“So that from Jerusalem,
and round about unto Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of
Christ.” Rom. xv. 19.
We have mentioned at
the close of the last chapter, that during the years in which his
congregation was so much agitated at home, he undertook several
excursions abroad. We shall now proceed to give an account of these, as
well as of some other of his later missionary journeys.
During each of the
years 1816, 1817, and 1819, he made a tour of a considerable part of
Prince Edward Island. Since the beginning of the century, there had been
an influx of immigrants from the Highlands of Scotland, who had formed a
number of new settlements chiefly in the south-eastern part of the
Island, which now form flourishing congregations. It was to these that
his efforts on these journeys were chiefly directed.
On the occasion of his
journey in 1817, he proceeded along with Doctor Keir to Miramichi for
the induction of the Rev. James Thompson. Intimation of the appointment
was conveyed to Doctor Keir in the following terms :
East River of Pictou,
July 16th, 1817.
Dear Sir :—I am
appointed by the Presbytery to take the first good opportunity of going
to Princetown, and there to inform Rev. Mr. Keir, that he and one of his
elders are also appointed to repair to Miramichi as soon as possible,
and there to judge of a call given to Mr. Thomson, and, if it be
sustained, to proceed with all convenient speed to the instalment of the
said Mr. Thomson, as minister of Miramiehi. You will, therefore,
immediately proceed to provide a boat, and an elder, with yourself, that
when I come there may be as little delay as possible. Expecting to sec
you soon, I remain, Yours, &c.,
James MacGregor.
"We question if the
whole rolls of epistolary correspondence will afford an example of the
condensation of as much important advice in as small compass as in the
above Postscript. In going to Miramiehi, they experienced a remarkable
instance of the care of divine Providence. They took passage from
Bedeque in a new vessel going to the former place to take in cargo. She
had not sufficient ballast, but they had a pleasant voyage, and dreamed
not of danger. But scarcely had they landed from her till she capsized
in the river, filled and sank to the bottom, not however in deep water,
but she was only raised with great difficulty.
They returned in an
open boat, to Princetown, a distance of about one hundred and twenty
miles. In the passage over he lay down on the stones of the ballast, and
slept soundly, though he awoke to find his elbow on which be was leaning
having the skin rubbed off. From Princetown he proceeded to New London
where he preached on Saturday. Returning thence he preached on Sabbath
at Princetown for Doctor Keir. On their way home from the church he
remarked in a very thoughtful manner to Doctor Keir, “Here we are so
earnest in preaching to these people, and yet some of them will be
He left the following
week for the settlements already referred to in the eastern part of the
Island, from which he got a passage to Pictou. On his return home he
thus writes to Doctor Keir, under date Nov. 3d:
“I must begin by
begging pardon for neglecting so long to write. My work was far behind
when I came home, and besides I had to take a journey to visit a small
settlement of Highlanders, who had not heard a sermon these fifteen
“The Sabbath after I
parted with you, I preached at the West River,1
to a considerable congregation of English, and a larger congregation,
much larger than I expected, of Gaelic hearers. Were they true blue,
they would be sufficient with Tryon, to maintain a minister, but I fear
that the Highlanders will not do much. We have, however, no Gaelic
minister to send to them, or to Belfast. Mr. Paxton writes us that we
can get no Gaelic preacher. Belfast was in much the same state as last
year, desirous of getting a minister, but not overwhelmed with
liberality. Let us pray to God to provide for them.”
The settlement of
Belfast, which he visited on both these occasions, was founded in the
year 1803, by a number of families from the Highlands and Islands of
Scotland, who were sent out by the Earl of Selkirk. So judicious were
the arrangements made, that they escaped in a great measure the
hardships endured by the early settlers in other places. It may not be
going too far out of our way to give the Earl’s own account of the
formation of the settlement:
“These persons,
amounting to about eight hundred persons of all ages, reached the island
in three ships on the 7th, 9th, and 27th August, 1803. It had been my
intention to come to the Island some time before any of the settlers, in
order that every requisite preparation might be made. In this, however,
a number of untoward circumstances occurred to disappoint me; and on
arriving at the capital of the Island, I learned that the ship of most
importance had just arrived, and the passengers were landing at a place
previously appointed for the purpose. I lost no time in proceeding to
the spot, where I found that the people had already lodged themselves in
temporary wigwams, composed of poles and branches.
