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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

career. He was an author, a patriot, a colonizer, and a philanthropist. Of a perfervid race, he was distinguished for enthusiastic devotion to his projects. The intrepidity of the Douglases, the perseverance of the ancient family of Mar, and the venturesomeness of the house of Angus, were all his inheritance by blood descent ."—(Bryce.)

It would take a volume to follow the footsteps of this enthusiastic and clever Scot in his projects of colonization and aggrandisement in the NorthWest, which in the end brought much persecution and litigation on him. He died at Pau, in the Pyrenees, in 1820.


(See page 59.)

The following is a list of some of Montreals Scotch citizens of the Past and present, all of whom, as far as can be ascertained from reliable information were born in Scotland, came to this country, have been or are citizens of Montreal, and have taken active parts in the affairs of their times


A. Sir Hugh Allan, Andrew Allan, Chas. Alexander, R. B. Angus Robert Anderson.

B. James Burns, Alex. Buntin.

C. Dr. G. W. Campbell, Judge Cross, Professor J. Campbell, Jas. Court, James Croil.

D. Wm. Darling, Geo. Denholm, George Drummond.

E. Robert Esdaile.

F. Hon’ble James Ferrier.

G. David Greenshields.

H. Jonathan Hodgson.

J. James Johnston.

K. Wm. Kinloch.

L. D. Law, Rev. Gavin Lang, Archdeacon Leach.

M. H. E. Montgomerie, Joseph Mackay, J. G. McKenzie, Henry Morgan, Ewen McLennan, Hon. D. A. MacDonald (ex Lt.-Gov. Ontario, now living in Montreal), Robt. Mitchell, John Mitchell, Alex. Mitchell, Principal D. H. MacVicar, Professor J. C. Murray, David Morrice, Edward MacKay, Duncan McIntyre, Rev. A. B. MacKay.

N. O. P. W. J. Patterson.

R. Andw. Robertson, R. J. Reekie, Judge T. K. Ramsay, Peter Redpath. John Sinclair, Geo. Stephen, Hon. D. A. Smith, James Stewart (Herald), John Sterling.

U. Alex. Urquhart.

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