“And they went forth and
preached every where,—the Lord working with them, and confirming the
word with signs following.”—Mark xvi. 20.
During the year 1803
the Presbytery received another accession to their number in the person
of one whose name was afterward to be a prominent one in this Province;
we allude to the late Doctor MacCulIoch. In the expectation of his
arrival the Presbytery had appointed him to Prince Edward Island, but it
was so late in the season when he arrived, that it was deemed imprudent
to proceed thither that autumn, or he was unable to do so. He was
engaged to supply the congregation of the Harbour of Pictou, till
spring. But before winter was over the people there gave him a call,
which being accepted, he was inducted as their minister, on the 6th of
June, 1804. This settlement relieved the ministers of Pictou of part of
their home labours, but left the destitute localities to which they had
been giving missionary supply in the same position as before.
During the years
1802-3-4, part of his time was as usual devoted to missionary
excursions. In the year 1802 it appears from the minutes of Presbytery,
that he was appointed for three Sabbaths to Douglas. In the year 1803,
he mentions in his narrative, hereafter to be given, that it was on his
return from a missionary excursion that he found a vessel at the
beeches,1 with Doctor MacCulIoch on board.
Where he had been on this occasion we are uncertain. In the year 1802,
and again in 1804, he was sent on a mission to Prince Edward Island; on
the former occasion for three Sabbaths, and on the latter for five These
visits arc so blended with a number in subsequent years, and with the
visits of other ministers, in the recollection of those who enjoyed
them, that we cannot give an exact account of each; but we may mention
the general course of his visits, and record such incidents as we have
been able to glean regarding them. Sometimes he obtained a passage to
Bedeque, and proceeded from the west to the eastern parts of the Island,
and sometimes he obtained a passage to Charlotte Town ; but, perhaps,
more frequently he was landed at the eastern part of the Island,
principally at George Town. From this place he travelled by Bay Fortune
to St. Peters, thence to Cove Head, Cavendish, Princetown, Bedeque,
sometimes as far as Lot 1G, on the western side of Richmond Bay.
Sometimes he got a passage home from Bedeque, but frequently he returned
by the eastern part of the Island, visiting, on his route, such places
as Tryon, West River, Charlotte Town, and Wood Islands, now called
Woodville. The people of the latter place on several occasions took him
home in a boat.
On these visits his
mode of procedure was as we have described it in Chapter XI. The
following additional incidents may throw some additional light on his
labours. On one occasion, at Princetown, he found a man and his wife who
were not living in great harmony, and who had come to the conclusion
that the reason was that they had^ been married by a magistrate. They
applied to him to marry them over again. He made them stand up before
him on the floor, and gave them an address on their duties; concluding
by saying that he hoped they would now live peaceably together, that he
had now married them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, but he
believed that before they had been married in the name of the Devil. It
is stated that they lived happily together during the remainder of their
Many of the people were
very ignorant in religious things.
One man with whom he
was conversing, could not be persuaded that he had a bad heart, or that
he was at all such a character as the Doctor was accustomed to describe
men in their natural state. In the course of reasoning with him the
Doctor said,
“Have you never told
lies?” “May-be I have, sometimes.” “Theu you are a child of the Devil.
He is the father of all liars.” The man became very indignant, and
afterward would scarcely go to hear him preach. On another occasion in
the course of a sermon, speaking of divine truth as a closely connected
system, he said that it was like a chain, if one of its links were
broken it would be useless. One of his hearers said afterward, that that
was not true, as the two parts might afterward be united.
On one visit, preaching
at St. Peters in a private house, a woman, who had a child that was
troublesome, put her hand up to the mantel-piece, feeling for something
to amuse it, but brought down a pack of cards, scattering over the
floor. The woman commenced picking them all up and putting them in the
fire, while he went on with the sermon, without saying a single word on
the subject, or giving any indication that he had noticed what
On another visit to St.
Peters, a daughter of his host, Mr. Mac-Ewan, was married, and in
deference to him there was no dancing. He remarked that “ such were the
weddings he liked best,—in which he was piper himself.” We do not mean
by this to have it appear that he frowned upon amusement on such
occasions. We refer to it for the purpose of noticing the fact, that at
that time marriages were most commonly celebrated by magistrates, who
received authority from the Government for that purpose. From there
being so few ministers in the country at that time, some such
arrangement was necessary. The early Presbyterian ministers generally
performed the service in their own congregations after proclamation of
the banns on three successive Sabbaths, according to Scottish practice.
The following
remarkable incident I have heard from more than one person who had it
from the Doctor’s own lips. It probably occurred on one of these trips.
He was staying at the house of Mr. William Douglass, St. Peters, then,
or afterward an Elder. When the family on Saturday night or Sabbath
morning, were assembled for family worship, he asked if all about the
house were present. The reply was, all except an Englishman, who did not
care for the service. “Oh." said the Doctor, “bring him in, he has a
soul to be saved." When worship was over, the Doctor entered into
conversation, and found him to have been a man-of-war sailor. Having
heard from what part of England the man was from, the Doctor asked if
they had any good ministers there? he replied, “We had a Mr. Ptomaine,
where I lived.” “Indeed,” said the Doctor, “did you know Mr. Romaine?”
“Yes, my father was a member of the church. Did you know him ?” the man
asked in return. “No,” said the Doctor, “but I know his writings. Have
you any of them?" “Yes, I have one that my father put in my trunk, when
I first went to sea.” On the Doctor asking to see it, the man brought it
forth. It was one of Romaine’s works on faith. A conversation then
ensued, to the following effect, “I think that you have been well
brought up.” “Yes,” said the man, “my father was a good man and taught
me well.” “I am afraid,” said the Doctor, “that you have not profited
much by your early instruction.” The man assented. “Going on board a
man-of-war did not do you much good?” The man confessed with shame, how
irregular had been his life there. “And is it not time that you were
beginning to think seriously about your past life and a future world?”