“The settlers had
spread themselves along the shore for the distance of half a mile, upon
the site of an old French village, which had been destroyed and
abandoned after the capture of the Island by the British forces in 1758.
The land which had formerly been overgrown with wood, was overgrown
again with thickets of young trees, interspersed with grassy glades. I
arrived at the place late in the evening, and it had then a very
striking appearance. Each family had kindled a large fire near the
wigwams and around these were assembled groups of figures, whose
peculiar national dress added to the singularity of the surrounding
scene; confused heaps of baggage were every where piled together beside
their wild habitations, and, by the number of fires, the whole woods
were illuminated. At the end of the line of encampment, I pitched my own
tent, and was surrounded in the morning by a numerous assemblage of
people, whose behaviour indicated that they looked lo nothing less than
the restoration of the happy days of clanship. * * These hardy people
thought little of the inconvenience they felt from the slightness of the
shelter they had put up for themselves.”
After stating numerous
difficulties attending the location of the emigrants, his Lordship
“I could not but regret
the time which had been lost, but I had satisfaction in reflecting, that
the settlers had begun the culture of their farms with their little
capital unimpaired. I quitted the Island in September 1803, and after an
extensive tour on the continent of America, returned at the end of the
same month in the following year. It was with the utmost satisfaction I
then found that my plans had been followed up with attention and
judgment. I found the settlers engaged in securing the harvest which
their industry had produced. There were three or four families, who had
not gathered a crop adequate to their own supply, but many others had a
considerable superabundance.”
At the time of their
settlement there were three families of Roman Catholics there, who left
this part of the Island almost immediately after. At this time all the
settlers, with the exception of three or four families of Baptists, were
Presbyterians adhering to the Church of Scotland. At first both parties
met in one house together on the Lord’s day for reading and prayer.
After the arrival of one or two itinerant self-taught, self-assumed
preachers this harmony ceased, and they have since met in different
By the time Doctor
MacGregor arrived the people had made considerable progress, but it is
said that there was not a horse in the district, and none till within a
few miles of Charlotte Town. There was neither road nor bridge, so that
persons had to travel along the shore round the creeks or through the
wood, by narrow paths. A church had previously been erected at Point
Prim, at the instance of a Doctor Macaulay, who had been chaplain in the
army for some time, and who preached there statedly, but who seems to
have attended as much to the medical profession, as to ministerial
The Rev. Alexander
MacKay, lately minister at Belfast, informs me, that he preached one
Gaelic sermon on each of his visits, the first time in the church at
Point Prim, the second in a house at Little Belfast—that his first
sermon was on the Church of Laodicea, and the second on “the Prodigal
Son." He adds, “His sermons on these occasions are said to have made a
very favourable impression, and arc represented as very plain, faithful,
and powerful. On these occasions he also baptized five or six children.”
Another person
remembers a sermon preached there on one of his visits, from Phil. iii.
13, 14, many remarks in which he is still able to rehearse. "We may add
that the people there afterward received the Rev. John Maclennan, a
minister of the Church of Scotland, and have since been supplied by
ministers from that body.
In the year 1819, he
proceeded to Prince Edward Island for the ordination of the Rev. Andrew
Nicoll, a preacher from the Associate Synod in Scotland, who had been
called to the pastoral charge of the congregation of Richmond Bay, which
had hitherto been a portion of Doctor Keir’s congregation. On this
occasion he also traversed the southern shore, as we have positive
information of his preaching at Woodville, then called Wood Island. This
was not his first visit to that quarter, and he visited them three
times, preaching once, twice, or oftener as opportunity offered, his
stay being generally short. This being the nearest point of the Island
to Pictou, the people there generally conveyed him home in their boats.
The people here were
originally from the Island of Colonsa, from which they had emigrated to
this place about the year 1800. They were then in very humble
circumstances, and their religious condition was more destitute still.
There was no Presbyterian minister settled in any part of the southern
coast, and they had only heard two or three sermons from the time of
their arrival until he visited them.
