In Canada, the term
Russian refers to people of diverse origin. It may include:
first-generation immigrants or their descendants from the country of
Russia according to its present-day borders; people of Russian
ethnicity, or people who identify as Russian from what are today the
Baltic countries, Belarus, and Ukraine; distinct Christian religious
groups such as the Doukhobors and Old Believers; and Jews from Russia
and from the western parts of the former Soviet Union (Belarus,
Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova) who identify as Russian.
The reason for this diversity of origin is related to the particular
nature of the Russian homeland. In a sense, there are two Russian
homelands. One is the present-day state of Russia, which includes within
its borders the vast majority of ethnic Russians. The second homeland
refers to territories that are beyond Russia proper but that were once
part of the pre-World War I Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union.
This entry deals primarily with ethnic Russian immigrants and their
descendants from Russia and from the western territories of the former
Russian Empire and Soviet Union/
Ever since the second half of the nineteenth century, Russia has been
territorially the largest country in the world, stretching from the
plains of eastern Europe across central Asia and Siberia as far as the
shores of the Pacific Ocean. Thus, Russia has for centuries straddled
both Europe and Asia, two continents that on Russian soil have
traditionally been divided by the Ural Mountains. The Russians who live
on both sides of the Urals are numerically the largest of the Slavic
peoples, and like other East Slavs (Belarusans and Ukrainians) they use
the Cyrillic alphabet and traditionally have been adherents of Eastern
Christianity, in particular Orthodoxy.
Much of European Russia west of the Urals was part of a medieval state
known as Kievan Rus’, which existed from the late ninth century to the
thirteenth century. During the Kievan period, Orthodox Christianity
reached Russia and that religion was to remain intimately connected (at
least until the twentieth century) with whatever state or culture
developed on Russian territory. It was in the northern part of Kievan
Rus’, in a land called the Duchy of Muscovy, that the birth of a
specifically Russian state is to be found. The state-building process
began in the late thirteenth century, when the Duchy of Muscovy slowly
began to consolidate its power and then expand its territory. The
expansion proved to be phenomenal so that, by the eighteenth century,
the rapidly growing state included lands along the Baltic Sea, all of
Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova as well as large parts of Poland. The
country’s borders also moved eastward into Siberia, a vast land whose
annexation, together with that of central Asia and the Caucasus region
in the nineteenth century, brought Russia to the shores of the Pacific
Ocean and Alaska.
As the country grew, it also changed its name. The Duchy became the
Tsardom of Muscovy and then, in 1721, the Russian Empire. Throughout
these many centuries, Muscovy/Russia functioned as a centralized state
ruled by autocratic leaders whose titles changed as their power and
influence grew. The grand dukes became the tsars of Muscovy, who in turn
became emperors of the Russian Empire. Although the rulers of the empire
were formally called emperors (imperator), they were popularly referred
to as tsars or tsarinas. Despite its territorial expansion and military
power, the Russian Empire remained an economically backward agricultural
country. The vast majority of the population consisted of poor peasants
(only liberated from serfdom in 1861) and underpaid factory workers
whose numbers gradually increased following the early stages of
industrialization that began in the 1880s.
Russia participated in World War I on the side of the Entente, but the
costs of the conflict were too much for its weak socio-economic
structure to bear. Social unrest led to revolution in 1917. In March the
tsarist government collapsed, and in November a second revolution took
place led by a political party known as the Bolsheviks and headed by a
revolutionary named Vladimir Lenin. The Bolshevik Revolution was opposed
by a significant portion of the population. The result was a civil war
that lasted from 1918 to 1921 and caused the displacement and emigration
abroad of tens of thousands of people. In the end, the Bolsheviks were
victorious, and in late 1922 they created a new state known as the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics, or, for short, the Soviet Union. The
Soviet Union consisted of several national republics, the largest of
which was the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. The Soviet
Union was smaller than the former Russian Empire, and many people who
identified as Russians now found themselves living in the neighbouring,
newly independent Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and in
Poland (“western” Belarus, Volhynia, Galicia).
Led by the Bolshevik party, the Soviet Union set out to become the
world’s first Communist state. The Soviet system was characterized by a
one-party dictatorship and a centralized command economy that
nationalized all industry and collectivized agriculture. The Bolshevik
party led by Lenin and his successor Josef Stalin also hoped to export
the Soviet-style Communist form of government abroad. Since many other
countries feared such revolutions, they refused to recognize Bolshevik
rule, with the result that the Soviet Union was for nearly twenty years
isolated from the rest of the world community.
Isolation came to an end during World War II, when the Soviet Union
joined the Allied Powers (United States, Great Britain, China, France)
in the struggle against Nazi Germany and Japan. Following the Allied
victory, the Soviets emerged alongside the United States as one of the
two most powerful countries in the world. For nearly the next
half-century, the world was divided between two camps: the “free” or
capitalist West led by the United States, and the “revolutionary” or
Communist East led by the Soviet Union.
By the 1980s, the centralized economic and political system of the
Soviet Union was unable to function effectively. In 1985 a new Communist
leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, tried desperately to reform the system, but
failed. He did set in motion, however, a new “revolution,” bringing such
enormous changes that by late 1991 the very Soviet Union disappeared as
a country. In its place, each of the former Soviet republics became
independent countries. Among the new countries is Russia.
The first Russians to visit what is now Canada were fur traders
operating off the west coast in the 1790s and a few officers with the
British navy in Halifax at about the same time. But bound to their
native soil by serfdom, poverty, custom, and legal prohibitions,
Russians seldom emigrated until the end of the nineteenth century.
