The primary object of
this little work, is to aid the Indians in learning to read. It is also
designed to aid them in learning English. Hence every Indian word is
translated. They are not interlined^ but placed opposite, in a separate
column, so as to render everything as distinct as possible.
It is believed, too, that many of the white people will be glad to avail
themselves of the facility thus afforded for becoming acquainted in some
measure with that truly wonderful language, native Nova Scotian. As this
language contains no sounds that the English vocal organs are not
accustomed to, and as by the arrangement adopted the pronunciation and
the meaning of every Indian word Inserted in the book, can be learned
with very little trouble, it is presumed that an important object will
be in this respect gained. The writer is happy to know that many of the
Micmac Indians have during the last fifteen years learned to read. A
small edition of a “Micmac First Reading Book” did good service ; but it
has for some time been exhausted. A determination to learn to read has
been aroused among the Indians everywhere. It should be fostered by
every legitimate means. Such a book as is here presented to the public
cannot but be beneficial in promoting so desirable an object A summary
of the contents is given in the title page. While the white
children—aye, and older people too— are learning to count in Indian, and
also learning what the Indians call the animals, &c., &c., they will be
teaching as well as learning; and thus that mutual good-will and
confidence which the writer is happy to know has been originated and
fostered between the two races, during the last twenty years, will be
It is scarcely necessary to add, that in naming beasts, birds, fishes,
trees, plants, &c., &c., in English, pains have been taken to ascertain
and give as correctly as possible, the popular name, and that alone.
Mistakes will doubtless have occurred, but great pains have been taken
to avoid them.
You can download
this book here
In addition we bring you the book "Dictionary
of the Language of the Micmac Indians" who reside in Nova Scotia" by
Rev. Silas Tertius Rand, D.D., LL.D. |