Let every man who swings
an axe,
Or follows at the plough,
Abandon farm and homestead,
And grasp a rifle now!
We'll trust the God of Battles
Although our force be small;
Arouse ye, brave Canadians,
And answer to my call!
Let mothers, though with
breaking hearts,
Give up their gallant sons;
Let maidens bid their lovers go,
And wives their dearer ones!
Then rally to the frontier
And form a living wall;
Arouse ye, brave Canadians,
And answer to my call!
—J. D. Edgar, "This
Canada of Ours."
THE frontier of Canada
to be defended, reckoning from Fort Joseph at the head of Lake Huron to
Quebec, was over twelve hundred miles in length. The number of regulars
in both the Canadas was a little less than five thousand. The 8th, the
41st, the 49th, the 100th Regiments, the 10th Royal Veterans, some
artillery and the Canadian, Newfoundland and Glengarry Fencibles
composed the force, of which about fourteen hundred and fifty were in
Upper Canada, divided between Forts Joseph, Amherstburg, Chippawa, Erie,
York and Kingston. The most assailable frontier was the river Detroit
from Sandwich to Amherstburg, the river Niagara from Fort Erie to Fort
George, and the St. Lawrence from Kingston to St. Regis where the
American boundary touches the St. Lawrence. Between that place and
Quebec was an impenetrable forest. The population of Upper Canada was
about seventy thousand, of which eleven thousand might be called out as
militia, although not more than four thousand were ready for service.
This, then, was the material of which Brock had to make an army of
defence. It looked out of the question for it to be an army of attack.
Early in May a warning
note came from Mr. Thomas Barclay, the English consul-general at New
York. He mote to Sir George Prevost: "You may consider war as
inevitable. It will take place in July at the latest. Upper Canada will
be the first object. Military stores of all kinds and provisions are
daily moving hence towards the lines. Thirteen thousand five hundred
militia, the quota of the state, are drawn and ordered to be in
readiness at a moment's notice.
During this month Brock
had hurried up ordnance and other stores to St. Joseph, and had ordered
Captain Roberts, in command there, to be on his guard. At Amherstburg
there were about seven hundred militia, rank and file. The general
proposed to increase the garrison there by two 202 hundred men from Fort
George and York, and guns were sent also from those places, relying upon
others coming from Kingston by the Earl of Moira.
On June 1st General
Hull, the civil governor of the Michigan territory, and then recently
made brigadier-general, in command of about two thousand men, began his
march for the Michigan territory from Dayton, Ohio. On June 7th he
arrived at Urbana, where he was joined by the 4th Regiment.
Lieut.-Colonel McArthur, with his regiment of Ohio volunteers, had been
ordered to open a road as far as the Scioto River, where two
blockhouses, joined by a strong stockade, were called Fort McArthur.
General Hull's march lay for part of the way through thick and trackless
forests. On June 18th war was formally declared by the United States
against England, but news of this did not reach Sir George Prevost at
Quebec until the 26th of that month, and then it did not come officially
but by a letter to the secretary, H. W. Ryland, from the firm of
Forsyth, Richardson & Company, and McTavish & McGillivray of the
North-West and South-West Fur Companies. The letter was as follows:
"Montreal, June 24th. You will be pleased to inform the governor-general
that we have just received by an express which left New York on the 20th
and Albany on Sunday last at 6 a.m., the account that war against Great
Britain is declared." Fortunately General Brock was not left to learn
the news by the circuitous channel of the governor-general. He, too, had
a communication sent him by-express from Niagara. It came to Thomas
Clark from John Jacob Astor, New York, and was immediately sent on to
General Brock, who received it in York on June 26th.1 In a few hours two
companies of the 41st Regiment in garrison at York were embarked in
boats to the Niagara frontier, while the general assembled his council,
called an extra session of the legislature, and then in a small open
boat, with his brigade major, Evans, and his aide-de-camp, Captain Glegg,
crossed the lake, (thirty miles) to Fort George, where he established
his headquarters. Colonel Baynes wrote to him as soon as the
intelligence reached Sir George, and said His Excellency was inclined to
believe the report, but it was not official. Colonel Baynes also
reported that six large canoes of the North-West Company going to the
upper lakes by the Ottawa, to receive their furs, had offered to
accommodate six soldiers in each canoe, in order to reinforce St.
