It had been for some
time evident that under the legislative system which had existed since
the union of Upper and Lower Canada, sequent deadlocks were inevitable,
and that some new basis for the Constitution must be sought elsewhere.
In the session of 1864 the Sandfield Macdonald Government had received
the full support of Mr. George Brown, and of the Liberal party, which
regarded him as their leader, and his newspaper as their organ and
standard. Tired of the endless party wrangling that had impeded all
useful legislation, that Government resigned—a mistake, as it has always
seemed to many Reformers, in political tactics. To them succeeded the
Tache-Macdoriald Government, which led a hand-to-mouth existence from
day to day on the sufferance ot Parliament, and in virtue of a majority
of two. From this feeble Administration Mr. Brown succeeded in obtaining
a Committee to "consider the best means of settling the constitutional
changes which might be recommended, to avoid trouble." The Committee
adopted and presented to Parliament a report in favour of "a federation
system, applied either to Canada or to the whole of the British North
American Provinces." John A. Macdonald was foremost in opposing the
adoption of the report. But next day the decrepid Conservatives fell
into one of those pitfalls which their leaders have so often unwittingly
prepared for the downfall of their own popularity. It "came out"—how
many such things have "come out" since John A. Macdonald has been leader
of the Conservatives—that A. T. Galt, Finance Minister in the
Cartier-Macdonald Government, had, without the sanction of Parliament,
lent $100,000 to the Grand Trunk Railway corporation. This of course
inculpated, as they themselves did not attempt to deny, the whole of the
Cabinet. Mr. Dorion moved a vote of want of confidence in this helpless
Ministry, the two members whose votes alone sustained them ;n office
having become hostile at this critical moment. What use did George
Brown, for in those days George Brown and Canadian Liberalism were
convertible terms, make of tihis signal victory? His bitter political
foes lay at his mercy in humiliating defeat. A less high-minded
statesman would have thought of party, if not of personal objects.
George Brown was above both considerations, and thought only of the
opportunity now ready to his hand of carrying into effect the federation
system which he and he alone had desired, which above all else he wished
to see carried into effect, even if the glory of its achievement should
accrue to the Conservatives, who till the previous day had been its
bitterest opponents.
Immediately after the
Ministerial defeat Mr. Brown sought an interview with J. H. Pope and
Alexander Morris, Conservative members of the House. He did this after
consultation with his principal friends and supporters, as to how far
the Reform party would consent to forego mere personal and party
advantage in order to ensure the carrying out of a constitutional change
of great benefit to the country. He conferred next with Messieurs Pope
and Morris of the Reform party, the French Canadian Reformers refused to
follow his self-sacrificing course in this matter, preferring the
ordinary course of party triumph on the defeat of opponents. Mr George
Brown was grieved at this defection of his so long faithful allies, out
he would not for that reason swerve from the path of patriotic duty.
In consequence of the
conversation between Mr. Brown and Messieurs Morris and Pope, interviews
took place between the Reform leader and members representing the
defeated Government. John A. Macdonald exhibited a highly characteristic
willingness to get his Government strengthened by a coalition, there
being no other possibility of prolonging its existence, and proposed,
with what motive it is easy to guess, that George Brown should himself
become a member of the Cabinet. But the Father of Confederation was too
wary to act with precipitation, and proposed that all personal matters
should be postponed for the present.
On Mr. Brown asking
what remedy the Government proposed, to do away with the present system
of injustice to English Canada, Messieurs Macdonald and Gait stated that
they proposed as the remedy a federal union of all the British North
American Provinces, local matters being committed to local bodies, and
matters common to all, to a Federal Government. It will be remembered
that but two days before John A. Macdonald had voted directly against
the proposal for a Federation of the Provinces. Truly, the conversion
was sudden, and the neophyte zealous. In reply, Mr. Brown objected, not
to the adoption of Federation, which had been his own ideal from the
first, but to its too great remoteness and uncertainty, as a means of
settling the injustice of which English Canada complained. As a more
prompt measure, he asked for representation by population for all
Canada, with no dividing hue. But ultimately a compromise was arrived
at, on the adoption of the principle of Federation for all the
Provinces, as the larger question, or for Canada alone, with provision
for the admission of the Maritime Provinces and the North-West
Territory. A general accord was reached, on the basis that as the views
of Upper Canada could not be met under the present system, the remedy
must be sought in the adoption of the federal principle. As a guarantee
to the Reform party, three seats were to be placed at the disposal of
Mr. Brown and two of his friends. Parliament was now at once prorogued,
and on the same day, the Hon. George Brown entered the Government as
President of the Council, supported by the able but unstable Hon.
