Extraordinary Development—Grain
Blockade—Municipal Telephones—Provincial Educational
Association—University of Saskatchewan—Partial Crop Failure;
Distribution of Seed Grain—Government Ownership of Elevators—Treaty
Number Ten. From the point of
view of industrial expansion and the growth of population, the year in
which Saskatchewan reached its provincial status surpassed all previous
records. Canadian immigration statistics are notoriously unreliable, as
no proper records are kept of the number of people leaving or merely
passing through the country; however, we know that during the year
ending with June 30, 1906, about 190,000 persons entered Canada, most of
whom settled in the West. Of this number, some 7,000 were immigrants
from the United States, bringing with them property in the form of
settlers" effects and cash estimated at $21,000,000. In the five years
that had elapsed since the last decennial census of the Dominion, the
population of Manitoba had almost doubled, and that of Saskatchewan had
more than trebled. The grain production of the year 1905 for the three
Prairie Provinces was something in excess of 200,000,000 bushels, while
the wheat harvest of Saskatchewan alone amounted to 26,000,000
bushels—an increase of 10,000,000 bushels over that of the preceding
year. Dairying proved prosperous; lumbering was exceedingly profitable;
the export of cattle unusually large; the horse trade good; and sheep
grazing flourishing. New villages were springing up everywhere and
rapidly developing into towns. Railway lines were being constructed or
projected in many directions, and everywhere with the rising tide of
prosperity land values rose correspondingly. For example, in 1903 the C.
N. R. brought into existence the town of North Battleford, which in six
months rose to a population of four hundred.
The phenomenal development of the
Canadian West brought with it staggering problems, especially for those
concerned with transportation. In 1907 it proved impossible to market
more than a fraction of the grain crop in the fall, and as the winter
advanced, the railway companies found themselves entirely unable to meet
the demands pouring in upon them from every quarter for the
transportation of fuel. The Provincial Government had been obliged to
take energetic action in order to prevent general distress by securing
supplies of fuel for the public from every available source. Even in
1906 a serious coal famine had occurred as a result of a strike at
The citizen body gradually came to
realize that it is not sufficient merely to induce settlers to take up
land, but that it is also necessary to surround them with social
conditions which will keep them permanently a contented and prosperous
fanning community. Accordingly, throughout Mr. Forget's last
administration one subject of perennial interest was the development of
a telephone system which would meet the social and business necessities
of the growing West. At conventions of grain growers and representatives
of Boards of Trade, and at other like assemblies, resolutions were
passed in favor of the government ownership of telephone lines. On the
other hand, the Union of Saskatchewan Municipalities recommended
municipal ownership of telephone lines. In view of the difference of
opinion the Government appointed Air. Francis Dagger, its telephone
expert, to investigate the matter and report.
On April 3, 190S, he had presented his
report. It stated that there were in use in Saskatchewan 3,250
telephones, or about one to every ninety-two inhabitants. More than half
of all the telephones in the Province belonged to the Bell Telephone
Company, and the remainder, with the exception of about three hundred
and ten rural telephones, were the property of four other private
companies. Mr. Dagger pointed out that the convenience and interest of
the public generally rendered it undesirable that the same private
interests should control both the long-distance lines and the local
exchange system. The unnecessary duplication of long-distance service
should be avoided, and these lines should all be owned and controlled by
the Provincial Government. In cities, towns and villages the provision
of local telephone service, Mr. Dagger thought, should be left to
Municipal Councils, to avoid too great a present expenditure of
Government funds. Mr. Dagger recommended that the Government should
select three or four sparsely settled districts and, by way of an object
lesson, show how cheaply a complete rural service could be established.