Joseph, but Sir George did not think it well to weaken the 49th by
sending them. The letter ends, "Sir George desires me to say that he
does not attempt to prescribe specific rules for your guidance —they
must be directed by your discretion, and the circumstances of the
time—the present order of the day with him is forbearance "
On July 3rd there was
still doubt about war being really declared, but Colonel Baynes writes
to General Brock on that date from Quebec: "We have a report here of
your having commenced operations by levelling the American fort at
Niagara. His Excellency is most anxious to hear good and recent * news
from your quarter. The flank companies here are on the march, and two
thousand militia will form a chain of posts from St. Johns to Laprairie.
The town militia of Montreal and Quebec, to the amount of three thousand
in each city, have volunteered, are being embodied and drilled, and will
take their part in garrison duty to relieve the troops. The proclamation
for declaring martial law is prepared and will speedily be issued. All
aliens will be required to take the oath of allegiance or immediately
quit the province. Our cash is at its last issue, and a substitute of
paper must perforce be resorted to."
General Brock did not
wait to receive official instructions from the commander-in-chief, but
immediately issued his orders for the disposal of his scanty force. He
called out the flank companies, consisting of eight hundred well drilled
men, and also sent an express to Captain Roberts at Fort Joseph with
instructions to attempt the capture of Michilimackinac.
The district general
order from Niagara on June 27th, was as follows: "Colonel Procter will
assume the command of the troops between Niagara and Fort Erie. The Hon.
Colonel Claus will command the militia stationed between Niagara and
Queenston, and Lieutenant-Colonel Clark from Queenston to Fort Erie. The
commissariat at their respective posts will issue rations and fuel for
the number actually present. The car brigade and the provincial cavalry
are included in this order. The detachment of the 41st, stationed at the
two and four-mile points, will be relieved by an equal number of the 1st
Lincoln militia to-morrow morning. It is recommended to the militia to
bring blankets with them on service. The troops will be kept in a
constant state of readiness for service, and Colonel Procter will direct
the necessary guards and patrols which are to be made down the bank and
close to the water's edge. Lieutenant-Colonel Nichol is appointed
quartermaster-general to the militia forces, with the same pay and
allowances as those granted to the adjutant-general."
The appointment of
Colonel Nichol to this position is another instance of General Brock's
foresight and judgment in choosing men for special work. In 1804, when
Brock was a colonel in command at Fort George, this Mr. Nichol kept, in
the village near by, a small shop or general store, where all sorts of
wares were sold. He was a clever little Scotsman, and the colonel soon
became his warm friend, and invited him often to dine with him at the
mess. At this time there was a menace of war, and Colonel Brock soon
discovered that his friend 206 had a very good knowledge of the country.
At his request Mr. Nichol drew up a statistical account of Upper Canada,
showing its resources in men, horses, provisions, and its most
vulnerable and assailable points. The sketch was in fact a military
report, embracing every detail which the commander of an army would
desire to have in the event of a war. The statement proved most valuable
in after years to General Brock, and now that he was choosing his men
for service in the various posts required, Colonel Nichol, to the
surprise of some who thought themselves entitled to the position, was
given an appointment where his particular qualities would be of use.
Lieutenant-Colonel Nichol had been in command of the 2nd Norfolk
Militia, a regiment composed almost entirely of native Americans, and
naturally not much to be depended on at the beginning of the war.
Colonel Nichol, in a letter to Captain Glegg, gives his idea of how to
manage such a regiment. He says: "You know well, sir, that in a militia
composed as ours is of independent yeomanry, it would be both impolitic
and useless to attempt to introduce the strict discipline of the line,
Just and fair conduct and a conciliatory disposition on the part of
their commanding officer will do much, and this was the line I had
marked out for myself."
Strange to say, the
official communication of the declaration of war did not reach Sir
George Prevost until about July 7th, at Montreal. He writes on that date
to General Brock: "It was only on my arrival here that I received Mr.