William McDougall, as Provincial Secretary, and by the far more able and
high principled Hon. Oliver Mowat, as Postmaster-General. The Hon. A.
Mackenzie, in his "Life of the Hon. George Brown" frankly states that
the appointment of Mr. McDougall was one desired by very few of the
party. During the ensuing summer the various members of the new
Coalition Government made a general tour of the Provinces, and held a
convention of the Provincial delegates n October at Quebec. Parliament
met early in 1865. The debate which ensued was one of the most
remarkable which had, as yet, taken place n a Canadian Legislature. Of
the two great changes which had been effected in the constitution of our
country, the first, in 1791, had been altogether the work of the English
Parliament, where its details gave rise to one of the most memorable
debates of a great Parliamentary Assembly. The union of the Canadas in
1841 was also both planned and put into practical form by British
statesmen, the consent of the Canadian Legislatures being but a form,
and a form which, in the case of the French Canadian, was very summarily
dispensed with. But the inception, the adoption, and the practical
working out of the Confederation Scheme was entirely the work of our own
Canadian statesmen; and the debating powers displayed when this question
came before the Legislature were said to show a very marked advance iti
political insight and breadth of view from that shown in any previous
discussions in the records of our Legislatures. A few years of that Home
Rule which results from Responsible Government had already proved a
political education. The leading speeches, those of Messieurs Brown,
Macdonald, and Carrier, in support of the measure; those of Messieurs
John Sandfield Macdonald, Huntington, Dorion and Holton, against it; the
very exhaustive and luminous criticism with which Mr. Dunkin's
remarkable oration examined its bearings from every side, are well put
forward and accompanied with much apt comment in the Hon. John H. Gray's
important historical work on Confederation—only the first volume of
which unfortunately has been given to the public. John A. Macdonald's
speech on this question was one of those rare oratorical successes which
came on a few great occasions from one who had hitherto been regarded,
even by those who knew him most intimately, simply as an adroit debater,
a matchless Parliamentary whipper-in, and a retailer of obscene bar-room
jests. More logical, more incisive, far more effective with thinking
men, was the speech of the real founder of Confederation, George Brown.
But the most remarkable of all the addresses delivered on this memorable
occasion was that of Mr. Dunkin, Colonel Gray's criticism of which must
be regarded by the impartial historian as utterly beside the facts.
Colonel Gray says: "All that a well-read public man, all that a thorough
sophist, a dexterous logician, a timid patriot, or a prophet of evil
could array against the project, was brought up and pressed against the
scheme." Of course Colonel Gray regarded Confederation as the be-all and
end-all of Canadian politics. Later students of Canadian political
history, who see that difficulties have been left unprovided for, the
distribution of authority between Federal and Provincial Governments
unsettled, and a way left open to vast financial abuses, will see that
Mr. Dunkin was right is supposing that the settlement effected by
Confederation was no more a final one than that of the Union of the
Canadas, or of the Act which created English Canada in 1791. A
remarkable speech in favour of the proposed measure was also delivered
on this occasion by Mr. Walter Shanly, member for South Grenville. On
Friday, March 10thi, the debate had exhausted itself, and the Hon. John
A. Macdonald proposed the following motion:—"That an humble Address be
presented to Her Majesty, praying that she may be graciously pleased to
cause a measure to be submitted to the Imperial Parliament for the
purpose of uniting the colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,
Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland, n one Government, with
provisions based on certain resolutions, which were adopted by a
conference of delegates from the said Provinces held at Quebec on the
16th of October, 1865. After some further debate this resolution was
carried by a vote of 91 to 33. The wish of John A. Macdonald in
navigating the measure which he had with such consummate dexterity
stolen from its legitimate author through the shoals of Parliamentary
debate, was well understood to have been to centralize power as much as
possible m the Federal Government, leaving the Provincial Legislatures
in the position of mere municipal councils. This was in thorough harmony
with John A. Macdonald's political character, his insatiate greed for
power, and that clinging to every exercise of personal authority which
makes him delay conferring an official appointment, even upon a personal
friend. But in this matter he was, to a certain extent, backed up b\ a
feeling on the part of all those engaged in the work of political
reconstruction, that Canada ought to take warning by what had recently
seemed likely to be the break-down of the United States Constitution. It
was thought, most erroneously, that what had caused the strain was the
weakness of the central Federal authority. In reality the reverse was
the case. The war was caused by one faction only, the opposition to
slavery on the part of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet. That Cabinet was unhke a
Canadian one, utterly unrestricted in 'ts exercise of authority. John A.
