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Songs of the Makers of Canada
Frontenac: Staunch Warrior

Held Canada intact (1590-1697 )

Intrepid heart, who midst a myriad ills
Of warfare 'gainst our Canada, stood fast,
And when her citizens had fled aghast,
Restored in them the fortitude that tills
The craven soul with courage to withstand,—
Then wast thou our strong bulwark and our law
When Yankee horde and vengeful Iroquois
Ensanguined ruthlessly our patriot land.

Staunch warrior and lord of strategy,
On us wait they who once sought to destroy;
They claim us now as brethren, and employ
The arts of peace to weld an unity;—
Stand lirm we shall, Frontenac, upon thy ways
When thou held fast our land in elder days.

Frontenac, pronounced somewhat as a dissyllable, Frot-nac, with the "o" short as in the word "not."

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