Foster's notification of the congress of the United States having
declared war against Great Britain." The actual declaration took place
on June 18th, 1812. The vote in the American senate was nineteen to
thirteen, while in the lower house it was seventy-nine to forty-nine. So
unpopular was it in Massachusetts that on the receipt of the news the
flags in the harbour of Boston were placed at half-mast. The declaration
of war did not reach England until July 30th, and when it arrived, the
government, thinking that the revocation of the orders-in-council would
bring a suspension of hostilities, only ordered the detention of
American ships and property. It was not until October 13th that
directions were issued for general reprisals against the ships, goods
and citizens of the United States.
Colonel Baynes writes
on July 8th, acknowledging a letter from Brock of the 3rd: "Only four
days from York." He continues, "We have felt extremely anxious about you
ever since we have learnt of the actual declaration of war, which has
been so long threatened that we never believed it would ever seriously
take place. Even now it is the prevailing opinion that offensive
measures are not likely to be speedily adopted against this country."
At that moment General
Hull, who had received news of the declaration of war on June 26th, was
preparing to enter Canada. On June 24th the American general wrote, "I
feel a confidence that the force under my command will be superior to
any which can be opposed to it. It now exceeds two thousand rank and
file." On June 30th he reached a village on the broad Miami, and engaged
a small schooner there to take the baggage on to Detroit, while he
continued his march with the troops. On July 4th his army reached the
Huron River, twenty-one miles from Detroit, and the next day encamped at
Springwells, four miles from the town. Here six hundred Michigan militia
joined him. His order from Washington was: "Should the force under your
command be equal to the enterprise, consistent with the safety of your
own post, you will take possession of Maiden, and extend your conquests
as circumstances may justify." Hull did not think himself equal to the
reduction of Fort Maiden. On the 12th he passed over the Detroit River,
and established his headquarters in Colonel Baby's house. Colonel Baby
was then absent attending to his parliamentary duties in York.
One can hardly realize
in these days of rapid communication how difficult it was then to obtain
information of what was happening in different parts of the province, or
to convey orders. Much depended on the individual capacity of those in
charge of distant posts, and a certain latitude had to be allowed them
in carrying out instructions from headquarters. Seven hundred miles from
York and about fifty miles north-east of Michilimackinac was a lonely
outpost on the island of St. Joseph, at the head of Lake Huron. A small
company of the 10th Royal Veteran Battalion was stationed here under the
command of Captain Roberts. On June 26th, from Fort George, General
Brock sent a despatch to that officer, giving him orders to attack
Michilimackinac, the island lying in the strait between Lakes Huron and
Michigan. On the 27th this order was suspended, but on the 28th it was
renewed. On the very day this letter was received, another dated June
25th arrived at Fort Joseph from Sir George Prevost, ordering Captain
Roberts to act only on the defensive. This was rather a puzzling
position for the captain, but he knew well the importance General Brock
attached to the taking of the island, and he resolved to act on the
instructions received in the letter of the 28th. He was confirmed in his
intentions by another letter from General Brock, dated July 4th, in
which he was told to use his discretion either to attack or defend.
On July 16th he
therefore set out with a flotilla of boats and canoes in which were
embarked forty-five officers and men of the 10th Veterans, about one
hundred and eighty Canadian voyageurs under Toussaint Pothier, the agent
of the Hudson's Bay Company, and a goodly number of Indians, the whole
convoyed by a brig, the Caledonia, belonging to the North-West Company.
Under cover of night they approached the white cliffs of Mackinaw. It is
a true Gibraltar of the northern lakes, accessible only on one side, and
had sufficient time been allowed, it could no doubt have been easily
defended. Its garrison consisted of sixty-one officers and men under
command of a Captain Hanks. The expedition had been so cleverly managed
that the enemy were completely taken by surprise, and at dawn of July
17th, the fort, which by the treaty of 1794 had been ceded to the
Americans, once more came under the British flag. It was the first
operation of the war, and a most important one. By it the wavering
tribes of Indians in the North-West were confirmed in their allegiance
to Great Britain, and these proved a very powerful aid in the coming
contest. Military stores of all kinds were found in the fort, also seven
hundred packs of furs, for this was the rendezvous of the traders of the
North-West. The news of this success did not, of course, reach Fort
George until the end of the month, while it was August 3rd when the
paroled men from Mackinaw reached Detroit and bore the first news of the
disaster to General Hull.