The man professed humbly to feel that it was so. “Then come and hear me
preach, and see if I preach like Mr. Romaine.” The man did so. On
returning, the Doctor asked, “Do I preach like Mr. Romaine?” “Yes,”
replied the man, “you do. I have heard from you to day some of the same
things that I used to hear from Mr. Romaine.” The Doctor continued to
ply him with warning, instruction, and encouragement, and the result was
that he became a sincerely pious man, and an active and useful member of
the church. When the late Rev. Peter Gordon was settled in St. Peters he
became an Elder, and Mr. Gordon stated to a minister on a visit to that
quarter, that he was the most active in the congregation.
We cannot forbear some
reflections upon this incident. How remarkably does God in his
Providence order events for bringing his chosen into his fold! How
strange that an individual should be spared through a life of sin, amid
battle and shipwreck, and his steps guided to meet in what then might be
called our western wilderness, far from the land of his birth, the
travelling missionary, who should be honoured of God to lead him in the
way of peace! This incident also shows the propriety of ministers
embracing the opportunities which may be afforded them, in the private
intercourse of life, to deal faithfully with individuals regarding their
great concern. It warns us also against despising any man. “Honour all
men,” is the injunction of Scripture, and there is no man beneath the
notice of the minister of religion. “He has a soul to be saved,” a
frequent remark of Doctor MacGregor’s, conveys a truth of solemn and
awful importance. Some of those whom we may lightly esteem, may be
“chosen vessels unto him.” We also see the benefit of early parental
training. The seed of divine truth early sown in the young heart may
long lie dormant, and may seem to have perished for ever; yet favouring
circumstances in the Providence of God may, through the influence of the
Divine Spirit, cause it yet to germinate and to bear fruit unto life
eternal. We know not the circumstances in which it may appear. Little
did the parents of the last individual, when they saw their son enter
the navy and pursue a course of sin, imagine that the good seed which
they had sown should spring up in what was then the wilds of Prince
Edward Island. How strikingly does this illustrate the divine saying,
“Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days
We shall insert here
one or two letters, which belong to this period:
Dear Sir :—It is about
two years since I bad your letter with Mr. Gib’s Appendix. I can assure
you your letter gave me the sincerest pleasure. The kindness of
Providence to you in giving you such a portion of the good things of
this life, as to enable you to give such education to your children, and
especially in giving you children on which the means of education are so
well bestowed, should be remembered with the most lively gratitude. What
a incrcy to have children that grow in understanding as in years, and
arc a pleasure instead of a cross to their parents ! God has also
visited you with trouble and death. I hope you see his kindness in this
as well as the other. The best of us would forget God in uninterrupted
prosperity. In mercy he puts bitter tilings into our cup. But, alas !
how often do we misconstrue his kindness.
I have got a wife and
three children, a girl and two boys. The girl is only learning to read,
and the oldest boy his letters. I have now the happiness to inform you
that I have got three fellow labourers in the work of the ministry in
this wilderness. I was nine years in this country without ever seeing a
minister or preacher belonging to the Synod. Judge what a pleasure I now
enjoy in having so many companions. They are all, I hope, men of piety
and zeal, and willing to be partakers of the afflictions of the gospel.
The inconveniences of ministers arc considerably great here on account
of the uncultivated state of the country, and the thinness of
population, which makes the congregations very extensive. We have also
the agreeable expectation of one or two more ministers this fall, which
will be a farther strengthening of our hands. As to the success of the
gospel among us, I cannot say much, only we do not labour in vain. We
have chiefly to contend with Arminians, that is, Methodists. There are a
few Universalists among us, occasioncd by one or two copies of
Winchester on the Universal Restoration, and Scarlett’s New Testament. I
hear there is an Emmons who has written against the Universalists, I
believe you could get it in Philadelphia, and I would esteem it a great
favour if you would be kind enough to send it to me, to the care of Mr.
Daniel Fraser, Merchant, Halifax. We lie under great difficulties in
getting books here, as our commerce with the States is restrained, and
the people in general have but little taste for books. I shall hope for
a line upon your receipt of this, and I shall be happy to hear how you
arc prospering in soul and body, as also to answer any questions
concerning this part of the world as far as my information extends.
I am, Dear Sir, Yours,
James MacGregor.
Pictou, August 11th,
P. S. I had almost
forgot a principal design of this letter. There is a report here that
Tom Paine is converted, is a Presbyterian, keeps worship twice a day,
and lives a sober life. It is said that this is published in the
American papers. If it be true, you must know it. Pray, fail not to
commimicate the agreeable news, if true. It will give pleasure to many.
To an aunt of his
"wife, residing at Inverness, "without date, but written either in 1805
or the beginning of 1806:
Dear Madam :—Though I
did not write to you last year, yet your letter of the 12th of Julj',
1804, I received in due time. In that letter you have great complaints
of your want of submission to God’s dispensations, and of the deceivings
of your heart. Very likely the same complaint still continues, and I
suspect it will continue all your life. It would be a very strange thing
to see a Christian in this world that had no remains of sin or corrupt
nature to complain of; but I think it would be fiir stranger to see a
Christian in this world, whose grace lived in perfect harmony with his
corrupt nature, so as to have no complaint of it. No; we are not to get
quit of sin nor yet to agree with it, while we have breath. But we must
live and die warring against it, against ourselves, for it is ourselves.
We must take no rest, for every minute’s rest on our part is so much
victory to the enemy. Though we are sure of the victory at last, we must
not expect it complete till death. Romaine’s Walk of Faith (Line
* * * *
I had lately a letter
from James Forbes, and it is the only letter I had from him since his
arrival in Deinerara. It is very seldom there is an opportunity for
letters between here and there. He says he had a good deal of sickness
there at first, but that now he enjoys good health. My sister-in-law,
Mrs. Fraser, had a letter from Hannah Heywood. She says the funily is in
Demerara and is well, but Mr. Heywood himself is at St. Kitts. What a
great burden and trouble are riches ! They will not let a man live with
his wife and family. It is very seldom that a poor cottar-man is
deprived, by his poverty, of the comfort of living at home with his wife
and children. He however is not without his trials. “Lord, give me
neither poverty nor riches, feed me with food convenient for me.”
