Services of Sir John Acres Abandoned by Him in the United States—Lord Dorchester
Recommends Him as First Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada-Policy of Home
Government Opposed to the appointment of Residents to the Government—Despatch
of the Colonial Secretary.— First Reference to Glengarry Settlement. —
Colonel John Macdonell (Aberchalder) and His Brother Hugh Macdonell Elected
Members in First Parliament of Upper Canada—He. is Elected its Speaker—List
of Members—Some Facts Relating to them—Acts Passed at First Session.
Sir John Johnson, who had
been so intimately associated with those who became the first settlers of
Glengarry, did not altogether sever his connection with them. Portion of the
land which was allotted to him in consideration of his signal services to
the Crown was situated in the County of Glengarry in the immediate vicinity
of what is wknown as "Stone House Point." He had, I am told, selected a site
for his residence, of which the foundation had been been laid, where the
house now occupied by Colonel Alexander Fraser is built on the River St.
Lawrence, on what is now known as Fraser's Point.
Judge Pringle states that
what are locally known as "The Indian Lands," a narrow strip between the
western townships of Glengarry and the eastern ones of Stormont, are said to
have been intended for Sir John Johnson, and to have been held for the
Indians on Sir John's declining to accept of them. This, of course, would
have been a very extensive grant - many thousands of acres—yet it must be
remembered that, as stated by Mr. Stone "he voluntarily gave up domains m
what is now the United States larger and fairer than had ever belonged to a
single proprietor in America, William Penn only excepted," and that of ail
the eminent men among the Loyalists none were at all comparable to him,
either as regards the extent of the sacrifices made or the importance of the
services rendered through out the War from its commencement to its close.
Two hundred thousand acres of valuable land was what he surrendered.
He also owned a large tract
of land in the neighborhood of Williamstown, so named by him after his
father, Sir William, and where he built the first mills. As showing the
interest which Sir John Johnson took in the County of Glengarry, it may be
mentioned that on the 25th of June, 1814, he presented to Neil McLean, then
Sheriff of the Eastern District, and his successors in office, twelve acres
of land in Williamstown for the purpose of a fair ground for the people of
the Counties, being the site of the present Glengarry Agricultural Society
grounds. He never, however, permanently resided in Glengarry, the nature of
his occupation not permitting of it. He had been appointed at the close of
the War Superintendent General and Inspector-General of the Six Nation
Indians, his commission as such being dated March 14th, 1782. He was
Colonel-in-Chief of the Six Battalions of Militia of the Eastern Townships,
and a member of the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, to which he was
summoned 24th January, 1797. He had been knighted by the King in his
father's lifetime, at St. James on the 22nd November, 1765, when but
twenty-three years of age. The Rev. Mr. Campbell mentions in his "History of
St. Gabriel Church, Montreal," that the Patent of Baronetcy, conferred upon
his father, contains a most singular clause, which gives the title of
"Knight" to the eldest son in this family on his attaining his majority. Sir
John was always, in official documents, designated, after his father's
death, as "Knight and Baronet," thus showing that the Knighthood did not
merge in the Baronetcy. He owned the Seigniory of Argenteuil, and was for
many years a. conspicuous figure in Canada. He was born on November 5th,
1742, and died at his residence, St. Mary's, in the County of Rouville, on
January 4th, 1830, in the eighty-ninth year of his age, and was buried in
the family vault at his seat on the south side of the St. Lawrence, near
Montreal. He is described in Jones' "History of New York" as bold, resolute,
spirited, brave and active, and his career undoubtedly proved it.
Mr. Morgan states in his
"Celebrated Canadians" that Sir John's eldest son, William Johnson, entered
the army, became a Colonel in the Service, and was killed at Waterloo. He
was succeeded in the Baronetcy by his eldest surviving son, Sir Adam Gordon
Johnson, who, dying without issue, was succeeded by the present Baronet. Sir
William George Johnson, of Twickenham, England, son of John Johnson, of
Point Oliver, Montreal, a younger brother of Sir Gordon, who died before the
latter. A niece of Sir John's became Lady Clyde; a grand-daughter married
Alexander, Count Bahnain, Russian Commissioner at St. Helena, and others of
his descendants made distinguished alhances.
