ON March 6th, 1834, the
town of York had its limits extended, and became an incorporated city
under the name of Toronto. On March 15th, a proclamation was issued
calling an election of aldermen and common councilmen for the
twenty-seventh of that month. The Reformers resolved to profit by the
circumstances; and, having carried the elections, they selected
Mackenzie for mayor, the first mayor not only of Toronto but in the
province. The event was looked upon as possessing some political
significance, for Toronto was the seat of government and the
headquarters of the Family Compact; and, as the sequel proved, it was
prophetic of the result of the next parliamentary election in the city.
Mackenzie gave his time
gratuitously to the interests of the city, and discharged the duties of
mayor with the same vigour that he carried into everything he undertook.
The whole machinery of municipal government had to be constructed and
set in motion. The city finances were in a condition that much increased
the difficulty of the task. The value of all the ratable property in the
city was only £121,519, and there was a debt of £9,240. To meet the
demands on the city treasury, it was necessary to levy a rate of three
pence currency on the pound. This was regarded as a monstrous piece of
fiscal oppression, almost sufficient to justify a small rebellion.
The arms of the city of
Toronto, with the motto, "Industry, Intelligence, Integrity," were
designed by Mackenzie.
During the term of
Mackenzie's mayoralty, cholera revisited the city, and swept away every
twentieth inhabitant. Throughout the whole course of the plague, the
mayor was at the post of duty and of danger. He sought out the helpless
victims of the disease and administered to their wants. He was constant
in his attendance at the cholera hospital. In the height of the panic
occasioned by this terrible scourge, when nobody else could be induced
to take the cholera patients to the hospital, he visited the abodes of
the victims, and, placing them in the cholera cart with whatever
assistance he could get from the families of the plague-stricken, drove
them to the hospital. On some days he made several visits of this kind
to the pest-house. Day and night he gave himself no rest. At length,
worn out by fatigue, the disease, from which he had done so much to save
others, overtook him. The attack was not of an aggravated nature; and he
was fortunate in securing the timely assistance of Dr. Widmer, for
medical men were difficult to obtain.
The mayor was also
assiduous in his attendance at the police court, where he constantly sat
to decide the cases for adjudication. At the mayor's court, too, he
presided. Here he had the assistance of juries. His magisterial
decisions gave general satisfaction; but he was much censured for
putting into the stocks an abandoned creature who had frequently been
sent to gaol without any beneficial effect, and who was, on this
occasion, excessively abusive to the court. Before the close of his
mayoralty, Mackenzie issued a circular stating his determination to
decline to come forward again for the city council •, but when his
friends complained that he had no right to desert the Reform cause, he,
at the eleventh hour, permitted his name to be used by the parties who
had insisted on nominating him for re-election. The Reformers—for the
election was made a party question—were defeated, Mackenzie being
rejected on a national cry raised by the friends of R. B. Sullivan,
afterwards a member of the bench. On January 5th, 1835, Mackenzie
received the unanimous thanks of a public meeting, "for the faithful
discharge of his arduous duties during the period of his office."
On December 9th, 1834,
the "Canadian Alliance Society" was formed at York. James Lesslie was
president, and Mackenzie corresponding secretary. In the declaration of
objects, based upon resolutions drawn up and submitted by Mackenzie, for
the attainment of which the society was formed, there were eighteen
subjects of legislation, fourteen of which were subsequently adopted.1
In most cases these questions were disposed of in the manner recommended
by the Alliance, and in others the deviation therefrom was more or less
marked. The objects of the society were denounced by the partisans of
the government as revolutionary. Their tendency was certainly
democratic; and the carrying out of many of the objects of the Alliance
proved how steadily public opinion advanced in that direction.
On his return from
England, Mackenzie had announced his intention of giving up the
publication of a newspaper. His journal had been carried on by Randall
Wickson in his absence. He said he would issue one or two irregular
papers, and then stop the publication. He had commenced when Reform was
less fashionable, and now there were other Liberal journals, so that his
own could be better spared. But the few fugitive sheets counted up to
forty-eight after the announcement was made and before November 4th,
1834, when the last number of the Colonial Advocate was published.
When he commenced the
arduous, and in those days perilous, task of a Reform journalist,
Mackenzie had no enemies among the official party. Setting out with Whig
principles, he was driven by the course of events into the advocacy of
radical reform. "I entered," he says, "the lists of opposition to the
executive because I believed the system of government to be wretchedly
bad, and was uninfluenced by any private feeling, or ill-will, or anger,
towards any human being whatever." He threw away much of the profits of
his business by circulating, at his own expense, an immense number of
political documents intended to bring about an amelioration of the
wretched system of government then in existence. "Gain," he truly says,
"was with me a matter of comparatively small moment nor do I regret my
determination to risk all in the cause of Reform; I would do it again."
