Winnipeg, the
capital of Manitoba, is situated about halfway between the Atlantic
and the Pacific, at the confluence of the Bed and the Assiniboine
Rivers, and is the most important place in Canada west of Ontario.
The city is comparatively modern, dating from the time of the
transfer of the Hudson Bay Territory to Canada and the formation of
the Province of Manitoba. At that time, in 1870, it had a population
of two or three hundred, but to-day the number of its inhabitants
probably exceeds 30,000.
In the early days
of the settlement the only means of access was by road over the
prairies from the United States. Later on, in the seasons of
navigation, boats of shallow draught plied occasionally from
Minnesota down the Red River to Winnipeg. The first railway was from
Emerson to Winnipeg, but it was only in 1878 that this communication
was enjoyed. With the active construction of the Canadian Pacific
Railway, however, both Winnipeg and the country tributary to it
rapidly developed, and in 188C the Trans-Atlantic line, running
through Winnipeg, was open from Ocean to Ocean. Further developments
in railway communication have been taking place ever since, and
seven or eight lines of railway now converge upon Winnipeg. Manitoba
is probably better served with railways than any other community in
the world, having regard to its size and population. If report be
true, it is not improbable that a line may shortly be constructed
north in the direction of the Saskatchewan, which may be continued
later on to Hudson Bay—at any rate, this is the belief which
prevails at the present time in Manitoba. The rivers passing through
Winnipeg are not used now for navigation to any extent, the water
having fallen below the level it formerly occupied.
Those who knew
Winnipeg—or rather, the site on which it now stands—in the old
Hudson Bay days, must marvel at the metamorphosis which has taken
place in comparatively a few years. Fort Garry, as the place was
called before the Province was formed, was always the leading Hudson
Bay Post in the Western Territory. In fact, the only piece of
antiquity Winnipeg possesses is the old gateway of the Fort, and,
unless measures are taken to preserve this interesting relic, it
will soon crumble away. It will be remembered that Fort Garry
received a good deal of advertisement during the days of the first
Kiel Rebellion, and it is not too much to say that the story of its
wonderful growth and development has been advertised ever since, as
few places have been so much talked about in the last few years as
the Prairie City. Of course, it has had its ups and downs, like all
other places. It had its boom in 1882, when people went crazy in
their desire to dabble in land—an era in gambling in which all, men
and women, preacher and layman, rich and poor, speculated, and
colossal fortunes, on paper, were made daily. Men talked in
thousands as glibly as they now do in hundreds; lots were quoted at
fabulous sums per front foot; land in the suburbs, two, three, four,
or five miles from the business centre, was surveyed into lots and
purchased at high figures. Naturally, the reaction set in, as it
always does, and for a year or two depression prevailed ; but
confidence was restored in time, and, in a quiet, business-like
manner, the city began to prosper again on a solid foundation, and
has continued to progress.
The site of
Winnipeg is a very eligible one for commerce, and this explains, to
a large extent, the development that has taken place. It is the
distributing centre for supplies to all parts of the country to the
west, and it is also the great grain and cattle market, besides
being the seat of the manufacturing industry of Manitoba, such as it
is The city has certainly been laid out with a view to its future
growth. The principal street, Main Street, is about 2 miles long and
120 feet wide. Many of the shops and business buildings are of a
substantial character and of creditable appearance, but there are
still a large number of wooden buildings, and more or less temporary
structures, which will, no doubt, give way in course of time to more
permanent premises. Electric tramways are found on the leading
streets, the electric light prevails everywhere, and the water
supply is fairly good. The only weak point about Winnipeg is the
state of the roads and sidewalks. No doubt they will be improved in
time, and, unpleasant though they may be in wet weather, no one can
question the wisdom of economy in expenditure on the part of the
city authorities. It is much bettei.1 to effect improvements of that
kind gradually than to build up huge municipal debts, which is so
commonly the case in the Colonies. The residential part of the city
is chiefly in and around what is known as the Hudson Bay Reserve,
and no one can walk through that part of the city without being
struck with the comfortable character of the houses and the taste
shown in their construction. There are very few terraces, most of
the houses being of the villa type, in their own grounds. As the
trees grow up along the wide avenues, the appearance of that part of
the city will be delightful.
There can be no
doubt as to the future of Winnipeg. It is sure to become a large
city. Whether its expansion will be slow or rapid depends upon the
way in which the Western country is settled up. For some years, at
any rate, its progress is likely to be of the slow and sure
description, depending as it must do upon the welfare of the
agricultural community, of which the population of the country
tributary to it largely consists. A few days may be spent in
Winnipeg very pleasantly by the visitor. There are excellent hotels
in the city, chief among them being the Manitoba Hotel, erected by
the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. The drives and rides about
the country are delightful, and it is a convenient centre for
excursions north, south, east, and west. Fishing may be obtained in
Lakes Winnipeg and Manitoba, where the finest whitefish are caught;
and big game shooting—moose and deer, as well as bear—may bo
obtained within 40 or 50 miles of Winnipeg, in the district between
the two lakes already mentioned. And in the proper seasons small
game is also very abundant. |