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Star Almanac of Canada
A Cyclopedia of Facts and Figures Relating to the Dominion with a Calendar for 1896


In publishing the fourth issue of the “Star Almanac” of Canada, we take the opportunity of acknowledging our indebtedness to numerous correspondents for friendly criticism upon print Issues and various suggestions as to new subjects to be dealt with.

In the present issue, special attention has been devoted to the information relating to the Dominion Parliament; particularly, all the by-elections since the last General Election are inserted, together with articles upon Education, Reciprocity, Prohibition, and other matters likely to specially interest the electorate in the year when a federal General Election is a certainty.

An article upon the Constitution is accompanied by the full text of the Act of Confederation, the exact provisions of which are so frequently referred to. The platform of the parties are also summarized, and an illustration of the ballot paper which will be used is given.

Other subjects which are novel features in the issue of this year are

Chess, Whist and Lawn Tennis.
Trees of Canada and their chief habitat.
Customs Tariff, including free and prohibited goods, and comparisons with rates of duty chargeable under the previous regulations.
Pseudonyms of celebrated authors, dead and living. (An effort has been made to include Canadian authors.)
List of abbreviations in common use.
Legal Information specially revised, Quebec Province being dealt with separately.
Dominion Queen’s Counsel, list of all appointments since Confederation; also names of Q.C.'s prior to 1867.
New table giving symptoms of contagious diseases.
Photogravures of twelve Judges — six of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the six Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Newfoundland Confederation negotiations.
Improved Calendar information.
Official Tide Tables for Quebec and Halifax.

It is also pleasant to take the opportunity of acknowledging the assistance derived in the compilation of the Almanac by the use of some of the books whose authors are named on page 339, and to many persons who desire that their names should not be mentioned.

In the compilation of the Almanac we have also had recourse to the various Blue Books; the Statistical Year Book issued by Mr. George Johnson, the Dominion Statistician; The British Statistical Abstracts, etc.; Statesman’s Year Book; Hazell's Annual; Whitaker’s Almanac; Brassey's Naval Annual; the Imperial Institute publications; the Parliamentary Companions, and Baedeker's Guide to Canada; and in the compilation of the miniature Gazetteer we have found Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America (1895) of great value.

Offices of the Daily AND WEEKLY STAR, Montreal, Canada.

Star Almanac of Canada
A Cyclopedia of Facts and Figures Relating to the Dominion with a Calendar for 1896 (pdf)

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