From Fort George, early
in July, General Brock wrote to the commander-in-chief that the militia
were improving in discipline, but showed a degree of impatience under
restraint. "So great was the clamour," he says, "to return and attend to
their farms, that I found myself in some measure compelled to sanction
the departure of a large proportion, and I am not without my
apprehension that the remainder will, in defiance of the law which only
imposes a fine of twenty dollars, leave the service the moment the
harvest begins."
The general, however,
knew how to deal with his homespun warriors, and instead of blaming the
men his general order of July 4th gave them the word of praise they
needed. He also gave them the word of sympathy that showed them he
realized how hard it was for them to leave their homes and their
un-gathered harvests, and spend their days and nights in tedious drill
and outpost duty, without tents, without blankets, some even without
shoes, which at that time could scarcely be provided in the country. His
order ran as follows: "Major-General Brock has witnessed with the
highest satisfaction the orderly and regular conduct of such of the
militia as have been called into actual service, and their ardent desire
to acquire military instruction. He is sensible that they are exposed to
great privations, and every effort will be immediately made to supply
their most pressing wants, but such are the circumstances of the country
that it is absolutely necessary that every inhabitant should have
recourse to his own means to furnish himself with blankets and other
necessaries. The major-general calls the serious attention of every
militiaman to the efforts being made by the enemy to destroy and lay
waste this flourishing country. They must be sensible of the great stake
they have to contend for, and will by their conduct convince the enemy
that they are not desirous of bowing their necks to a foreign yoke. The
major-general is determined to devote his best energies to the defence
of the country, and has no doubt that, supported by the zeal, activity
and determination of the loyal inhabitants of this province, he will
successfully repel every hostile attack, and preserve to them inviolate
all that they hold dear. From the experience of the past the
major-general is convinced that should it be necessary to call forth a
further proportion of the militia to aid their fellow-subjects in
defence of the province, they will come forward with equal alacrity to
share the danger and the honour." Thus he took the rough metal at his
hand, and out of it forged a weapon of strength that did good service
through three years of trial.
The position of affairs
in Upper Canada in the early part of July was extremely unpromising.
About four thousand American troops under the command of
Brigadier-General Wadsworth were on the Niagara frontier between Black
Rock and Fort Niagara, with headquarters at Lewiston, directly opposite
Queenston. A report had come to General Brock of the bombardment of
Sandwich (which was not true), but a further report came of its
occupation by the American general. President Madison announced in his
address to congress that General Hull had passed into Canada with a
prospect of easy and victorious progress. From Sandwich Hull issued a
proclamation to the people of Canada, offering the alternatives of "
peace, hberty and security, or war, slavery and destruction." Colonel
St. George, who commanded the Canadian militia on the Detroit frontier,
reported to General Brock that they had behaved badly and that many of
them had joined the invading army. There is no doubt that on that
western peninsula there were many American settlers, bound by no tie of
patriotism to Canada, whose sympathies were entirely with the United
States. A very different feeling prevailed in that part of the country
which had been mainly settled by Loyalists after the American
revolution, and also where General Brock was personally known and where
his influence extended. He wrote to Sir George his impressions about the
loyalty of the population of Upper Canada, and said that although a
great number were sincere in their desire to defend the country, there
were many others who were indifferent, or so completely American as to
rejoice in the prospect of a change of government.
Another disquieting
report came at this time of the feeling among the Indians on the Grand
River. They had heard of General Hull's successful entry into the
country, his emissaries were already among them, and they had decided to
remain neutral.
The American press was
now full of boastful predictions of the early fall of Canada. Dr.