On his visit in 1819 he
preached twice, once in the house of Mr. Malcolm MacMillan, and once in
the open air. The text in the house was, Hos. xiii. 9, “O Israel, thou
hast destroyed thyself, but in me is thy help.” About this sermon one
man says, that it was the first he ever heard; not that he never heard
preaching before, but as he remarks, “ I listened to it throughout, and
though I cannot say that it made any decided impression upon me, I can
say that I was never after so indifferent hearing the word of God as
On one visit he
preached from Isa. lvii. 3, 4, and spoke very freely against sorcery.
One effect of the sermon was that a man who professed to be skilled in
magic, renounced the practice ever after. The following incident may
also be inserted. On one of his visits he gave out that he would preach,
but so busy were the people with their fishing, that some supposed that
it was useless to try to collect them for preaching. He said, however,
that he would preach to the few that would come. He accordingly
preached, but as was expected to a very small congregation; but it so
happened that those who preferred the fishes to the bread of life, had
nothing for their trouble. No fish were taken, which the people
generally regarded as a judgment upon them. The Rev. D. MacNeill, of
Woodville, to whom I am indebted for the information as to his visits
there, adds, “His memory is still held in grateful remembrance by not a
few here.”
He had also previously
visited St. Mary's, but the exact dates of his visits we have not
ascertained. The first settlers there came from Truro and built the
first house at Glenelg in the year 1801. They were attracted thither by
the large amount of Intervale on the banks of the river, and the
superior timber abounding around. There were then two fishermen’s huts
at the lower part of the river, one at Sherbrooke, and the other four
miles farther down. The Rev. John Waddell, who had been their minister
in Truro, was the first to preach the gospel to them in their new home,
but Doetor MacGregor visited them several times, particularly after
settlers began to move thither from the East River, and other parts of
Pictou. He preached in private houses at Glenelg and Sherbrooke. On his
first visit the population was extremely scanty, a good sized room being
capable of holding all the population capable of attending preaching. He
also preached on the eastern branch of the river, and at Lochaber which
had been settled by Highland immigrants. There was then no road along
the river. He travelled along its banks on horseback, and from their
steepness in many places it was frequently necessary to cross the river,
to where the ground on its edge was lower. On one occasion on reaching
the head of the river, he remarked that he had crossed the river sixteen
On one of his trips,
either going or returning through the woods between the East River and
St. Mary’s, in company with the late Alexander Grant, he nearly gave out
entirely. It was late in the fall, and though they were on horseback,
yet the travelling was so bad, that he became so exhausted, that it was
with difficulty he reached the place to which they were going. Though he
still enjoyed good health, yet his constitution was in a great measure
broken, not only by increasing years, but by the hardships he had
undergone, and he was not able to stand the fatigues which he bore so
easily in the days of his strength. Indeed as early as the year 1816,
his letters speak of his finding his constitution giving way.
On one of his visits
going by the East River of St. Mary’s, he and his companions stopped in
a small hut which had been erected for the accommodation of travellers
by the late Surveyor General, on a lot of land owned by him, at what is
now called the Garden of Eden. Some of those who were with him, speaking
of the roughness of the country at that time, said that it was not
likely that they would ever see a road there. u Oh,” he replied, “you
may see a church on this very spot yet.” Curiously enough the present
church at the Garden of Eden is built on the very site of that hut.
In the year 1818 he
made his second missionary journey through Cape Breton.
He crossed from
Antigonish Harbour to Port Hood in a boat. On the way over he was as
usual engaged in religious conversation. Having spoken of our natural
character, a woman who was present in the boat could not be persuaded
that she had a bad heart. He laboured hard to convince her of the fact,
with what success we have not ascertained.
The first settlement on
the north coast of Cape Breton, was made by a Jersey company at
Cheticamp, their settlers being chiefly French Catholics. The next was a
Captain Smith, in 1787, who came from Truro but who was originally from
Cape Cod. At the time of the Doctor’s visit, there were five or six
Protestant families at Port Hood, ten or twelve at Mabou, and about as
many at Margaree. With these exceptions, the whole coast from Cheticamp
to the Strait of Canso, was settled by Scotch Catholics from Lochaber,
Strathglass, and some of the Western Islands of Scotland.