He did afterwards risk all on the issue of revolution, and lost the
game. In 1834, he thought he had done with the press forever. The
Advocate was incorporated with the Correspondent, a paper published by
Dr. O'Grady, a Roman Catholic priest, under the name of the
Correspondent and Advocate; and Mackenzie expressed a wish that no one
would withhold subscriptions from any other paper in the expectation
that he would ever again connect himself with the press.
In making an estimate
of Mackenzie as a journalist, it may be said that his writings show an
uneven temper; but taking them in the mass, and considering the abuses
he had to assail, and the virulence of opposition he met—foul slanders,
personal abuse, and even attempted assassination —we have reason to be
surprised at the moderation of his tone. In mere personal invective he
never dealt. He built all his opposition on hard facts, collected with
industry and subject to the usual amount of error in the narration.
Latterly, he had entirely abandoned the practice of replying to the
abusive tirades of business competitors or political opponents. He
generally wrote in the first person; and his productions sometimes took
the shape of letters to important political personages. His articles
were of every possible length, from the terse, compact paragraph to a
full newspaper page. On whatever objects exerted, his industry was
untiring; and the unceasing labours of the pen, consuming nights as well
as days, prematurely wore out a naturally durable frame. Though
possessed of a rich fund of humour, his work was too earnest and too
serious to admit of his drawing largely upon it as a journalist.
Whatever he did, he did with an honest intention; and, though freedom
from errors cannot be claimed for him, 260 it may truly be said that his
very faults were the results of generous impulses acted upon with
insufficient reflection.
A general election took
place in October, 1834. Mackenzie was elected to the assembly by the
second riding of York, this being the first election since the division
of the county into four ridings. His opponent, Edward Thomson, obtained
one hundred and seventy-eight votes against three hundred and
thirty-four, and in addition to the personal success of Mackenzie, the
party with whom he acted secured a majority in the new House. Bidwell
was elected Speaker for the second time. The new House met on January
15th, 1835. On the first vote, the government was left in a minority on
a vote of thirty-one against twenty-seven. The solicitor-general branded
Bidwell, the new Speaker, as a disloyal man who "wished to overturn the
government and institutions of the country."
The letters of Hume to
Mackenzie had been denounced by the official party as rank treason.
Referring to this circumstance, the address in reply to the governor's
speech expressed satisfaction that "His Majesty has received, through
your Excellency, from the people of this province, fresh proofs of their
devoted loyalty, and of their sincere and earnest desire to maintain and
perpetuate the connection with the great empire of which they form so
important a part;" proofs which would "serve to correct any
misrepresentations intended to impress His Majesty with the belief that
those who desire the reform of many public abuses in the province are
not well affected towards His Majesty's person and government." It also
deprecated the spirit in which honest differences of opinion had been
treated by persons in office, who, on that account, had impeached the
loyalty, integrity, and patriotism of their opponents, as calculated "to
alienate the affections of His Majesty's loyal people and render them
dissatisfied with the administration." "But," the address concluded,
"should the government be administered agreeably to the intent, meaning,
and spirit of our glorious constitution, the just wishes and
constitutional rights of the people duly respected, the honours and
patronage of His Majesty indiscriminately bestowed on persons of worth
and talent, who enjoy the confidence of the people without regard to
their political or religious opinions, and your Excellency's councils
filled with moderate, wise, and discreet individuals, who are understood
to respect, and to be influenced by, the public voice, we have not the
slightest apprehension that the connection between this province and the
parent state may long continue to exist, and be a blessing mutually
advantageous to both."
A majority of the House
rejected an amendment indirectly censuring Hume's " baneful domination"
letter.1 That gentleman had, in explanation of his letter, accepted an
interpretation put upon it by Dr. Morrison," That Mr. Hume justly
regards such conduct [the repeated expulsions of Mr. Mackenzie from the
House] on the part of the legislature, countenanced as it was by the
Crown officers and other executive functionaries in the assembly, and
unredressed by the royal prerogative, as evidence of baneful and
tyrannical domination, in which conduct it is both painful and injurious
to find the provincial officials systematically upheld by the minister
at home against the people."
In the early part of
the session, January 26th, 1835, Mackenzie moved for and obtained the
celebrated select committee on grievences, whose report, Lord Glenelg
stated, was carefully examined by the king, was replied to at great
length by the colonial minister, and was taken by Sir Francis Bond
Head—so he said—for his guide, but was certainly not followed by him.