Hannah’s letter says, that James Forbes intends to return home after a
year or two with a small fortune. A vain intention indeed! How many have
made the same resolution, but could never put it in execution! Every man
promises to be content with a little fortune while he has it not, but as
soon as he gets it, it is nothing, and it requires more to make a little
fortune, till old age or death comes. Besides how many drop off
especially in the unhealthy climate of Demerara, and the West Indies,
before a year or two run their round! Alas! few have the wisdom to know
they have enough. Fortune hunters are among the chief of fools.
I have not much news to
tell you from this place. We are all in health. Mr. Fraser and
sister-in-law Catherine left Halifax and came to Pictou this last
summer. There is none of us at all in Halifax now. But though we are all
in Pictou we do not live all close together, for Pictou is bigger than
some shires in Scotland. Father-in-law and I live close together. John,
my brother-in-law, and Mr. Fraser live close together, where there is
something of a town, and which is increasing fast, about nine miles
distant from my house to the north. Mr. Graham and your sister Betsey
live 29 about a mile and a half or two miles south-east from John’s and
Mrs. Fraser’s. We all live by the water side, and boats arc going always
backward and forwards, so that we can easily go and see one another; yet
when we have no particular business, we arc oftentimes a long while
without seeing one another. To give you some idea of our situation,
father-in-law and 1 live at the head of the tide, eight miles up a river
which rui s north somewhat like as if we lived eight miles up the Ness.
John and Mr. Fraser are as if they were on (the north) side of the frith
at the Ferry of Kessoch, and Mr. Graham as if lie were a piece east from
Inverness along the shore. We are all in comfortable circumstances each
upon his own (property). But death will be here by and by, and remove us
from our dwellings. And wc know not which of us will get the summons
first. I fear that some of us, instead of preparing for death, are
striking their roots deeper and deeper in this earth, as if there were
never to be a removal. This is a great evil. What a terrible amazement
will Death, Judgment, and Eternity bring upon such ! To be pluckt in a
moment from every thing the heart is set upon, to undergo pure and
unmixed wrath, for ever and ever. Lord Jesus, may we be found in thee,
and in thy righteousness, and wc shall be safe.
I remain, Dear Madam,
Yours, &c.,
James MacGregor.
Having now to describe
a journey through a large portion of the Province of New Brunswick, one
quarter of which he had formerly visited, and other sections of which he
afterward traversed, we may here give a brief account of the colony.
This Province lies
between Nova Scotia and Lower Canada, having the State of Maine on the
one side and the Gulf of St. Lawrence on the other. It forms a kiud of
irregular square, lying between 45° 5' and 48° 4' north latitude, and
embraces an area of over 26,000 square miles, or about 17,000,000 acres.
It is not so much indented by deep bays as Nova Scotia, and it therefore
is not so entirely maritime. But its coast is extensive, and is well
adapted both for commerce and fisheries. But it is particularly
distinguished by its noble rivers. Of these the principal is the St.
John, which rises far beyond the boundary of the Province. For
eighty-five miles up it can be used by vessels of fifty tons, thence
small vessels of twenty tons can ascend to the Grand Falls, about one
hundred and twenty miles higher, above which it is only fitted for
boats. Next in importance is the Miramichi, to which we have formerly
The soil in most parts
of the Province is of the highest degree of fertility.
Till the year 1784 New
Brunswick formed part of the Government of Nova Scotia. The French had
settled various places during their occupancy of the country, but the
first British settlement was made in the year 1762, by a number of
families from Massachusetts, who obtained a large grant of land on the
St. John River, in what is now the county of Sunbury. It was, we
believe, to visit a portion of these people that he took his present
journey. The Province, however, made but little progress till the year
17S4, when a large number of loyalists arrived, who laid the foundations
of its prosperity. These were such as we have described them in Nova
Scotia, some of them disbanded soldiers, whose habits rendered them ill
adapted to contend with the difficulties of a settlement in a new
country. But others were sober, industrious, and enterprising.
In the year 1805, in
answer to a petition from Sheffield in New Brunswick, he performed one
of his longest and most interesting missionary journeys, viz., up the
St. John River in that Province. We have the last part of his own
account of it preserved, though he sets it down for the year 1803. We
shall supply such information as we have been able to gather regarding
the first part of it. He travelled on horseback, taking his own horse,
which members of his family recollect as a very sagacious animal—one
particularly that would follow a track with great sagacity, or a road
that it had once travelled. His course led him by Amherst where he
lodged with the Rev. Mr. Mitchell, then labouring there, from whom he
received direction as to his route. The next day he started for the Bend
of Peticodiac. Here he met with an incident, which he used afterward to
relate as an example of the power of prayer. In the afternoon having got
off his horse for some purpose, when he was ready to mount he could not
find the animal. He looked about but could see no sign of him. The road
being through the woods and covered with moss or leaves, it left no
track. He concluded that it must have gone on. He therefore proceeded on
a distance, as he judged, of a mile and a half, till he came to a wet
place where the horse if he had passed must have left a track. There
being none he turned and walked back to the place where he had lost him,
and still could discover no trace of the animal. He was now reduced to
extremity—at a distance from a house, his horse in all likelihood lost
in the woods, and darkness was coming on. He used to relate his thoughts
at the moment. He had left home rather against the wishes of the
Session, and he began to think that Providence was frowning upon his
undertaking; but then he concluded that it was occasioned by his old
enemy, that Satan was playing him this trick to hinder him. In his
extremity, all other means failing, he resorted to prayer. Kneeling down
he besought his heavenly Father to relieve him from his difficulty. When
he opened his eyes at the conclusion of his prayer the horse was in
Shortly after, he had a
remarkable preservation of his life. It having grown very dark he had to
allow the animal to take his own course. In a little he saw a glimmering
appearance at one side of him, which he could not understand, but he
allowed his horse to keep on his way. In a short time he reached a
house; but what was his surprise to discover afterward that the horse
had walked along steadily on the top of a mill-dam, where a false step
on one side would have plunged him into the water, or on the other, have
given a most dangerous if not fatal fall!