Thereafter they left in four waves or stages: the period between the
1890s and 1914, when most of those who departed were Russian Jews; from
1919 to 1939, known later as the “old” emigration, when White Russians
fled the country after the Revolution; the “new” emigration of displaced
persons in the ten years following World War II; and the period from the
1970s to the present under the more relaxed rules of later Soviet
governments and the almost complete cessation of restrictions since
In the nineteenth century the primary interest of Canadian officials was
in agricultural settlers who would people the western prairies. Since
the majority of immigrants to the New World headed for the United
States, which was better known and reputedly offered greater
opportunities, most early immigrants from Russia entered the country in
groups through colonization schemes, such as the Mennonites who settled
in Saskatchewan in the 1870s and the Doukhobors, who arrived two decades
later. In the early 1890s a few ethnic Russians found work in industries
in Montreal, Toronto, Windsor, Timmins, Winnipeg, Vancouver, and
Victoria. Intending to remain only until they had enough money to return
home and buy land, they went from job to job, putting down no roots.
In 1899 W.R. Preston, inspector of Canadian immigration agencies in
Europe, visited Russia to try to direct to Canada some of the emigrants
from the southern part of the country, particularly the Molokans, who
were leaving in large numbers, and Germans, descendants of colonists who
had settled in southern Russia and Ukraine in the eighteenth century.
For years, he noted, a large stream of the latter had emigrated from the
Odessa district to the United States, principally to the Dakotas.
Preston wanted to divert some of their numbers to Canada by acquainting
potential immigrants with conditions in this country. Since Russian law
did not permit the promotion of emigration he proposed “more active and
systematic propaganda ... through the steamship agent at Odessa.”
The persistent efforts by the Canadian government to attract emigrants
from European Russia were accompanied by an equally determined attempt
to hold back Russians from Siberia, central Asia, and the Caucasus
regions. Siberia was said to be a penal colony from which immigrants “of
the criminal class” might come, and in any case such immigrants were
“unskilled.” To discourage them, newcomers from Asian parts of Russia
had to have $200 in hand on arrival, whereas those from European Russia
had to have only $25. Most of those who emigrated before World War II
were poor peasants and agricultural workers from the southwestern part
of the Russian Empire: Volhynia, Belarus, and eastern Poland. Although
listed as Russians on imperial passports, they were probably Ukrainians
or Belarusans. Since immigration officials recorded arrivals only by
country of origin, it is not possible now to distinguish between the
various ethnic groups.
The Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05 and the extensive disturbances that
followed until 1907 temporarily halted emigration from Russia. However,
some of the mutineers on the battleship Potemkin in 1905 had to flee to
other countries, and several came to Canada. During World War I the flow
of immigrants from Russia again ceased, and, after the Bolshevik
Revolution of October 1917, there was even a reverse movement as some
individuals returned to take part in the formation of the new Soviet
state. As a result of the Revolution and the defeat and evacuation of
the White armies after the civil war, thousands of refugees were forced
to seek havens in Turkey and various European countries. Others fled
eastward across Siberia and settled in China (Manchuria). All were
desperately in need of food and shelter and the means to emigrate
At the time there was no precedent for the mass relief of political
refugees, and the Canadian government, like those of other countries,
was reluctant to bring in potential additional charges on the public
purse when the world economy was in a post-war slump. The preference of
the Canadian immigration service for men willing to work as farm
labourers, loggers, and miners militated against Russian intellectuals,
and most members of this class settled elsewhere. However, a few did
come to Canada and managed to establish themselves in their professions,
among them Leonid I. Strakhovsky, who pioneered Slavic studies at the
University of Toronto, Boris P. Babkin, a gastroenterologist at
Dalhousie and McGill universities, the family of Count Paul Ignatieff,
the last minister of education under Tsar Nicholas II, and Paraskeva
Clark, a well-known artist.
The refugees in Europe were gradually dispersed and integrated in
various countries, but the situation of those in Manchuria and coastal
cities in China remained acute. The Canadian government was at first
indifferent to their plight. Therefore, the Salvation Army, the Young
Men’s Christian Association, and other organizations and various private
individuals in Canada, including the Methodist pastor R.E. Fairbairn,
the Russian Orthodox priest V. Gindlin, Prince Alexander Golitzin, and
Captain Robert MacGrath, persistently petitioned it to relax the
regulations and allow the immigration of Russians from China. Officials
finally consented, but the immigration department required that each
Russian have $400 cash and agree to work in agriculture for two years
after arrival. It turned down a request that heads of households be
allowed to seek employment in the cities where their families had
settled. The arrival of Russians in groups was considered unacceptable;
thus the immigration of several hundred Cossacks who wanted to settle in
British Columbia in an agricultural colony was rejected.
In Manchuria, Colonel Orest Dmitrievich Dournovo, formerly of the
Russian imperial army and highly esteemed as an organizer, strove to
comply with Canadian regulations. After months of negotiations, Ottawa
approved visas for a group of thirty families. Dournovo chose Old
Believers because of their experience in agriculture. He himself
accompanied the first group, who arrived in Vancouver on 16 June 1924 on
the Empress of Russia and were settled in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Between
that year and 1926, sixty-three families, accounting for about 625
people, the majority of whom had been screened by Dournovo and his
assistants in Harbin, China, came to Canada. The last group of eleven
families left China in July 1928, and they too were established in
Alberta. Other groups arrived under different auspices, and a few
immigrants in this period came as individuals.
The Depression caused the flow of newcomers to drop sharply, and during
World War II it ceased almost entirely. Official statistics record a
mere 426 immigrants to Canada from the Soviet Union between 1929 and
1945, and it is unlikely that more than a third of those were Russians.