As we approach the
threshold of an armed insurrection, it is necessary to obtain from those
engaged in it their view of the grievances which existed. For this
purpose an analysis of the famous "Seventh Report of the Committee on
Grievances" will be necessary. Before, doing so, however, let us notice
briefly the affairs of the Welland Canal, in which Mackenzie
successfully intervened in the public interest.
The canal era preceded
that of railroads. In 1824, not a single effort of a practical nature
had been made to improve the inland navigation of the province. In 1830,
the Rideau had been completed. A vessel of eighty-four tons burthen had,
in the previous November, passed through the Welland. The Burlington and
the Desjardins Canals were far advanced towards completion. Mackenzie,
who had been a warm advocate of internal improvements, obtained a
committee, in the session of 1830, to inquire into the management and
expenditure of the Welland Canal Company. The whole thing had so much
the appearance of a financial juggle—the original estimates of £15,000
to £23,000 having been followed by an expenditure of over £273,000—that
curiosity must have been much excited to know by what legerdemain the
different steps in the financial scheme had succeeded one another.
On March 6th, 1835,
Mackenzie was appointed by the House of Assembly director of the Welland
Canal Company, in respect of the stock owned by the province. He entered
into a searching investigation; and if he showed a somewhat too eager
anxiety to discover faults, and made some charges against the officers
and managers of the company that might be deemed frivolous, he also made
startling disclosures of worse than mismanagement. With the impatience
of an enthusiast, he published his discoveries before the time came for
making his official report, sending them forth in a newspaper-looking
sheet entitled The Welland Canal, three numbers of which were printed. A
libel suit, in which he was cast in damages to the amount of two
shillings, resulted from this publication ; and Mr. Merritt, president
of the company, in the ensuing session of the legislature, moved for a
committee to investigate the charge brought against directors and
officers of this company. It was a bold stroke on the part of the
president; but, unfortunately for the canal management, the committee
attested the discovery of large defalcations on the part of the
company's officers. Accounts sworn to by the secretary of the company,
and laid before the legislature, were proved to be incorrect. Large
sums—one amount was $2,500—of the company's money had been borrowed by
its own officers without the authority of the board. Improvident
contracts were shamefully performed. The president, directors, and
agents of the company leased water powers to themselves. The company
sold, on a credit of ten years, over fifteen thousand acres of land,
together with water privileges, for £25,000, to Alexander McDonnell, in
trust for an alien of the name of Yates, and allowed him to keep two
hundred acres, forming the town plots of Port Colborne and Allanburg. A
quarter acre sold at the latter place for $100. The company repurchased
the remainder, for which the company's bonds for £17,000 were given to
Yates, though all they had received from him was eighteen months
interest, the greater part of which he had got back in bonuses and
alleged damages said to have arisen from the absence of water power. If
such a transaction were to occur in private life, the committee averred,
it "would not only be deemed ruinous, but the result of insanity."
George Keefer, while a director, became connected more true or false
ones. I am persuaded it is impossible for an accountant who desires to
arrive at the truth to investigate them with any satisfaction,
particularly as the vouchers are of such a character as to be of little
or no service.....It has been clearly proved that large sums of money
have been lost to the company, and, of course, to the province, which,
if the present directors do their duty, can, in great part, be
recovered; yet you, the person who has discovered these losses, and,
what is still better, has exposed the system, have been abused in the
most virulent manner from one end of the province to the other, and have
not obtained the slightest remuneration for your services."
The difference between
Mackenzie and the committee of the House was this: he suspected the
worst in every case of unfavourable appearances; they were willing to
make many allowances for irregularities where positive fraud could not
be proved. The committee carried their leniency further than they were
warranted by the facts. In the same sentence in which they acquitted the
directors of any intentional abuse of the powers vested in them, they
confessed themselves unable to explain the Phelps transaction.
But to return to the
"Seventh Report of the Committee on Grievances." In order to understand
what were, at this time, the subjects of complaint by the popular party
in Upper Canada, the contents of this report must be examined. And to
discover the spirit in which these complaints were met in England, the
reply of Lord Glenelg, then secretary of state for the colonies, must be
consulted. We are not entitled to pass over, as of no interest, the
complaints as to these grievances which proved to be the seeds of
insurrection, and the prompt response to which would have prevented the
catastrophe that followed in less than three years after.
