SOME tell us that
Canada has no "national" literature. I take these critics at their word,
and I remark that, in the sense in which they apply the epithet, no
other country has, or has had, a "national" literature.
The question, "Has
Canada a national literature?" meaning' by that, "Has this country a
definitive quantity of imaginative prose and poetry which in substance
and form differs wholly from any other literature?" is a nonsense
question! One might as well ask, "Do Canadians differ in body and mind
wholly from other races on earth?" Just so a literature which were so
"national" as to be like no other, would not be human and would
therefore not be literature at all; it would be something else and would
have to be categorized as a new species of artistic expression.
What these critics are
attempting to ask is a quite proper and important question, with a
definitive answer, namely, "Has Canada distinctive literary traditions,
methods, achievements and ideals?" Assuredly our country has, and in
this article I wish briefly to accomplish two ends: First, 1 would point
out the necessity of someone, properly equipped, writing a literary
history of Canada, and how it should be written. Secondly, I would
signalize the genius and distinction of Canadian poetry. For the first I
shall simply quote from an editorial which, under the caption "Wanted—A
Literary History of Canada" 1 contributed to The Toronto Sunday World
shortly after the Quebec Tercentenary. In this editorial I said:
"Our title may not be
philologically felicitous, being open to the fame objection that purists
raise against naming a college for women a female college. But this is
the form of caption under which Messrs. Charles Scribnsrs Sons are
issuing a series of treatises on the history of the literatures of the
nations—but Canada is not included in the prospectus.
"We shall not wait to
argue why there should be a literary history of Canada, but presuming
what is really the case, that the material for such a history exists, we
shall point out how it should be written.
"Dr. Archibald
MacMurchy has published, through William Briggs, a readable and sensible
handbook of Canadian literature. It serves well the purposes of
reference, especially for teachers who wish to give their pupils
complementary notes along with their studies of literary texts; and for
the general reader, the book is a desirable library volume.
"But this is as far as
its value goes; as a compendium, it naturally does not give insight into
the evolution and status of Canadian literature. And what we want is a
philosophical history of Canadian literature.
"It is not apposite to
object that the extant writings of Canadian authors have not enough
intrinsic literary worth to make a philosophical history of Canadian
literature possible.
"The first question is,
'Does any kind of Canadian literature, which has imagination in it,
exist at all?' The answer is in the affirmative. Then the second
question must be, 'Is this literature an expression on mind existing
under political, social and industrial conditions which are not
paralleled in any other nation; how did these conditions come about; how
are they to be correlated with t/he experiences of other
English-speaking peoples, and to what future possibilities does this
literature point?'
"Grant, for the moment,
that Canadian literature is so called only by courtesy (or
discourtesy!), then thus to appraise it is to do so by retrovision, and
not by the promise it gives of future accomplishment in letters.
"Now, the first
condition of writing a philosophical history of literature is the
necessity of the writer's evaluating existing works of prose and poetry
from two points of view. The philosophical historian must look backward
to see how a particular literature came into being, under what
conditions it was produced, and he must look forward to see whither it
is tending,, to what ideal it gives promise of attaining in the process
of time.
"We do not value a
youth as insignificant and worthless simply because lie is a youth. On
the contrary, we value him rightly as a significant creature, by looking
back to his physical or natural origin and forward to his perfected
manhood in body and mind.
"Just so must we also
regard any piece of prose or poetry. When compared with literature which
has come to be what it is only after a long process of evolution,
Canadian literature may appear insignificant; but, philosophically
viewed, the literary child or youth of Canada will be the father of the
literary manhood of the Dominion, when, as inevitably must happen, our
country shall have grown to its greatest estate.
"A Literary History of
Canada, then, can be properly written only by one who first takes this
genetico-philosophical point of view about the extant literature of the
"But just as the
literary history of the United States was not written without
considering the social conditions obtaining within the country itself,
but also their connections with the social and the literary conditions
in England of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, so the writer of
a Literary History of Canada must imaginatively realize how the
literature of the Dominion is not a special and isolated product, but
the outcome of definitive conditions within the country as well as of
others brought about by racial affinities with the people of the United
States and of the United ( ?) Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
"The scale to which a
Literary history of Canada should measure may not be here determined.