Lord Dorchester had on the
15th March, 1790, in a despatch to the Right Honourable William Wyndham
Grenville, strongly recommended Sir John as the first Lieutenant-Governor of
Upper Canada on the ground of his eminent services. The answer of the
Secretary of State shows, however, that not only had the appointment of
Lieutenant-Colonel Simcoe been decided upon previous to the receipt of Lord
Dorchester's despatch, and that Simcoe had been duly notified of the fact,
but it sets out fully and clearly the policy of the British Government then
prevailing and ever since pursued in regard to the appointment of residents
of the Colonies to the government of the same. No one can question its
wisdom, however great may be his appreciation of Sir John's services, which
rendered his claim paramount to that of Simcoe or any other individual
whomsoever. It was, I believe, the. intention to have followed the same wise
course in Canada at the time of Confederation in regard to the appointment
of the Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces, but local circumstances, the
short tenure of office, and the comparatively circumscribed nature of their
functions and powers, probably led to a different course being adopted with
regard to these officers.
The following is the despatch
referred to:
(Private and Confidential.)
Whitehall, 3rd June, 1790
My Lord,—
I think it right to take this
mode of mentioning to Your Lordship rather than by an official despatch,
that previous to the receipt of Your Lordship's despatch No. 20, I had
submitted to His Majesty the name of Lieutenant-Colonel Simcoe for the
Lieutenant Government of Upper Canada, supposing the proposed division of
the Province of Quebec to be carried into effect, and that I had been
directed by His Majesty to express to that officer His Majesty's approbation
of his appointment.
In making this selection, I
had not overlooked the situation and services of Sir John Johnson, but
motives of very considerable weight in my opinion induced me to think that
the nomination of a person belonging to that Province, and possessing such
large property in it, was not desirable, especially in the first formation
of the new Government. The disadvantage to His Majesty's Service which might
be expected from the effect of local habits, connections and interests
appear to me to be more than sufficient to counterbalance those benefits
which may be stated as arising from the same circumstances.
I mention this more
particularly to Your Lordship because it is uncertain whether, in the event
of hostilities with Spain, Lieutenant-Colonel Simcoe may not be employed on
some different service. and because even in that event I think it right to
apprize Your Lordship that great objections would, in my opinion, subsist
against naming Sir John Johnson.
I have no positive
information how far Sir John Johnson has been induced to look to this
object, nor what his probable line of conduct would be in case of
disappointment. Your Lordship will, of course, see that it is very material
for me to receive confidentially your opinion on this point, on account of
the great embarrassment which might be thrown in the way of Government at
its first outset in the new Province, if all the members of the Legislative
Council were appointed at the recommendation of any person, however
distinguished in point of situation or services, who was not cordially and
sincerely disposed to co-operation with the King's representative.
I have the honour to be,
With great truth and regard,
My Lord, Your Lordship's moM faithful and Obedient humble servant,
W: W. Grenville,
The Right Hon'ble Lord
An unpublished MS diary of
Major R. Mathews, of the Fifty Third Regiment, and Military Secretary to
Lord Dorchester, the original of which is to be found in the Education
Office, Toronto, contains the first reference I can find to the Loyalist
settlement in Glengarry and west. It is a journal of a voyage made by him to
Detroit in 1787. Under date of May 31 of that year, he notes, "General Hope
spoke to me upon the situation of affairs at Detroit."
May 4th. Signified to Lord
Dorchester my feelings at being absent from my Regiment at a time when the
complexion of affairs in the Upper Country appears rather gloomy, and my
regret at the necessity of relinquishing the honour of attending him. His
Lord received and approved of my proposal to join my Regiment in the
handsomest manner; would not allow of its making any alteration in my
situation with him, and said he had business at Detroit, etc., to charge me
with, on which he would expect me to return and report to him in the fall,
provided the situation of affairs above would permit. I therefore prepared
immediately to set off.
On the 17th May he arrived at
Coteau du Lac, the next entry under date 18th May being as follows :---
Got on board the bateaux at 4
o'clock, and proceeded to Longueil, the entrance to the lake. Were there
obliged to stop owing to a violent head wind, which made the lake
impracticable. At 2 o'clock the wind moderated, and we pushed off. Got to
Point au Baudet at 6, where one McGee, formerly in Sir John Johnson's Corps
has a settlement, on which he has made very rapid progress. Halted about 15
minutes, and proceeded to Point l'Toroniere; arrived there at half after
eight o'clock, and on my way passed Lieutenant Sutherland's settlement
situated in a deep bay. We were not near enough to form any judgment of the
land, but he seemed to have cleared a good deal. Halted for a few minutes,
and was just pushing off for Sir J, Johnson's Point when a violent gust came
on, which determined me to put up for the night in an uninhabited house.