Sir John Colborne had
admitted in a despatch to Sir George Murray, February 16th, 1829, that,
" composed as the legislative council is at present, the province had a
right to complain of the great influence of the executive government in
it." In 1829, it comprised seventeen members, exclusive of the Bishop of
Quebec, not more than fifteen of whom ever attended; and, of these, six
were members of the executive council, and four more held offices under
the government. It was no easy 268 matter, in the then state of the
province, to find persons qualified to fill the situation of legislative
councillor, and that circumstance had doubtless something to do in
determining its character. In 1834 the council contained an additional
member, Bishop McDonnell; but he drew an annual salary from the
government, and did not therefore, by his presence, tend to increase its
independence of the executive. While Sir John Colborne professed to be
desirous of seeing the legislative council rendered less dependent upon
the Crown, it was in evidence that the executive was in the habit of
coercing the members whom it could control. Instances of remarkably
sudden changes of opinion, effected by this means, were given. A
disseverance of judicial and legislative functions had been frequently
asked by the assembly; but the chief justice still continued Speaker of
the legislative council.
To the select committee
on grievances was referred a number of documents, including the
celebrated despatch of Lord Goderich, and the accompanying documents
prepared by Mackenzie while in England, the reply of the
lieutenant-governor to an address of the assembly for information
regarding the dismissal of the Crown officers, the re-appointment of one
of them, and the selection of Jameson as attorney-general, together with
petitions, viceregal messages, and other documents. The committee
examined witnesses as well as documents, and their report, with
documents and evidence, makes a thick octavo volume.
"The almost unlimited
extent of the patronage of the Crown, or rather of the colonial minister
for the time being," the report declared, was the chief source of
colonial discontent. " Such," it added, 1 is the patronage of the
colonial office, that the granting or withholding of supplies is of 110
political importance, unless as an indication of the opinion of the
country concerning the character of the government/' Mr. Stanley, while
in communication with Dr. Baldwin as chairman of a public meeting in
York some years before, had pointed to the constitutional remedies of
"addressing for the removal of the advisers of the Crown, and refusing
supplies." The former remedy had been twice tried, but without producing
any good effect, and almost without eliciting a civil reply. The second
was hereafter to be resorted to. When the province first came under the
dominion of the British Crown, certain taxes were imposed by imperial
statute for the support of the local government. In time, as the House
of Assembly acquired some importance and had attracted some able men,
the control of these revenues became an object of jealousy and desire.
Before there had been any serious agitation on the subject in Upper
Canada, these revenues were surrendered in exchange for a permanent
civil list. All opportune moment was chosen for effecting this change.
Neither of the two previous

Houses would have
assented to the arrangement, nor would the present legislature so long
as there were no other constitutional means of bringing the
administration to account than that which might have been obtained by a
control of the purse strings. The granting of a permanent civil list had
looked to the Reformers like throwing away the only means of control
over the administration. Indirectly the executive controlled what was,
properly speaking, the municipal expenditure. Magistrates appointed by
the Crown met in quarter sessions to dispose of the local taxes. The
bench of magistrates in the eastern district had, that very session,
refused to render the House an account of their expenditure. The old
objections to the post-office being under the control of the imperial
government were reiterated. The patronage of the Crown was stated to
cover £50,000 a year, in the shape of salaries and other payments,
exclusive of the Clergy Reserve revenue, the whole of the money being
raised within the province. The £4,472, which had annually come from
England for the Church of England, had been withdrawn in 1834.
Considering the poverty of the province, the scale of salaries was
relatively much higher than at present. Ten persons were in receipt of
$4,000 a year each for their public services.
The mode of treating
the salaries received by the public functionaries, pursued in this
report, is not free from objection. The bare statement that "the Hon.
John H. Dunn has received £11,534 of public money since 1827," proved
nothing; yet the aggregate sum was calculated to create the impression
that there was something wrong about it. Some salaries and fees were
undoubtedly excessive. Mr. Ruttan received in fees, as sheriff of the
Newcastle district, in 1834, £1,040, and in the previous year, £1,180.
Pensions had been pretty freely dispensed out of the Crown revenue.
Under the head of pensions, £30,500 is set down as having been paid to
eleven individuals within eight years ; but the payment to Bishop
McDonnell should hardly have come under that designation. While the
Church of England received the proceeds of the Clergy Reserves, annual
payments were made by the government to several other denominations.
Profuse professions of loyalty sometimes accompanied applications for
such payments; and there seemed to be no shame in confessing something
like an equivalent in political support. The Church of England managed
to get the lion's share; and this naturally brought down on her the envy
and jealousy of other denominations. Of twenty-three thousand nine
hundred and five acres of public lands set apart as glebes, between 1789
and 1833, the Church of England had obtained twenty-two thousand three
hundred and forty-five acres.