The country was then in
a very low state. There was not a road any where, and most of the
travelling was iu boats along shore. The moral and social condition of
the people was not any better. As one described it to me, “there was
neither law nor gospel, but might made right.”
On landing at Port Hood
he proceeded to the south-west branch of the Mabou river, through the
woods. Here he met Captain Worth mentioned in a previous part of the
narrative as having been the means of giving him a passage from
Charlotte Town. He lodged in his house and there preached his first
sermon. While there he baptized his family, and it may be mentioned,
that his descendants now form a large portion of the Presbyterian
congregation of Mabou. From the southwest branch of Mabou, he went in a
boat to the south-east branch of the same river. Here he spent ten days
visiting and preaching, and then returned to Port Hood. He visited and
held religious exercises in every house in Mabou during his stay there,
and likely the same in Port Hood. This was the first preaching that had
ever been enjoyed there, and the young people, even those arrived at the
age of manhood, had never heard a sermon. It made a deep impression upon
many. One sermon is particularly spoken of. It was on the words of the
apostle, 2 Cor. ii. 15, 16. “For we are unto God a sweet savour in
Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish; to the one we
are the savour of death unto death, and to the other the savour of life
unto life.”
The Catholics who were
settled along the shore were of the same class, and many of them the
same individuals who had landed at Pictou, and were so kindly treated by
the Doctor and his congregation. He found among them a grateful
recollection of his kindness. On his way returning, one man, named Hugh
MacLean, took him from Judique to the Strait, a distance of twelve
miles, on his horse, and walked himself to take back the animal.
From the Strait of
Canso, he proceeded to visit two settlements of Protestant Highlanders,
one at River Inhabitants, about twelve miles from the Strait, and the
other at West Bay, about eight miles farther on. There was then no road
between either of these places, the blaze being the traveller’s only
guide. A man named MacMillan, took him on horseback to River
Inhabitants. He used to relate the following incident as having taken
place here: Some time after dark he and his guide arrived at the edge of
a stream which they saw no means of crossing. By the light of the moon
they observed a house on the other side. On calling loudly a man came
out, of whom they enquired if there was any way of crossing. The man
answered “No,” but added the enquiry, “Who are you?” The Doctor’s
companion replied, “This is Doctor MacGregor, a minister from Pictou.”
The man immediately entered the house, and forthwith two stout young
fellows came out, who ran down to the stream, waded across, and one
taking the Doctor on his shoulders, and the other his companion, carried
them across. The family were Highland Catholics, and entertained them as
well as they could that night, and in the morning the man volunteered to
go with him to the Presbyterian settlement to which he was going. The
Doctor offered to pay him for his kindness, but he refused, and asked
him if he did not remembcr giving such a poor man an axe and a hoe. He
added that he was happy to have it in his power to make some return for
his kindness.
With one or two
exceptions the settlers both at River Inhabitants and West Bay were
Highlanders. There were over twenty families at the latter place, the
number at the former we have not ascertained, but it is said to have
been considerable. Most of them had come thither by way of Pictou,
having resided there for longer or shorter periods, during which they
had been under the ministry of Doctor MacGregor, and some of them looked
to him as the instrument of their first saving convictions of divine
truth. They were generally poor and still contending with the
difficulties of a new settlement. Several of the heads of families were
decidedly pious. Being few in number and all of one religious
persuasion, they lived in peace and harmony.
From the time of their
settlement here they had not heard a sermon till he visited them, and
from the whole circumstances we may judge that his coming was the
occasion of much joy. He could, however, remain but a short time with
them. He spent one Sabbath at River Inhabitants, and preached in a barn
belonging to Mr. Adam MacPherson, both in English and Gaelic. In English
he lectured on Rom. v. 1-11; dwelling particularly on verse 8. Some of
the people at West Bay came through to hear him. On the Tuesday
following he went to West Bay, and preached again, both in Gaelic and
English, in a barn belonging to one Macintosh. His subject here in the
former language was Luke xix. 9, u This day is salvation come to this
house, forasmuch as he also is a son of Abraham,” with a comment on the
whole passage, from the first to the tenth verse. On this occasion he
told them that one of his objects in visiting them was to urge upon them
to continue steadfast in their Protestant profession, as he knew that
they were surrounded by Papists on all hands.