When he reached the
Kennebeckasis he met with an incident somewhat remarkable. To the perils
of various kinds to which he had been subjected during his ministerial
life, there were now to be added “perils of robbers.” There resided an
Irishman here, but by Mr. Mitchell he had been dissuaded from staying
there, but recommended to go some miles farther on to the house of a
Scotchman. It had got so late, however, that he felt it necessary to
stay at the house of the former. He was put to sleep in a kind of
out-building, attached to the main one. He lay down, and fell asleep,
but he could scarcely have been
long asleep when
something causing him to start up, to his surprise he found a man in the
room with him. The latter by way of apology said that he was afraid that
he ( the Doctor) would be afraid to be alone. “I am not alone, my Master
is with me.” The man went out, but the Doctor did not sleep much for the
rest of the night. "When it was day, he mounted his horse and rode off.
As he came to the house of the Scotchman he met the latter at his gate.
After exchanging salutations and making himself known, the latter
enquired, “Where were you - last night?” “At-,” replied the Doctor,
naming the Irishman. “Well, the straps of your saddle-bags are cut, and
it is a mercy it was not your throat.” It was, no doubt, the intention
of the man to have robbed his saddle-bags, and he had commenced cutting
into them, when he was interrupted by the Doctor’s starting from his
sleep. The mark of his knife was seen upon the heels of the Doctor’s
boot, which was stowed in the saddle-bags. Probably he had been seized
with some sudden fear, and did not return to complete his work.
After leaving the
Ivennebeckasis, he had to go a long distance through the woods, where
the road was a mere path, and it at length got so dark that he could see
nothing indicative of a road, but an opening in the woods between the
tops of the trees. Coming upon a house he staid to enquire the way. The
man of the house was from home, and his wife was not very willing to
admit him. He used to relate with great zest the colloquy that ensued,
something to the following effect:
Woman. “Who are you?”
Doctor. “I am James
MacGregor, a minister from Pictou.”
Woman. “Are you a
Doctor. “No.”
Woman. “Are you Church
of England ”
Doctor. “No.”
Woman. "Then you must
be a New Light?”
Doctor. “No, I am not a
New Light, either."
Woman. “Then what in
all the world are you, for I do not know any more?”
Doctor. “I am a
Woman. “Well, I never
saw a Presbyterian minister before, but my mother used to tell me that
they were the very best in the world. But what do you hold to?”
Doctor. "I do not
understand what you mean.”
Woman. “Do you hold to
Doctor. “Don’t they all
hold to conversion?”
Woman. “Now, the
Methodists and New Lights hold to it, but the Church of England hold
against it.”
Having thus got all her
enquiries satisfactorily answered, she treated him very kindly, giving
him all necessary directions regarding his way, and inviting him to
lodge with her on his return.
The part of his
narrative preserved, commences with his journeying on the following day.
“ . . . . when I came
in sight of a beautiful lake, like one of the Highland lakes which I had
seen at home. Like them, it was partly skirted with beautiful woods, and
partly with pasture and corn-fields. This pretty lake was merely an
expansion of the River St. John, but the river was quite out of view. I
lodged all night with a farmer who lived in this charming retreat; he
was a Presbyterian, but had no minister, and few of his persuasion near
him. This kind man invited me to stay a night with him on my return; and
on parting, directed me that, after three miles of a low thick wood, I
would come in sight of the river, which would guide me all the rest of
the way.
“I soon got through
this road, and then I saw a beautiful sweep of the noble Biver St. John,
and large tracts of clear land. I soon came forward to a fence, which
directly crossed the road, and I saw a rich crop of hay within the
fence. I was surprised, for I noticed no other road; but I concluded
that my admiration of the majesty of the river had prevented me from
noticing where the road had struck off. Accordingly I turned to the
right, along the side of the fence, and rode along a considerable way
without seeing any appearance of a road.
At last I met a man, of
whom I enquired. He told me I had left the road behind me, and was
leaving it farther and farther every step. I asked him if that was it
that was stopped by a fence. He replied that it was. I asked him how
they came to build a fence across the road. He said it was to save them
the trouble of a fence on each side of the road. But how are travellers
pleased to have the road stopped"? The travellers by land are not many,
for most of the travelling is by water. There are boats often between
St. John and Fredericton/ When we reached the road he took down the
fence-poles, and when I crossed them put them up again, and bade me
farewell. I could easily trace the road through hay-ground till I passed
it. I had now an excellent road along the side of the St. John’s River,
skirted with small bushes and tall trees, till the end of my journey.
Every farmer had his house on the road side farthest from the river,
with a broad and fertile intervale behind.
“Riding along, I came
to a man carrying two pails of water from the river, of whom I asked,
how far it was to Squire Rurpe’s? (to whom I had been directed). He
answered, ‘A few miles' and asked if I was a minister. I said I was. He
asked if I was from Pictou. I said, ‘Yes' He said, ‘You must be the
minister that we sent for' I said, ‘They did send for me/ ‘ Well' said
he, ‘we sent for you by the desire of Mr. S-, and he has since run off
with another man’s wife.'
‘Mr. S-' said I, ‘has
done a very evil thing, but his misconduct cannot prevent the grace of
God from doing good to you and me/ ‘I do not tell you of him in the way
of reflection, but purely of information'.
“After riding nearly
another hour along this beautiful level I reached Squire Burpe’s house,
the end of my journey, for which it became me to be especially thankful.
I was received and entertained kindly by the squire and his whole
family, all the time I continued there. I directed him to spread word
that I had conic. He told me he had done so. He informed me they were a
colony from New England, and that, of course, they were
Congregationalists in their religious profession. I told him I had long
wished to see one of their congregations, and hoped that their
congregation would be a fair sample of a New England Church. He said, ‘I
am afraid that we are degenerated.' ‘I have heard much of the piety and
sufferings of the New Englanders, and I will count myself paid for my
troublesome journey, in seeing a fair sample of their religion.’ ‘ And I
am as anxious to hear a Presbyterian, for I have read of the
persecutions they have suffered. The doctrines of grace and salvation
are the same everywhere, and in all generations, though every one has
his own way of handling them.’