It was complained that
much of the money granted for general purposes was very imperfectly
accounted for. "The remedy," said the report, "would be a board of
audit, the proceedings of which should be regulated by a well-considered
statute, under a responsible government." In due time, both these things
came, Mackenzie having been in these, as in numberless other instances,
in advance of the times. Justices of the peace, it was complained, had
been selected almost entirely from one political party. The necessity of
a responsible administration, for any effectual reform of abuse, had
been frequently insisted on by Mackenzie. "One great excellence of the
English constitution," says this report, "consists in the limits it
imposes on the will of a king, by requiring responsible men to give
effect to it. In Upper Canada no such responsibility can exist. The
lieutenant-governor and the British ministry hold in their hands the
whole patronage of the province; they hold the sole dominion of the
country, and leave the representative branch of the legislature
powerless and dependent." English statesmen were far from realizing the
necessity of making the colonial government responsible; and, for some
years after, the official idea continued to be that such a system was
incompatible with colonial dependence. Mr. Stanley had been one of the
few who thought that "something might be done, with great advantage, to
give a really responsible character to the executive council, which at
present is a perfectly anomalous body, hardly recognized by the
constitution, and chiefly effective as a source of patronage." Only a
few years before, Attorney-General Robinson had denied the existence of
a ministry in Upper Canada, and claimed the right to act solely upon his
own individual responsibility in the House, and without reference to any
supposed necessity for agreement with his colleagues. And Lord Goderich
held that the colonial governors were alone responsible. He complained
that the legislative councils had been used " as instruments for
relieving governors from the responsibility they ought to have borne for
the rejection of measures which have been proposed by the other branch
of the legislature, and have not seldom involved them in dissensions
which it would have been more prudent to decline. The effect of the
constitution, therefore," he added, "is too often to induce a collision
between the different branches of the legislature, to exempt the
governor from a due sense of responsibility, and to deprive the
representative body of some of its most useful members." The executive
council had scarcely any recognized duties beyond those which were
merely ministerial. The governor did not feel bound to ask the advice of
his councillors, or to act upon it when given. In appointments to
office, they were, as a rule, not consulted. The giving or withholding
of the royal assent to bills passed by the legislature was a matter
entirely in the hands of the governor. Yet the executive council was
recognized by the Constitutional Act; and cases were specially mentioned
in which the governor was required to act upon their advice. The
governor, coming a stranger to the province, could not act without
advice; and he was lucky if he escaped the toils of some designing
favourite who had access to his presence and could determine his general
course. The habit of sending out military governors, who were wholly
unsuited for civil administration, was in vogue. The only excuse for
pursuing this course was that a lieutenant-governorship was not a
sufficient prize to attract men of first-rate abilities. There was great
diversity of opinion as to the possible success of responsible
government. It had never been tried in any of the old colonies.
Mackenzie, while in England, had endeavoured to convince Lord Goderich
that, with some modifications, it might be made the means of improving
the colonial government. The sum of the whole matter was that the
existing system made the governor responsible, in the absence of
responsible advisers by whom he might have been personally relieved; and
he, in turn, was only too glad to make the legislative council perform
the functions which, on questions of legislation, naturally belonged to
a responsible administration. He had them under his control.
The grievance committee
insisted on the necessity of entire confidence between the executive and
the House of Assembly. "This confidence," it was truly added, "cannot
exist while those who have long and deservedly lost the esteem of the
country are continued in the public offices and councils. Under such a
state of things," it said, "distrust is unavoidable, however much it is
to be deplored as incompatible with the satisfactory discharge of the
public business." The demand for entire confidence between the executive
and the House of Assembly was based upon "the growing condition of this
part of the Empire in population, wealth and commerce." The committee
perhaps meant the inference to be drawn that the necessity for
responsible government had not been perceived in the earlier stages of
colonial existence. From the facts before them, the committee concluded
that the second branch of the legislature had failed to answer the
purpose of its institution, and could "never be made to answer the end
for which it was created," and that "the restoration of legislative
harmony and good government requires its reconstruction on the elective
Although many may think
this an erroneous opinion, it cannot be matter of surprise that it
should have found expression. The legislative council, owing its
creation to the Crown, and its members being appointed for life, found
itself in constant collision with the representative chamber. This
collision created irritation; and the people naturally took the part of
their representatives in the contest. If there had been an executive
council to bear the responsibility that was thrown on this branch of the
legislature, a change of ministry would have obviated the desire for a
change of system. The legislative council would have been modified by
having additions made to its numbers, as was done after the inauguration
of responsible government; and the second chamber, being kept in harmony
with the popular will, would not have been attacked in its constitution.