At the end of the war, over eight million displaced persons were living
in hundreds of camps in Germany and central Europe under the charge of
the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA). The
Canadian government had already foreseen that the cessation of
hostilities would usher in a period of expanded immigration and had
begun to formulate a new immigration policy. Advocates of a restrictive,
carefully controlled approach at first were in the ascendancy, but a
growing number of business leaders, the media, and ethnic associations
were anxious to sponsor people from the camps. Anti-Soviet
representations to Parliament urged that the displaced persons be
accepted as political refugees; pro-Soviet supporters on the other hand
thought that they should be returned to their countries of origin to
assist in the post-war reconstruction. Eventually, advocates of a more
liberal policy prevailed. Thus, at the conclusion of the war, Canada
became one of the first non-European countries to receive refugees from
As a result of the change in government policy, the first individuals
classified as Russians began to arrive soon after the war in what became
known as the “new” immigration. In contrast to those of the “old”
immigration that had followed World War I, some of these newcomers were
émigrés who had fled Russia after the Revolution and the defeat of the
White armies and been dispersed throughout western Europe, the Far East,
and Africa. Now they were refugees for a second time. Others were
members of a younger generation who had been born or brought up outside
Russia. Some had adopted the language and culture of the country in
which they were educated and no longer regarded Russian as their mother
tongue. A third group, who had grown up in the Slavic countries of
Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria, had been able to preserve
their language and tradition and hence displayed a greater sense of
national identity and a stronger desire to adhere to Russian culture
than did the immigrants from other countries.
A larger element were former Soviet citizens. Some, the so-called
ostovtsy, or workers from the east, were predominantly young people who
had been transported during World War II by the Nazis from the occupied
area of the Soviet Union to work in Germany’s industry and agriculture.
Others were civilians who had fled west as the German armies retreated
in fear that the Stalinist government would brand them collaborators.
Still others were prisoners of war who, in order to avoid starvation in
German camps, had joined the Russian Liberation Army or were Vlasovites
(Vlasovtsy), that is, Cossacks and members of other units who had donned
German uniforms and who may have been commanded by the former Soviet
General, Andrei Vlasov.
In compliance with the Yalta agreement, displaced persons who were
Soviet citizens had to return to the U.S.S.R. Many believed the promises
of Soviet agents and did so voluntarily. Others, including the Cossacks
and Vlasovites, who had fought against the Red Army, were forcibly
handed over by the Allied authorities. Word soon spread that families
were separated at the border and all were treated as “enemies of the
people.” Officers of the Vlasovites and Cossacks were executed, and the
rank and file received twenty-year sentences in labour camps. Thousands
of Soviet citizens therefore changed their identities, passing
themselves off as Poles, Galician Ukrainians previously under Polish
rule, Germans, or White Russians of the post-1917 period. Some, without
papers, tried to hide in the many camps for refugees in West Germany.
Forcible repatriation ended in 1947 with the beginning of the Cold War.
In July that year UNRRA was replaced by the newly established
International Refugee Organization (IRO), which took over custody of
about two million displaced persons, including those still living in
camps. Others, who feared repatriation, continued to hide behind a
German identity and avoid all refugee agencies. The so-called hard core
did not qualify for emigration or IRO assistance because of illness,
especially tuberculosis, criminal records (even for minor offences), or
old age, but the rules would later be relaxed. For most of the refugees,
life in Germany was only temporary, and they sought to migrate to
countries not devastated by the war, where they would be far from the
threat of repatriation.
Canada was one of the first non-European countries to extend a tangible
form of assistance. Between July 1947 and February 1952, it contributed
over $18 million to the IRO fund. In March 1947 the Canadian government
opened the door to displaced persons and refugees, so that the following
year 125,414 would arrive. How many of these were Russians cannot be
estimated with any accuracy because of the number who professed other
nationalities. Following the announcement of the new policy by Prime
Minister Mackenzie King, the immigration department created agencies
whose officers were assigned to camps in Europe and the Middle and Far
East. Canada accepted refugees in two categories: as groups and as
individuals sponsored by a close relative or prospective employer.
By the early 1960s, most of the individuals displaced by the war had
been resettled. Immigration from the Soviet Union was still negligible,
but a few Russian seamen jumped ship in Canadian ports and were given
asylum, and some Soviet artists defected, as the ballet star Mikhail
Baryshnikov did in 1974 while on tour in western Canada. In the 1970s,
the Soviet government began to allow citizens of the Jewish faith to
emigrate. Some went to Israel, but others chose Canada and other
countries of the West. Most recent of all are those immigrants who have
arrived since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. The role of
these newcomers is yet to be determined. Many of them, who are highly
qualified in trades or professions, appear likely to integrate quickly
into Canadian society.
Whether they landed at Halifax or Vancouver or came via New York State
or the Dakotas, most early Russian arrivals in Canada faced the same
difficulties as other immigrants. Families who had come to homestead had
to possess $25 to show to the immigration authorities, most of which
went for railway fares. The train journey took several days in so-called
colonial cars. Passengers slept on bare boards, and there were no eating
facilities, except at the stations, where prices were high. When the
newcomers arrived in Winnipeg, the women and children were housed in the
immigration building, sometimes for two or three weeks, while
formalities relating to the homestead were completed. The families then
journeyed again by train and finally by wagon to a destination in the
bush perhaps thirty or forty kilometres from the nearest railway line.
The homesteads, which were assigned under the Dominion Lands Act, were
conditional on the settler putting 12 hectares under cultivation within
a year. The first winter was always the hardest. Families lived in
primitive conditions, and the children frequently did not survive.
As well, settlers faced language problems; according to the 1916 census,
several thousand Russians and Ukrainians in each of the prairie
provinces did not speak English. A very few who had business or family
connections abroad and arrived with sufficient funds were able to
establish themselves with relative ease, but the majority who came in
the early 1920s had a difficult time. The chief source of employment was
railway construction, for which the newcomers provided cheap labour.
