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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

here to sing the praises of the Scot, but merely to take a glimpse of history.

Strange results flowed from the national disaster; a few years subsequent to 1745, we find Scotchmen arrayed under different banners. Whilst the Highlanders of the Master of Lovat took a pride and a pleasure in striking for King George II. in New France, their brethren-at-arms accepted commissions under the King of France, in Canada. Thus Tryon—McEachren and the Chevalier Johnstone had sought safety in France against Tower Hill, and sailed (the latter as an Ensign) in 1748, from Rochefort, with French troops destined for Cape Breton. The Chevalier bears a name too well known in history for one to pass him over without a word of notice. [1. "The campaign of Louisbourg, 1750-58—Quebec, 1867." 2. ‘ A Dialogue in Hades, a parallel of military errors, of which the French and English armies were guilty, during the campaign of 1759, in Canada— Quebec, 1866. 3. "The Campaign in 1760 in Canada—Quebec, 1866."] Two Siege’ Diaries and a Dialogue on the Campaign of 1759-60, in Canada, printed by this Society, are ascribed to Chevalier Jonstone; his confidential appointment as Aide-de-camp to General de Levis, at Beauport, during the summer of 1759, and the share he had in the engagement of the 13th Sept. of that year, afforded him special facilities to see and describe the incidents of that memorable defeat. The previous career of the Scotch Jacobite had been exciting and full of adventure. William Howitt furnishes the following pen-and-ink photo of the luckless Scot, who is, as you are aware, the author of an interesting account of the disaster of Culloden.

"The Chevalier Johnstone’s history is a romance of real life, to the full as interesting, and abounding with hairbreadth escapes, as the tales of the author of Waverly; and, indeed, frequently reminds you of his characters and incidents. The chevalier was the only son of James

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