At that time there were
not any Protestant settlers on the south side of the Bras d'or Lake,
from West Bay to Sydney, a distance of eighty miles, the whole shore
being occupied by Romanists; while the north side of the Luke, where are
now the settlements of Malagawatch, River Dennis, and Whycogomah, is
described as a terra incognita. Unless there were a Church of England
minister at Sydney, there was not a Protestant minister on the Island.
Immediately after
preaching he left West Bay on his return home, being anxious to get a
passage from the Strait in a vessel, which he expected to pass through
on her way to Pictou. On his departure, John MacLeod, one of his old
acquaintances, offered to accompany him to the Strait, but the Doctor
would not allow him. After MacLeod had accompanied him a mile or two the
Doctor proceeded alone, and on foot; his only guides being the blaze and
a pocket-compass.
The whole time spent on
this mission we know not, but he speaks in one of his letters of “six
Sabbaths, and some week-day sermons, being all the Calvinistic gospel
that ever Cape Breton enjoyed,” by which we presume he describes his own
two visits. In another place he speaks of having on this visit met
persons over twenty years of age that had never heard a sermon. This
must have been at Mabou, which had been settled for a longer period than
the other places visited.
In the year 1821 he
paid his last visit to Prince Edward Island. Circumstances had rendered
Mr. Pidgeon’s resignation of the charge of the congregation of St.
Peter’s advisable, and the Rev. Robert Douglas had been called to be his
successor. The Rev. Mr. Nicoll had died after about a year’s service,
and Mr. William MacGregor, a preacher from the General Associate Synod,
had accepted a call to be his successor. Doctor MacGregor went over to
take part at the induction of the former, and the ordination of the
latter. On the latter occasion, on the 11th October, 1821, the
Presbytery of Prince Edward Island was constituted according to a deed
of Synod. This was to him a matter of great joy. When we consider the “
long desolations” of the Island, and his many toilsome journeys in
planting and watering the good seed of the gospel truth among its
inhabitants, we need not wonder that he should be filled with gratitude
to God, at seeing the church thus completely established there, and that
he should feel as if his work in that part of the church was done.
This may be considered
as the conclusion of his missionary journeys, which, for about
thirty-three years, had engaged so much of his time. Of the extent of
his labours in this respect, we may judge from a statement in his letter
to the Glasgow Colonial Society, written about the year 1827, that he
had “visited all the Highland Settlements of any consequence (and some
of them often) in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and
Cape Breton, excepting some which have been made within these few years,
since old age has impaired my vigour.” Though, however, he took no
journeys after this date to places at a distance, yet, besides regularly
and fully discharging the duties of his congregation, he visited places
around. He still enjoyed good health, and his activity seemed scarcely
diminished, but it was now directed more to the promotion of the general
interests of the church, than to toilsome journeys for which he had not
now the bodily vigour necessary.
Previous to this,
however, he had sent to the press his Gaelic poems, by which he has had
and continues still to have no small usefulness. With an intense desire
for the good of his countrymen, he had always taken a deep interest in
every measure having that object in view, and especially in what
concerned their spiritual welfare. He had spent his life in toiling for
the salvation, especially, of those of them who had become expatriated
to the Colonies, but he desired also to do something himself for those
whom he had left in his native land. With this view he had several years
before conceived the idea of rendering the doctrines of the gospel into
Gaelic verse, adapted to the music most common among them, as has been
expressed, “that he might unite the best lessons with the sweetest
melodies of his native land.” These poems be had partly composed years
before, as he says, “in part, when travelling the dreary forests of
America.” An individual informs me that going through the woods on a
very dark night, he heard a kind of singing, and in a little came upon
the Doctor who was riding on horseback, and humming over portions of his
poems as he composed them. As he had obtained a little more leisure to
study, he had carefully revised them. From the MSS. in our possession it
appears that some of them were copied several times. As early as the
year 1814 we find him submitting some of them to competent Gaelic
scholars. His design as well as the execution of it, having met their
approval, lie accordingly put the work to press under the title, “Dain a
chomhnadh erabhuidh,” about the year 1818.