Sometimes German Jews or Mennonites who had immigrated earlier assisted
the newcomers, but a few individuals were said to have prospered at
their expense. Many single men were penniless and had to spend long
years eking out an existence in the woods and coal mines or on farms.
Without community, some had little or no contact with other Russians for
years. They also experienced loneliness if they moved to the cities, and
many drank and got into trouble. Their situation improved only with the
development of social and cultural facilities.
Those who settled in cities were concentrated around the churches.
Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver became and remain the main Russian
centres in Canada. Elsewhere communities have been much smaller or
nonexistent. There are relatively few Russians in Canada today, and
their numbers are declining. The census of 1941 listed 83,708
individuals, making them the thirteenth among the country’s ethnic
groups, while thirty years later only 64,425 were reported. Of that
figure, 12 percent were over sixty-five years of age, the highest
proportion in any group, while only 22 percent were under fifteen, the
second lowest. The census of 1991 reported 38,220 single-origin and
120,630 multiple-origin Russians in Canada, for a total of 158,850.
Given the ageing population scattered across the country, chiefly in
urban areas, the Russians of Canada seem destined to early assimilation.
Most of the Russians who came to Canada at the end of the nineteenth and
beginning of the twentieth century were economic immigrants from peasant
backgrounds looking for jobs or land and were suited only for employment
in agriculture. Among east Europeans as a whole in Canada, 0.9 percent
had skilled jobs and 30 percent were unskilled labourers. There were a
few administrators or professionals, but scarcely any white-collar
For members of the first generation, life in the new land was harsh
wherever they settled. Since most knew no English, they were able to
obtain only low-paying jobs. They farmed the virgin prairie or toiled in
mining, lumbering, and industry. Working long hours and living in
inadequate conditions, they faced unemployment in hard times and were
discriminated against. They were therefore susceptible to attempts to
establish unions, which were lacking in most occupations. In pre–World
War I Canada this activity brought strong resistance from employers, who
sometimes retaliated with lockouts and the use of strike-breakers.
By contrast, immigrants who arrived after World War II found the way
much easier. European refugees screened by the IRO were housed at one of
two hostels operated by the immigration service of the Department of
Labour, one, primarily for single men, at Ajax, Ontario, and the other
at Saint-Paul-l’Ermite, east of Montreal, which housed five hundred men,
women, and children while the adults awaited work assignments. Classes
in English were provided for the adults and primary schooling for the
children. Families left behind in Europe could be sent for as soon as
the men found jobs. These were usually in the bush during the winter and
in factories and mines in the summer. Single women readily found work as
Political activity among Russians in Canada has been concerned primarily
with the fate of the homeland rather than with public life in the new
country. The ideological spectrum of pre-1917 Russia ranged from
monarchists on the far right through liberal constitutional democrats,
socialist revolutionaries, and social democrats to anarchists on the far
left. Among the early immigrants to Canada were supporters of such
groups, but most newcomers were apolitical. Some hoped to stay and build
a new life, others merely to save enough money so that they could return
home, buy land, and settle down. Only a small number were already
politicized. Most of these had socialist leanings and had taken part in
the 1905 revolution or escaped from Siberian exile. They saw Canada as a
place in which socialist objectives would be achieved by tested methods.
They were aided in recruiting for their cause by resentment among
workers over low pay, long hours, and frequent unemployment and also by
the hostility that met any attempt to organize in order to improve
working conditions or address grievances.
Usually a small immigrant community in an industrial centre would form
around a church, which would soon be followed independently by a club
started for social or political ends. Immigrants in Toronto in 1910
formed a club and a year later a library where they could meet and hold
discussions; in 1913 they established a Russian Progressive Club.
Lectures and debates soon made it a centre for Russians of many
political views. In Montreal about twenty-five Russian socialist
revolutionaries formed a discussion circle in 1910. This organization
lasted until 1917, when more radical members, calling themselves
maximalists, withdrew. The remainder, led by a priest of the local
Orthodox church and the prerevolutionary Russian consul, carried on
until 1920, when the group was renamed the Russian-Slavic Society. It
dwindled, was revived as the Progressive Society, and then died. The
maximalists, about four hundred people comprising Russians, Ukrainians,
Poles, Latvians, Jews, and other groups, in 1919 had formed a society
for technical aid to Russia. The organization offered courses for
tractor drivers, automobile mechanics, and woodworkers to people who
wished to return to what was by then Soviet Russia. It also gave
literary classes and collected funds for famine relief in the Volga
region. Collecting for such a purpose was illegal, and one club member
was twice arrested. In 1921 two parties left for Russia with $50,000 and
agricultural machinery to form communal farms.
A Russian Progressive Club with about twenty members was formed in
Winnipeg in 1913. At first it was apparently hindered by its leadership,
said to be “intelligentsia, of high class, playing at being
revolutionaries”; however, after these individuals moved to the United
States the following year, the club flourished. Members published
several issues of a monthly newspaper, Rabochii narod (Working People;
Winnipeg, 1918), which gained subscribers in various cities but also
drew the attention of the police. In 1919, during the Winnipeg General
Strike, the library was raided and the paper shut down. Several members
of the club had to go into hiding. Two years later the group campaigned
for famine relief in the Volga region and started a society for
technical aid for Russia.
