I believe that very few English people of the working
class, or rather that section of the working class who can afford
themselves an annual holiday, of, say, three weeks, conceive it possible
to go far beyond the confines of these islands, in the time at their
disposal. I am certain that still fewer have in their minds the
possibility of a short visit to Canada, so that one does not often hear
anything, either of what a journey across the Atlantic is like, or of
first impressions of Canada and Canadians. Of course there are many
elaborate books of travel through Canada, to the Rockies, British
Columbia, and other distant parts of the Dominion; these are all of very
great interest, but they exist only for the wealthy traveller and globe
trotter, and are useless to anyone whose time and finances are, like my
own, very limited.
Although yearly increasing numbers of our surplus
population are making new homes and interests in the daughter country,
and there are very few of our British families but have some member or
friend, either going, or already settled there, yet it struck me as
remarkable how little Canada was known to me, or to the average
Englishman; so, being about to start on a short holiday, I thought I
would like to experience for myself the hundred and one trivial details
connected with an ocean journey, and make an acquaintance, however
slight, with some of the nearer towns and famous cities of Canada, and
thereby gain some knowledge of Canadian ideas and opinions, whilst
taking a well earned rest.
I was fortunate enough to secure, by telephone, just the
one berth left in the second class on R.H.S. "Royal Edward,” 12,000
tons, 18,000 horse power, of the Royal line, only three days before the
date of her departure from Bristol The "Royal" is a comparatively new
line, in connexion with the Canadian Northern Railway, whose branches
arc extending in all directions up and across the country; out across
"the Great Lone Land” to Hudson Bay, carrying settlers and civilization
to those remote territories, where, until quite recently, the Indian
hunter and the forts of the Hudson Bay Company reigned supreme. |