Eustis, the American secretary of war, said: " We can take the Canadas
without soldiers, we have only to send officers into the province, and
the people, disaffected towards their own government, will rally round
our standard." Henry Clay said: "It is absurd to suppose we shall not
succeed in our enterprise against the enemy's provinces. We have the
Canadas as much under our command as Great Britain has the ocean; and
the way to conquer her on the ocean is to drive her from the land. I am
not for stopping at Quebec or anywhere else, but I would take the
continent from them. I wish never to see a peace till we do."
In the face of all this
assertion, and with a knowledge that a handful of regulars and a few
thousand undisciplined militia were all that he had to drive the
invaders back, it was hard for the general in command to keep a
confident air, and to prevent the people dependent on him from giving up
in despair. To Sir George Prevost Brock wrote: "It is scarcely possible
that the government of the United States will be so inactive or supine
as to permit the present limited (British) force to remain in possession
of the country. Whatever can be done to preserve it, or to delay its
fall, your Excellency may rest assured will be done." "I talk loud and
look big," he laughingly says in a letter to Colonel Baynes.
General Brock lost no
time in sending Colonel Procter to Amherstburg, where he was expected to
arrive on July. 21st. Of that officer he says: "I have great dependence
on his decision, but fear he will arrive too late to be of much
service." The letter, which was to the commander-in-chief, continues:
"The position which Colonel St. George occupies is very good, and
infinitely more formidable than Fort Maiden itself. Should he be
compelled to retire I know of no other alternative for him than
embarking in the king's vessels and proceeding to Fort Erie. Your
Excellency will readily perceive the critical situation in which the
reduction of Amherstburg will place me. I shall endeavour to exert
myself to the utmost to overcome every difficulty. I now express my
apprehensions on a supposition that the slender means your Excellency
possesses will not admit of diminution, consequently, that I need not
look for reinforcements. The enemy seem more inclined to work on the
flanks, aware that if he succeeds every other part must soon submit."
Just before the news
came of General Hull's occupation of Sandwich, Sir George had written to
Brock, still counselling forbearance. He said: " While the states are
not united themselves as to the war, it would be unwise to commit any
act which might unite them. Notwithstanding these observations, I have
to assure you of my perfect confidence in your measures for the
preservation of Upper Canada. All your wants shall be supplied as fast
as possible, except money, of which I have none."
Parliament was now
sitting at Quebec, and Sir George Prevost was obliged to be at that
place, while General de Rottenburg remained in Montreal. A small
reinforcement of troops had arrived in Canada, consisting of the 103rd
Regiment, a weak battalion of Royal Scots, and some recruits for the
100th. The arrival of the 103rd allowed the remainder of the 49th to
proceed to Upper Canada. "Oh, for another regiment," Brock sighed. The
naval force available in Upper Canada was a small squadron on Lake
Ontario, consisting of the Royal George of twenty-four guns, the brig
Moira sixteen guns, the Prince Regent, which had just been built and
equipped at York, and two other small schooners. On Lake Erie the Queen
Charlotte was at Fort Maiden, and the sloop of war Hunter had been sent
to the straits of Mackinaw.
General Hull's boastful
proclamation from Sandwich had not been received with the enthusiasm he
had expected from the population of Upper Canada. A counter appeal had
been issued from Fort George by General Brock, ending in these words:
"Beholding, as we do, the flame of patriotism burning from one end of
the Canadas to the other, we cannot but entertain the most pleasing
anticipations. Our enemies have indeed said that they can subdue the
country by a proclamation, but it is our part to prove to them that they
are sadly mistaken; that the population is determinedly hostile, and
that the few who might be otherwise inclined will find it to their
safety to be faithful."
It was well to be
cheerful and confident in the face of the difficulties that surrounded
him, and this spirit was shared by his followers. Once more he writes to
the commander-in-chief: "The alacrity and good temper displayed when the
militia marched to the frontier has infused in the minds of the enemy a
very different sentiment of the disposition of the inhabitants, who he
(the American general) was led to believe would, on the first summons,
declare themselves an American state."