Russians in Timmins and Cochrane, in northern Ontario, together with a
group of Belarusans from Grodno province, in 1916 formed an organization
of socialist revolutionaries. Two years later, at a mass meeting an
anarchist spoke about the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution. Soon all the
members of the organization had been arrested, and several received jail
sentences. The most active members of the group subsequently returned to
Russia and founded a collective farm in Tambov province. As a result,
the Timmins group broke up, and some members joined a Ukrainian workers’
The first Russian immigrants to Nova Scotia, all from Bessarabia, who
worked in the steel smelter at Sydney for 14 cents an hour, formed a
club in 1916 and built a church the following year. In 1918 many of the
workers began to return to Russia, and the group declined. By 1921 it
had only about thirty members, but that year it managed to collect $400
for famine relief in the Volga region. The organization took an active
part in the general strike of steel workers and miners in 1923. When the
strike was crushed, many of the participants were blacklisted and had to
look for work elsewhere.
Russian workers in Vancouver had organized a library in 1909 and a
Russian Progressive Club later. It lasted until 1918, when police raided
the building and arrested twenty-four men. There was talk of deporting
them to Vladivostok, then under White control, but, after protests by
Canadian workers that they would suffer certain death, eighteen were
given jail sentences and the others freed. A society for technical aid
for Russia was organized in 1922. It functioned for two years, at which
point it was no longer considered necessary. From that time until 1930
there was no secular organization in Vancouver. Instead, an Orthodox
church established in 1926 became the centre of community activity.
Maxim Gorky Russian workers’ clubs were founded in many Canadian cities
in 1930, chiefly by immigrants who had come from eastern Poland in the
preceding decade. (Today many of these individuals would probably
consider themselves Ukrainian or Belarusan rather than Russian.) Aimed
at organizing Russian and eastern European workers in Canadian cities,
the clubs at once became active in the labour movement. Their newspaper,
the Kanadskii gudok (Canadian Factory Whistle; Toronto, 1931–40),
circulated among all the clubs. Its task, as stated in an editorial, was
“to bring together and organize the Russian proletarians in Canada who
are under the influence of anarchic and White Guard elements.” By
contrast, it would demonstrate the achievements of workers in the Soviet
In November 1930 the Russian workers’ clubs held their first national
congress. Thereafter such events were organized almost every year,
usually in Winnipeg, to discuss issues of the day: unemployment
insurance, deportations, the government’s work camps for the unemployed
(described as “slave labour camps”), “police terror” in Montreal,
clashes of workers with police at Cochrane, Ontario, in 1932 and at
Corbin, Alberta, four years later, and the seventeen club members who
had joined the International Brigade and been killed in the Spanish
Civil War. Efforts were made to attract “progressive elements” among the
Doukhobors and the Russian Orthodox Church. In those Depression days,
the issues were real enough, but the effect of the discussions would
have been negligible. Both the Kanadskii gudok newspaper and the clubs
echoed the viewpoint of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, and
even the annual congresses attempted to duplicate what had seemed to
work in the homeland.
After the Hitler-Stalin pact of September 1939, both the newspaper and
the clubs continued to criticize Canadian government policy, but their
attitude was now considered subversive. In April the following year the
government forbade publication of Kanadskii gudok and two months later
outlawed the Russian workers’ and farmers’ clubs, along with other
Communist and fascist organizations. In place of Kanadskii gudok there
appeared a mimeographed magazine, Vremia (Time; Kamsack, Sask.,
1940–41), but in June 1941 the editor and publisher were arrested under
the War Measures Act and sentenced to a year in prison for publishing an
anti-war magazine. Another mimeographed magazine, Gudok (Whistle;
Toronto, 1940–41), was distributed in several towns the previous
October. It proclaimed that the war was imperialist in nature and that
the governments of British prime minister Neville Chamberlain and French
statesman Édouard Daladier wanted to turn the conflict into a general
struggle against the Soviet Union. Although the magazine was published
in Toronto, no arrests were ever made.
Everything changed in June 1941. Following the German invasion, the
Soviet Union suddenly became the ally of the western powers, and Russian
Canadians could now be considered patriots. In November Kanadskii gudok
reappeared as the Vestnik (Herald; Toronto, 1941–45), and former club
members began to establish activist groups that subsequently founded the
Russian Committee to Help the Motherland (RCHM). Several such committees
were set up to collect funds and send them to the Soviet Union and to
attempt to unite Russians and other Slavs in Canada in support of the
homeland. At a general congress of the RCHM in 1942, the Federation of
Russian Canadians (FRC) was founded, but even at its height membership
in the organization accounted for only about 3.5 percent of the
Russian-Canadian population. In 1946, like its cohort the Communist
Party of Canada, the FRC lost much prestige and membership following
revelations made at spy trials after the defection of Soviet cipher
clerk Igor Gouzenko. The break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991 was
another major blow to FRC supporters. The Vestnik changed from the
partisan journal of earlier years to a more readable publication, but
financial problems caused it to cease in May 1995.
The organizations formed by adherents of other political views lacked
the activist ideology of the Russian workers’ clubs or the Federation of
Russian Canadians, their popular base, or the inspiration of purported
achievements in the Soviet Union. Their activities have therefore been
mainly social and cultural. United solely by their opposition to the
Soviet Union and their desire for a democratic Russia, the groups have
had memberships ranging from a small number to several hundred, drawn
usually from a single generation; all have proved ephemeral. They
include the Union of Monarchists, the Russian All-Military Union of
Veterans of the Russian Civil War, the Kronstadt Group, the Union for
Struggle for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (SBONR), and the
National Labour Alliance (NTS). The last, born in Europe in the 1930s
and opposing the Communist doctrines of class struggle and the
dictatorship of the proletariat with its own doctrine of solidarism, has
attempted to unite all members of society and has proved somewhat more
durable. Although after World War II the NTS had members in many
countries, including Canada, it is now confined largely to Europe. With
the fall of communism in 1991, all political organizations dedicated to
its overthrow became superfluous, and no new ones have risen to take
their place. Neither are there any groups wishing to “restore” Russia to
the boundaries of the former Soviet Union.