Certainly it need not be so elaborate as that magnificent and truly
historical series, "The Makers of Canada,' which Messrs. Morang &
Company have made a worthy record of the Dominion's great men. But it
should be conceived on relatively as grand a scale, and be wrought out
with the same philosophical insight and perfected with the same literary
truth and beauty."
I turn now from this
general matter to the special question of the genius and distinction of
Canadian poetry (British-Canadian, for I regret that I have bat an
indifferent acquaintance with French-Canadian verse). First, as to the
date of the beginnings of Canadian poetry. Before me lies a most curious
little volume (5y2 in. x 3y2 in.), yellow with age, which I opine Dr.
MacMurchy has never heard of and which, it is likely, has not a place in
our university libraries. The title page of this volume of verse (in
Gaelic;) reads, "Dain A Chomhnailh Crabhuidh, Le Seumas Mac-griogair,
Searmonaich an t-Soisgeil An America. With a memoir of the author, by
Rev'd D. B. Blair. Pietou: printed by J. D. MacDonald, 1861." That is,
roughly translated, "Poems of Spiritual Conflict, by James MaeGregor,
minister of the Gospel in America" (Nova Scotia). The cover of the
volume contains the imprint of three different publishing firms, one at
Glasgow, Scotland, one at Edinburgh, and one at London, Eng., and is
dated MDCCCXXXII. (1832). The Pictou (Nova Scotia) printer and publisher
was the late John Dunc-an MacDonald, father of E. M. MacDonald, M.P.,
and of Bev. P. M. MacDonald, M.A., Pastor of Cowan Ave. Presbyterian
Church, Toronto. I am quite at loss, at the present writing, to explain
the existence of the two dates. But from Blair's memoir it appears that
all the poems in the volume were written "n Nova Scotia, and that, since
the author had the degree of D.D. conferred on him by the University of
Glasgow, in 1822, "in recognition of his character and claims," and died
in 1830, the poems must have been published in Scotland before 1822 and
in several editions afterwards up till 1832. Judging by the data to
hand, the. first edition printed (?) in Canada, was the Nova Scotia
edition, dated at Pictou, 1861.*
This James MaeGregor,
grandfather of James D. MaeGregor, present Lieut.-Governor of Nova
Scotia, and of James Gordon MaeGregor, F.R.S., Professor of Physics,
University of Edinburgh, great-grandfather of
Mr Justice George
Patterson, of New Glasgow. N.S., a great-grandson of tlie poet, writes
me: "I have made use of every opportunity to clear up the discrepancy in
dates, hut without success. The copy of Dr. MacGregor's poems that I
have is dated 1832, published by John Reid & Co., Glasgow, 1 think there
was an earlier edition, published about 1818. He died in 1830, and I am
sure there was a volume o^ his poems published in his lifetime. 1
haven't seen the edition with preface by Rev. Mr. Blair, but it has
occurred to me that it is just the edition of 1832, which was in paper
covers, with this preface added,—a sort of Nova Scotian edition of the
Scottish one." But this explanation fails. For Mr, Blair's ''Preface" is
dated at Barney's River, Nova Scotia, 1861, and while described on the
title-page as a "Memoir," and dated 1861, the cover-page reads, "With an
intioduction by I). B. Blair," and still is dated 1832. Now, Mr.
Patterson writes that his 1832 edition has no memoir or introduction or
preface by Mr. Blair. The discrepancy is not only in the dates, but also
in the tiffc-reui wording on the cover and the title-page.