The copyright of this
little work was given to the Glasgow Tract Society, so long as they
should be diligent in circulating it. The following list of the titles
of the several poems will give the English reader an idea of the volume:
1. The sum of the law.
2. The ten
3. Praise of the law.
4. The covenant of
5. The covenant of
6. Sin—in two parts.
7. On the evil heart.
8. The gospel.
“Glad tidings of great
joy which shall be to all people.”
“He will save his
people from their sins.”
9. Faith.
“Believe in the Lord
Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”
“Whatsoever is not of
faith is sin.”
10. Unbelief.
“He that believeth not
is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the
only begotten Son of God.”
“Because I tell you the
truth, ye believe me not.”
11. The complaint.
“Who shall deliver me
from this body of death?”
12. Christ’s
“That I may be found in
him, not having mine own righteousness which is of the law, but the
righteousness which is of God by faith.
13. The work of the
“He saved us by the
washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost.”
“Your heavenly Father
shrill give his Spirit to them that ask him.”
11. Grace commended.
“My grace shall be
sufficient for thee.”
15. The graces
“The fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
meekness, temperance.”
16. Gospel questions,
or, Christ all in all; from the English of Ralph Erskine.
17. The love of God—in
three parts.
“God is love.”
18. Death.
“I know that thou wilt
bring me to death.”
19. The resurrection.
“The hour comethi, and
now is, when they that are in their graves shall hear the voice of the
Son of man, and they that hear shall live.”
20. The judgment.
“We must all appear
before the judgment-seat of Christ, to give an account of the deeds done
in the body, whether they be good or whether they be evil.”
21. Heaven.
22. Hell.
23. Spread of the Bible
and the gospel.
We applied to a
competent Gaelic scholar, the Rev. John MacKinnon, for a critical
estimate of these poems, who has sent us the following, which, though
written in the style of panegyric, indicative of the warmth of his
Highland feelings, expresses, we believe, the views held of them
generally by unprejudiced Highlanders:
“These poems are not a
conglomerate or an omnigatherum, consisting of isolated and fragmentary
thoughts, composed on special occasions and on special subjects. On the
contrary they are a concise, but comprehensive system of divinity,
connected and arranged in systematic order. They appear to be the
developments of one conception, carried out according to an original
design. They advance no claims to distinguished literary pretensions, or
the higher flights of poetic genius, though they are by no means
destitute of both. They are the products of a mind richly stored with
gospel truths, and possessing the singular facility of expressing these
in simple, sweet, and harmonious melody. In these poems the fundamental
doctrines of Christianity are defined, illustrated, and earnestly
inculcated in a manner perfectly intelligible to the ignorant and most
ordinary intellects. The style is simple, terse, and vigorous. It is
almost entirely free from foreign words and idioms. In the versification
the rhythm is gently flowing and melodious. So that in whatever metre
the poem is composed, the verse is agreeable and harmonious, while, at
the same time, each word selected is the very best to express the
particular idea intended. The subject of each poem is a fundamental
doctrine: such as faith, the covenant of works, the covenant of grace,
It required no ordinary
amount of natural talent, and a minute and comprehensive knowledge of
the whole Gaelic language, to produce these poems. They visibly bear the
stamp of originality. There is not the least appearance of slavish
imitation about them. They are the spontaneous gushings of a heart,
overflowing with the tenderest affection for expatriated fellow
countrymen, finding expressions only in harmonious and holy song. They
have the singular felicity of touching the tenderest chords of the
heart, of evoking its deepest and warmest sympathies, and kindling its
partially smothered devotional feelings into a burning holy flame. They
arc literally a “speaking from the heart to the heart.” It is almost
impossible for a Highlander to read them through unaffected or unmoved.