Among ethnic Russians in Canada, differences in family life derive from
class, place of origin, and whether the individual emigrated before or
after the Revolution. Prior to 1917 the Orthodox Church played a major
role at all levels of society. Almost all children were christened and
received traditional names, such as those of saints of the church or
prophets in the Old Testament. After the Revolution, association with
the church was unsafe, and christening, if performed at all, had to be
in secret. However, the few Russians who immigrated to Canada during the
Soviet regime often reverted to Orthodox Christianity and had their
children baptized. As well, after the Revolution any celebration of an
engagement and the wedding ceremony itself were perfunctory, but among
immigrants most marriages are consecrated by church ritual. Funeral
ceremonies vary by region but as much as possible are also performed in
the church. Special dishes of rice, fruit, and raisins, from which
everyone takes a handful, are brought to the memorial service, and
everyone holds a lighted candle. A printed prayer on a small band of
paper is placed across the forehead of the deceased.
In the family a man does not wash dishes or do the laundry, even with a
machine. The woman was traditionally regarded as inferior, an attitude
that has been carried over into the present. However, Russia has had a
long history of remarkable women. As a proverb states, “The man is the
head, and the woman is the neck that turns the head.” Children are
cherished but are expected to respect their elders and be obedient.
Punishment depends on the offence, and although a disobedient child may
be grabbed by the ear or spanked, contrary to modern Western practice,
he or she would not be sent to bed without supper, thus being deprived
of food.
Wherever Russians gather, they usually try to organize a library, an
after-hours school for their children, and musical or literary evenings
that feature the work of composers such as Tchaikovsky, Mousorgsky, and
Rimsky-Korsakov or Russian literary giants such as Tolstoy, Dostoevsky,
and Turgenev. They also cherish Russian folklore, proverbs, customs,
art, and costumes. In Canada, however, cultural activity has been
hampered by class differences and the distances between major centres.
The urge to retain the national identity has been strongest among the
first generation, and after a period in which cultural activity has
waned, each new wave of immigrants has revived interest in the Russian
In Montreal, which has one of the oldest Russian communities in Canada,
a cultural-educational society affiliated with the Church of the Holy
Apostles Peter and Paul was formed in 1923. It sponsored concerts,
social evenings, and lectures, staged performances of the Russian
classics, and established a library. A similar organization was started
in Toronto in 1950 to unite Russians living in the area, regardless of
their church affiliation. The society formed a library and in 1973
acquired a larger building, changing its name to the Russian Cultural
Aid Society. As of the mid-1990s it is still active and publishes a
journal originally called Edinenie (Unity) and later titled Russkoe
slovo v Kanade (Russian Word in Canada; Toronto, 1951– ). As well as
these cultural organizations, the Society for Aid to New Canadians,
established in Montreal in 1949, provided Russian-language schools,
dancing and singing groups, sports teams, and summer camps and scouting
for post–World War II immigrants and their families. However, by the
1970s most of these activities had disappeared.
The Russian Centre of British Columbia, later renamed the Russian Social
Centre, was established in Vancouver in 1956. As the founding generation
died or moved away, the centre declined, but it was reorganized some
years later. In 1973, when the Russian population of Ottawa had reached
several hundred, the A.P. Chekhov Society was founded. The association’s
activities, partly supported by the multiculturalism directorate of the
Department of the Secretary of State, included a library, lectures,
concerts, language courses, social evenings, an annual ball, and a
volume of essays on Russians in Canada. Unfortunately, interest in the
work of the society declined, and it was dissolved in 1983. Recent
immigrants, disillusioned refugees from a country that did not provide
for them, see no advantage in perpetuating their traditional culture.
Russians have always had great respect for literacy and education. Some
immigrants, out of nostalgia for the old country, have tried to delay
the assimilation of their offspring in the new environment by organizing
after-hours schools, musical recitals, and other educational and
cultural activities in which their offspring would mingle with fellow
Russians. As a result of being thus shielded, some children knew little
English when they went to school and experienced hardship and even
disciplinary problems. Other parents, who were more practical, have
required their families to speak Russian at home but have not hindered
their using English beyond its boundaries, especially when participating
in non-Russian activities. Still others, usually with less education,
have made no attempt to foster a knowledge of the language. As a result,
their children have probably lost their mother tongue more quickly. The
efforts of the older generation to preserve traditional values and
instil esteem for the homeland, however well meant, have usually failed.
The after-hours schools, relying on volunteer help for instruction, have
usually been unsuccessful because of the limited means available and
declining interest. Only a little of the first generation’s language and
customs has carried over to the second generation, and virtually nothing
is handed down to the third.
Unlike most other groups, Russian immigrants to Canada have developed
little in the way of community life, and to the extent that it has
existed, it has been fostered by the Orthodox churches. Even so, class
or occupation, educational level, the time of immigration – that is,
whether of the “old,” “new,” or newest immigrations – or latterly church
factionalism have divided the group. Newspapers and magazines intended
to bridge these gaps and promote unity have been unsuccessful because of
the community’s scattered nature, the limited number of potential
readers, and a shortage of funds. The closest that Russian immigrants
have ever come to unified action was during World War II, when, for a
time, sympathy for the inhabitants of the homeland transcended their
No single element has done more to shape the national character of
Russians, whether at home or abroad, than the Russian Orthodox Church.
Sometimes criticized by foreigners as unduly ritualistic, its elaborate
ceremonies are engrained in the individual from childhood. Every house
has its icon corner, sometimes with a lighted candle, before which the
visitor will pause to make the sign of the cross. An elaborate cycle of
religious holidays is observed, including the holiest, Easter, and
Epiphany, Annunciation, Palm Sunday, Ascension, Assumption, and
Christmas, a number of fasts, particularly Lent, and many saints’ days.
