THE garrison at
Amherstburg consisted of a subaltern detachment of the Royal Artillery,
three hundred men of the 41st, and about the same number of militia.
Captain Chambers, with fifty men of the 41st, had been sent to the
Moravian town on the river Thames for the purpose of collecting the
militia and Indians there, and advancing on the left flank of the enemy.
Forty more had been sent to Long Point to collect the militia in that
neighbourhood. Sixty of the 41st had just arrived with Colonel Procter
at Amherstburg. General Hull, after issuing his futile proclamation,
seems to have remained closely in his quarters at Sandwich, evidently
afraid to venture too far from Fort Detroit. He had not met with the
encouragement he expected from the settlers of Essex and Kent. Although
some malcontents had joined his standard, the majority of the
inhabitants had remained firm in their allegiance to Great Britain. An
advance upon Fort Maiden (Amherstburg) had been expected, but three
detachments of Americans on three successive days had been foiled in
their attempt to cross the river Canard, scarcely four miles from that
place. On July 22nd General Hull wrote to Washington: ^If Maiden were in
our possession, I could march the army to Niagara or York in a very
short time." Sir George Prevost on the 27th of the same month had
written to Brock: "The possession of Maiden, which I consider means
Amherstburg, appears a favourable object with the government of the
United States. I sincerely hope you will disappoint them."
The fort of Amherstburg
could not, from the description given of it, have sustained a siege.
"Quadrangle in form, four bastions alone flanked a dry ditch, offering
little obstacle to a determined enemy. This passed, there was but a
single line of picketing, perforated with loopholes for musketry, and
supported by a slight breastwork. All the buildings within were of wood,
covered with pine shingles of extreme thinness." Colonel St. George, who
was in command there, well knew the disadvantage of awaiting the enemy
in this position, and sallied out with his small garrison to guard the
approaches to the river Canard. In one of the slight skirmishes that
occurred between his troops and an advance body of American cavalry and
infantry, the first blood was shed in the war of 1812. It was that of a
private of the 41st, named Hancock, who was killed when defending a
bridge, while his companion Dean was carried off a prisoner to Detroit.
Their determined
resistance gave time for a reinforcement of Indians led by Tecumseh to
arrive, whose appearance and wild shouts carried such a panic among the
Americans that they retired in disorder. This was Tecumseh's first
exploit as an ally. As soon as Colonel Procter arrived he sent the chief
with a band of Indians and a detachment of the 41st under Major Muir
across the river to Brownstown, a place about twenty-five miles south of
Detroit, and nearly opposite Amherstburg. The object of the expedition
was to intercept a body of the enemy, which was marching from Detroit as
an escort for the mail, and also to meet and convoy a supply of
provisions from the river Raisin. The American troops consisted of about
two hundred Ohio volunteers, under Major Van Home. Tecumseh with about
twenty-five Indians, learning from their scouts the route the Americans
had taken, formed an ambuscade three miles from Brownstown and lined the
thick woods on either side of the road. When Van Home with the mounted
riflemen enemy under Brigadier-General Hull have been repulsed in three
attacks made on the 18th, 19th and 20th of last month upon part of the
garrison of Amherstburg, on the river Canard, in which attacks His
Majesty's 41st Regiment have particularly distinguished themselves. In
justice to that corps, Hi Excellency wishes particularly to call the
attention of the troops to the heroism and self-devotion displayed by
two privates, who being left as sentinels when the party to which they
belonged had retired, contrived to maintain their station against the
whole of the enemy's force, until they both fell, when one of them,
whose arm had been broken, again raising himself, opposed with his
bayonet those advancing against him until overwhelmed by numbers. The
Indians opened a deadly fire, killing twenty of the number, including
five officers, and wounding as many more. The Americans sought safety in
flight, and the despatches and correspondence from Detroit fell into the
hands of Tecumseh, who lost only one man in the encounter. The provision
train, with cattle and other supplies for Detroit, in charge of Captain
Brush, was also intercepted by the Indians. This was most discouraging
for General Hull, who received all his provisions and supplies from Ohio
by the rivers Raisin and Miami. News of the reverse followed quickly on
the news of the loss of Michilimackinac, which Hull said let loose the
northern hive of Indians on his frontier. So discouraged was he that on
August 7th and 8th he abandoned Sandwich in order to concentrate his
forces at Detroit.
He then sent a
detachment of six hundred men with some artillery to dislodge the
British from Brownstown. These met at Maguaga, fourteen miles below
Detroit, a company of the 41st under Major Muir, with about sixty
militia and two hundred Indians. A sharp engagement ensued, in which the
Americans were successful, and the British had to retire to their boats.
Major Richardson, who was present as a subaltern on this occasion, has
given a detailed account of this skirmish, to which the Americans seem
to attach undue importance. He says:—
"On the morning of
Sunday, the 9th, the wild and distant cry of our Indian scouts gave us
to understand that the enemy were advancing. In the course of ten
minutes the Indians appeared issuing from the wood, bounding like wild
deer chased by the huntsman, and uttering that peculiar shout which is
known among themselves as the 'news cry.' From them we ascertained that
a strong column of the enemy, cavalry and infantry, were on their march
to attack us, but that the difficulty of transporting their guns
rendered it improbable that they could reach our position before night,
although then only at a distance of eight miles. It being instantly
decided on to meet them, the detachment was speedily under arms and on
its march for Maguaga, a small Indian village distant about a league.