“I preached two
Sabbaths to them in a respectable place of worship, and to Methodists
and Baptists. They heard with apparent attention and satisfaction. Many
of them stayed and conversed a good while after public worship was over.
On returning to Mr. Burpe’s I saw a woman, who said she came from
Perthshire many years ago, and had never heard a Presbyterian sermon
since she came, till that day. She hoped I would be so good as preach
her a sermon or two at her house on a weekday. I said I certainly would
be very happy to do so. T\re agreed on the day, and she promised to send
a man and a horse for me. At Squire Burpe’s we employed the time in
religious conversation, partly on the sermons, and partly on other
‘‘On Monday I visited
some of the neighbouring families, and the river, a delightful and grand
object. Though it was very low, not reaching half-way up its banks, yet
to me it appeared extremely large and grand. I was told that in the time
of the spring freshets it overflows all its banks, and covers that whole
intervale, two miles broad, in some places two or three feet deep.
During that time every house and barn is an island; the potatoes, and
other things that may be injured by water, must be carried up to the
garret. Every house has a canoe for sailing into the barn or byre, or
neighbour’s house. The fence-poles on the lowest grounds are collected
into heaps and laid in a safe place. But sometimes the freshet rises
higher than expectation, and carries off the fences that were thought
free of danger. Then the farmers are seen in their canoes, and their
servants up to their breasts, going after their fcnce-poles; and
sometimes they lose them after all.
“I was informed that
the use of the beautiful row of trees along the river-side was to
prevent the ice from spreading over the intervale and destroying houses,
cattle, &e.3 When the spring melts the snow
everywhere, the streams and little brooks break their ice and carry it
before them to larger brooks and smaller rivers which carry it forward
with accumulating force. The resistless fury of a thousand streams, and
the ice carried with them, drive before them the ice of the great river
itself, with reiterated and irresistible crashes. This iee is chiefly
carried down the main stream ; but some of it would break out here and
there with incredible fury: but the trees serve as a barrier against it.
“Next day the man came
for me to go where I had promised to preach. When we reached the house,
the man and his wife came out to welcome me in. We soon inquired whence
each other came. He told me he came from Clocky Mill, near Gask. I was
astonished, remembering instantly that when I was a young lad at Kinkell,
at the grammar school, I heard much talk of the miller of Clocky Mill
going to America. I told them this, and at once we became great friends.
We admired the Providence that orders all our lots. I began to think
that God had other designs in sending me here than preaching to the
Congregationalists. I preached to two or three families with uncommon
life and earnestness, as my meeting with this family was unexpected and
“Next morning I took a
view of his farm. It was large, and in good order. The land seemed good
all around the lake, and almost wholly unsettled. A beautiful river
flowed for three or four miles from it, with scarcely any fall, into the
St. John, so that, the tide of the St. John reached tlie upper end of
the lake. After breakfast I returned to Mr. Burpe’s, reflecting on the
wonderful disposals of Divine Providence in ordering and changing the
lots of men in this world. Next day I crossed the river, to see one or
two families who had invited me, and one who had promised to take a
jaunt up the river with me. I was informed of a number of the New
England settlers, who, being discontented with the fine intervale, on
account of the trouble and danger of its freshets, had moved twenty
miles up the river, and settled there on land high and dry, though not
so rich.4 I was requested to visit them, and I
was desirous to go. I saw this gentleman, who was willing to set off
with me next Monday. I found him a pious and agreeable companion.
“On Monday we went, and
reached the place that night. I preached on a week-day and on the
Sabbath, and visited and conversed on other days, pressing them to live
by faith on the Son of God, and obey by faith. They were destitute of
public ordinances, and were plainly the poorer for it. The family in
which I was were remarkably regular. There were five boys and five girls
of them, from marriageable age down to infancy: and I do not remember to
have seen an angry look or to have heard a cross word among them during
the time I was there. I admired the regularity of the family. The cause
was this: the father was ailing, of a slow consumption, so that he could
not work, and he directed his whole endeavours to instructing bis
children in temporal and spiritual matters. And, to all appearance, God
was with him.
“Nest Monday we came
down the river to the Nashwaak opposite to Fredericton. We went up the
Nashwaak for the Highland settlement. On our way we saw a Baptist
church, where my guide proposed to stop two days, and give them a sermon
or two. I could not refuse. The congregation was small, but respectable.
When I reached the Highlanders, I found they were the remains of a
Highland regiment which the British government had settled there at the
conclusion of the revolutionary war in America. I found they had been
miserably abused in their settlement. The officers got. large lots of
the best land; the men got lots all length and no breadth. The
consequence was, that one-half of the men had to leave their lands and
shift for themselves somewhere else. The rest took possession of their
lots, some of them for something and some of them for nothing, and thus
made a shift to live. Their dispersion disabled them from maintaining a
minister of the gospel, and left them as stray sheep in the wilderness.
A few of them had turned Baptists and Methodists ; but the best and the
worst of them had continued Presbyterians, but could do little to
maintain the gospel. I preached to them, and gave the best direction I
could to live a life of faith upon Christ, the Saviour of sinners. Next
day I stopped at Fredericton, but had no opportunity of preaching. The
day after I returned to my old quarters, where I stayed and preached the
Sabbath following.
“On Monday I set off on
my return home, and that night slept at the house at the lake, where I
was treated so kindly before. In passing the few miles of wood from the
river to this house, it was so dark that I had to trust the horse more
than myself. In the middle of the wood he turned suddenly to the left
hand. I struck him to turn him back, but immediately he turned again. I
struck him again, but still he turned to his own way. I was then visited
with a sudden fear that he might be right, and that I was putting him
wrong, and so I let him take his own way, and he soon brought me to the
house. As soon as he was stabled, and I began to chat with the good man,
he told me I was wrong, and the horse right, so that if I had not
yielded we must have been out all night. In this house I met with every
Christian attention, and left them in the morning with mutual feelings
of love and kindness.
