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The United Empire Loyalist Settlement at Long Point, Lake Erie

Dominion Archives, records 1783-1810
American Loyalists - Colonel Sabine
Loyalists of America - Ryerson
Loyalists - Dr Lancey
Life of Governor Simcoe - Read
Settlement of Upper Canada - Dr Canniff
British Dominions in North America - Bouchette
Travels in North America, 1795-6-7 - Isaac Weld
Life of Joseph Brant - W. L. Stone
Life of Colonel Talbot - E. Ermatinger
History of United States - Ramsey
History of United States - Hildreth
History of United States - Tucker
History of United States - Bancroft
History of Revolutionary War - Andrews
Pioneer Sketches - Owen
Before the Coming of the Loyalists - Haight
The Coming of the Loyalists - Haight
The Aftermath of a Revolution - Dr. G. S. Ryerson
Documentary History of New York, Vols. I., II., III., IV.
Documentary History of Canada - Colonel Cruickshank
The various histories of Canada

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