Upon the basis of this report a Bill
was introduced by Mr. Calder in 190S, and duly passed. It went even
further than Mr. Dagger had for the present recommended, as not only
were rural lines established and encouraged, and trunk lines taken over
from the private companies, but the system in the towns and cities was
also included with the others that had been brought under Government
control. The underlying principle of the Scott telephone policy was the
building and operation of long-distance lines by the Provincial
Government, cooperating- with rural telephones owned and controlled by
the farmers themselves under necessary regulations. The Department of
Railways and Telephones commenced actual work on July i, 1908, and by
the middle of August, 1910, one hundred and twenty-three rural telephone
companies had been incorporated, representing almost three thousand
subscribers and practically the same number of miles of line, with
capitalization of $363,628. The price paid for the Bell system was
$357,999-00, with about $10,000 to be returned for advance subscriptions
paid, and the new Government enterprise involved an immediate additional
expenditure of $436,000.
Among the interesting events of 1908
was the establishment of a Provincial Educational Association. At the
initial convention held in Regina, some five hundred delegates were
Great interest was also shown in the
establishment of the University of Saskatchewan, which on October 16,
1907, had held its first convocation, electing chancellor and senate.
Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert, Moose Jaw and other towns offered
themselves as suitable homes for the new university. The responsibility
of choice lay with the Board of Governors, which was organized on May
23, 190S, with .Mr. A. F. Angus of Regina as chairman. Saskatoon was
ultimately chosen as the Provincial University centre, and Professor
Walter C. Murray, M. S., LL. D., of the department of Philosophy and
Education in Dalhousie University, Halifax, was appointed the first
Despite the general prosperity with
which Saskatchewan was blessed in the period under review, the losses by
frost and hail were serious on different occasions. Indeed, in 1908 the
Provincial and Federal authorities were obliged to cooperate for the
distribution of seed grain in large quantities. Approximately 1,200,000
bushels of wheat, about the same amount of oats, and about 200,000
bushels of barley were supplied at moderate rates and under generous
conditions as seed grain, to settlers who had lost their crop the year
The problem of the Government ownership
of elevators was the subject of much discussion. The Grain Growers'
Association was naturally keenly alive to the necessity of supplying the
farmers of the Province with better facilities for disposing of their
products, and the Cabinet Ministers of the Prairie Provinces held
important conferences to consider the matter. However. in Saskatchewan
the proposal to apply the principle of government ownership was not
approved by the authorities and some years elapsed before the Government
matured the policy which will be discussed elsewhere.
In spite of the difficulty of handling
the Provincial trade and notwithstanding occasional losses from causes
not subject to control, before the end of Mr. Forget's regime,
Saskatchewan stood third amongst the Provinces of the Dominion and the
States of the Union as a producer of oats and wheat. As the enormous
crop was produced from less than thirteen per centum of the estimated
acreage south of the fifty-fifth parallel, it was evident, moreover,
that only a beginning had been made.
During the epoch under review, there
took place the last great Indian surrender affecting the Province of
Saskatchewan. This was Treaty No. 10. The natives concerned were the
Chippeways, Crees and other Indian inhabitants of the northern portions
of Saskatchewan, Alberta and a part of Keewatin, not covered in previous
surrenders—an area of about eighty-five thousand eight hundred square
miles. The original commissioner was Mr. J. A. J. Mclvenna, who had
assisted Messrs. Laird and Ross in the negotiation of Treaty No. 9; and
among those who aided him were Messrs. Charles Fisher of Duck Lake and
Charles Mair of Ottawa, secretaries to the commission, Mr. Angus McKay
and other officers of the Hudson's Bav Company and of the Mounted
Police, and Bishop Pascal. The original treaty was signed at Canoe Lake,
September 19, 1906. Further adhesions to Treaty No. jo were negotiated
in the following year (August 19, 1907) by Mr. Thomas A. Borthwick,
among whose assistants was Mr. W. J. McLean, the well-known Hudson's Bay
Company chief factor. It helps one to realize something of the vastness
of our undeveloped hinterland when we read that Mr. Borthwick's mission
involved a canoe journey of over two thousand miles. The duties of the
commissioners included the investigation of the claims for scrip
advanced by Half breeds in the regions surrendered. Thus was opened for
settlement, immigration, trade, mining and lumbering the last portion of
the mighty realm over which the native races of Saskatchewan had for so
many generations held sway practically undisputed and unshared. |