May 19th. Set off at 4
o'clock, the wind still high and contrary, weather disagreeably cold. Passed
Mr. Falconer's settlement at a distance, and landed at a small house within
two miles of Captain Alexander Macdonell. Walked to his house and
breakfasted. The situation here is delightful and the soil very fine. He has
cleared a great deal of land, and bids fair for having a fine farm in a very
short time. We proceed on foot to Mr. Wiikinson's. He is situated close to
the river, by a fine creek, where he is erecting a potash and means to build
a mill. There are two inconsiderable settlements above this, and then an
interval of four miles belonging to St. Regis Indians, the points of which
and situation are very favorable for settlement, and from the wood growing
the soil must be very rich. The first settlement from this interval is
strikingly beautiful, being situated upon an easy, regular slope, facing the
south, and defended from the raking east and west winds. A fine island,
richly clothed with wood, and some meadow ground before it. I believe it is
the property of Major Gray. Got on this evening to the lot of one Natives of
Sir John Johnson's Corps. He is married to a very young woman, and has a man
who was taken prisoner at Quebec in '75 to assist him on his farm. He is
married to a Canadian woman, and these two couples live together in the same
house, consisting of a single room, but the neatest and most cleanly 1 ever
saw. Here we lay.
20th. Proceeded at 4 this
morning. Still unfortunate in our wind. Passed the Long Sault about 1
o'clock, and got to Captain Duncan's about six in the evening. Drank tea
here with Captain J. Monro and Lieutenant McMartin. Walked from thence about
two miles to Thompson's, who was in Sir J. Johnson's Corps. A sensible man,
seemingly very industrious, having all materials ready to enlarge his house
and much ground cleared. He is married to an old Dutch woman. It rained hard
this whole day.
21st. Set off at half after
four. Stopped at Captain J. Monro's, two miles from where we lay and
breakfasted with him. His having been in England prevented him from
building, nor has he yet cleared much. He lives at present in a hut
belonging to one of the men. Halted here near two hours, and proceeded to
Major Jessup's by 4 in the evening. Walked with him over the front of his
lot, which is situated opposite the Fort of Oswegatchie. He has not yet
built, but has most of the material collected and has cleared a great deal
of land. I think this lot in point of situation, regularity of ground and
goodness of the superior to any I have yet seen. The Major came on board and
proceeded with us to Captain Sherwood's, about four miles further. He has
built a very tolerable house upon his farm lot in New Oswegatchie, some
distance from his farm, and has already a potash going forward. We did not
find him at home, and after waiting about half an hour in hopes of seeing
him we got on board.
Of the I,oyalist officers who
settled in Glengarry, probably the most conspicuous m the future history of
the Province was John Macdonell, then younger of Aberchalder. He shortly
became one of the most leading men in Upper Canada. He had served during the
whole Revolutionary War, first in the Eighty-Fourth or Royal Highland
Emigrants, and for the last five years and ten months in command of a
company of Butler's Rangers. His father, Captain Alexander Macdonell, and
his brothers, who had also held commissions in the several Loyalist
Regiments, likewise settled in the Township of Charlottenburgh (on the
regiments being disbanded) on the banks of the River St. Lawrence about six
miles east of Cornwall, where they drew a very large tract of land. The
ruins of their seat, destroyed many years ago by fire (in 1813), but well
known in its day as Glengarry House and renowned for its hospitality, are
still to be seen on what is now called "Stone House Point." It was, I
understand, the first stone and largest house in Upper Canada.