Many of the Highlanders
who originally immigrated to this Province did not enjoy the benefits of
a liberal education. Here they had to contend with numerous and untried
difficulties, in order to secure the necessaries of life. They had,
therefore, neither time nor opportunity to devote to the improvement of
their minds. This being the general and almost necessary condition of
the mass, (though some noble exceptions among them, in spite of these
difficulties, worked their way up to no ordinary height in literature
and science,) these poems enabled them to obtain a correct and
comprehensive knowledge of the whole system of divine truth. This was
the author’s design. While much of the poetry of the present day
consists of a mawkish sentimentalism, dreamy fantastic visions, which
belong neither to heaven nor earth, vitiating the taste for instructive
and substantial reading, and enervating the natural vigour of the mind,
these contain in chaste and polished language eternal truths, which are
fitted to prepare the soul for the highest state of possible perfection.
In many of the English
hymns extant, and even those sung in public worship by Christian
assemblies, there is a reduplication of the same idea continued through
a number of verses; in these poems every line contains some new or
distinct idea. In them there is no “making the most of an idea,” or a
weary waiting for the inspired gusts, “like angels’ visits, few and far
between.” They seem the productions of a mind continually under the
poetic afflatus, with ideas crowding in upon it and struggling for
These, like all other
human productions, are not all of equal merit. Some, whether from the
nature of their theme, the intensity of the author’s poetic inspiration,
or the time at his command, stand out in conspicuous superiority from
among the best. These are the poems entitled “The Gospel,” “The
Complaint,” “The Last Judgment,’’ “The Righteousness of Christ.” The
latter we consider the best in the whole number. There are few religious
poems superior to it in the English language. It alone is sufficient to
acquire for the author the honourable distinction of “no ordinary poet.”
There are some passages in it which are remarkable for their poetic
beauty and brand sublimily.
These poems were
composed amid many difficulties and disadvantages,— excessive
ministerial labours,—domestic duties, and public engagements. They
display in the author, genius, an extensive knowledge of theology,
ardent love to the Saviour, and a sincere desire to promote the eternal
welfare of his fellow-countrymen.
The poem on “The
Gospel” we have translated as literally as justice to the sense and
idioms would permit. As we are merely giving this as an example to the
English reader of the nature of these poems, we did not deem it
necessary to translate the whole poem; we have therefore only translated
fifteen stanzas out of the twenty, which it contains. Each line in
English is a translation of the corresponding line in Gaelic.
Were the Gaelic highly
cultivated, there is no language better adapted as a vehicle for poetic
inspiration, impassioned eloquence, or expressions of tender and
endearing sympathy. Though harsh and unchristian to the English ear, to
the Highlander far away from his native hills and mountains it is the
true language of nature and of paradise.
These poems immediately
became popular among the Highlanders, particularly the pious of them,
wherever they were introduced, and are now well known in the north of
Scotland, particularly in the west Highlands. Several persons from that
quarter have assured me that it is there quite common to hear mothers
singing them to their children, as Watts’ divine songs are sung in many
an English nursery. And we have also been assured by those who have had
good opportunities of knowing that they have been very useful in giving
to many clear views of the doctrines of the gospel. Ministers who spoke
Gaelic, and had associated with Gaelic people, have told me that they
have frequently met persons of little education, who yet had accurate
conceptions of divine truth, and whose statements of it were modelled by
the language of these poems.
We may add here that he
was one of the most thorough Gaelic scholars of his day, and that he
composed a great deal more in that language which has not been
published. We have in our possession a copy of the Westminster
Confession of Faith in Gaelic, which seems to have been composed before
any edition of it had been published, and which a thorough Gaelic
scholar has pronounced quite equal to the translation now in use. We
have also in our possession versions, in Gaelic metre, of more than a
hundred of the Psalms of David, and the most of the Scottish
We insert here a letter
to a friend in Scotland, partly in reference to his Gaelic poems:
Dear Sir :—I was much
gratified by your letter received a few clays ago. To receive a letter
from an Antiburgher minister, a native of Glen-tarken, is no common
enjoyment. Had such a thing been promised me when I left home I would
have had difficulty in believing it. Great are the changes taking place
in the Highlands. Different denominations, not excepting the Baptists,
find a footing in some of the wildest parts of them. But that
dispensation of Providence which scatters the Highlanders over the face
of the earth, as it did the Jews, is to me strange and mysterious. Every
year since I came here some have been coming this way from Inverness,
Ross, and Sutherland, and I have often wondered how our native parish of
Comrie enjoyed such a calm. It seems, however, that a scattering blast
has come at last. I was quite surprised at your account of the
depopulation and emigration of my native vicinity. Here we have little
or no connection with Canada, and though you had mentioned the precise
spot where they have settled, it is likely that I know nothing about it.