Robert M. MacGregor,
M.P.P. (N.S.) and the great-great-grandfather of Donald Gordon Ross, son
of W.' D. Ross, general manager of the Metropolitan Bank (Toronto), has
the honor and distinction of having been the first significant Canadian
poet of pre-Confederation days. True, he was born in Scotland, but he
arrived in Nova Scotia, on July 11, 1786, and died at Pictou, N.S.,
March 1, 1830. So that he lived forty-four years in Canada, and not only
wrote hie poems in Nova Scotia, but conceived them there and published
them for the express purpose both of putting religious history and truth
in a delectable garb and of teaching his people in Nova Scotia to
appreciate "musical numbers " or poetry. Dr. Blair testifies that
MacGregor's verses have demonstrated the powers of the Gaelic as the
language of descriptive and religious poetry. . . . The poems on 'The
Gospel', 'The Complaint,' 'The Righteousness of Christ' and 'The Eulogy
of Grace,' are worthy of particular notice as superior
Some might Incline to
give this distinction to Oliver Goldsmith (a relative of the author of
"The Deserted Village"), who -was burn in Annapolis County, N.S., in
1787 (a year after the arrival of MacGregor). Hut Goldsmith's poem, "The
Rising Village," was not published till 1825, whereas the first edition
of MacGregor's "Dain" was not, in all probability, published earlier
than 1818 or later than 1822. Cp. Mrs. C. M. White-Edgar's "A Wreath of
Canadian Song,'' pp. 3 ff., in which, however, MacGregor's name is not
mentioned. The literary problem, it must be remembered, i3 not one of
precise priority and nativity, but of significance. From that viewpoint,
MacGregor takes first place.
Pieces of poetry,
having some passages which are truly beautiful and sublime. (See also
MacKenzie's "Beauties of Gaelic Poetry.")
The diction and form of
MacGregor's poems are somewhat derivative, being modeled after the
verses of Duncan Ban MacIntyre (Donnaoha Ban Nan Oran, Fairhaired Duncan
of the Songs"), who undoubtedly excels all other British poets," Gaelic
and English, m descriptive power, inimitably so in the presence of
nature. The third edition of Macintyre's poems was published in 1804,
and the fourth, three years after MacGregor's death. So that since it
was the third edition which MaeGregor must have read and studied, and
since he did not have the volume in hand till some years after 1804,
this is an additional proof that MacGregor mast have written his poems
sometime before 1822, the year in which his missionary and literary work
was recognized by the University of Glasgow. (See footnote page 22 for
the year 1818 as the probable date of the first edition.)
Dr. MacMurchy is,
therefore, mistaken, altho through no fault of his own—in describing
Evan MacColl (1808-1898) as "The Gaelic Bard of Canada". MacColl's
"Poems and Songs" ("Chiefly written in Canada") wore not published till
1833. James MaeGregor was the first pre-Confederation British-Canadian
poet, so far as date and place are concerned, and the first Gaelic Bard
of Canada. But the first " all-Canadian" poet was Charles Sangster, who
was born at Kingston, Ont., 1822, and whose volume, "The St. Lawrence
and The Saguenay," 1856, was the first book of poems, by a native, to
get its inspiration from the homeland.
Mr. Arnold Haultain
does not put the point quite aptly when, in a recent essay, he
distinguishes Nova Scotia as having contributed "more than its share to
Canadian literature." Mvself" a Nova Scotian, I ought to know what I am
talking about when I say that the province by the sea may have
contributed relatively more than its share in prose, but I have yet to
hear of any Nova Scotian poet who at all begins to rank with Carman or
Roberts, and they arc natives of the sister province, New Brunswick.
What Mr. Haultain
should have said was that the formative force in Canadian literature, as
in Canadian civilization, is the Gaelic (Highland and Irish) genius. Dr.
MacMurchy will have to agree to this, for by actual count of the men and
women treated in his "Handbook of Canadian literature" I find that out
of the 136 poets, poetesses and prose writers at least half either were
born m Scotland or Ireland, or are of Keltic descent. The others are
English, U. E. Loyalists, naturalized .Americans, French and Indian, and
so far as racial affinity is concerned the French, too, are Keltic in
temperament and psychological genius.
Now, as I have said in
the "Epistle in Criticism" introductory to my "Preludes" (a volume of
verse), the mind of the Gael or Kelt is distinguished by a peculiar
method of apprehending the world. The Gael's perceptions, as the Germans
put it, are anschaulich,—pictorial, his imaginative processes always
poetic. The result is that nature is to him no dead, alien thing, but
spiritual presences are felt to be everywhere,—in the hills, the
streams, the mists, the clouds, the sunsets and even in the daisies and
the dews. This, then, is the essential formula of the Keltic genius,
namely, a natural and lively sense of divinity in the universe.