Macdonald did not on the occasion of the inception of Confederation
succeed in his wish of sowing the dragon's teeth of constitutional
mischief, but never since then has he lost sight of his centralizing
propensities, or neglected an opportunity to trample on Provincial
Rights. A similar motion was introduced in the Legislative Council by
Sir E, P. Tache, and carried by a vote of three to one.
In April Messrs. John
A. Macdonald, Galt, Brown and Cartier made a visit to England, in order
to confer with the Irnperal Government, and arrange the final details of
the scheme of Confederation. Meantime the feeling of the Maritime
Provinces was increasingly manifested against the proposed
Confederation. In Nova Scotia the opposing issues were advocated by two
of the. ablest orators that British America has produced, by Dr. Charles
Tupper, erewhile a druggist at Amherst, and by Joseph Howe, a Halifax
printer, being the ideal and representative man of his native Province.
New Brunswick, ever cautious and reserved in her isolation from the rest
of English speaking Canada, dreaded increased taxation. The little
Province of Prince Edward Island held aloof, and the bleak cod-fishing
banks-of inhospitable Newfoundland withdrew into their native bay. When
in England, the Canadian delegates held conference after conference with
the Imperial Ministers on the proposed measures, on the question of
treaties and legislation, the defences of Canada, the settlement of the
North-West Territories, and the claims for compensation put forward by
the Hudson's Bay Company. And as one of the most cogent arguments put
forward by the opponents of Confederation in Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick was that tiie aim of those who forwarded that measure was to
effect the independence of Canada, and the severance of all connection
with England, the Canadian delegates pressed on the British Cabinet the
desirability of a strong expression from the Home Government in favour
of Confederation being conveyed to the Governments of the Maritime
Provinces. It is a curious comment on the change that has come over
public opinion, that in 1865 the mere mention of independence should
have been regarded as offensive. Strong representations in favour of
Confederation were accordingly transmitted from the English Ministry to
the Governments of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, a step which,
curiously enough, drew forth from the anti-Confederationists many bitter
expressions of what might most justly have been described as
"disloyalty," and the British authorities were roundly denounced for
attempting " an odious system of coercion of the colonies into the
hateful bund. It required all the arts of which John A. Macdonald is so
justly reputed a consummate master to induce the recalcitrant Maritimes
to fall into line. This, however, was at last effected, and the long
disjointed pieces of the Canadian fishing-rod at last received that
accession of strength which comes from union. Of all the able speeches
delivered on this question, the most remarkable is one delivered by the
lion. George Brown, a passage from which may well be quoted as an
example of how this important constitutional change was regarded by the
first of Canadian Liberal statesmen, and by one who held no second place
either as an orator or writer. "I venture to assert that no scheme of
equal magnitude ever placed before the world was received with higher
eulogiurns, with more universal approbation, than the measure we have
now the pleasure of submitting for the acceptance of the Canadian
Parliament. And no higher eulogy could, I think, be pronounced than that
I heard a few weeks ago from one of the foremost of British statesmen,
that the system of Government now proposed seemed to him a happy
compound of the best features of the British and American constitutions.
