exceptions. There arc persons who are possessed of such superior
excellence, or who have been so distinguished lor their zeal and
activity, and labours in the cause of Christ, that it would be unwise
and unjust to withhold that tribute to their memory which our feeble
abilities can afford.
Among these, the
venerable minister whose death we have announced to you, holds no
inferior place. Nor ought this tribute of respect to be confined to that
part of the church in which he more immediately resided. Though
connected with a particular congregation, his usefulness was not
restrained within such narrow limits. Like an eminent servant of Christ
of old, his praise was in all the churches. His name was extensively
known, and the respect which it secured was not more limited. Surely
then, it cannot be improper in mu to make him the subject of a few
remarks. And here I would wish not to be misunderstood. He who is now
gone, is removed beyond the reach of the kind offices of humanity. He
has, no doubt, mingled with the multitudes who surround the throne. All
the respect which we can afford him, will not in the least degree affect
his state. But he has left us an example, which each, according to the
sphere in which he moves, would do well to follow. While we cherish the
memory of his virtues in our hearts, let us imitate them in our life.
Between forty and fifty
years ago, this excellent man, influenced by a strong desire to promote
the salvation of perishing mortals, left the country of his nativity.
All the endearments of home, which to him were neither few nor small,
must yield to his ardent benevolence. Born in a country, which, for ages
past, had been the seat of science and civilization, enjoying the
advantages of a liberal education, he was formed for realizing the
pleasures of literary society. Possessing no common degree of
sensibility also, he must have keenly felt the pains of separation from
relatives and friends. But all these considerations, his desire to
promote the honour of his master and the salvation of his fellow men,
far out-weighed. Suffice it to remark, that leaving the land of his
fathers, he arrived at the shores of Nova Scotia. The district of Pictou
was to be the scene of his labours. He who now visits that country can
form but a very imperfect idea of what it was at that period. Nothing
was to be seen but a continued succession of wood, with here and there a
solitary inhabitant, with a little cultivation. The pathless forest,
also, presented but a poor means of intercourse between the scattered
settlers. In this situation none of you will anticipate that their
comforts would be abundant. But I need not pretend to give you
information upon this point. There are some in this worshipping assembly
who might well be my instructors, and to them I appeal for the truth of
these statements.
Such was the state of
the country when this faithful minister entered upon his labours. A mind
less ardent, appalled by the difficulties of the situation, would have
shrunk back from the attempt. Hut his zeal was of no common order.
Ardent in youth, vigorous in constitution, and burning with desire to
promote the salvation of his fellow-mortals, he commenced his
ministrations. Exposed to privations and toil, he laboured long and
faithfully in that part of the church. He has been a father to the
district of Pictou; he has watched over the best interests of that
growing community, and death, only, terminated his exertions on its
behalf. His labours have not been in vain. The Master whom he so
faithfully served has honoured his ministrations with rich fruit. He
lived to see many spiritual children to be a source of comfort to him in
his declining years; and he will have many for a crown of rejoicing in
the day of the Lord Jesus.
Wide and difficult as
was his charge in the district of Pictou, his labours were not confined
to It. He could not behold the vast moral wilderness before him without
the deepest sympathy. In Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, and
Prince Edward Island, there was a vast field uncultivated. Thousands
were perishing for lack of the bread of life. The prospect was too
painful for the benevolent mind of this faithful minister, to
contemplate without sympathy. Nor did his sympathy evaporate in mere
unavailing desires. He resolved to traverse the pathless forest, and
carry the tidings of salvation to those who dwelt solitary in the woods.
We arc accustomed even now, to complain of inconveniences of travelling
; but judging from the present, we can form little idea of the
difficulties that existed forty years ago. At that period roads were
almost entirely unknown. The sea shore often presented the only path,
intercepted by numerous rivers, which were crossed frequently with great
difficulty, and sometimes with no small danger. The accommodations of
the traveller were anything but comfortable. This indeed, in most
instances, was not the fault of his benevolent entertainer. Had he
possessed the means, no doubt the accommodations of his visitor would
have been more ample; but what could be expected from him ? Placed in
the middle of the wood, his little cultivation affording him only a
scanty means of subsistence; far removed from any quarter where the
comforts of life could be procured, lie was but ill-prepared for the
entertainment of strangers. A plank was often the bed, and a potato the
fare of the weary traveller. Such was the situation of the country, when
this faithful servant of Christ traversed a great part of Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick, Cape Breton, and Prince Edward Island, sharing the
hardships of the scattered inhabitants, and soothing their sorrows with
the tidings of salvation. And no doubt his name is mentioned in many a
humble dwelling; no doubt many can trace their best consolations to his
prayers and his instructions; and no doubt many will drop the tear of
sympathy over this venerable minister.