When writs were issued by
Colonel Simcoe for the election of members for the first Parliament of Upper
Canada, John Macdonell was, together with his brother, Hugh Macdonell,
returned to represent the County of Glengarry, which extended from the St,
Lawrence to the Ottawa River and which had two representatives. The
proclamation of Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe forming the Province into
counties, and allotting the number of representatives was dated 10th July,
1792. Nineteen counties were formed, namely: Glengarry, Stormont, Dundas,
Grenville, Leeds, Frontenac, Ontario, Addington, Lennox, Prince Edward,
Hastings, Northumberland, Durham, York, Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and
Kent, Sixteen representatives were to be returned, and for the purpose of
representation in the Legislature the following arrangements were made:
Glengarry was divided into two ridings each to send a representative;
Stormont one member, as also Dundas and Grenville, each; Leeds and Frontenac
together were to have a representative; Ontario and Addington together one
member; Prince Edward together with the late township of Adolphus, in the
county of Lennox, one member; Lennox, except Adolphus, with Hastings and
Northumberland together, to elect one member; Durham and York and the first
riding of Lincoln were together to have but one member; the second riding of
Lincoln one member; the third riding of Lincoln one member; the fourth
riding of Lincoln and the county of Norfolk together one member; Suffolk and
Essex together one member; Kent, which included all the west, not Indian
territories, to the Hudson's Bay, to have two members.
I have had great difficulty
in procuring the names of the members of the first Legislature of the
Province, lt is remarkable how little can be ascertained with regard to
these matters, and I believe ii is utterly impossible to obtain a correct
list of the members and the constituencies for which they sat. The fact is,
all the parliamentary records prior to 1813 were destroyed when York was
taken by the Americans in April of that year. Copies of such of the journals
as were transmitted to England have lately been procured, but do not contain
the names of the members of the earlier Legislatures.
Dr Canniff, in his work "The
Settlement of Upper Canada," after giving a list of the Districts into which
the Province was first divided for the purposes of representation, mentions
the names of the gentlemen who sat in the first House, but in answer to an
enquiry he informs me that he is unable to assign their respective
constituencies. I fancy, therefore, that it:s only from records in the
possession of the families of people living in Canada at the time, or from
other private sources, that a list can be compiled, and information thus
afforded would, I am sure, be acceptable to all who are interested in the
early history of the Province. I will mention such facts as I have been able
to gather from books and papers within my reach regarding the gentlemen who
composed the first Legislature, in the nope that others will throw further
light upon the subject, as it is only by such means that we can arrive at
what is of much historic interest, if not of importance.
Dr. Canniff mentions at page
534 that the following were elected members of the first House:
1. John Macdonell, Speaker.
2. Joshua Booth.
3. Mr. Baby.
4. Alexander Campbell
5. Philip Dorland.
6. Jeremiah French.
7. Ephraim Jones.
8. William Mocomb.
9. Hugh Macdonell.
10. Benjamin Pawling
11 Nathaniel Pettit.
12. David William Smith.
13. Hazelton Spencer
14. Isaac Swazy.
15. — Young.
16. John White.
Nos. 1 and 9.—The careers of
Colonel John Macdonell, the Speaker,: and Mr. Hugh Macdonell, his brother,
the members for Glengarry, are given in these pages at length.
2. Joshua Booth.—A U. E.
Loyalist. His name is entered in Lord Dorchester's List with the note, " S.
G. Sergeant," and his residence is there stated to have been Ernest-town. I
can find nothing to show the constituency for which he set or any other
facts relating to him.
3. Mr. Baby.—It will be
observed the Christian name is not given by Dr. Canniff. This name was long,
intimately and honourably associated with the County of Essex, and the
presumption is that the gentleman referred to was a member of the family of
that name resident there before the taking of Quebec by Wolfe, and that he
represented "Suffolk" and Essex. I had at first assumed it must have been
the Honourable James Baby who was appointed by Colonel Simcoe a member of
the first Executive Council of Upper Canada at Kingston, on the 8th July,
1792, and who for many years was Inspector-General of the Province. I make
this suggestion under correction, however, as Mr. Morgan states in his
Biographies of Celebrated Canadians, that Mr. James Baby became a member of
the Legislative as well as of the Executive Council at that time (1792), and
continued in the regular and efficient discharge of the duties of those
eminent stations until his death in 1833, and he could not well have been a
member of both branches of the Legislature at the same time.
4. Alexander Campbell.—Mr.
Croil in his work, H Dundas, or a Sketch of Canadian History, mentions that
Alexander Campbell was the first member for the County of Dundas, and states
that the little that is known of his history presents few inducements to
prosecute the enquiry as to who or what he was, adding, his character is
summed up in this, that he was familiarly known at the time by the
unenviable soubriquet of "Lying Campbell". Possibly he may have made pledges
to his constituents which he was unable to carry out, and it being the only
instance of that kind which our political history affords, his name is
handed down to posterity in this unfortunate manner! In Lord Dorchester's
list there appears the name of "Alexander Campbell, Esquire," his residence
being given as the Eastern District, and it is stated that he was a
Lieutenant' in the Loyal Rangers. Probably the same person.