“Next night I reached
the Indy’s house who showed me the way going, and who invited me to
lodge with her on my return. Her husband was at home, and welcomed me
cordially. We employed our time chiefly in religious conversation,
giving and receiving mutual instruction. Of books, they had only a Bible
and a hymn-book, with both of which they seemed pretty well acquainted.
We concluded with family worship and retired for>>the night. The house
was all kitchen, and my bed was on the floor. The soil was sandy and the
fleas numerous. I could get no rest or sleep, with their constant biting
and crawling. As soon as I found all the rest were asleep, I went and
shook them away as clean as possible, and then returned unseen to my
bed. I was soon as bad as before, but made no complaint, and remained as
content as I could, and rose with the rest. We spent this morning in
religious conversation, and after breakfast and family worship we
prepared to go to the place where I was to preach. They came to hear the
first Presbyterian minister that had come to the place. I preached as
plainly and faithfully as I could on these words, ‘ Look unto mo, and be
ye saved.’ I conversed but little about the sermon after it was over, as
I needed to be on my way home. One of the Highlanders who were at
sermon, took me along with him, and lodged me with much Christian
feeling. Next day he rode nine or ten miles along with me—that is, three
miles past the house where the strap of my saddle-bags was cut—where we
parted most affectionately. I soon reached my kind friend, Mr. Scott’s,
who prevailed on me to stay all night with him. He entertained me by
reading curious poetical compositions of his own. I endeavoured to make
my conversation pleasant and profitable to him. Having stayed all night,
I set forward in the morning. I soon reached the place where my horse
before walked so steadily on side of the dyke. He never offered to try
it again. He saw the path leading round the dam, and took it at once.
When we came back to the road, I alighted, to have a better view of his
foot-steps along the dam side. I could not distinguish them. I travelled
till I came to "Westmoreland, where I lodged with a Baptist. He
requested me to preach in their meeting-house. I did so, and reached
home the second day.
“On getting home I
heard there was a vessel at the beaches and a minister on board. Next
morning I took a boat and went to see; and there I saw Mr. (now Dr.)
MacCulloch. By-and-by his family and baggage were brought ashore. Mr.
MacCulloch was intended for Prince Edward Island; but Dawson
5 saw among his baggage a pair of globes. This
occasioned his being called to Pictou, where he still remains/’
The Rev. Daniel
MacCurdy passed over the scene of his labours, and has informed me that
though this was the only visit he paid to that part of the country, his
memory is still savoury over a considerable extent of country. The
following incidents were related to me by him. On one occasion he was
asked if he could tell his experience, this being with a certain class
of religionists the sum and substance of piety. He replied, "I have not
much to tell about my experience, but I can tell you my faith.” On one
occasion having stopped to get his horse shod, the blacksmith told him
that his wife was a pious woman, and invited him into the house, to talk
with her. In a little they were engaged in religious conversation. “But
do you hold to election?” said the woman. “Oh no, election holds me,”
was the reply. The same saying is attributed to Rowland Hill, and
perhaps the Doctor may have got it in that way.
The following incident
of this visit I have had from a reliable source. When visiting the
Highlanders up the Nashwaak, the people collected about Ł7 for him. He
received the money, but hearing of a poor widow who had lost her only
cow, he gave it to her to buy another.
It may be mentioned
here, that the Presbytery made various efforts to supply the people whom
he visited on this occasion, but from the scarcity of preachers they
could do but little for them. The result was therefore that they fell in
with other denominations.
We shall here give the
principal part of one of his letters to the ltev. Samuel Gilfillan,
published in the Christian Magazine, as it not only gives a more
particular description of this visit, but also a view of the state of
matters in general within the more immediate sphere of his labours.
Pictou, Oct. 31s7,
Dear Sir :—I am
unwilling' thatour correspondence should cense (as it has for a time),
though I were to get 110 other benefit from it, but better and readier
information concerning my relations and my native country, than I can
otherwise obtain. The greater part of those I was acquainted with are
gone, and were I to return I would see chiefly a new people and a new
place. But the principal features of the country remain unchanged, and
some of my relations and acquaintances are still alive, on which account
I wish to hear of the one and of the other. I suspect that I have a
tenderer attachment to that country than if I were there; and that fancy
paints the scenes gayer than the life. Once I thought that few earthly
pleasures could be equal to see a young country rising by rapid
improvement from nothing into importance, which I have seen and do see
literally come to pass. This pleasure might perhaps be equal to its
picture in the fancy, were not experience to come in with painful
feelings of difficulties and disadvantages incident to a new country.
Such is the rapidity of improvements in Pictou, that by and by we shall
not well know whether to call it an old or a new country. But while we
are advancing towards more of the advantages of the former, we are
leaving behind us those of the latter in proportion; so that it is not
easy to judge, which is best, the state before us or the state behind
us. Indeed I believe, that the wisdom of Providence hath balanced the
sweets and the bitters of all countries, so that the difference between
the best and the worst is not great. I knew Pictou when it possessed
scarcely any of the advantages of evil society, but then it had no
thieves or villains, no lawsuits, no taxes; we were all brothers, almost
all things were common. Now we have three ministers, and we cannot all
keep down open wickedness. Some years ago land could be had for
'nothing, now it must be bought; but while it could he had for nothing,
it was a nuisance, and our ery was for people to occupy if, and now when
it must be bought, it is of value; and a piece of land that would a few
years ago be sold for one hundred pounds, may now be sold for two
hundred without any alteration in its real value. All is vanity.