The opinion that the council ought to be made elective was not confined
to Canada; it had been shared by several English statesmen, including
Sir James Mackintosh, Mr. Stanley, and Mr. Labouchere. Instances were
also adverted toby the committee, in which the members of the local
executive had prevented the good intentions of the imperial government
being carried into effect. Such, in brief, was the famous report of the
committee of grievances.
It elicited from the
secretary of state for the colonies a reply which we must now proceed to
consider. But before the reply came, Lord Glenelg, on October 20th,
1835, conveyed to Canada the assurance that the king, having had the
report before him, " has been pleased to devote as much of his time and
attention as has been compatible with the shortness of the period which
has elapsed since the arrival in this country" of the despatch enclosing
the document.
In the ordinary course
of events, the Upper Canada legislature would have met in November; but
so important was it deemed that the report should be responded to, that
Major-General Colborne was directed to delay the calling of the House
till the ensuing January—a delay of three months. At the same time, an
assurance was conveyed that the House would find, in the promised
communications, "conclusive proof of the desire and fixed purpose of the
king to redress every real grievance, affecting any class of His
Majesty's subjects in Upper Canada, which has been brought to His
Majesty's notice by their representatives in provincial parliament
assembled." A belief was at the same time expressed, that the assembly
"would not propose any measure incompatible with the great fundamental
principles of the constitution," which, in point of fact, had been
systematically violated by the ruling party.
Soon after, in
addressing the assembly, Mackenzie said: "I would impress upon the House
the importance of two things : the necessity of getting control of the
revenue raised in this country, and control over the men sent out here
to govern us, by placing them under the direction of responsible
advisers." The House, about the same time, addressed the governor for
information " in respect to the powers, duties, and responsibilities of
the executive council; how far that body is responsible for the acts of
the executive government; and how far the lieutenant-governor is
authorized by His Majesty to act with or against their advice." The
governor replied that the executive council had no powers but such as
were conferred on it by "the express provisions of British or colonial
statutes," about which the House knew as much as he. However, he
condescended to proceed to particulars. " It was necessary," he said, "
that they should concur with the lieutenant-governor in deciding upon
appli cations for lands, and making regulations relative to the Crown
Lands Department." He admitted that these duties were additional to
those imposed by statute. " It was also," His Excellency proceeded to
state, " the duty of the executive council to afford their advice to the
lieutenant-governor upon all public matters referred to them for their
consideration." He himself, as well as his council, was responsible to
the imperial government and removable at the pleasure of the king.
Where, by statute, the concurrence of the executive council was required
to any Act of the government, it could not be dispensed with, and in
such case the executive council must share the responsibility of the
particular Act But the lieutenant-governor claimed the right to exercise
" his judgment in regard to demanding the assistance and advice of the
executive council, except he is confined to a certain course by the
instructions of His Majesty." The governor thus fairly expressed the
official view of ministerial responsibility, as was afterwards shown by
Sir Francis Bond Head's instructions on his appointment to the
lieutenant-governorship of Upper Canada.
The promised reply of
Lord Glenelg was dated December 15th, 1835. It took the shape of
instructions to Sir Francis Bond Head on his appointment to the
lieutenant-governorship of Upper Canada. The patronage at the disposal
of the Crown, which had been so much complained of, had been swelled by
the practice of confiding to the government or its officers the
prosecution of all offences. But this circumstance was declared by Lord
Glenelg to be no proof of any peculiar avidity on the part of the
executive for the exercise of such power. The transfer of the patronage
to any popular body was objected to as tending to make public officers
virtually irresponsible, and to the destruction of the "discipline and
subordination which connect together, in one unbroken chain, the king
and his representative in the province, down to the lowest functionary
to whom any portion of the powers of the State may be confided." The
selection of public officers, it was laid down, must for the most part
be entrusted to the head of the local government; but there were cases
in which the analogy of English practice would permit a transference of
patronage from the governor to others. Whatever was necessary to ensure
subordination to the head of the government was to be retained;
everything beyond this was at once to be abandoned. Subordinate public
functionaries were to continue to hold their offices at the pleasure of
the Crown. They incurred no danger of dismissal except for misconduct;
and great evils would result from making them independent of their
superior. The new governor was instructed to enter upon a review of the
offices in the gift of the Crown, with a view of ascertaining to what
extent it would be possible to reduce them without impairing the
efficiency of the public service, and to report the result of his
investigation to the colonial secretary. He might make a reduction of
offices either by abolition or consolidation; but any appointment made,
under those circumstances, would be provisional and subject to the final
decision of the imperial government. In case of abolition, the deprived
official was to receive a reasonable compensation. What share of the
patronage of the Crown, or of the local government could be transferred
to other hands, was to be reported. A comparison of claims or personal
qualifications was to be the sole rule for appointments* to office. As a
general rule, no person, not a native or settled resident, was to be
selected for public employment. In case of any peculiar art or science,
of which no local candidate had a competent knowledge, an exception was
to be made. In selecting the officers attached to his own person, the
governor was to be under no restriction. Appointments to all offices of
the value of over £200 a year were to be only provisionally made by the
governor, with a distinct intimation to the persons accepting them that
their confirmation must depend upon the approbation of the imperial
government, which required to be furnished with the grounds and motives
on which each appointment had been made. The hope was expressed that,
unless in an extreme emergency, the House would not carry out the
menaced refusal of supplies.