Having taken up a position about a quarter of a mile beyond Maguaga, our
dispositions of defence were speedily made, the rustling of the leaves
alone breaking on the silence which reigned throughout our line.
Following the example of the Indians, we lay reclined on the ground, in
order to avoid being perceived until within a few yards of the enemy.
While awaiting in this manner the approach of the column, our little
force was increased by the arrival of Lieutenant Bullock of the 41st
Grenadiers, who, with a small detachment of twenty men of his own
company, twenty Light Infantry, and twenty Battalion men, had been urged
forward by General Brock from the headquarters of the regiment then
stationed at Fort George, for the purpose of reinforcing the little
garrison of Amherstburg, and who, having reached their destination the
preceding day, had been despatched by Colonel Procter to strengthen us.
Shortly the report of a single shot echoed through the wood, and the
instant afterwards the loud and terrific yells of the Indians, followed
by a heavy and desultory fire, apprised us that they were engaged. The
action then became general along our line, and continued for half an
hour without producing any material advantage, when, unluckily, a body
of Indians that had been detached to a small wood about five hundred
yards distant from our right, were taken by the troops for a corps of
the enemy endeavouring to turn their flank. In vain we called out to
them that they were our Indians. The fire which should have been
reserved for their foes was turned upon their friends, who, falling into
the same error, returned it with equal spirit. The fact was, they had
been compelled to retire before a superior force, and the movement made
by them had given rise to the error. Closely pressed in front by an
almost invisible foe, and on the point of being taken in the rear as was
falsely imagined, the troops were at length compelled to yield to
circumstance and number.
"Although our retreat
in consequence of this unfortunate misapprehension, commenced in some
disorder, this was soon restored, when Major Muir, who had been wounded
early in the engagement, succeeded in rallying his men and forming them
on 240 the brow of a hill which commanded a short and narrow bridge
intersecting the high road and crossing a morass, over which the enemy's
guns must necessarily pass. This was about a quarter of a mile in the
rear of the position we had previously occupied. Here we remained at
least fifteen minutes, when, finding that the Americans did not make
their appearance as expected, Major Muir, whose communication with
Tecumseh had been cut off, and who heard some smart firing in the woods
beyond his left, naturally inferred that the enemy were pushing the
Indians in that quarter with a view of turning his flank, gaining the
high road in our rear, and thus cutting off our retreat. The order was
then given to retire, which we certainly did at the double quick,
without being followed by the enemy, who suffered us to gain our boats
without further molestation. . . .
"In this skirmish we
had first an opportunity of perceiving the extreme disadvantage of
opposing regular troops to the enemy in the woods. Accustomed to the use
of the rifle from his infancy, dwelling in a measure amid forests with
the intricacies of which he is wholly acquainted, and possessing the
advantage of a dress which renders him almost undistinguishable to the
eye of a European, the American marksman enters with comparative
security into a contest with the English soldier, whose glaring
habiliment and accoutrements are objects too conspicuous to be missed,
while his utter ignorance of a mode of warfare in which courage and
discipline are of no avail, renders the struggle for mastery even more
unequal.' The principal armies to which the Right Division was opposed
during the war consisted not of regular and well disciplined troops, but
levies of men taken from the forests of Ohio and Kentucky, scarcely
inferior as riflemen to the Indians. Dressed in woollen frocks of a gray
colour, and trained to cover their bodies behind the trees from which
they fired, without exposing more of their persons than was absolutely
necessary for their aim, they afforded us on more than one occasion the
most convincing proofs that without the assistance of the Indian
warriors the defence of so great a portion of western Canada as was
entrusted to the charge of the numerically feeble Right Division would
have proved a duty of great difficulty and doubt."
In this engagement at
Maguaga, the American forces consisted, according to their own report,
of the 4th United States Infantry, except one company left at Sandwich,
a small detachment of the 1st Infantry, and some artillerymen, in all
about three hundred regulars, and sixty men of the Michigan Militia,
forty Dragoons, and three hundred riflemen of the Ohio Volunteers. The
British force was about a hundred men of the 41st Regiment, the
reinforcement of sixty men of the Grenadier Company under Lieutenant
Bullock, and a few militia—Richardson says forty or fifty. The number of
Indians is variously stated. It was probably about two hundred, although
in the American account they give the number as four hundred and fifty.1
As an offset to the reverse of Maguaga, Lieutenant Rolette, on August
10th, with boats from the Queen Charlotte and Hunter, had attacked and
captured a convoy of eleven bateaux on their way from Maguaga to
Detroit, having on board fifty wounded men from Brownstown, some
prisoners, and a quantity of provisions and baggage.
The news of the capture
of Michilimackinac was the means of largely augmenting Tecumseh's
forces, for as soon as he heard of its downfall he despatched runners to
all his associate tribes, bidding them assemble at Fort Maiden
immediately, and telling them that the Americans, by not marching on
Maiden and by the easy discomfiture of several detachments, had shown
they would not fight; that the braves should come forward with all speed
so as to participate in the capture of the army and share in the
plunder, which would be great. His appeal was promptly responded to, and
by August 15th seven hundred warriors had joined him.