It is not our
intention, at present, to enter into a detail of his varied labours, in
the service of his Master. Any attempts of this kind our limits would
not permit; and, indeed it is altogether unnecessary. I am persuaded
that many of you are well acquainted \7ith his great exertions. It
cannot be improper, however, shortly to advert to some of the most
prominent features in his character, which wc ought to make the object
of our imitation.
His faith was of no
ordinary description. To that revelation which God has given us of his
will, he gave his most unqualified assent- His was no speculative faith;
it powerfully influenced his life. Not only in the season of prosperity,
when the world smiled around, but in the dark hour of adversity lie
firmly trusted in God. The consequence of this was, that in the most
threatening dangers, his mind was at ease. Firmly relying upon that God
who holds the reins of the universe in his hands, he was serene amidst
the convulsions by which others are terrified; and we have known few who
possessed such a firm and unbroken assurance of a happy immortality. Let
us imitate his faith; let us believe the divine testimony; let us
acquiesce in the dispensation of heaven.
His charity was
expanded. He was not of a censorious temper. He was ever disposed to put
the most favourable construction upon the actions of others. Ife could
not be induced to attach blame without the most decisive proof; and he
was most ready to excuse and forgive. His charity was not confined to
the narrow limits of a sect, but readied to all who bore the Christian
name. All who bore the image of the Saviour, as far as known to him,
shared in his esteem and his friendship. Though firmly attached to the
Presbyterian doctrine and modes of worship, he lived in habits of
intimacy with clergymen and private Christians of various denominations.
His was not indeed that boasted, though false liberality, too prevalent
at the present day, which can so easily overlook sin. He was too
faithful to his Waster, and too charitable to his brethren, to overlook
sin, even in those whom lie most esteemed; and he was remarkable for a
happy talent for administering reproof, without giving offence.
Brethren, let us
imitate his example; let us cultivate that expanded charity by which he
was so honourably characterized ; let us be disposed to extenuate and
forgive the faults of our brethren; and let us love all who bear the
image of Christ, to whatever sect or party they belong.
His zeal was most
ardent. Perhaps this was one of those excellences in his character,
which shine with prominent lustre. The cause of Zion ever lay near his
heart, and lie earnestly sought its advancement. His zeal did not waste
itself in unavailing desires, but incited him to holy activity. Nor was
it repressed by trifling, nor even by great difficulties. Those
obstacles which would have paralyzed the exertions of others, only
excited him to increased activity. His zeal was not blind attachment to
a sect or party; it was an enlightened zeal; it was a holy desire to
advance the cause of God. Does not this trait in his character furnish
us with a forcible reproof? Is it not too evident that zeal among ns is
in a languishing condition? Let a reflection on the bright example set
before us kindle in our hearts the holy flame.
I need scarcely inform
you that his labours were abundant. Which of his brethren could compare
with him in these? Who of them has manifested such unwearied exertion,
in carrying the glad tidings of salvation to the abodes of the destitute
? Upon his missionary excursions also, he was most industrious. Day
after day, and week after week, with little intermission, his prayers,
and his preaching, and his exertions were continued. To him it was no
drudgery to be employed in the service of his Master. It was the object
of his fondest delight, and his most ardent desire ; and when the body
was worn down with fatigue the spirit remained unabated. You who have
heard him upon these occasions can say that he was truly eloquent. It
was not indeed the eloquence which consisted in the tinsel of rhetoric;
it was not the eloquence which consisted in high sounding words, or
gracefully turned periods; but it was the eloquence of a heart deeply
affected with the awful realities of eternity, and earnestly desirous of
impressing the same feeling upon the minds of others; it was an
eloquence which for a plainness and simplicity which rendered it adapted
to the lowest capacity, strikingly resembled that of his great Master.
As an evidence of his unabated exertion in the cause of the Redeemer, I
need only farther mention, that even after the first attack of that
disease which at last terminated his mortal existence, though much
weakened, he considered it his duty, instead of diminishing, to increase
his public labours on the Sabbath; and on the first day of that very
week on which his death occurred, he proclaimed the name of that Saviour
into whose blissful presence he was soon to cuter. But he rests from his
labours; his toils arc ended; his privations are terminated ; and he
enjoys uninterrupted and eternal repose, in the bosom of his Saviour and
his God. Brethren, let us imitate his example. We are not all called to
be public teachers in the church; but we are called to be diligent in
the respective spheres which Providence has allotted us. Let us not be
slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Let us be
steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.