5. Philip Dorland.—This
gentleman appears to have lived in Adolphustown, and the presumption is that
he was elected to represent the County of Prince Edward, to which the
Township of Adolphus was attached. Mr. Dorland, being a Quaker, refused to
take the oaths, and the House unanimously passed a resolution that he was
therefore incompetent to sit and vote in Parliament, whereupon a writ issued
for a new election, and Peter Van Alstine was elected in his stead. Mr. Van
Alstine also lived in Adolphustown, and was a U. E. Loyalist, as his name
appears in Lord Dorchester's list, with die, to me, enigmatic note, "Cuylers,
6. Jeremiah French.—A U. E.
Loyalist, in Lord Dorchester's list his residence being given as the Eastern
District. He was a Lieutenant in the King's Royal Regiment of New York
(Second Battalion), in which he served nine years. I presume Mr. French
represented Grenville.
7. Ephram Jones.—A U. E.
Loyalist who settled in the Township of Augusta, County of Leeds, and was
the father of the late Mr. Justice Jonas Jones and grandfather of the late
Mr. Ford Jones, M P., and other well-known gentlemen. Stated in Lord
Dorchester's list to have been a Commissary. Mr. Read in "The Lives of the
Judges" mentions that after the Revolutionary War Mr. Jones had charge of
the supplies granted by the British Government to the settlers in Upper
Canada. Mr. Jones living in the County of Leeds, the presumption would be
that he represented that County; but it will be observed that Leeds and
Frontenac were then united for purposes of representation, and Dr. Canniff
quotes from a despatch of Colonel Simcoe, wherein he states, "it was by good
fortune that the temporary residence I made at Kingston created sufficient
influence to enable us to bring the Attorney-General White into the House"—
from which the inference might be drawn that Mr. White was returned for
Frontenac, in which County Kingston is situate, and which was joined to
Leeds. Mr. Ephraiin Jones' son and grandson most worthily represented the
County of Leeds at many different times and until a quite recent period.
8. William Mocomb.—- I can
find no mention made of this gen tleman in any books to which I have access.
10. Benj. Pawling.—A U. K.
Loyalist who was Captain-Lieutenant in Butler's Rangers. Lord Dorchester's
list states he resided ;n the H^me District. No doubt he was member for one
of the ridings of Lincoln, as Butler's Rangers settled in the Niagara
District on the Regiment being disbanded.
11. Nathaniel Pettit.—Resided
in the Home District; stated in Lord Dorchester's list to have been ''an
active Loyalist."
12. David William.
Smith.—Morgan's Celebrated Canadians gives an account of this distinguished
gentleman. He was a Captain in the Fifth Foot, and was afterwards called to
the Bar of Upper Canada, with precedence as Deputy Judge Advocate; was
appointed Surveyor-General of Lands, one of the trustees for the Six Nations
and a member of the Executive Council; sat in the three first Parliaments,
and was Speaker of the second and third Parliaments. For his public services
in Canada he was created a Baronet by patent August 30th, 1821. Died at
Alnwick, England, 9th May, 1837 Mr. Bain, the Librarian at Toronto, lately
procured all the valuable public documents relating to the Province which
Mr. Smith took with him on his return to England. Probably Mr.. Smith
represented Durham and York and the first riding of Lincoln.
13. Hazelton Spencer.—A U. E.
Loyalist. I find from a return of the officers of the R. C.V. Regiment that
he served eleven months with the Incorporated Loyalists, three years five
months and two days as a Volunteer in the King's Royal Regiment of New York,
two years' seven months and four days as a Lieutenant in the same Corps',
and five years and seven months in the Second Battalion Royal Canadian
Volunteer Regiment of Foot. In 1803 he was Lieutenant of the County of
Lennox, and was also Colonel of the Lennox Militia Regiment. No doubt he sat
for Lennox in the first Parliament.
14. Isaac Swazy (Query,
Swayze).—A U. E. loyalist described in Lord Dorchester's list as Pilot to
the New York Army, residing m the Home District. Mr. Swayze represented one
of the ridings of Lincoln. In 1804, when the constituencies were rearranged
(not then termed gerrymandered!) the same gentleman and Ralph Clench, Esq.,
represented the second, third and fourth ridings of Lincoln.