If these instructions
from the colonial office showed a disposition to treat the colonists
with consideration, it was the sort of consideration which we bestow
upon persons wholly incapable of managing their own affairs.
To any measure of
retrenchment, compatible with the just claims of the public officers and
the efficient performance of the public duties, the king would
cheerfully assent. The assembly might appoint a commission to fix a
scale of public salaries. The pensions already granted and made payable
out of the Crown revenues were held to constitute a debt, to the payment
of which the honour of the king was pledged; and on no consideration
would His Majesty "assent to the violation of any engagement lawfully
and advisedly entered into by himself or any of his royal predecessors."
At the same time, the law might fix, at a reasonable limit, the amount
of future pensions; and to any such measure the governor was instructed
to give the assent of the Crown.
The assembly was
anxious to dispose of the Clergy Reserves, and place the proceeds under
the control of the legislature. The other chamber objected; and Lord
Glenelg urged strong constitutional reasons against the imperial
parliament exercising the interference which the assembly had invoked.
And it must be confessed that, in this respect, the assembly's demand
was not consistent with its general principles or with those contended
for by the popular party. It was easy in this case to put the assembly
in the wrong; and Lord Glenelg made the most of the opportunity. But,
with strange inconsistency, the imperial government in 1840 assumed, at
the dictation of the bishops, a trust which five years before they had
refused to accept at the solicitation of the Canadian assembly, on the
ground of its unconstitutionality. Lord Glenelg admitted that the time
might arrive, if the two branches of the Canadian legislature continued
to disagree on the subject, when the interposition of the imperial
parliament might become necessary; but the time selected for
interference was when the two branches of the local legislature had, for
the first time, come to an agreement and sent to England a bill for the
settlement of the question.
On the question of
King's College and the principles on which it should be conducted, the
two Houses displayed an obstinate difference of opinion, and the
governor was instructed, on behalf of the king, to mediate between them.
The basis of the mediation included a study of theology; and it was
impossible satisfactorily, in a mixed community, to do this with a hope
of giving general satisfaction. This college question having once been
placed under the control of the local legislature, Lord Glenelg could
not recommend its withdrawal at the instance of one of the two Houses.
The suggestion for
establishing a board of audit was concurred in. As a fear had been
expressed that the legislative council would oppose a bill for such a
purpose, the governor was authorized to establish a board of audit
provisionally, till the two Houses could agree upon a law for the 284
regulation of the board. Lord Glenelg objected to the enactment of a
statute requiring that the accounts of the public revenue should be laid
before the legislature at a particular time and by-persons to be named,
since this would confer on them the right to " exercise a control over
all the functions of the executive government," and give them a right to
inspect the records of all public offices to such an extent as would
leave "His Majesty's representative and all other public functionaries
little more than a dependent and subordinate authority." Besides, it was
assumed they would be virtually irresponsible and independent. At the
same time, the governor was to be prepared at all times to give such
information as the House might require respecting the public revenue,
except in some extreme case where a great public interest would be
endangered by compliance.
Rules were even laid
down for the regulation of the personal intercourse of the governor with
the House. He was to receive their addresses with the most studious
courtesy and attention, and frankly and cheerfully to concede to their
wishes as far as his duty to the king would permit. Should he ever find
it necessary to differ from them, he was to explain the reasons for his
conduct in the most conciliatory terms. Magistrates who might be
appointed were to be selected from persons of undoubted loyalty, without
reference to political considerations. The celebrated despatch of Lord
Goderich, written in consequence of the representations made by
Mackenzie while in England, was to be a rule for the guidance of the
conduct of Sir Francis Bond Head.
On the great question
of executive responsibility Lord Glenelg totally failed to meet the
expectations expressed in the grievance report to which he was replying.