But his usefulness was
not confined to his public labours. Sensible that he could but ill serve
his Master by limiting his ministrations to the pulpit, he was the
advocate of religion wherever he went. Every suitable opportunity was
embraced for recommending the interests of piety; and to him few, very
few indeed, were unsuitable. He possessed a happy faculty of turning the
conversation, whatever it might be, into the channel of religion,
without giving offence. As the love of Christ was his ruling principle,
so he often dwelt upon the wonders of redemption. As the great tidings
of God’s law occupied the meditations of his heart, so they were often
upon his lips. Remembering this trait in his character, have we not much
cause to blush deeply? How seldom is religion the subject of our
conversation ! How often does a criminal shame prevent us from avowing
the cause of that Master whom we profess to serve! Let us learn wisdom
from the bright example before us; let our conversation be always with
grace, seasoned with salt; let us be always ready to give an answer to
every one that asketh us a reason of the hope that is within us, with
meekness and fear.
The benevolence of this
servant of Christ also claims our attention. It was tender and
affectionate. None told him the tale of woe, and told it in vain.
Possessing deep sensibility himself, he knew how to feel for others. His
benevolence did not terminate in mere unavailing sympathy. None was more
ready to extend the hand of relief; nor was his benevolence limited to
bodily distress,—he was too sensible of the value of the immortal soul
to overlook its interests. In the house of mourning, and at the sick
bed, he was no stranger, and few were better qualified to administer the
healing balm of gospel consolation. He felt mueh for the situation of
the benighted Heathen; he greatly rejoiced in those benevolent exertions
by which the present times arc so honourably characterized, for
relieving them from their destitute situation. He dwelt fondly upon the
prospect of millennial glory, and every means for effecting it had his
patronage and support. He was ever ready, upon all occasions, to
contribute of his labour and of his property to the interests of
benevolence: and so liberal was his expenditure for this purpose, as
often materially to diminish the comforts of himself and family. Let us
imitate his benevolence; let us pity, and, according to „ur ability,
relieve the distressed; let us soothe the sorrows of the afflicted; let
us not withhold our support from the institutions of benevolence.
His interest in the
cause of education ought not to be overlooked. lie was a Trustee of the
Pictou Academy, who filled the situation with equal honour to himself
and advantage to the Institution. Educated in that Seminary, I would
count it alike ungenerous and unjust, not to mention the interest which
this excellent man took in its prosperity. Little did he expect ever to
see such an institution there when he arrived at the district of Pictou.
Covered with wood, inhabited by a few settlers, possessing none of the
wealth, and few of the comforts of life, hardly, if at all, enjoying the
advantage of the commonest education; he little anticipated that such an
institution would so soon he established in it. He had seen vast tracts
of land rescued from the forest; he had seen extensive settlements
formed, where formerly there were few, if any, inhabitants; he had seen
a town erected where there only one or two solitary dwellings; he had
seen places of worship reared where formerly no temple of God was to be
found; he had seen numerous faithful pastors around him, where lie was
long only a solitary labourer; he had seen a seminary for liberal
education established where there was hardly a common school; he had
seen Zion in her desolation, and in her prosperity; he had seen a vast
moral wilderness, and lie had seen the excellency of Carmel and Sharon;
and who could behold such a prospect without emotion ? It was too much
for a mind of far less sensibility than that of Dr. MacGregor.
Here my mind naturally
recurs to those occasions, when with others assembled in that
Institution, I shared in his advices and in his prayers. Many of these
seasons I well remember. 1 shall not soon forget my own feelings, when I
heard that excellent man expressing his thankfulness for those prospects
which so far exceeded his most sanguine expectations, while the rolling
tears disclosed the emotions of his heart.
Thus we have given you,
though very imperfectly, a short sketch of the most prominent features
in the character of this faithful servant of Christ. That lie was
without his faults we do not presume to affirm. To be free from
imperfections, while here below, is more than falls to the lot of
humanity. Even the most eminent saints and servants of God have not
attained to perfection. Even the great Elijah was a man subject to like
passions as we are. But we may safely affirm, that he whose life we have
now briefly sketched was a burning and shining light. For unaffected
piety—for ardent zeal—for laborious exertion—for disinterested
benevolence, he has not left his equal in these parts. Well, indeed, may
the church lament her loss. Truly, a great man is fallen in Israel. But
shall we mourn for him? No! He is gone to that God whom he so faithfully
served; he is gone to that Saviour whose cause he so zealously and
successfully promoted; he is gone to join the assembled throng of holy
angels; he is gone to mingle in the blissful company of glorified
saints, and no doubt he has met with many happy spirits, the fruits of
his ministerial toil. Let us then be followers of them, who, through
faith and patience, are now inheriting the promise. |