Fort McLeod is about 105 miles from
Calgary, and within the last two or three years railway
communication has been provided between the two places. Formerly,
the only way of reaching McLeod was by the four-horsed stage which
ran periodically between the two places, or by the railway from
Dunmore to Lethbridge, the latter place being about 30 miles from
The ride from Calgary to McLeod,
which takes about five hours, is a pleasant one, as the Rocky
Mountains are in full view all the time. For the first 40 miles the
country is very well settled, and the small farms are all fenced, a
fact which somewhat increases the difficulties of travelling by
road, excepting where a more or less straight trail has been
surveyed. The country is well watered, the railway crossing rivers
and creeks at every few miles, and the district should be admirably
adapted for dairying purposes. At present, however, it is largely
given up to cattle-ranching and horse-raising, and those industries
have assumed considerable dimensions. At one time it was believed
that mixed farming would be possible, and that grain of all kinds
could readily be raised. Experience, however, has demonstrated that
irrigation will be necessary before arable farming can be carried on
to any extent, except in specially favoured places; and, as
mentioned in the letter relating to the Calgary district, irrigation
is now the general topic of conversation in the whole of Alberta.
After arriving at McLeod, and
spending a few hours there with friends, we started off on a three
days’ drive, making our way the first afternoon to Pincher Creek,
where many important ranches are located. The town itself is a very
small affair, consisting of two hotels, a few stores and some
residences; but we had the opportunity there of meeting with several
of the ranchmen, and of talking “cattle” with them for some hours.
The next morning we commenced a longer drive of about 60 miles, with
the view of visiting the Mormon settlement at Lees Creek. On our way
we called at the well-known Cochrane Ranch, and also had the
opportunity of witnessing a “round up.” This important function
takes place twice a year. The cattle, irrespective of owners and
ranches, are allowed to graze in the meantime all over the prairie,
but in April and October they are collected in bunches, and
separated by their various owners, the calves being considered to
belong to the cows they follow. The different ranch owners and their
representatives camp together on these “stock-taking” occasions, and
the work is very hard while it lasts, so much so that each man
invariably has several horses for his use. After the animals are
separated, the unbranded animals are branded, and the cattle are all
turned loose again, excepting, of course, when any are cut out for
purposes of sale. It is a very interesting sight, not to say an
exciting one, to watch the splendid horsemanship of the cowboys, the
facility with which animals are separated from the bunches, and the
skill of many of the men with the lasso.
The Cochrane Ranch is situated in a
very pretty valley on the Kootenay River. The buildings are
substantial and comfortable, and, notwithstanding the drought, there
was a good supply of the famous “bunch grass” in every part of the
range over which we drove. So far as one could see there were not
many signs of ranching in the neighbourhood of the buildings, but
this is not surprising when we remember that the range covers
100,000 acres, and that the cattle, to the number of about 20,000
head, are scattered over that large area. After spending an hour or
two at the ranch, we continued our journey to the Mormon settlement,
which is called Cardston, after Mr. Card, who occupies the position
of chief elder in the settlement. These Mormons, who number now
about 800, emigrated from Salt Lake City a few years ago, and were
permitted to settle in Canada on the distinct understanding that
polygamy would not be allowed. Having given the requisite assurance,
they selected the site of the present settlement, on Lees Creek.
They have formed quite a little village, and their farms are
situated in the country around at various distances. Mr. Card was
away when we arrived, but we were hospitably received by Mrs. Card,
and had an opportunity of a lengthy conversation with several
members of the settlement. The community is certainly an ideal one
in many respects. Mutual co-operation generally exists, and in many
ways the Mormons seem to be able to give “points” to the followers
of other religions. Their manner towards each other is most
respectful and considerate; they help each other on every possible
occasion, and they all appear to be willing to engage in general
work that will be beneficial to the whole settlement. For instance,
they have irrigated a considerable area of land, and are engaged on
other similar work. A company is nominally formed, but no money is
invested, and anyone who shares in the work is entitled to
participate in the benefits. By means of irrigation, especially,
they have transformed a rather arid piece of country into a garden,
and last year they had excellent crops of all kinds of vegetable and
garden produce, as well as grain. They have also a sawmill, a grist
mill, and a cheese factory, and telephonic communication with
Lethbridge. The Mormons seem to be very well satisfied with the
country and with their progress, and further immigration is expected
from the United States.
We started next morning on our
return to McLeod, and drove for most of the day through the “Blood”
Indian Reserve. At the Agency we had an opportunity of some
conversation with the Agent, and of seeing a largo number of the
Indians in all their gorgeousness of attire, as it happened to be
the day on which they came in for their rations. It may be mentioned
that the “Blood” and “Blackfeet” tribes were formerly among the most
warlike of the Indians of the North-West, and that they have not
made so much progress in the direction of civilisation as some of
the Indians in other parts of the country. They still have to be
maintained by the Government, and do not as yet show much
inclination to work cor their living. The hope, however, is
entertained that the rising generation will grow up imbued with
other views, as the result of the education they are receiving. |