One’s own name day, which commemorates the saint after whom one is
called, is also observed. The sacraments include baptism, chrismation,
penance, confession, communion, matrimony, unction, and ordination.
Wherever Russians have settled, no matter how poor they were, a place of
worship has been prepared. Newly arrived families will clean out a
garage, shed, cellar, or corner of a room and install the appropriate
decorations. If it is economically possible, a church is built or
another building converted. Each church has an inner sanctum, symbolic
of Heaven, gates that offer the congregation a glimpse of the
afterworld, an iconostasis, and an altar. Besides its primary religious
purpose, the church usually serves as a community centre, and frequently
a school is organized to teach children to read and write in Russian.
The history of the Russian Orthodox Church in North America dates from
1794, when a mission was established at Kodiak, Alaska, to minister to
the first Russian settlers and to native Alaskans. By 1916 the church
administered over 350 parishes on the continent and had about a
half-million parishioners. As the sole Eastern Orthodox church in North
America, it served the spiritual needs of the various East Slavic
peoples (Russians, Belarusans, Carpatho-Rusyns, Ukrainians) as well as
Greeks and South Slavs who had fled religious persecutions in the
Ottoman Empire. Schools were established in Seattle and Minneapolis, and
Orthodox priests began to visit the immigrants in Canada. Many of the
newcomers eventually pooled their resources and built their own chapels
and churches. By 1906 at least twenty Russian Orthodox churches had been
erected in communities in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The Holy
Trinity Cathedral in Winnipeg had been consecrated two years earlier by
Bishop Tikhon of Alaska.
Alexander was the first Orthodox bishop appointed in Canada when he was
elevated to that rank in Winnipeg in 1916. At the time there were about
150 Russian Orthodox parishes in his eparchy. They were served by a
dozen or so travelling priests and missionaries, who periodically
visited the local communities to hold divine service and perform other
church rites. The early years of the twentieth century were the high
point of the Russian Orthodox Church in western Canada. Thereafter, as
parishioners died, moved away, or were outnumbered by new arrivals of
other denominations, many parishes were taken over by different faiths
or abandoned. During World War I a shortage of priests and missionaries
prevented the appointment of permanent pastors even for the larger
congregations. This situation drew the attention of other religious
organizations and sects, who began proselytizing among the Slavic
immigrants. In the cities, the Orthodox population came under the
influence of Catholic and Protestant welfare organizations. The churches
benefited from the arrival in Canada in the 1920s of the post-revolution
wave of newcomers from Russia, the so-called White immigration. For
these people, who had lost their homeland, the Russian Orthodox Church
held a particular significance as a symbol of spiritual, national, and
cultural survival. New churches opened in Montreal, Quebec City,
Toronto, and other urban centres. Overall, however, the continuing
shortage of Orthodox clergy and active proselytizing by other Canadian
churches caused a substantial reduction in the number of parishes, which
by 1926 had fallen to sixty-five.
At this time, the church was plagued by jurisdictional disputes. In
Russia the Bolshevik regime and the civil war of 1917–20 had disrupted
communications between the patriarch and central administration and the
many peripheral eparchies. Tikhon, elected to head the church in 1918,
issued a decree two years later that authorized the establishment of
local administrations where necessary. A “church administration of
southwest Russia” was created that was later evacuated to Constantinople
(Istanbul) and then to Yugoslavia. In August 1922 it was reorganized as
a synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (the Synod Abroad). From
the end of the civil war to the beginning of World War II, the Synod
Abroad managed, with limited resources, to look after Russians scattered
all over the free world, but internal conflicts and splits left its
existence doubtful. By 1939 there were three jurisdictions of the
Russian Orthodox Church in Canada: the Synod Abroad, the North American
church (the Metropolitan), and the so-called Edmonton diocese, which
remained jurisdictionally subordinate to the patriarch in Moscow.
World War II sharpened the internal conflicts within the Russian
Orthodox Church. German-Soviet hostilities aroused hope among some
exiles that Soviet rule would be overthrown and a new regime established
in Russia. Other expatriates, who regarded the government as the
protector of the Russian people against a cruel foe, became imbued with
active Soviet patriotism. Members of the Orthodox clergy were to be
found in both camps. Russian “committees for assistance to the homeland”
were formed in Montreal, Toronto, and other cities. Besides their purely
humanitarian function, they developed cultural, political, and
educational activities in which several churches participated. The
founders of the committees, seeking to unite immigrants under one body,
organized a convention in Toronto in May 1942. It voted to combine all
activities within one association, the Federation of Russian Canadians.
Particular attention was given to enlisting the Orthodox churches in the
activities of the new organization. When the second convention of the
federation met in November two years later, it included ten delegates
who were Doukhobors and seven from Orthodox churches. With the end of
the war, however, interest in such activities diminished. Foreseeing a
new period of activity in Russian Orthodox parishes in Canada, the
representatives of the church left the organization.
All the Russian immigrants who arrived after the war were
anti-Communists. For most of them the Orthodox Church represented the
only source of moral strength on which they could count in their new
homeland, and they contributed significantly to a revival of activities.
Nevertheless, internal conflicts increased. In 1943, in order to rally
the support of the Russian people, Stalin had granted the Orthodox
Church the right to “elect” a patriarch. The synod of the Russian
Orthodox Church Abroad refused to recognize the canonical legitimacy of
the new patriarch in Moscow because it regarded him as an instrument of
the Soviet government and the Communist Party. However, the American
church and the west European diocese established communications with the
Moscow Patriarchate. In 1970, after negotiating with Moscow, the church
in the United States secured its independence as the Orthodox Church in
America (OCA). Hence, Russians of the Orthodox faith in Canada were now
under three jurisdictions. Twenty-two parishes, mostly in Alberta and
Saskatchewan, remained under the direction of the Edmonton diocese of
the Moscow patriarchate, two were within the OCA, and the rest were part
of the Synod Abroad, which claimed to represent the only true Orthodox
Church. It did not recognize the church of the Moscow Patriarchate in
Russia and it refused to have dealings with the OCA because of its
connection, however slight, with Moscow.