On July 20th news came
of an unexpected success. It will be remembered that General Hull on his
march to Detroit had left his heavy baggage and stores to be conveyed by
a schooner, Cayahoga, from the Miami River to Detroit. The boats of the
Hunter, under the command of Lieutenant Rolette, came across this
schooner and succeeded in capturing it. General Brock wrote at once to
Sir George Prevost to tell him that Colonel St. George had reported the
capture and had sent him some interesting documents found on board. From
the correspondence taken he judged the force at Detroit to consist of
about two thousand men. It was reported also that the enemy were making
numerous and extensive inroads from Sandwich up the river Thames. He had
therefore sent Captain Chambers with about fifty of the 41st to the
Moravian town, where he had directed two hundred militia to join him. He
was most anxious to set off himself for Amherstburg, but was obliged to
wait for the meeting of the legislature, which was summoned for July
As to making an attack
on Fort Niagara, which had been suggested, General Brock did not think
it was of immediate consequence. He writes: "It can be demolished when
found necessary in half an hour." His guns were in position and he
considered his front to be perfectly safe. In the meantime he was
devoting himself to the training of the militia, to enable them to
acquire some degree of discipline.
On July 22nd from Fort
George, General Brock issued another proclamation as president of the
province. It ran as follows: "The unprovoked declaration of war by the
United States of America against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland has been followed by the actual invasion of this province, in a
remote frontier of the western district, by a detachment of the armed
forces of the United States. The officer commanding that detachment has
thought proper to invite His Majesty's subjects not only to a quiet and
unresisting submission, but insults them with a call to seek voluntarily
the protection of that government.
"Where is the Canadian
subject who can truly affirm to himself that he has been injured by the
government of Great Britain in his person, his liberty or his property?
"Where is to be found in any part of the world a growth so rapid in
wealth and prosperity as this colony exhibits, settled not thirty years
ago by a band of veterans exiled from their former possessions on
account of their loyalty? Not a descendant of these brave people is to
be found who under the fostering liberality of their sovereign has not
acquired a property and means of enjoyment superior to what were
possessed by his ancestors. This unequalled prosperity could not have
been attained by the utmost liberality of the government or the
persevering industry of the people, had not the maritime power of the
mother country secured for its colonists a safe access to every market
where the produce of their labour was in demand.
"The unavoidable and
immediate consequence of a separation from Great Britain must be the
loss of this inestimable advantage. What is offered you in exchange? To
become a territory of the United States and share with them that
exclusion from the ocean which the policy of their present government
enforces. You are not even flattered with a prospect of participation in
their boasted independence, and it is but too obvious that once excluded
from the powerful protection of the United Kingdom, you must be
re-annexed to the Dominion of France, from which the provinces of Canada
were wrested by Great Britain, at a vast expense of blood and treasure,
from no other motive than to relieve her ungrateful children from the
oppression of a cruel neighbour. This restitution to the empire of
France was the stipulated reward for the aid afforded to the revolted
colonies, now the United States. The debt is still due and there can be
no doubt the pledge has been renewed as a consideration for commercial
advantages, or rather, as an expected relaxation in the tyranny of
France over the commercial world. Are you prepared, inhabitants of Upper
Canada, to become willing subjects, or rather, slaves to the despot who
rules Europe with a rod of iron? If not, arise in a body, exert your
energies to cooperate cordially with the king's regular forces to repel
the invader, and do not give cause to your children, when groaning under
the oppression of a foreign master, to reproach you with having too
easily parted with the richest inheritance on earth—a participation in
the name, character and freedom of Britain.
"Let no man suppose
that if in this unexpected struggle His Majesty's arms should be
compelled to yield to an overwhelming force, the province will be
abandoned. The endeared relation of its first settlers, the intrinsic
value of its commerce, and the pretensions of its powerful rival to
repossess the Canadas, are pledges that no peace will be established
between the United States and Great Britain of which the restoration of
these provinces does not make the most prominent condition."
On July 27th General
Brock returned to York, where, attended by a numerous suite, he opened
the extra session of the legislature. His speech on that occasion rings
like a trumpet note: "Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, we are engaged
in an awful and eventful contest. By unanimity and despatch in our
councils, and vigour in our operations we may teach the enemy this
lesson, that a country defended by free men enthusiastically devoted to
the cause of their king and constitution, can never be conquered!" |