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Canadian Club of Fort William

Canadian Club of Fort William Annual 1908 (pdf)

Historical Sketch

ALMOST as many places vie with one another for th« honor of being the first to evolve the idea of the Canadian Club as contended of old for the distinction of being the birth-place of Homer. But, among all the claimants the City of Hamilton seems to have the first place, the idea of the Canadian Club as it now exists having taken bodily shape under the aegis of Charles R. McCullough. The idea, however, having once taken root, grew with astonishing rapidity until today hardly a city or a large town of importance in the Dominion is without its branch of this institution.

For some time prior to November, 1907, tentative steps had been taken by one citizen or another of Fort William to initiate a Canadian Club, but the credit of bringing the matter to a head and taking the first active steps which led to the organization belongs to Sheldon M. Fisher, at that time Secretary of the Industrial Bureau of the city. He sent out the first notices which called a public meeting for November 29th, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. There were present at that meeting the following gentlemen: Wm. Phillips, E. R. Wayland, J. T. Horne, S. C. Young, S. M. Fisher, Dr. Chisholm, A. W. Frodsh^m, E. E. Wood, G. H. Williamson, J. F. Robertson, Dr. H. E. Paul, M. H. Braden, G. A. Coslett, Wm. McEdward, H. C. Houston, Dr. C. C. McCullough, Dr. M. B. Dean, C. W. Jarvis, W. J. Hamilton, R. H. Neeland, G. R. Duncan, A. Calhoun, J. E, Swinburne, J. H. Perry, Geo. Grant, A. A. Wilson, M. W. Bridgman, A. Giguere, E. Duharnais, F. W. Young, John Morton, F. E. Gibbs, Dr. R. J. Manion, E. A. Morton, J. G. Taylor, W. H. Laverty, W. A. Armstrong, James Murphy and J. Dyke.

Mr. Dyke took the chair and after the object of the meeting had been explained a committee was appointed consisting of H. C. Houston, S. M. Fisher, J* R. Lumby, S. C. Young, Dr. C. C. McCullough, and G. H. Williamson, to draft bylaws and constitution and submit the draft to a full meeting a week later.

A nominating committee was also appointed to recommend permanent officers for the Club, this committee beine made up of C. W. Jarvis, J. T. Horne and J. E. Swinburne.

R. L. Richardson, editor of the Winnipeg Tribune then addressed the meeting, taking as his theme the grand destiny of Canada, and the responsibility that rests upon the individual of promoting good citizenship. Among the signs of the awakening of the people to the duties that devolve upon them as Canadians, the Canadian Club movement was most impressive, showing that the present generation was determined to carry on the good work inaugurated by the Fathers of Confederation.

A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Richardson for ms able and impressive address.

On December 3rd the committee met to consider the proposed constitution and bylaws and after careful study of several sets from other cities agreed upon those which
would be most suitable to the conditions of this city, the whole being submitted to a full meeting on December 6th and adopted unanimously.

By this time the.membership had risen to seventy-five most of whom were in attendance
when the nominating committee brought down its report, upon the adoption of which the following were year h following were elect«d officers for the ensuing year:

President—Dr. M. B. Dean.
First Vice-President—R E. Larmour.
Second Vice-President—Dr. C. C. McCullough
Secretary—H. C. Houston.
Treasurer—R. H. Neeland.
Literary Secretary—J. R. Lumby.
Executive Comittee-Joshua Dyke, Geo. A. Graham, AA. Vickers, Dr. J.D. Chisholm, F. E. Trautman, A. A. Wilson.

The President-elect then assumed the chair vacated by Mr. Dyke and closed the meeting with a brief address on the aims and ideals of a Canadian Club.

Such was the process of development from which the present Canadian Club of Fort William has grown to a membership of one hundred and seventy-fiVe, the enthusiasm that marked its first steps having never waned for a moment during the year.

Since its inauguration the Canadian Club has held six luncheons, at each of which they have entertained a guest from among the most distinguished in his particular branch of activity in the Dominion of Canada. The list of speakers and their subjects is as follows:

I. “PLATO’S WATCH DOG.” January 13th, 1908.
Maurice Hutton, M. A., LL.D.
Principal of University College, Toronto.
February 10th, 1908.
George Bryce, D. D., LL. D.
Professor of History, Manitoba College,
Winnipeg, Man.
III “THE GEORGIAN BAY CANAL.” March 30th, 1908.
Pascal Poirier, Member of the Senate of Canada, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, Shediac, N. B.
J. A. Macdonald, M. A.
Editor-in-chief, “The Globe.” Toronto, Ont.
V. “THE WATERWAYS OF CANADA-” September and, 1908. Major G. W. Stephens.
Chairman of the Montreal Harbor Commission,
Montreal, Que.
VI. “THE HERITAGE OF THUNDER BAY.” November 5th, 1908.
F. W. Thompson
Vice-President and General Manager, The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Montreal, Que.

Annual 1908 (pdf)

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