If we had more
ministers, our church would flourish much more than it does. Prince
Edward Island is still unprovided for. Several of our congregations will
in a few years need to be divided into two. Merigomisli, near Pictou,
will take a minister as soon as he conics. This summer I made a tour of
a considerable part of the Province of New Brunswick. I went about three
hundred miles from home. I saw many settlements in a very destitute
situation. In general they were so thinly peopled, that they could not
support the gospel in their present lukewarmness. I saw no place so
populous as Pictou. The River St. John, with its various branches, makes
up the principal part of the Province of New Brunswick. The river is
settled for more than two hundred miles up. I saw four or five of its
branches; some are settled twenty, some thirty, some forty miles. This
settling, however, consists only of one row of inhabitants on each side
of the river, pretty elose where the land is good, pretty far apart
where it is bad. Scarcely anywhere is there a second row behind. When I
reached my journey’s end, were I to set down one foot of the compasses
where I was, and extend the other two hundred miles, and describe a
circle, I fear it would not include two real gospel ministers. There are
a few Church of England ministers on the river, (with whom I had not an
opportunity of personal acquaintance,) but I was informed that the
people left them, when they became concerned about their souls. The
chief part of the people are New Lights, whose principles arc a mixture
of Calvinism, Antinoniianism, and enthusiasm. They are, however, the
best materials which the place affords for the formation of a church.
The rest of the people are Wesley’s Methodists, who are rather on the
decline. On the other hand the New Lights are increasing, and I suppose
rather improving in their principles, and they have now changed their
denomination from New Lights to Baptists. They baptize not infants, for
their teachers are mostly laymen. They have lately fallen in with a
Baptist minister in the metropolis of this Province, who got some of
them ordained. This circumstance may beget a lasting attachment to the
Baptists. When I went among them, I found that many of them never saw or
heard a Presbyterian minister. They heard of them and thought them all
good. They heard me with apparent eagerness and pleasure. Had we a few
ministers in that Province I suppose they might unite with us. Great
allowance should be made for them as they never heard the pure gospel. I
saw four places in that Province where hope may be entertained of
Presbyterian congregations. The first of them is the place that called
me thither. They consist of between twelve and twenty men, pretty
substantial both as men and Christians. They have a kirk, a manse, and a
glebe. Most of them are from New England and were Congregationalists;
but there the Congregationalists and Presbyterians frequently kept
communion together. They would accept a Presbyterian minister, if he
were not very rigid. This is an opening not to be neglected. It is near
the centre of the Province. The other three places are settlements where
are a few Presbyterians for a foundation, but they are all weaker than
the first place. I believe there would soon be a demand for a number of
ministers in that Province if they had once one. I heard of a corner of
the Province, where there were more Presbyterians than any place I had
seen, but I could not go to them. 1 passed through several other
settlements where I had not time to make any stay.—Christian Mag., vol.
Turning to home labours,
we may record a curious incident which befell him this autumn. We shall
give it as it appears in his Memorabilia, omitting the name of the party
“In 1805, Nov. 10, just
as I was going to begin public worship, stood up in the meeting house,
and spoke to this effect, ‘James, I ask you wherefore you railed at me
in the sermon last Sabbath ? Why did you not bring me before the
Session? Am I not a gentleman? Did not I support the gospel from the
beginning ? I have something to say to you. You was guilty of adultery
in the first house you lodged in. You are accused of fornication in the
next house you lodged in/ Donald MacKay interrupted him, saying that he
was profaning the Sabbath. Then--stamped with his foot,
wrinkled his face,
clenched his fist, and having reached out his arm, shook it in the most
threatening manner, and said something which I do not recollect. N. B.
There was no railing in the sermon referred to, and the other
accusations were false.”
On the matter being
brought under the notice of the Presbytery, they laid it upon the Doctor
as a duty to prosecute the individual in the civil court, although his
own disposition would have led him to have passed it over. On steps
being taken to prosecute the individual, good Mr. Brown interposed his
offices as mediator, and brought the man to the following
acknowledgement, which terminated the affair.
“Be it remembered that
on the 10th day of November last (the Lord’s day) I--of the East River
of Pictou,
County of Halifax, and
Province of Nova Scotia, did, very improperly and rashly, being in a
great rage, groundlessly charge the Rev. James MacGregor, at and of
Pictou aforesaid, with adultery and fornication, by publicly saying that
in the first house he had resided in after coming to this place, he had
been guilty of the former, and in the second of the latter. I now
publicly acknowledge my fault, and declare my sorrow for having thus
improperly expressed myself, believing in my heart that these charges
are without foundation. I therefore entreat the Almighty to forgive this
one of my greatest sins. I also beg Mr. MacGregor’s pardon—trusting that
I may be in future guided by a more Christian spirit. Witness my hand at
Pictou, this 21st day of August, 1806.
Ed. Mortimer, Witness,
John Brown, “
It is worthy of mention
that though this unfortunate individual continued to show hostility to
Doctor MacGregor, his family are to this day decent members of his
During the summer of
1806 the Doctor performed another laborious missionary journey in Prince
Edward Island, of part of which the following fragment of his narrative
presents a sketch.
“1806, July 1. Went to
Prince Edward Island. The inhabitants were still increasing, and my
visits needed to more and more new settlements, as well as to the old
“On the 2nd, being
Tuesday, I landed at Three Rivers. On Friday I preached three sermons on
Eph. ii. 3-5, and went to Murray Harbour. On Saturday, the 5th, I
preached two sermons, and came to William Graham’s, seven miles distant,
and preached one discourse, and returned to Three Rivers. On Sabbath,
the 6th, I preached three times at Three Rivers. On Monday, the 7th, I
went to Bay Fortune, and on Tuesday, the 8th, preached two sermons
there. On Wednesday, the 9th, went to St. Peter’s, and preached there
two sermons on Thursday, and two on Friday. On Saturday, the 12th, I
went to Cove Head and preached. On Sabbath, the 13th, I preached three
sermons, and three more on the Tuesday following, from Rom. v. 1—12, and
Eph. ii. 10. On Wednesday, I preached at the house of Mr. Simpson, New
Loudon,* a very pious and intelligent man from Moray, on Ezek. xxxvi.
31. On Thursday, I preached at Mr. Cosens’6 two
discourses on Gal. ii. 30. On Friday, preached at Malpeque (Princetown)
one sermon, and 00 Sabbath, preached three sermons on Matt. xxv. and
Gal. ii. 20. On the Thursday following, preached two discourses on Psalm
xev. 7, and heard Mr. Pidgeon preach. On Saturday, preached two sermons.