15. — Young.--Several of this
name (twenty in all) were U. E. Loyalists, the most prominent being
Lieutenant John Young, formerly of the Indian Department, who resided in the
Home District, but whether or not he was the gentleman who sat in the House
I am unable to state.
16. John White—'The first
Attornisy-General of the Province who came to Canada in 1792, find was
killed in a duel with Mr. Small, Clerk of the Executive Council, January
3rd, 1800. For which constituency he sat. I am unable to state, though from
Colonel Simcoe's despatch, before referred to, it may possibly have been
Leeds and Frontenac. Dr. Scadding, in "Toronto of Old,* page 246, quotes the
remarks made by the "Oracle" and Niagara "Constellation" regarding Mr, White
at the time of his death, both highly eulogistic.
Dr. Ryerson, in his bock,
"The Loyalists of America and their Times," states that the members of this
Assembly have been represented as "plain, home-spun clad farmers and
merchants from the plough and the store." and very properly remarks that
"the members of our Legislature have always, for the most part, been such
from that day to this, but many of the members of the first Parliament of
Upper Canada had possessed respectable and some of them luxurious homes,
from which they had been exiled by narrow-minded and bitter enemies; they
had fought on battle fields for the country whose forests they now burned
and felled; their home-spun garments were some of the fruits of their own
industry and that of their wives and daughters," remarks fully borne out by
the few facts I have stated regarding these gentlemen, from which it will be
seen they were largely composed of officers of the disbanded Regiments of
the Revolutionary War. So far as our own County is concerned I can affirm
with truth, that in the hundred years which have intervened the County has
never been represented by gentlemen whose eminent public services and high
station and character surpassed those of our two first members.
Three members of the
Legislative Council and five members of the House of Assembly were present
when the first Parliament assembled.
The House having met in a
camp tent at Newark (now Niagara) on Monday, the 17th September, the first
entries made in the Journals (copies of which have lately been procured from
England, and are now to be found at the Parliamentary Libraries at Ottawa
and Toronto) are as follows :-—
"The House having met, all
the members were severally sworn in by William Jarvis, Esquire, who acted by
special commission from His Excellency."
"The House having proceeded
to the election of its Speaker, John Macdonell, Esquire, one of the members
for the County of Glengarry, was unanimously elected to be Speaker."
He would appear to have
served in that capacity during all that Parliament, and, as far as can be
ascertained, during the first Session of the Second Parliament, as on the
meeting of the House on the 9th June, 1798, being the second Session of the
Second Parliament, it is stated in the Journals that—
"Mr. Speaker addressed the
House in the following Words, co wit:—
"Gentlemen of the House of
"As you have done me the
honour to call me to the chair of this House, I feel it a duty I owe to the
recollection of the services of Colonel Macdonell to move that in order to
mark the sense I entertain of his former situation as Speaker, a place he
considered appropriated to him during the present Session, being the first
next to the chair on the right hand side.
"To which recommendation the
House unanimously agreed, and it was ordered accordingly."
Eight Acts were passed at the
first Session of the Legislature, the first and most important introducing
the English Law in all matters relating to Property and Civil Rights.
Chapter II. Established Trial by jury. Chapter III. established a Standard
tor Weights and Measures. Chapter IV. Abolished the Summary Proceedings in
the Court of Common Pleas in actions under Ten Pounds Sterling. Chapter V.
Related to the Prevention of Accidents by Fire. Chapter VI. Established the
Procedure for an Easy and Rapid Recovery of Small Debts. Chapter VII.
Regulated the Toll to be taken in Mills; and Chapter VIII Provided for the
building of a Gael and Court House in each of the four Districts of the
Province, and altered the names of the Districts to the Eastern, Midland,
Home and Western Districts respectively.
The first division which can
be ascertained took place in the Legislature of this Province on the 20th
June of that year. It is probable that divisions had previous taken place,
but owing to the loss of so many of the Journals the first I can find is as
follows. It is interesting as showing the members of the Second Parliament
of the Province :—
"Mr. Speaker read the third
Lime as engrossed the Bill to authorize and allow persons coming into this
Province to bring with them their negro slaves.
"Mr. Solicitor-General"
(Robert Isaac Dey Grey, who was then Member of the County of Stormont)
"moved that the said Bill do not pass, and that the question be thereof put
(sic), and the yeas and nays taken down in distinct columns; whereupon the
question was put and the members were as follows :