He did more; he assumed that " the administration of public affairs, in
Canada, is by no means exempt from the control of a sufficient practical
responsibility. To His Majesty and to parliament," it was added, "the
governor of Upper Canada is at all times most fully responsible for his
official acts." Under this system the lieutenant-governor might wield
all the powers of the government, and was even bound to do so, since he
was the only one who could be called to account. The assembly, if they
had any grounds of complaint against the executive, were told that they
must seek redress, not by demanding a removal of. the executive council,
but by addressing the sovereign against the acts of his representative.
Every executive councillor was to depend for the tenure of his office,
not on the will of the assembly, but on the pleasure of the Crown. And
in this way responsibility to the central authority in Downing Street,
of all the public affairs in the province, was to be enforced. The
members of the local government might or might not have seats in the
legislature. Any member holding a seat in the legislature was required
blindly to obey the behests of the governor on pain of instant
dismissal. By this means it was hoped to preserve the head of the
government from the imputation of insincerity, and to conduct the
administration with firmness and decision.
These instructions
embody principles which might have been successfully worked out by a
governor and council; but they were inapplicable in the presence of a
legislature. There was no pretence that the system was constitutional,
and the elective chamber must be a nullity when the Crown-nominated
legislative council can at any time be successfully played off against
it. As for responsibility to the Canadian people through their
representatives, there was none. All the powers of the government were
centralized in Downing Street, and all the colonial officers, from the
highest to the lowest, were puppets in the hands of the secretary of
state for the colonies. At the same time, the outward trappings of a
constitutional system, intended to amuse the colonists, served no other
end than to irritate and exasperate men who had penetration enough to
detect the mockery, and whose self-respect made them abhor the sham.
In November, 1835,
Mackenzie visited Quebec in company with Dr. O'Grady. They went, as a
deputation from leading and influential Reformers in Upper Canada, to
bring about a closer alliance between the Reformers in the two
provinces. In the Lower Province affairs were approaching a crisis more
rapidly than in the west. The difficulties arising out of the control of
the revenue had led to the refusal of the supplies by the Lower Canada
assembly; and, in 1834, £31,000 sterling had been taken out of the
military chest, by the orders of the imperial government, to pay the
salaries and contingencies of the judges and the other public officers
of the Crown, under the hope that, when the difficulties were
accommodated, the assembly would reimburse the amount. But the
difficulties, instead of finding a solution, continued to increase. As
the grievances of which the majority in the two provinces complained had
much in common, the respective leaders began to make common cause. The
provinces had had their causes of difference arising out of the
distribution of the revenue collected at Quebec. But the political
sympathies of the popular party in each province were becoming stronger
than the prejudices engendered by the fiscal difficulties which had
acted as a mutual repulsion. Mackenzie and his co-delegate met a cordial
and affectionate welcome. This expression of sympathy, extending to all
classes of Reformers, was expected to prove to the authorities, both in
Canada and England, " that the tide is setting in with such irresistible
force against bad government, that, if they do not yield to it before
long, it will shortly overwhelm them in its rapid and onward progress."
Mackenzie was on good terms with Papineau, whose word was law in the
assembly of Lower Canada, of which he was Speaker, but who, in committee
of the whole, used the greatest freedom of debate. This visit resulted
in establishing a better understanding between the Reformers of the two
In December, 1835,
Mackenzie addressed a long letter to Joseph Hume, in which he explained
that the Reformers of both provinces directed their exertions mainly to
the accomplishment of four objects: an elective legislative council, an
executive council responsible to public opinion, the control of the
whole provincial revenues, and a cessation of interference on the part
of the colonial office— "not one of which," he said, "I believe will be
conceded till it is too late." The prediction proved to be correct; but
all these changes were effected after the insurrection of 1837. He
tendered his thanks to Mr. Hume for his exertions on behalf of Canada in
these words :—
"On behalf of thousands
whom you have benefited, on behalf of the country so far as it has had
confidence in me, I do most sincerely thank you for the kind and
considerate interest you have taken in the welfare of a distant people.
To your generous exertions it is owing that tens of thousands of our
citizens are not at this dajr branded as rebels and aliens; and to you
alone it is owing that our petitions have sometimes been treated with
ordinary courtesy at the colonial office.
"We have wearied you
with our complaints, and occupied many of those valuable hours which you
would have otherwise given to the people of England. But the time may
come when Canada, relieved from her shackles, will be in a situation to
prove that her children are not ungrateful to those who are now, in time
of need, their disinterested benefactors."
A shadowy idea of
independence appeals already to have been floating in men's minds; and
it found expression in such terms as are employed in his letter about
Canada being relieved of her shackles. |