And well might our present attitude in Canada arrest the attention of
other countries. Here is a people composed of distinct races, speaking
different languages, with religious and social and municipal and
educational institutions wholly different; with sectional hostilities of
such a character as to render Government for many years well nigh
impossible; with a constitution so unjust in the view of one section as
to justify every resort to enforce a remedy. And yet, here we sit,
patiently and temperately discussing how these great evils and
hostilities may justly and amicably be swept away for ever. We are
endeavouring to adjust harmoniously greater difficulties than have
plunged other countries into all the horrors of civil war. We are
striving to do peaceably and satisfactorily what Holland and Belgium,
after years of sti de, were unable to accomplish. We are seeking, by
calm discussion, to settle questions that Austria and Hungary, that
Denmark and Germany, that Russia and Poland, could only crush by the ron
hand of armed force. We are seeking to do, without foreign intervention,
that which deluged 'n blood the sunny plains of Italy ; we are striving
to settle for ever issues hardly less momentous than those that have
rent the neighbouring republic, and are now exposing it to all the
horrors of civil war. Have not, then, great cause for thankfulness, that
we have found a better way for the solution of our troubles than that
which has entailed on other countries such deplorable results? and
should not every one of us endeavour to rise to the magnitude of the
occasion, and earnestly seek to deal with this question to the end in
the same candid and conciliatory spirit in which, so far, it has been
discussed? The scene presented by this chamber at this moment, I venture
to affirm, has few parallels in history. One hundred years have passed
away since these provinces became, by force, part of the British Empire.
I speak in no boastful spirit, I desire not for a moment to excite a
painful thought; what was then the fortune of war of the brave French
nation, might have been ours on that well-fought held. 1 recall those
olden times merely to mark the fact that here sit to-day the descendants
of the victors and the vanquished in the fight of 1759, with all the
differences of language, religion, civil law, and social habit, nearly
as distinctly marked as they were a century ago; here we sit to-day
seeking amicably to find a remedy for constitutional evils and injustice
complained of—by the vanquished? no—but complained of by the
conquerors'! Here sit the representatives of the British population
claiming justice! only justice! And here sit the representatives of the
French population discussing in the French tongue whether we shall have
it. One hundred years have passed away since the conquest of Quebec, but
here sit the children of the victors and the vanquished, also avowing
hearty attachment to the British Crown, all earnestly deliberating how
we should best extend the blessings of British institutions—how a great
people may be established on this continent in close and hearty
connection with Great Britain. Where, m the page of history, shall we
find a parallel for this?"
Some disturbance of the
amicable relations between the parties to the coalition was caused by
the death of the Premier, Sir Etienne P. Tache, and the accession to the
position of Sir Narcisse Belleau. Mr. Brown and the Reformers, however,
thought it their duty to acquiesce.
The last Canadian
Parliament opened in August at Quebec, and was occupied altogether with
receiving the report of the delegates to England. The Government measure
for Confederation was carried by overwhelming majorities. -It was
loyally supported by Mr. Brown and the Liberals, although that
gentleman, whom the Tory tacticians vainly endeavoured to decry, having
been studiously slighted when on a mission to Washington upon the
reciprocity question, had thought it due to his own dignity to withdraw
from the Government. Thus was this great change accomplished —a vast
step in advance towards independence, although as passing events show
more clearly every day, it cannot be regarded as a final one. The Hon.
A. Mackenzie well observes (Life of Hon. George Brown, p. 107): "The
first day of July, 1867, saw the great reform accomplished for which Mr.
Brown had toiled so many years, and saw also that the Conservatives who
opposed it to the last were reaping the fruits of their opponent's
labour. Therefore. Mr. Macdonald would be able to boast that he was the
father of Confederation on the same ground that he boasted of carrying
the measure to secularize the Clergy Reserve lands. Me strongly opposed
both measures, on principle, as long as it was possible to do so, and
then joined the man who initiated and carried on the movement of both,
and declared the work was all his own. Having no great work of his own
to boast of, he bravely plucks the laurel from the brows of the actual
combatants and real victors, and fastens it on his own head. |