Upper Canada, however, is reckoned a good place for emigrants, better
than this, the soil being more fertile. Were I to go again to my native
place, what a change would I see! I would not find my father’s house,
and it is likely I would not get a night’s quarters in the village
without money. Has the same depopulation taken place throughout the
parish of Comrie?
I tremble to think of
the chastisement that seems waiting for Britain. Those who are for and
those that arc against a revolution are strong, and the conflict must be
terrible, if undeserved mercy do not interpose. The higher classes have
been long teaching the lower to despise God, and it were no wonder that
at last they should despise themselves. There are many corruptions to be
plucked up, but iheir roots are so strong, that they cannot to all
appearance be plucked without long and violent pulling. A merciful God
may, however, deal more mercifully than appearances prognosticate, or
men can think. There is surely much need for that prayer, “In wrath
remember mercy.” In my young days the ministers commonly prayed for the
downfall of Prelacy. I do not know if they continue to do so or not. The
prayer will surely be answered, but it may be by terrible things in
I am much gratified
with what you have written concerning my poor poems, except the
incorrectness of the printing, which cannot be helped for the present.
or may it please the Lord to make them a blessing to my poor countrymen!
Do not forget to pray for a blessing with them. 1 composed these poems
in part, travelling through the dreary wilderness of America, hoping
they might do some good, but seeing little prospect of it. There are two
of them, that on smoking tobacco, and Comhairled'n T-l-cl, so
insignificant, that I repent of having sent them home. If they have been
printed, and should there be a second edition, I wish them suppressed.
The three which I sent last, bid as fair in my opinion to be useful, in
the way of instruction, as any of them ; and I would rather have sonic
of the others suppressed than them. In the event of another edition, you
must undertake the correction of the press, somehow or other. If yon
cannot do it yourself, you must surely know of some good Gaelic scholar
about Glasgow who will do it. Most of the Gaelic books are badly
printed, which is a great discouragement to readers. The poems have not
yet come this way, and I know not whether the mistakes be few or many;
but if possible, I will send you a list of the Corrigenda. I would have
you to make out a list of them too, lest mine should not reach you.
Besides I mean to send you one poem more, viz., on the sin and misery of
man by nature; also an additional verse to two or three of those already
made. Gratitude requires that I should make a verse for the Tract
Society. I wish I had the name of some of your acquaintance in Greenock,
to whose care I might send letters or parcels, by which means they might
reach you with less risk and cost. You did well to write to me from
Saltcoats, for till I received yours I did not know if you had received
any of mine.
You say you have some
questions to ask about the Church of Nova Scotia, but I believe you had
better not ask them, for we cannot give you very pleasant answers. Ours
is a poor church indeed, yet we are striving to bring things as near as
possible to the inspired rule. We are only organizing a church, and we
have but poor materials to work upon. The population of Nova Scotia is
of a very heterogeneous kind, consisting partly of natives and partly of
emigrants from various countries; the former reared in the woods know
nothing, the latter is rather the scum than the cream of the countries
they come from. Books and education are scarce. Migration from place to
place is common, as land has been hitherto plenty. Extravagance,
especially intemperance, is very common. All these things are against
us. Hence the government and discipline of our church is more than one
step from perfection. Our stipends are so small or so badly paid, that
most of us are compelled to take the aid of farming, or teaching for a
living. We have not our choice of ministers. A number of them had some
reason for leaving home, and coming here. Yet still we are making
progress. Above twenty ministers belong to our Synod. We arc creeping
into better order. Schools are multiplying. And what is truly wonderful
we have gotten an Academy established at Pictou, which bids fair to send
forth excellent ministers in a short time. Mr. MacCulloeh is killing
himself carrying it on. Mr. MacKinlay is more moderate. Our Legislature
seem inclined to give it their support, I hope they will give it three
or four hundred pounds a year. Grace be with thee.
James MacGregor.
P. S. I have just heard
that Rev. Mr. Nicol is dead, I believe of a sore in his leg. |