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Songs of the Makers of Canada
Howe: Champion of Self-Government

(Triumphed in the People's Cause 1847.)

Great son of Canada, who in the day
When thine own people had no rightful choice
In sane self-government, thy faithful voice
Was heard above the wild and raucous fray
Exalting, undismayed, the people's cause.
Undaunted always in the fitful strife.
Thou gavest, Howe, the best fruits of thy life
To stablish in thy land benignant laws.

What glory can we add to thy bright name?
Shall our belated plaudits, falling now
On hardened ears, exalt thy star-like brow,
Or bring one tittle to thy fadeless fame?
Great soul, who brought thy people liberty,
Rest where thou liest by the suaging Sea!

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