It is this sense which,
as you have noted in your own experience, makes a Highlander and an
Irishman "superstitious." I give this Keltic characteristic a much more
appropriate name, the Wordsworthian name, "natural piety." The
Englishman or Sassenach (Saxon), as the Gael calls him, feels divinity
present only when he is in church, but nature and the whole universe is
the Gael's church, he feels divinity—spiritual presences—all about him
and always. It is because nature is thus a living thing to Lim, as it
were a person with whom he can commune, that nature is also
enthrallinglv beautiful to him.
I will show how this is
so by quoting an incident which Fiona JIacleod relates in "The Winged
Destiny." This Anglo-Keltic impressionist says that once in a remote
island off the North of Scotland a lad came, at sunrise, upon a very old
Highlander standing looking seaward, with his bonnet removed from his
long white locks, and upon his speaking to the old man was answered thus
(in Gaelic), "Every morning like this 1 take my hat off to the beauty of
the world."
That. Keltic attitude
is what is meant; by natural piety. If you will examine the best of our
Canadian poetry, you will find it inspired considerably by the Gaelic
sense of divinity in the universe. But alas, save 'u Lampman's and some
of Carman's and Roberts' nature poetry, you will find in it the absence
of the more delieate qualities of the Gael's poetic vision of nature.
There is an element of hard, brittle, abstract thought in it; that is, a
substitution of wnat the poet thinks he ought to say for what under hia
temperamental attitudes to nature and life he feels impelled to say.
If you wonder why this
is so, let me tell you the reason: it is all due to the bane of
Calvinism; that is to say, the system of theology which teaches the
doctrine of an absentee God, who sits throned in heaven, and is only in
the heart of man "on occasion" and never in Nature, except as having
created the world. The opposite view, as you know, is described as
paganism, superstition. So be it, then, to the devotees of a creed and
metaphysic long ago outworn. To the Gael, God- -or spirit—is everywhere,
or as Tennyson put it:
"Closer is he than
Nearer than hands and feet."
The genius of our
poetry is Keltic, and this means that in inspiration it has the finest
essence of poetry, whether the craftsmanship of its poets and poetesses
it superlative or not. From James MacGregor (who wrote in Gaelic) to
Carman, Roberts, 1). C. Scott, Wilfrid W. Campbell and Jean Blewett (a
descendant of Duncan Ban Macintyre, the great Gaelic Nature Poet), who
write in English, there has been but one chief inspirational power in
Canadian poetry, namely, the imaginative vision of the Kelt, and had
this been unhampered by a noxious and effete system of theological
dogma, Canadian poetry would have been much nearer to-day the upper
slopes of Parnassus.
Canadian poetry is such
definitively, not because its authors or its material (subject, theme)
or even its form, color and music, are Canadian. It is such only by
virtue of some distinctive "note" in it. That note is not Imperialism,
as some allege; it is not Individual Nationhood, as others submit; it is
not even Confederate Unity, as others say. It is this and tlii?
alone,—an inexpugnable Faith in ourselves.
The very conditions of
Canadian life before and after the uate of the Confederacy created this
Faith. It is not enough in explanation of this distinctive spirit to
say, as Mr. Lighthall does, that the "virility of fighting races" is in
our blood and therefore Courage is in oar poetry. James MacGregor in the
frozen and unfriendly wilds of Nova Scotia, more than a half-centurv
before the Confederacy, was not fighting anything except nature and
himself. It was not courage that he had so much as the sense that God
was with him in a great work, -not so much virility and courage as a
supreme faith in himself and the outcome of his task.
And so if you will
examine the best Canadian poetry, whether it be hymns, nature songs, or
war lyrics, you will find an undertone of a consciousness of
self-controlled destiny, which passes from Cheerful Faith (before
Confederation) to Triumphant Exultation (since Confederation). It was
this Faith that stayed our pioneer forefathers amidst a thousand
hardships in the wilds. It was this Faith that kept our minds sane in
days of political turmoil and civil insurrection. And it is this Faith
which now guides us, with undoubted energy and serenity, onward to a
humane and happy federation of many races in a land still unsullied and
free. Our poetry may not be great 'u finished perfection of form, m
subtle nuances of thought and emotion; but it is of high rank in these
social qualities, —sane and cheerful Faith in our ideals, restrained but
inexpugnable Self-confidence in our power eventually to effect,
undirected and unassisted by others, a genuinely mundane, human, and
practical Democracy, and Courage to undertake the accomplishment of our
predestined task. |