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Armory and Lineages of Canada
Comprising the Lineage of Prominent and Pioneer Canadians with Descriptions and Illustrations of their Coat Armor, Orders of Knighthood, or other Official Insignia by Herbert George Todd (1913)

THE purpose of this work is to give a short sketch of the lineage * of prominent persons in Canada to-day, with notes of anything of interest or importance regarding any ancestor, and especially to record, briefly but permanently, the achievements of those who, having served their country with distinction, have passed away, but whose names should not be dropped or their deeds forgotten, as is necessarily the case in reference works the scope of which is limited to the living.

It was intended at first to confine the work to families of early settlers; but it cannot be overlooked that Canada, though old in tradition, is yet, in its broad expanse, but a new country, whose citizenship is constantly being augmented by new comers from the older stock of the mother lands. The scope of the work, therefore, will include those who, however recent, are intentionally residents in Canada.

The work will portray the armorials of such of the families herein embraced as have coat-armour and are accustomed to use it, for the recognition and preservation of those cognizances borne by our forefathers lend to enhance the interest and value of family history. The Heraldic Addenda contain the arms of notables connected with the events in Acadia, New France, and the two Canadas. Others will be added in subsequent sections. The Provincial Armorials are in accordance with the designs and official descriptions furnished through the kindness of the several Secretaries of the Provinces.

It will be noticed that the shield armorials of the Dominion seem complicated (although composed only of the arms of the first four provinces to enter Confederation), yet are quite bare of those component parts which go to a complete achievement; i. e., crest, supporters, and motto. It is to be hoped that a shield will soon be adopted simpler to the eye, yet more comprehensively representative and having its proper complements.

The Editor is very much indebted to the advice and kind co-operation of the author of "Ontarian Families."—Mr. EM. Chadwick, K.C. of Toronto—to whose judgment and learning, especially in ecclesiastical heraldry, the writer has been glad to defer. Herbert George Todd

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