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The United Empire Loyalist Settlement at Long Point, Lake Erie
Chapter XXVIII. Secord

As is mentioned in the previous chapter, Peter Secord paid a visit to the Long Point country before it was settled, and on returning to New Brunswick induced his cousin, Frederick Maby, to move thither.

The Maby party consisted of Frederick Maby, his wife and seven children, with the husbands of two of the daughters, Peter Teeple and John Stone, and also Peter Secord. They all settled in Charlotteville.

Another Secord family which settled in Norfolk, was that of Silas Secord, who had been a sergeant in Butler’s Rangers, and had settled, in 1786, with his wife and one child, in the Niagara District. He was subsequently given an allotment in Walsingham. One of his daughters was married to Joseph Andrews, of the same place.

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