On Sabbath, the 27th, preached the action sermon on Phil. ii. 8, fenced
the tables, and served four, and preached a Gaelic sermon. Also heard
Mr. Pidgeon serve a table and preach. On Monday, I preached twice on
Heb. ii. 10-12, and Isa. vi. 6, 7, and heard Mr. Pidgeon preach. After
sermon went to Bedeque.”
This mission lasted for
six weeks; of his employment during four of which we have an account
above. It will be seen that he preached thirty-seven times and delivered
five addresses in twenty-five days, besides travelling over a great
portion of the Island. Nor were his sermons short. They were not like
some modern efforts twenty minutes’ essays of amiable sentimentalism,
read in a manner that would not excite the nerves of the speaker. They
were of good length. But rarely the people heard the voice of the
preacher of righteousness, and the pious listened with deep delight for
an hour to the message of truth. They were too, like Elihu, “full of
matter.” Every one of them contained some important doctrine, clearly
stated, and thoroughly discussed; and they were delivered with a power
and earnestness, which, while fitted to lodge the truth in the mind of
the hearer so far as human power could do it, were most trying to his
physical system but especially to his nervous organization. It will be
seen, however, that on other occasions he did not preach as much as on
this occasion, but still he was not idle, being constantly engaged, when
not travelling or sleeping, in ministering the word from house to house.
The other two weeks were spent in similar labours at Bedeque, Lot 16,
The following incident
which we have received from a source which we deem reliable, probably
took place on the occasion of dispensing the sacrament at Princetown as
described above. During the time of preaching, either on Thursday or
Saturday, there suddenly arose a fearful storm of wind. So violent was
it that the people in church were afraid that the building would be
unroofed. He stopped and engaged in prayer to Him who “rides upon the
whirlwind,” to “stay his rough wind.” In a few minutes the storm abated.
It was discovered afterward that there were several boats crossing at
the time from the other side of Richmond Ray. When they set out there
were no indications of danger, but the storm arose so suddenly and so
violently, that those on board feared that they would have been swamped,
but when they were in the greatest extremity the storm abated as
suddenly as it arose.
The following
additional information regarding his visit on this occasion to George
Town and Murray Harbour, has been furnished by the Rev. Neil MacKay. It
was in the former place that he landed from Pictou, having come over in
a large boat which had been built for the Right Rev. Doctor MacEachran,
Roman Catholic Bishop of Prince Edward Island at the time. By this time
a number of families had arrived from Perthshire, and to these he
preached in Gaelic. At one of the public services he was shamefully
abused by a drunken man, who called him “a black mouthed Seceder,” and a
great many illnatured things; but the Doctor took no notice whatever of
him. He baptized a child for the wife of this very man at the same diet
of worship. At one service he baptized a child without announcing the
name, because the parent in applying to him asked to give the child a
It was on this occasion
he first visited Murray Harbour. There were at that time only three
actual settlers besides the hands connected with a fishing establishment
set up by Mr. Cambridge the year previous. Early in that spring (1806) a
number of families immigrated from Guernsey, and were at that time
living in Mr. Cambridge’s store, upon a point in the harbour still
commonly known as the “ Old Store Point,” where the harbour beacon now
stands. These were all the inhabitants at that time. His preaching took
place at the house of Mr. James Irving, a Dumfriesshire Presbyterian.
The immigrants from Guernsey were generally Episcopalians, considerably
tinged with Arminianisin, through the teaching of John Weslev. The
Doctor’s ministrations were very acceptable to them. They subsequently
took land in the place and were the ancestors of a large portion of the
present population. It is believed that his attention to them at this
early stage of the settlement was the means which led to the adherence
of many of them and their descendants still to Presbyterianism.
It may be mentioned,
that after this date the population of Murray Harbour increased rapidly,
as Mr. Cambridge in that year built a large establishment of mills and
commenced a trade in lumber, which gave employment to a number of
persons, who ultimately took up land in the neighbourhood, and
immigrants poured in from various quarters. The Doctor visited them on
several occasions, but exact particulars of his visit we have not been
able to gather. It is sufficient to say that his visits were the means
of cherishing them as a congregation, till they were able to obtain a
minister of their own.
This season he had the
privilege of welcoming one who should permanently be stationed on the
Island, viz., the Rev. Peter Gordon, another who had been induced to
devote himself to the work of the ministry in this country through his
published letter. Mr. Gordon had been a working weaver, but hearing
Doctor MacGregor’s printed letter read from the pulpit of the
congregation to which he belonged, he was so impressed with the
destitute condition of the colonists, that he resolved to devote himself
to study, with a view to the holy ministry, and with a determination on
his licensure to come to Doctor MacGregor’s assistance. He pursued his
object amid many difficulties, and probably undermined his constitution
by the severity of his application. But upon his licensure, he
immediately offered his services for Nova Scotia, and being accepted, he
arrived here in the course of the summer. He was a man of warm feelings,
and on first seeing Doctor MacGregor, he rushed into his arms saying,
“Oh, father you have brought me to this country.”
After supplying Halifax
and other places in Nova Scotia for a few weeks, he was sent over to
Prince Edward Island for the winter. The Presbytery were particularly
anxious about that part of the church, in consequence of their being so
long without a minister, and being so frequently disappointed. In the
year 1799, the Rev. Francis Pringle had been appointed to that quarter,
but coming out by the way of New York, the Presbytery there detained
him. In the year 1803, Doctor MacCulloch arrived in Pictou for the same
destination, but it being too late for him to get a passage across he
remained in Pictou all winter, and was settled there in the following
spring, persons arriving in Pictou from Prince Edward Island to take him
across, on the very day of his induction. Mr. Gordon was therefore
appointed to the Island for the winter, and was soon after settled at
St. Peter’s. This relieved the Presbytery, in a great measure, of the
charge which they had had of that portion of the church. |