The name of Abraham
Powell was inserted on the list of U. E. Loyalists by special
Order-in-Council, 13th January, 1807. At that time he had been living in
Windham for eight years. On the 7th February, 1809, he was granted two
hundred acres in Charlotteville, and on the 20th October of the next
year one of his sons, Jacob, also received two hundred acres. The other
sons received further grants in Windham at a later date.
It is said that Mr.
Powell opened the first store in Windham, at a place which afterwards
received the name of Powell’s Plains.
In 1804 he was
appointed Road Commissioner for Norfolk County, and subsequently held
other municipal appointments.
One of his sons,
Israel, was the Norfolk representative in the Dominion Parliament from
1841 to 1848; he was also warden of his county for some time. The family
has always taken a prominent part in municipal politics. |