During the half-century since World War II, the situation within the
church has remained unchanged. Voices have been raised urging
reunification, but this has not occurred. Indeed, it is doubtful if
union would in fact result in any change except on paper. For the
indefinite future, the disunity of the church appears to be permanent,
with the resultant duplication of congregations, churches, services,
centres, community activities, and clerical and lay personnel.
Except during World War II, when leftists and some representatives of
moderate groups combined to carry out relief measures for the people of
Russia, the lack of a unified community has minimized contacts by
Russians in Canada as a group with other ethnic communities. As a whole,
for both men and women, the trend has been to acculturation and
assimilation. Russian immigrants of distinct religious orientations,
such as the Doukhobors, Old Believers, and Hutterites, have maintained
their identities in spite of internal dissent and government opposition.
However, other Russian Canadians – disparate, divided, and easily
assimilated – have never formed a nationwide community and locally have
had little activity in common except where strong Orthodox church
congregations have been formed, as in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver.
There has therefore been no effort or need to maintain community
boundaries. The children of Russian immigrants have attended public
schools, in which peer pressure has hastened assimilation, and have
intermarried with other Canadians. Except in the memories of men and
women of the older generation, the homeland plays only a small and
diminishing role for those of Russian descent in Canada.
For general background on conditions in Russia before and during the
four periods of emigration abroad, see Nicholas v. Riasanovsky, A
History of Russia, 5th ed. (New York, 1993). Two works provide detailed
accounts of the post–1917 White Russian emigrants and their attempts to
create new lives in several countries worldwide, although with only a
few references to North America: W. Chapin Huntington, The Homesick
Million: Russia-out-of Russia (Boston, 1933), and Marc Raeff, Russia
Abroad: A Cultural History of the Russian Emigration, 1919–1939 (New
York and Oxford, U.K. 1990).
There is abundant, although scattered, material on the Russians in
Canada. Of particular use is T.F. Jeletzky, ed., Russian Canadians:
Their Past and Present (Ottawa, 1983), a collection of essays by Russian
émigrés which contains much information on various periods of
immigration and immigrant organizations, churches, and political trends.
A valuable work though one with a strongly Communist perspective is
Grigorii Okulevich, Russkie v Kanade: istoriia russkikh
raboche-farmerskikh klubov imeni M. Gor’kogo (1930–1940), Federatsii
Russkikh Kanadtsev (1941–1952) (Russians in Canada: History of the M.
Gorkii Russian Farmer-Worker Clubs [1930– 1940] and the Federation of
Russian Canadians [1941– 1952]; Toronto, 1952). This volume contains
information based on the author’s personal experiences, extensive
research, and interviews.
Memoir material is abundant but difficult to locate and includes volumes
like Maria von Rosenbach, Family Kaleidoscope: From Russia to Canada
(North Vancouver, B.C., c. 1971), a memoir based in large part on the
reminiscences of the author’s ninety-three-year-old mother. It is a
detailed account of family origins, life in Russia before 1917, crossing
Siberia, life in China, and immigration and settlement in Alberta,
Canada. There is much on the author’s father, Orest Dimitrievich
Dournovo, a military man and religious philosopher, with the last few
pages devoted to his organization of immigration parties from China to
There are also travel accounts by Soviet travellers or immigrants to
Canada who returned to Russia; one such is Oleg Aleksandrovich Feofanov,
Schast’e v kredit: ocherki o kanade (Happiness on Credit: Sketches of
Canada; Moscow, 1966).
A variety of article-length studies are available which provide
information about various aspects of Russian-Canadian history.
Settlement in a particular region of Canada is discussed in Koozma J.
Tarasoff, “Russians of the Greater Vancouver Area,” in Slavs in Canada,
vol.1, (Edmonton, 1966) 138–47. A.P. Ignatieff, “Reflections on the
Integration [of Russian immigrants to Canada] by an Engineer of Russian
Origin,” Slavs in Canada, vol.2 (Toronto, 1968) 45–50, talks about
adaptation to a new environment. Andrew Bell, “The Art of Paraskeva
Clark,” Canadian Art, vol.5, no.2 (1947–48) 80–83, provides some insight
into the life and work of a Russian-Canadian artist.
Two newspapers are important as original sources for the study of
Russians in North America: Novoe russkoe slovo (New Russian word; New
York, 1921– ), and Russkaia zhizn’ (Russian Life; San Francisco, 1921–
Archives are essential for research on Russian Canadians in particular
because of the lack of published studies. The National Archives of
Canada contains more than a century of official correspondence regarding
immigration and settlement in the collection known as RG 76. It also
contains thousands of Imperial Russian passports that formerly belonged
to Russian immigrants to Canada. These found their way to Ottawa from
the National Archives of the United States where they had been deposited
after the closure of the Imperial Russian Embassy in Ottawa. The Russian
Center, San Francisco, contains a vast collection of private papers of
deceased émigrés who settled in that city. These collections include
émigré newspapers, correspondence, and other material, but for the most
part the material is unsorted. The Bakhmetieff Archive at Columbia
University contains an even greater collection of émigré materials,
rendered more accessible by finding aids.
Toronto's Russian
community and WWII veterans celebrate V-Day
The Doukhobors
Their History in Russia and Their Migration to Canada by Joseph
Elkintons (1903) (pdf)